F OVNCIAL. JDRAftV t w As. r RMFS IT.-,; PROVINCIAL EX33A3T, 113 VICTORIA, B. C. DAILY" DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Phone 81 CABS Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pocific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Grcot, Northwest" nisI'VK VOL. XU, No. 01 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. THURSDAY. APRIL 17, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS r , .i I i Mercy ' . J Railways Ordered to Heaviest Reduce Freight Rates Rajnstorm OTTAWA (CP) The Board of Transport Com-; . missioners Wednesday night made public an order t NOaCAIl ; ; , j Hundreds of thousands Are Homeless; Damage Runs Into Many Millions OMAHA, Nebraska (Canadian Press) The twin cities of Omaha and Council Bluffs, with 40,000 people evacuated -from their homes, today awaited behind reinforced dikes for the crowning assault of to the railways to reduce freight rates by about; I Goes IghCity Inadian Air Force jtsday flow more lies in serving as j for an Alberta jjle working at the $7,000,000 a year on goods moving between eastern t Railway, Highway, rhonn i I , - t e icriruiu iiii . 1 tUn flnnrlino- ATissnnH River ' ! anu western vaiiituii. . The cost of reductions which Boh means of land communi-igo Into effect May 1 are to bo cation railioad and hi?hway ! covered by subsidy voted by t( the eastern part of the prov- Parllarnent at iU fall session, lnce were knocked out tcmporar-I The subsidized reductions are My yesterday in the aftermath oi I the first major implementation this area's heaviest rainstorm, j of the rate-equalization plan of which saw more tnan Vt inch;? 1948-51 royal commission on fpH in less than 48 hours. Air Quiet But Korean Ground Fight Keeps Up at He 1 project kf f 4 "it .i.w.g, . , I The two sides, on either sldeT nf of thp the Missouri, Missouri, are are focal focal points points . for midwest floods which have made 114,000 persons homeless and killed at least two persons' Kidgway to SEOUL (CP) Allied airmen tied transportation. ' ' Meanwhile, Highway 13 Is sU;l down their planes today In the j In ordering the cuts, the cjo.sed to traffic. Several more teth of roaring winds sweeping t board put into effect a com- wasnoutg ,i.ere rCDorted earlv in eight states. Besides the Missouri, rivers Succeed Ike? down from North Korea. Only a ; promise between conflicting pro chiefly responsible for the mil-; frETF N.A.T.O. POST Air Commodore A. D. Ross of the RCAF has been appointed air commander of the Canadian Atlantic sub-area under Admiral Lunde McCormick of the United States, supreme Atlantic commander under the North Atlantic treaty. ' (CP PHOTO i this rhcrning, while light flood - u weather reconnaissance i oosals by the Manitoba eovern- lions of dollars' damage inciuoej planes were out. j ment on one hand the the gov- ing conditions renia.n On the ground the Reds threw icrnmcnts of remaining western pi udhomme Lake area ll,- to Prince Ru-i, up 28-ytar-old itie of Three Hills, ; ok him to Vancou-j tjimt was brought! frrvire boat Nitlnat icrnoon j Reived a possible , : and other injuries in the day at the K he had been e weeks. j J flown to Prince ! ;:is later reported ; tfi condition. : in the accord woik.1 DEPUTY DEFENCE MINISTER Challes Mills Dfury. CBL', D-SO. a native of Montreal, Is deputy minister of national defence. Born May 17, 1912, he was vducaled at. Bishops College, Lcnnoxville. Que, Royal Military College, Kingston, Out., McGill University and the University of Fails:. He was appointed to his present position Jan. 19. 