Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 17, 1952 Afore Fine I Education ASER.& PAYS- S r ''- On (Credit n reapers , S.O.N, whist and dance, Fri "I efdoncil5 Artists to Come Here Breakfast Clubbers Learn About Operation of Bureau day, April 18. (ltc) Friday and Saturday SPECIALS RECITAL The Prince Rupert Credit Women's Breakfast Club got off Report From Armstrong, who has been Heaf Ted Appiewhalte, M P oil a ousmess mp wu vnnrouvn, DurlnB the Gimnel recital last';,, fine start last'night on their 0 1asra Music Trail over CFPR, Friday, 6; 15 p.m. evenine. Civic Ct-ntre Director r'redit. Educational Course. TheH (92c) returned to the city Tuesday by train, having flown to Prince George. W.A. to the U.F.A.W.U. will John Stirn made an important ' first of a series of eight study I announcement in regard to periods was devoted to "what ! Alaska Music Trail engagements goes on behind the scenes in a I for .the 1952-03 .season at Civic credit bureau' and the program hold its dance Friday, April 18, certs Complete Triumph at the Oddfellows' Hall. Dancing from 9 p.m. Refreshments. (92c Mrs. Geoff Lambly of Terrace is spending a few days' holidaying in the city. She arrived from the interior on Tuesday night's train. Aleml.- T.;iiCentre- Tnpre wlu be four re-1 was conducted by Mi-s. Catnenne , , 1 l.lcf r,P fm M:n v, me AldhKd third and last 01 iUUblC iiaU :cltals inst,ad of tnrePj 4nK ar. :Laurl secretary-treasurer . of LADIES' BLOUSES Nylon Crepe and Striped Taffeta. Lace trimmed and plain styles. Sizes 14 to 42 Special The Prince Rupert Fisher he Credit Bu.-J'i of Prince Ru 3.95 men's local, U.F.A.W.U., will meet Sunday, April 20, at 2.30 p.m. in , y the season at Civic Centre auditorium '-ranged by Maxim Shapiro, Alas-( ? f" , . , , . , : ka Music Trail originator. ' nilit was a triumph. A good-sized audi-j First in October win come a r pert. rr o v lwr.tor rfiroptnf of I the MetroDole Hall. Business Will Mrs. Laurie, in a lucid man- i"h appreciation, VOtea me concert 0I,l""" a."u ."'TU u " ner, gave a comprehensive ou- the Nanaimo Biological Station include: salmon prices, coi .. - ' ii I 1 1 l ) L' I il 1 1 1 U II i H II II )1 I line, of the detail involved in tne , r.ihert Ronearrh Ronrrl tion reijort. election 01 olticers. . 1 1 Tl . 1 1 1. t . 1 " " ' ' duos. The trio will ' development of credit reports:"1-; Canada ig .visitor In the city Jc y lllinj'vM.j 11VH-U uuui AJtiM.vJtv. j j LI JUS ttUU LADIES' SLACKS , 1 1 a. i 1 , fomnr ' ie a group or ceitoraea 1 Th other services of Vr, ttM, hin. Mb arrival y iiiit nign ciass mysicai treats ever to oe on the Prince 1 " '"c " ! ers will be held , . in . ., the Metro . Plain Grev Worsted. Semi-stride L.U1B1 &:iva. ceiUKi,, ana Mr. &na-,intu nH ..v... mpptini. was r...- .v.- ,.u ph o himself as pianist. i loiioweJ bv a ouestUm period. v ! pole Hall, Friday, April 18, at 2 imarkable mas-1 in San Francisco. P . Born In Poland. 2.8.95 style, self-belt, zipper fastening Size 12 to 18 Spe lira noir ht. ufhn -D.m. 1 ius meenuK " uccn of Breakfast! Mrs. J. R. r . i-or.!is the son of an orchestra con-'v..n Hp.rihH a lur-i.v Viit. I . . . -..jh lv, K.r,' v,- 4r,. t. went .i called bv the U.F.A.W.U. and all cunidii nun jhuli i , mv. . .,...,, ...v ( t 'inpnpt-c nre 'HKirt' trn- run nt . - - - ; - draggerg are urged to attend. thrilling. Hlsjductor who started the ooy onjoreta Menzel, famous prima : Educati0nal Course" which in-1 death of her sister, the late Mrs. H St V. fit' (ltc) wc ----- n-F or. ui uui- oonna oi ,ne Vienna ataie ,,, 0,H r.,rcr.r,!iiitv thp K. L. Mclntosn. will leave dv to- and-a-half. He soon showed re-;of.era. The Havana Opera and rt n't .,Lfi.i within 'cus-i morrow nleht's train on her re-1 h&rn piano auuipa- pucrs'ner, was no less Tfd and was a highly ... Via fO1 markable talent and assiduous the New York Citv Centre Onera. , . . !,".---- or-otr, r,f ! turn to her home in Oakville.! REDUCED TOLL LADIES' IIYLOH HOSE First auolitv 51 Guaqe 15 Denier. studies and concentration led! T , nrph ur sho-iT v..,..