Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 17, 1952 "if! FINEST Fl RST GRADE BUB Should Plan City Buildings Jaycees Recommend "Long Range" View High School Speakers "No particular planning of any kind" seemed to have" been involved in city council's decision to purchase the former liquor Span Narrows At Halifax By IRVING C. WHYNOT Canadian Press Stuff Writer HALIFAX CP Work has start ' 1 EXTRA FANCY OOp TOMATOES, Tube yifS Just Completer ( Mi I ed on the long-planned Halifax-Dartmouth bridge regardless ol tlu 19th century curse of death imposed by a Micmac I ldiar. who hasn't been wrong yet. The SS.OOC.000 bridge project tinanced jointly by the federal. Supcr-VoluhovCnnw ' of the largest . portmenrs i, Z d-onp .i " ,nB 7 ' , ''0 I . ., si - -: " t:"-LuH-i li mm-.1... .i..irlr -- r trimming ond tafe SuDer.V.! i J5 Remember Vou FANCY BROCCOLI, Large Green Bunches Eoch 39c BUNCH CARROTS Large original bunches Qc only forwhotyoUCQ(; , store as a telephone exchange site, a Junior Chamber of Commerce committee chairman reported last night. But no recommendations in connection with the proposed purchase wih be made by Jaycees. j aeauing an investigating com-' mittee, Bert Jef feries said he I found that those opposing the purchase had "no concrete plans, nothing outstanding" against the ! purchase, while aldermen favoring the purchase had told him it was a means of getting action, j- A letter will be forwarded to council recommending future decisions of such a nature receive more consideration by the i city fathers. ' We believe such major purchases as civic buildings should j be more fully investigated with j long range planning In mind," said Mr. Jef feries. I Jaycees adopted a plan set out ; by Gerry Pettenuzzo to provide next year's Booth Memorial Higa ' School vocational training classes with guest speakers. Junior Chamber members will provincial and municipal governments, will span the famed i. arrows of Halifax harbor and provide a litik with the town of Dartmouth. At present the trip is made by a 10-minute ferry crossing or i. 20-miie drive around Bedforc Basin, assembly point for Atlantic convoys during two work wars. The biidge. expected to b eady for traffic by 1954, will bt die third to span Halifax harbor The Micmac, who apparently had a habit of foretelling tht lUture, foresaw all three, anc. predicted their end. He did it in rhyme: 'Three times thai! fall "Like a dying breath; "In a storm silence and "Last in death." iYOP OF JERUSALEM Mayor Shlorn j Z. Shragai of Jerusalem visiting Montreal said in an interview Jerusalem now is preparing tJo mark the 3,000 anniversary of its establishment by King David as the capi a! city of the Jewish state of that day. The fiFst elected ' mavor of Jerusalem, he visited Montreal in connection with celebrations of the golden jubilee of the Mizrachi World Organization. (CP PHOTOi British Emigrees ar ouper-Yalu. MURDERER SUES PUBLISHER Elms Mi -k, 21-year-ukt Cornwall. Out., murderer sen-renced to be hanged June 10 for the knife-slaying of his ern-plovp' wife, has brought suit again1:" a United Staes publishing 'company and its Canadian distributor for $100,000. The suit charges injury to Meek's .character and to his trial by reason of an article in the magazine, Inside Detective, published previous to his trial. M e! hri-, btv-n granted a stay of execution pending appeal of his conviction. iCP PHOTO p 4 A V v I rl . , li ; ' FRESH MSLK Quart n a Carton i,Qj In ft ease Out nut ! r. OXYDOL Giant Sire LUX SOAP 4 b" 25c King Oscar Sardines Tin 25C pickled mm l Of Plain Foods of Six Million 16-oz. 0 J- 3) OTTAWA (CP) Canadian food "I turned VICTORIA (CP)-The estate of processors their produc- tion from faney to plain foods a millionaire from Michigan in 1951 worth $5,799,425 was probated ,, , . , , . here Wednesday. The fortune , They produced less chewing - was i sum, clucclates, candy, sugar , . , . . , .. j m,f,ir,, m,u' n,i of Grand Rapids who died here visit the class periods giving an account of their own business o. profession, cost cf training or entering business and type of remuneration derived. 