1949. i CP PHOTO' a series ot light jabs at Ailiea provinces on me oiner nana lng to provincial public office. , Heavy windi, recorded at more j than 60 miles an hour, greatly aided in soil erosion along the h. -hway, said the engineer and Sabotage No Guarantee For Power Co. the Mississippi, the Milk River,! SAN FRANCISCO (CP) Gen-the Red River and the Minne- eral Matthew B. Ridgway sup-sota River. reme comamnder of United Na- The Missouri, which slowed tions forces in the Far East, has its downstream march slightly been recommended by joint last night, was nevertheless over chiefs of staff in Washinion to the 28-foot mark early today j succeed General Dwight D. Ei.;-and is expected to reach the enhower In Europe, the Sai: record crest of J1.5 feet tonight. ! Francisco Chronicle says today It Is not known' whether the; in a copyrighted story from its dikes built' originally to hold a;Washington corresponded ;., crest of 26.8 feet can hold back j Vance Johnson, the surging waters'. Johnson says Ridgway's na.nr: A hard fight is being waged ; has been suggested to thirteen at Fargo on the Red River to North Atlantic treaty countrie.i. save a veterans' hospital which I General Mark Clark is men : slide areas are considered as Douks lines on the western front. All were hurled back. Allied warships pounded , the North Korean east coast Wednesday. Carrier-based planes hit Red positions southwest of Chin-nampo. In spectacular ground action Wednesday, about twenty Allied tanks raided Red lines near Kumsong on the central front. Twelve Reds were killed. Two tanks were damaged. By dangerous. t A washout fifteen miles west Northern British Columbia Power Co. is being advised that i of Terrace held up traffic on the I railway for several hours yester- Harn Burned Near Grand Forks Bridge Cable Severed ir M.r rr" not guarantee reimbursement GRAND FORKS CrV-Terr-' JX' tor the purchase price f plus tioned as successor to Kiogway ism in tne uouKnooor sewe- get through, ' arriving here at 5 fca? u ' houses 200 patients mcnt near Oilpin are believed, . , installations which the Northern Five thunrt thousand persons are i in the ar h,asi. ti h .nnnihii for a mvstri-, . -w..V B. C. Power Co. may mase to 1 n l .. nn .t, XX icuicclnnl q n H , increased power demand . V." i7r;,7, mis barn fire and damacc to n.v,i., i,nx t.,., t. ' meet - - v t iiivll iiau UCi.ll iiliu 1U( vie parture. untu midnight, leached explly of its r anchW: at nearby Winono where a third', Estate OpCH the Kettle Kiver briage. Tni The barn belonsrod to William Sou )g Discs Sighted Near f River Atomic Plant i i, a 'iTho Royal Canadian Air Force on Wcdnes-LH; iif intelligence branch to investigate the report !.(.' over North Bay, the latest being Saturday I I :$' -iy !s a'j".'ul 110 miles from Chalk River, Ontario, f C.mad.i .s bin atomic cnerRy plant. ftCAK non-eonimlsi-ioned officers reported seing the 'NuMi Bav Saturday. I , ..' ' ... - Iday's stocks Sbvef Living Cost Sky High To Visitors koreff, an outspoken critic Of comc down at tne salne spot and Recently the Powei .P if dikes gave way. Stefan leader had made 4j request along thee, . Sorokln, spiritual that traln --ossp,, over fthollt River in Montana WASHINGTON. The cost of of the radical Sons of Freedom. 1;30 thls afternoon. iUn- .. . t th has caused an estimated $2,941,- "c "c ju......0 nnn Jamaorp IJ.. 7 000 damage llvina in Russia remains sky- i ne onage was ourncu. With water receding, railway' ... is still over WINCHESTER, England. Lord Montague of Beaulieu i.s the latest member of the nobility to throw open his huge an central estate to sightseers cause he cant afford to main- hich in Kuitc of recent price Later, a steel cable support-1 ot fiW8 believed that trains eLy""lvTll Vu ' The Minnesota lng a bridge was cut. 'would now be moving normally ,m",M' 7frtrntc; ,nin 8tae ot Mankata, Min- cuts which the Kremlin Is brag aaln. Tonight's trnln is leaving ". f " nesota, and Minneapolis. ilme the from .su(ih an arrangement. Ami nho xijrjo thP ltP m fllS- T,m, KKnohnrs i-onprpssmeif Me IS HI ciuugc vimujis auuu.. HMll-M S. II. JulluMflM t'K t 11 im fling about, American officials, yy. An analysts of the Srrlet prtcf- (uls annouhced with much fan-, fare recently disclosed that n-j reductions were forthcoming on clothing, shoes, furniture, pota-j toes, matches, or rents. Economists said that even; with the new reduction, prices! Non-Whites Organizing K.J..1 dut on time at 10:05 p.m. v, ,. On. the local , scene, continu-' r rs ou.s wet