32. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 17, 1952 Spread Fertilizer ! parents Often By Air Method j BJ mes LONDON (CP) Use of RAF r or til ill EM..., . " II ill Looking Into :Date of Water planes and .training crew to WINNIPEO (CP) A Winnipeg help Britain produce niuie judge says thpre are too many Stewart Enjoys Cinderella Dance STEWART. Women of the Moose held a very successful dance in the Moose Hall on Saturday. There was a big turnout from the Silbak Premier and from Hyjier, Alaska, considerably augmenting the local people. In the "absence of the senior regent. Mrs. J. McKay. Junior Regent Mrs. D. Geddes was in i charge of arrangements. Mrs. J. J. McKenna was in charge of the door and Fred Spracklin was ! master of ceremonies. ; Music was supplied by Addie Bremser of Premier and Kit Ferricr of Stewart. To add to the interest of the evening a j few novelty numbers were added to the program. A Cinderella dance caused quite a sensation when the ladies threw their ', shoes into the centre of the ; floor and, at a 'given signalthe ardent swain had to dash and grab one and then hunt the j owner. j The ladies served their usual excellent supper at the finish of the dance. iRiqhts Sale ment of water rights at Wood-worth Lake by the city to the Northern B.C. Power Co. Where-the sale of such water rights was shown to have been in 1929, there was reason to believe that the transfer had been actually registered in 1928. The dates, Aid. Casey suggested, might affect the validity of the agreement with the power company. .-.- : , V - ' A w ' was visualized as a po.sMuim, hQmM ,n whk.h parenUt wnlle during a recent debate on ag- ..preacnlng uttle sermons on multure in the House of Lords. what u rlght and wrong never. It was suggested the planes theess set exarnples wnU;n u.nd could be used to advantage in tQ make Uaw &nd thlcve8 Qut spraying fertilizer from the air Qf the children farmlands and other ovii- hilly Jud Emerwn j Hea areas difficult to fertilize , bovs and girIs always watch the normal means ..J example set by adults. "How made by the The proposal u h d th Earl of Listowel. joint parlia- , '", City clerk was asked in a resolution by Aid. Casey at Monday night's council meeting to check On the dates as to the assign drama f,)ni" f"Blit rara..u ; Mmed en., , T H nianv ,The "Ui 4 mentary .secretary to the Mi n- tfec, everything to the cus istry of Agriculture in the test labor government, was ap toms?" . . he . asked. "How man. many have filed income tax returns and cut corners? or used old street?car transfers instead of nlauded by several other peers Some wealthy farmers, ths Jti uner Ma fi? hW Paru jf,': Oerrnary J ody.sry ot a -the war earl said, had already' tried out ' nnttlns a dime In the hnx?" method witn r u.f, u. , the air-spraying ihcsc iiiuv uc luiiuiiuuuiaLC Mrs. E. J. Smith of this city and Roy Lancaster, station agent at Burns Lake, her brother, are sailing tonight on thi' Prince Rupert for Vancouver to visit their father, A. J. Lancaster, of this city, who sustained a stroke some time ago and is now paralyzed. considerable success, but the undertaking was far too costly , for the ordinary farmer. "I have sometimes wondered DEPUTY TRANSPORT MINISTER Jean Ciuude Lesard. gradua'e of the University of Montreal and the School of Business Administration at Harvard University. Js d.'puly minister of transmirt II.. n .. move, he said. "As children arc trained, so thcy will act." j ; Judge Hcaney". cites as an ex-; VM FOR A YOUNto mk" whether " the government might : H""b" mother wh0 u 1 'it daughter. -Lrfs this oV t' V;. keep a se the RAF for this operation," he;'-'- h. cret from Tw" father, appointed Feb 1 , , Tlrt" your .ELS. DRESSED HOLiUAi W2 6-lld- ,"" f ayh,f5 cm., a iaf she does something which bcrK iVM His w "aied chairman but if really ' speculation, we , for the Canadtun Mantini- IIir.f" ?L "TJ "That mother Is Training her! Commission. , ,CP PHOTO i river r zs f ox 'W SM!t examine every possible mJZ r. i Young people are quick to WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Lord Llewellin, a former food i , what you say. Cule as the Bunny himself . . . colorful as Easter eggs the happiest, most pleasing combination of all! And you'll discover it right here in our complete selection of togs for young Parallel's! ingenious, doubted whether but what you do that counts. 