- it tw ! Ontario Mr. and Mrs.. C. V.I Influenza caused 940 deaths in him to music academies ln!,PA npontctmi. with VimtitJ i.i ovnm. ! Evitt are at nresent residine in Canada in 1950, compared with Vienna in 1922 and Berlin In ! Johannesen or sume other bril-, mations are to be written and I the Mcintosh home on Fourth n average of 4.594 In the years 1.29 1 from 192G to 1930. 1928. In 1927 he made world , ', a nt ,, KmHricnn nianist n.-tifi..t. .rrtH thn. nass- Avenue West. New spring shades. Evening sheer. Pair vuui n&v iiu iiin u caiiLii - - 1 For the l'ourth and additional ing the exams. The course was ili:!i'naia -u i"-".St. , jp, i s npcrtoire was of Is u J nature as to . llVcr the heads of , tts mai v present seem-B But it one did not j M i the full under- ts'i spirit of his am-w..ram. his technical sively on the American and J e0ncert thc artist will be an prepared by the Credit Women's - "extraordinary" vocal discovery, ' Breakfast Clubs of North Am- European continents since that time. During the past winter h. CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Raymond Manton, tenor, who, erica, a division of the National like Donald Gramm, is reported : Retail Credit Association. to have been creating a furore! Th(, mfipHn helri at the toured European countries. The Alaskan tour will start at Ketchikan tonight with the i duri'ie the current season in the ! -!: o..-f ... t,,i- dm. It4-..n.. in1.,-tj -11 .; ..:,. i i VIVIU 'iii.. .Vila, r Aula, -v.-r.- A" 1 A in. Pure Wool, assorted colors, 1 to 6 years. Discontinued numbers. Pullover and cardigan style. Clearing at 25 Below Regular Price. ...... (jnncQ stales. cities in the territory. I IB il ME 1 wood is chairman of the Educational committee of the Prince Ruper. Credit Women's Breakfast Club. i ipi tutive genius ijmtr I 0i) 1 b a "body and . Ut unostentatious, he t ins a confidence, a and an expression 1 f 1 1 irAJ U Usherettes' ai the recital last! night were the Misses Mary j Crawford, Margaret Stokes, Edith Little and Ruth Grant ol j - H -- -.a-- 1 Stormy Weather Delays Flights Indcterminate terms at boys' t,; !. local Registered Nurses' As. !, per levels of MONARCH KNITTING WOOL S?EEH I EM Hp lif.wiisociation. ; industrial school were imposfed i on two local youths in juvenila j court here yesterday, not fixed , iS m. , - ,. i ai i. wist'ii uruiufu u.l Lilt uuor Stormy weather in the Van- . t,' t (' 'A III1III1. (14 - 3 and 4-ply, nylon reinforced.- ; couver area prevented Canadian terms of two years as reported 1.00 1 4 shades. Special to Clear. 3 Bolls far 1 Pacific Air Lines making the yesterday. Length of terms at usual direct flight between here the school will depend upon the and there Wednesday. Instead behaviour of the boys, ' there were two ferry flights to - - .- I - and appreciation 1 1 it t in ore after en-i u manned before he t -'-el tu tmally retire, 'in opened with a , a no giotip D Minor a 't. clear allegro com- Big Trees At Capitol the 1 Sand-pit to connect with I CHILDREN'S KILTS ; DauRlas there. The first flighf. : left at 4:30 p.m. instead of 10:25, Flying fists, lusty humor, ro- f " ' . ...... f.. i----hi... 1 i-- ..-. ! refiirninir at 6 n.m. The second R(! 2i ' L All Wool Tartan Kilts. 2.98 .1 autin- ada-io; a provide the "'colorful setting of ' Plane left at 7 p.m. and returned LAD1 Service was hi . m t.i movement of ' The Big Trees," technicolor : later in ine evening Size 3 to 12 ' Special outdoor drama which commences back on schedule today. ni. mjui with agil i7 i 1 ; ,,(1)1(1, ana a iasi-;is, inu.-u-j nm m ur nijn.i Ifc'i) a'U'atO. ! ineai-ic iieie vonigxiu i With Kmc Douglas, Eve Miller: .,,,-, Vf jV Rnm-nr-p in i CHILDREN'S BLAZERS I Mi Gimpel shared ?lPymore In smn Whose Tiny Feet Are So Hard To Fit Should come and See 4ti.M Fuerstner who: f V relentless lumbv , -.nit tn rii. of . lis the story; S?, qil or interests Lltcinler, I fleet J s California ' Wool Melton Cloth. Navy and Wine. 3 Q K Sizes 2 to 7 years :..- Special J) J 1 i who invade famous 1 ' iJ'""L' forests to wrest them from a Discussion on Port Day, Era- Jf" VAXX'- -Jllf 1 I 1 ,. , -, settlement of homesteaders. Em- Inire Duv pnd the full bazaar , i , n nv Trd Vinae ! Plo'ln legal ticky aad Often i occupied the attention of Duch-1 ' 111 '. i i i unijaai utv c tv, gM... k.i... ,-., i Ui uii-ii ti,i our laes shipment of cancelled r -I ' ,, ,-t-i. , urrnalr I i-i I n.,nhtov.. nt t.Vin i "in rij ntiliuo .ipin.