weather has disrupted HfltlSh UGSIOfl "" i'''" telephone service, knocking out! more than 300 'phones. Alain! rm- -.L llnifnvm rea affected is Seal Cove. Lines T ct CC7 i to Prince Ruoert General Hospi- I and governors brought demands j nts toh tour f2?i'f old palace house at the edge of for speedy flood control action, Hampshire's New Forest. It, Th President agreed that thJie sKoZ be "suchTcUon and wont be -Just an ordiriary show- TORONTO .09 Atliona M OWMt i. disasters as fiat rul that such flood ! tal also are out of order. : j LONDON. A famous London these were unnecessary. ' WATERFRONT HIT 'dressmaker, Charles Creed, has . in the Soviet Union still ran-?e far higher than prices in the JOHANNESBURG. South Africa's non-white leaders say they arc organizing a natlon- wirlf firfianr.e of "Jim Crow" Aumaquc 22 Bial'ie DuQuesene 44 R-vcourt 1.20 Buffalo Canadian 22 Conyol. Smelters 35.25 Conwest 4-25.. DonaUla 40 Eltlona 23 East Sullivan 8 25 Giant YeiTuwkiifc 10.90 i treasures connected wun us own ; history it will also house Brit-' ain's first museum of ancient motorcars. The museum will contain cars ! built before 1905. One of them will be the 1903 De Dion Boutoa ! which the house's present oc- ; Little waterfront damage wad been asked to design the uni-! surveyed this morning In the ; form for the French equivalent , wake of the bucket-pouring gale, of Britain's Women's Royal Fishermen Co-op floats broke A rm v Corps the "Personnel United States. The average So Composer Marries Chinese Secretary vict cltiw-n. at the same time, i laws scncdulcd to begin some- has much less to spend than the time in July. : loose from moorings and several Femlnin de l'Armee de Terre." average American Yusslf Dadoo, president of the dolphins were sheared off set- j He chose navy blue gabardine ' South African Indian Congress, ting floating camps adrift. i and made a belted suit which SAN FRANCISCO Rudolf , cupant uses to run about his famous composer of pop- estate. innd Walter Sisulu, secretary of No equipment was damaged. iS W0In with a pale blue blouse Friml, , ' ' , ilU IMn.fl -HTntlnnal Pnn(tmKS rr nnlrora ct nnrl Kw in frVlir J..1 ,Kifo Ular lUUSlC is honeymooning to-: Another section of the man- day following his marriage to sion wm depict the history of God's Lake 10 H.irdroek ll'.i Hanieana .13 Heva 11 Joliet Quebec 46 Canadian for Leeds Church 1 LUU 111! it.ni! hh.iwuui w w.q . . w, vu-uy L.aviv,io awvuu mj ill : juj- uuij weal B11U a w.i.v- isald the two organizations are tceth of the gale to keep an alert blouse for "dress" occasions. : co-operating In a campaign to look-out. , ' win nolitical. social and econ- a record rainfall in Prince Ru- Kay Ling, his Chinese secreiaiy. ; Buckler's Yard, now a yachting Frlml is 67 years of age and It is: centre near here but centuries his fourth marriage. The bride ag0 a famous shipbuilding yard. 22 G 00 03:'4 1 43 .05' i .48 .09 .20 7 00 240 .30 '2 oa'2 4 !)0 m 1.85 .02 .18'j .03 .11 23j 4.15 8.G5 .63 1.85 3.80 15.90 .33 4 80 1.40 .27 .70 Little Long Lac j omlc rights for this nation's 10 pert history is estimated to have 317- million non-whites. been produced in the last few is 39 years and it is tne nrsr, time Tne house was originally the .13i Lynx LEEDS. England. The she has been married. great gatehouse of a Cistercian abbey founded by King John of Magna Carta fame In 1204. Sea Cadets to Train in Britain LONDON. Some 80 sea cadets from Canada, South Africa, Rhodesia, Australia and New year-old Church of St. John the! They have called a joint or- days. Five and a half-inches of i Evangelist, in New Brlggate,1 ganlzational meeting for April vain was recorded at Digby Is-Lecds will soon have a Candian i 26 to lay plans for the struggle land weather station from ivlon-priest-in-charge, the Rev. J. S. which calls for trained volun- day to this morning. Most of Dodd of Huron diocese. He will i tccrs to break deliberately South the downpour was concentrated Britain Big Exporter of Radio Parts v LONDON. Britain is now tho ! reneh Britain