1 THE BIG TREES' What you do makes so much noise that young people can't ' hear what you say. "If you don't go to church, can you expect your children to go?" '' i''er imuory m color bj STARRING the KAF would prove helpful but agreed an approach was desirable. He suggested where RAF machines were being used to train air crew, they might well be employed at the same time in the dual task of spreading fertilizer. Lord Carrington, parliamentary -secretary for aRriculture. sidestepped the RAF proposal but told the Lords that extensive tests were already being made in spraying fertilizer from the air. iy jacket suit with knife pleated skirt. Navy blue. IMaid w o o I double-hreaslcd coat; crisp white pique collar. IMaiil and plain 3-piece cnsriiiMc; bolero, skirt, b'otise. TODAY SATHK, I'lus cxitroo.v - m.s Kvriiino 7;0U - 9:C .i In rilay M.itinrrs 2 111? Don't Forget. . . The First Annuol EASTER BALL The Civic Centre Trrn Club Faster Hull Fridoy, April 18 In the Auditorium At Your Civic Centre 9 to 1 Doors cl-se at 11 :30 Music by the Four Dukes Ladles 50c Men $1 00 Dress Optional Prizes Relrcshments will be served Tickets may be obtained from any member on the executive or the Civic Cent.,' PHONE 974 For FREE Pick-Up Get More WEAR With Fur Storage CARE BILL SCUBY FURS Northern B.C.'s only Fur Vault TODAY o SATURDAY ;' 15 Matinee Saturdit ! WEY WALK WITH DMCtR! MCf Mil mm t "i OUhV a ir 1 IAStMAr GMT MIHIU at WALLACE' OF COURSE iaxaaBnii!iBiiiiBHappaBiiflBiBBaB ,.K ,lh I.CH0 ICH0 I WflrJf WflrJf 0 0.ct.d OUAI b ANAIOl! II1V4K A TOTEM niiiinciiitt I 1 V FAMOCS PLAYF.US TIIKUItl V South Africa Trout Paradise NEW YORK ( AP) How would' you like to catch a H-pound' rainbow trout? Harold McCrarken. noted hunter, fisherman and author, has just returtied from South America and says the world's best trout fishing' is to be found in the Chilean lake regions near the Pacific coast. He says J4-pound rainbows and browns are commonplace, 16-pounders not rare and 20-pounders reported. The day before McCrarken left the area on his return to the United States he and two companions fished from the .same rowboat and in less than thtee hours hooked 17 trout totalling siightly more than 90 pounds. Six of the beauties weighed more than 6'2 pounds each. Mi Cracken says the lakes originally were stocked in 1905 by , tin;;ei'iings brought from Oer-! many. Then the area was for-, gotten. In 1928 a Briton, who I planned to build a ranch in the '. area, restocked some of the j lakes with fish imported from j New Jersey. The next winter the Briton Drop in and Check Our Low SPRING CLEAMiMG k JOHNSON'S GL0-C0AT v. -k JOHNSON'S WAX AERO MIST WAX SCRUB BRUSHES van(oivi:h and l l(Htt. SUNDAY , s. Camosun 8 i in. 7; TUIXDAY ss. Coquitlam 12 110011 ALICE AKM, STUVAUT AM) POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam. 11 p.m. FOR NOK I'll Ol I I N CIIAKI.OTTK ISLANDS April 11 and 25 rs. Camosun midninht FOR SOUTH Ql'F.EN CIIAKI.OTTK ISLANDS ss, Camosun April 4 and 18 (midnight) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Ar;ent Third Avenue Phone 288 Prices Effective April 18 to 23 Shelf Prices SIMONIZE FOR FLOORS r ut 4 .1 " i aiea and the area again was i Ill I ROBIN HOOD PRODUCTS ROLLED OATS ROLLED OATS AQr ( up ami Saucer "TT Jr m WHITE CAKE MIX 27c mi BURNS CANNED MEATS : MEAT BALLS Jc BEANS WITH HAM 27c CHUCK WAGON Dinner CAMPFIRE SAUSAGE 5 c BALOGNA . -TV tU I M II I W I a I m more-or-less forgotten, fishwlse. McCracken says the fishing paradise extends for 400 miles through the centre of Chile, paralleling the High yndes. "The water is cold, mostly crystal clear, and in most of the streams H runs fast with many white water rapids. There probably is no other area on earth which offers such ideal and expansive a habitat for trout, says-McCrackcn, wno found the lake while on a moving-picture making tour of South America. The fish feed on a small fresh water crab, which is locally called'a pancora, and it is this diet which McCracken gives an assist fur the development of the fish. r 1 1 f 1 m 'i . 45c $1-45 FLOUR Ail I'm 1'-"V, 7 lit. paper FLOUR All Putposc, 21-lb. paper 14950 NORTH STAR PURE LARD, per lb... 14c Up II 'r- I 1 BLIND PL'OHMERS Blind artUts of the French j music halls have opened their j own cabaret in Paris, periodically selecting performers. Popular Steamer CANNED FISH SARDINES Guordsman 3 for 27c SARDINES King Oscar . 25c LOBSTER Birks, Ws ' 45c SOCKEYE SALMON, Paramount Fey, V2 lb. 45c PINK SALMON, Paramount Fancy, V ib. 23c CANNED VEGETABLES PEAS Nature's Best ,15-or 2 for 37c PEAS & CARROTS Royal City, 15-oz., 2 for 33c CORN Brentwood, 15-oz. 2 for 33c D1CFD BEETS Berryland, 15-oz 10c ASPARAGUS TIPS, Aylmerf Fancy, 12-oz. 43c lifr II I"1"' j I ; - f fatly Prince Rupert m - w r M' 1 1 j T t f it 1 M 1 t I MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS & G SOAP DEAL CHEEZIES I'kl ifcui' 1 I.ai-Re DUE FT 3 IVORY Personal JOHNSON'S WAX (.lo-Coat, Quarts ... $1.09 (;l-('tat. Pints 63c Paste Wax, 2 s $1.09 Paste Wax. Ts 63c IODIZED SALT Shakers 2 for 25c 1 1 Larsc TIDE " CAMAY 3 Regular, 1 Hath size 10c sails ton Vancouver ,itnl Intermediate I'orts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WMINKSDAY MlltNKiirt Ctmilort and Serviee fur liescrvations All in a iovecly Wastcliaskcl ALL FOR $1.69 rkt Wj "i J EGGS, Grade A Large, per dozen . . 47c FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OF $10.00 OR MORE mm W ' ' T, .u Write or Cull CITY Oil lM'OT OFFICK l'HINCK RUl'KKT, P C. A LTD. a r c c rj CON V.. Alt ' V ti BAVK . V V t m A II WM t'i tax iau w w ir m u mm GORDON PHONE 643 100 PERCENT B.C. FIRM PHONE 843 Prince Rupert, B.C.