- ! ,,,,, ,,, tho !r,'nn.,inlf i nt th. raarnlur mnnthlv ! I -f4. ! ; i ; M , - .. -' t k s ''.;, .. v . i" d'- s f - n it ' ' -4 - 1 1 '4, tjl -Jl .r';:':"r- I i M ... s f A'- I ' ' v.. I '" i " "'" l;r Al . 'II.. :t f . ' " t I - 1 .. , M " 1 !, 4t t;,. 1 I" - i, I . t - 4 iRI. - w sti: ::ng from the high : murdering and pillaging until i meeting. Three new members "' T I V a courageous lumberman takes were initiated and wvre wei-1 . ,t Hall of r tne program to i t th j H hv the reeent. Mrs. rintHnnr laemiprw.'S of thp nic- Wnlltwell. ( u ie t o . ng In tone and SAM ture were snoi in tne cuuiuiy neiies-um -its .ti llv look the mnnthlv raffles were won i vciiipment featured MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Assorted Piaid Doeskin. Fast colors. Well cut and finished. Size: S-M-L - Special BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Made fro1 same quality as men's plaid doeskin. Sizes 8 to 16 years. Special , 3.95 2.75 a,m -uuteito ui iDlace an(j show mighty redwood ! by Mrs. R. A. MacLean ana Mrs. " forests, mill ponas ana mms, iueorge rowae. $1 of the program. Itrlvers an(, logging railroads. ttf thee sequences ,--. cast a,so inciudes Edgar! If you must sell it, advertise i li no a romantic Buchanan and Ahv.i Ha.e jr. i it NEWS CLASSIFIED. 1 n tioppo, and the - - - - - - ; - !ntgro moaerato (a la I i k s k y ' s "Serenade Thee ore oil rade from highest quality materials . . : . Hand cut and . lasted to give above average wear, combining comfort with latest style. li iOi wis rendered af t.'iul effects and in uation of its titling. !uiar item on the pro-''.t. auuutless, a de Falla I'liire in which Mr. MEN'S COATS Croydon make, Naval Officer's style, wool blend Gabardine. Air Po-re shade. 36 t05O Q C ;,kv. ?&$" A St'jfe (kecmtij Parlor ftnJ barber Slioj) now located at ROSA LEE DRESS HOP (Across from Northern B C. Power) Miss Phyllis Frew recently of Hudson's Bay Beauty Salon, Victoria, will solve your beauty problems and style your hair in the latest fashions. . Our New Phone Number is BLUE 774 "IF YOUR HAIR IS NOT BECOMING TO YOU, YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO US." TOM GOW AN, prop. SELLING AT HALF PRICE s able to give full i Uriarveious bowing skill. i am tame to a climax Jfcup of Sarasate Gypsy 'i ind Maurice Ravel's daoanera." ' W ' V v j )' : ; 5 i II 44. Reg. 45.00 quality Spial DRAPERY and HOUSEHOLD SPECIALS A r.w ;hinment of discontinued numbers. All 0ipfl used a rare violin Vnite by Carlo Tononi, 'St of Stradivarius, in ' t used last century in the introduction famous Tschaikowsky !i eito Mr. Gimpel fi-"Sflared the instrument FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. 48" wide, 20 pieces. 3-thread Monks .3 Cloth V.IUO I in 111 CHARLIE ROBERTS I . Phone 357 fast dyed colors, figured tropical (-.pnns Values uo to 3.25 vard. . 1.98 Box 633 Per Yard Extra Special and-e-mrap SILK MARQUISETTE PANELS 1.85 wit Size. 40" x 2Va yards, long. Ivory shade. Side hems, finished ready to hang Special, Each A ittrlmg n'lvtr cofbt pol by rhomat Mor, England, 1757. A valu4 pir. now in rh O. R. Allan col.ttion, Vai)Couvr. NYLON ACETATE CURTAINS llan.l-e-rap ilouble Mii-1 Fine Brussels Net. j pupcr savoH fonil wawle . . . " I s . uven food laslc! Note ote the the size, size, f IT White only. R Special, Pair V. 60" x 2Va yards long. Regular 8 95 ..... WHITE BED SHEETS METU, LONDON DRY GIN I Full do.'ble bed size. Good quality, ciTHN; ki)c;e fears quickly, easily :: 8.95 hemmed ready tor use. Special PKY6IH MM)i MWMbMIHVWMRlMuK,-. ' w ASER & PAYME A liistififjiiishccf product of til I Embassy Hapkiiis for Lovely tabic settings Made from three thicknesses of soft Cellulose. ... they drape and fold like fine linen. 31 V ".--'. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. Neu Westminster, B.C. 1 1 S Friday and Saturday Specials t.sement 18 not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Qovernment of Bntish Columb.a