1 While the public speaking committee will organize this project in conjunction with A. M. Hurst, high school principal, most speakers will be drawn from the general membership. "Mr, Hurst is very much In favor of such a project he also believes it will help high school students to seek out their future career," said Mr. JEWEL ?5c TOMATO JUICE mX Swifl's Shortening AmoJK. I Heinz, 20-or. XiU,liJJ Favor States ICNDON Figures for U.K.Canadian migration in 1951 have now been published by the U.K. Board of Trade. They show that 33.924 men and women (of whom 2V.544 were Commonwealth citi-i,?nr and 6 380 were aliens) went from Britain to Canada . and 5.055 1 5.024 Commonwealth and 31 aliens) went from Canada to Britain during the year. . Canada's net gain from the U.K. for the year was therefore 78.869 people. This compares wi h a net gain in 1950 of 8.002 and a net loss in 1938 of 3.960. The U.S.A. continues to be the mcst popular foreign choice for U.K. emigra Us, 23.231 went there in 1951 compared with 11 243 in 1950. Net gain to the USA. from the UK. was 13 609 peoplt. (19507.919, 1938 minus 1.6G3.) : Australia's net gain in 1951 was 47.230 people. last November at the age of 91. jams, jeliies, marmalades and other sweet-tooth foods than in V.rr7- . - , niT in the Mulahar ritsr.rit.t r,f M'2'l ' , Vancouver Island and several "'' Instead, they boosted their tlmes visited victoria on inspec- k7,t t!: such things as tion trips. . . i JIliilllL iOOLi.S. AUUa ULSCUiLS uiain Most of the fortune will go to and fancv biscuits, CanntU lO- v,jc philrtrpn (tnH ornnH(hiHi-..n 1 V ! ., "lue niiu ni-cauie suup.s. 1,0- He was a wicower Bj.j. i n,at0 catsup, cereals, proce. ' , 'p.V cheese, pudcliiig powders and - . canned meats. w n.,u aiart "Old at 40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy Trnrgn your url TtfHind ' ire ptpv TO '1 ry Wi'l'iiid up with ottrci. ( omaiiH i,,ri p fi wr-nti rmtdowit tWWng rlu wlely to boclv'g Uct of Ir-a wr-ti many rtin inrj wouttn call "i.M " Try irex 'looif Tablet fur pp. voting? feelm tti t flf. "m Bfnunifltril" mi rVeo iot at alt drug aiurea ever) woar. i " i, lne Bureau ot Statistics, re- in and .sandwich .spreads. 'i porting tne industry's oroduc- It was no in rosteri rnffo,. tion totals for 1951, said the tjut- food drinks, dvy end canned il .. put aiso was clown in baked macaroni, mincemeat, salted and i. beans, maraschino cherries, fruit roasted peanuts, peanut buttei, ' and iivsh i ' ' peel, quicK-iroi.en truits ana pie lining pjwders egetaolc-:. relishes, baking pow- and dried peas. FROZEN FOODS JREEN BEANS Aylmcr Blue Lake pkt. 2k GREEN PEAS Dewkist '. pkt. 25c ORANGE Jill CE Pasco Z ZZ. ,'Z.". L.. '. . ''.'.. '.7.7.. 77.7. Tin 21: chop s'iey "..77. '.7.7. 77....777777Z77.7Z7Z77.'7Z"7.i.7 7m CHOICF PEACHES QC ROYAL TUDOR TEA 7Cf Australian, Z-yi. tin TlOw 1 I.h. 18k APPLE SAUCE OCC DOG MEAL . 7QC Olcnn Valley Tins ialnc, 5-Lb. Sack ' PEAS AND CARROTS 4 En BLACK PEPPER O0( Choiur, Dewkist, lj-07. Tin A tl Nabob, Pure, Tin VANILLA EXTRACT 4 Qc SALMON " " abth, 2-(iz. BottSe X J I'ancj Krla, ' i-Lb. tin . " KERNEL CORN f r BAKING POWDER 9 l.ynn allr y, 13-oi. tin A ll Magic, 2-oi. tin - Pf4F F"E.5H - PCScd, 1 DOZEN iflfl-WAAVk GRADE A specially for LARGE Supcr.Volu CARTON V 1 i - - U' ''"xv I il t . ; i f 'St' (I II, '4 '' '' " I mw 1 -li V 1 HEINZ KKTCIIl'P I! it tie .... $11 29c JOHNSON'S GLO-COAT Economy Sizs, 1 1 3 O'tarts Tin rN fit MM-, -1 Mil e. 1 "i11 .. 5TLFFED 38c I OLIVKS, fi-oz. Kings Plate I', T0MAT9 I SALADA TEA Brown Label 'F'ii VABtiB Vz Lb. 1 Lb. .KM ON rr 30c 0T Seagram's Sure y. BLENDED JUICE 2 Tins 25c I ORANGE JUICE 2 lto& WE WANT TO LIVE! -This kilten trio was taken t a veterinarian !!' Brantfoid, On'... to be .destroyed. The veteii larian couldn't brink h'm.-cif to d ! lie job. Instead this picture of them appear-eii in the Erantf.nd Expositor and the three kittens, naturally, got homes in no time at all. CP PHOTO) PASCO, 20-oz. PASCO, 20-oz. This advertisement is not published or displayed by liauor Control Beard or bv th Government of British Columbia. ,B .(1 -.jf SUPER-VALU PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW NOT JU ST SOMETIMES ,11' FORT GARRY hi ' SHIJ I.KD ALMONDS Faultless Il'tlit Map'e Leaf lb. rri1 0 33' DRAXC ORANGE PEKOE a , ' . 27c (KEEN BEANS Lunchour, 15-oz. Tin PEEK FREAN PLAVBOX -8 NAP OI". PI l)i)!ns Vanlla Tapioca, Chocolate Tapioca, Oranco f'nrnnut f A)"- Tapoia fj Pk(s. Jdti Square Tin CHECK OUR PRICES ON MILK MARGARINE SUGAR J r J : I High grown, flavory teas from India ond Ceylon gardens, brought to you "tea garden fresh" in the new triple-laminated Plostifoil package exclusive with Fort Garry Tea DOMESTIC SHORTENING SWIFTS ALLSWEET MARGARINE . 2i ' ;f AARRy . ji:- FOR FURTHER SAVINGS CHECK OUR LOW SHELF PRICES. ! 2. f i ; vfTPJilf j BUY IT Y0UU Bl DUIGHUD! SPECIALS GOOD TIL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 1 ' ;i ..' r r- yr7 yT 0 I i I i n xr i V7ivrthi 0 . i 1 i: v . ' 1 A Qwolity Product of Hudson's Boy Compony'