in mid-May andiAinca s segregation jaw. on iwsuaj anu iycujimuuj. Madscn Red Lake 2.10 MeKenzic Red Lake 48 McLeod Cockshutt 2.82 Moneta -46 Negus 62 Noranda 75 00 Louvicourt ' 35 Pickle Crow 1.80 San Antonio 2.55 Senator Rouyn 18 Sherrit Gordon 4 50 Steep Rork 6-85 Silver Miller 152 remain for two years. Investment Dealers Meet i ST. ANDREWS. N.B. ThC .an- rallies on the outskirts of ma- streets, have been overflowing B"U lathis JUX Ulviua 111 blic paon iv v uu.t am unaivvo. i cadets In camps ashore and world's largest exporter of ra- 'attempting to build enthusiasm ifii tk n.ill Kanin An .Tulv . . ... mini mppt.ina nf t.hp Tnvpst.ment. Did Hitler Try to Flee? .ttiiuai,. iucj ... "v6..., diQ comnonents, wun an annual " , - - In . . Dealers' Association of Canada 5, with two weeks' training 1Q milllon i0 per cent1 hMSOsprey. . going to Canada and the U.S.A. ! w' be held Ju 10-13 at St. & i ; Andrews-by-the-Sea, N.B .'mnder for their cause. Non-white leaders now hope to build their campaign Into a full-scale disobedience program. ; Tory Named In Cariboo I ..... ... . .i: ' ' - ! " - . . ' 7 i 1 i i the chairmanship of W. J. Bor-: rie of Vancouver, president, i Speakers will include Premies FARM BONANZA ! CARMAN. Man. (P Dan and August Paul collected the first -TIDES- . j This calls for Negroes to throw A dynamite COPENHAGEN. government permits blast which raised remnants of " , d a sunken German submarine s vioi them In inovin- Friday, April 18, 1952 ' Smallwood of Newfoundland: WTI.T.IAMR T.AKE (CP) Ken fox bounties to be paid by Din- j ..Infln (hnf loan. " " ncth Thibaudcau of QuesncI iorin municipality this year. The High 7:46 .ruin District to district. 17.7 feet wranam .lowers, governor oi tne 17.2 feet Bank of Canada; Trevor Moore, 9.7 feet Toronto, and Robert A. Magow- ...... t.i! .m wnrinnorfov nitrht. in! nali took 10 voune foxes from a 21:15 ing Nazis possibly Hitler tried to flee when the Reich was On lib LUU d'-llUU WlllU. lllUiano will, rvcv biiuotu r . i.sj.i .. i ii Jnii nr.-nn riHinir fnr thp den on a district farm, earnings Low ! IUSS lUt UlUUtll piUVlIliai HUH- i wui,wv tctiiuw .v.. 14:35 5.5 feet an, New York. the eve of collapse In 1945. oiers. defy segregation laws on : Progressive Conservatives in tne;$DU in pounuea. railroads and in other public June 12 provincial election. Mr. Jlatcs. and ignore regulations j Thibaudcau is an oil distribu-lurmed to separate them com- tor. .icrcially ant socially from i , U tin I . - It is known the U-boat was one of three bombed by the RAF. Investigation showed It was crammed with goods, Including huge quantities of rotting food. She carried no munitions or papers or documents of any description. Jacks und whites, British Mayor Is Coming Over ROCHESTER, England. Leaders of the defiance movement said all non-whites will oc asked to resist the enforcement of the Population Registration Act, which empowers the government to codify persons according to their race. Councillor- A. A. J. Anderson, Colombia Expels Newspaperman The government has Dower to ..,. r D,u.K.ct.r Went will jail anyone organizing such a; leave Eneland in July for a! passive resistance movement. ; tolir thp wm-ld's 20-odd Roch- BOGOTA, Colombia Mai t:.i ! Maian in a recent exchange oi esters in Australia, the United' tt.i.i T3,',wc ni-ir.-l.nri'rMiondonrp with non-white ! ciniAn 1 un..in ivv,iip in! LCUUIainou, u'iiku i ....... j- . oi.ai.ta uiiu niutf ba. m i..v . ager in Colombia, left Bogota i icadcis warned he will not hesi- Canada, he will also visit Van-recently after receiving govern-j itc to use the whole machinery couvcr (Aug. 23-25), Edmonton ment orders to leave the cou;i- n w ci umcin, io ci uiii u ui;-(Aug. 25-28), Winnipeg (Aug 128-31), and Toronto (Sept. 3-6). 11'IIIV.l. t.UIJIfllll. py The plO-gOVCI lUllCnt 1VCWS- mi. -.niuu ouiu wo unj.iui.a- paper Diarlo Gryl'lco quoted thej.ioli his 55,000 mcinbcrs among Minister of Interior as saying jihdluns. Mr. Sisulu said tho .hat Mr. Leguizumon was expel-1 A.iici.n Congress as 10,000 mom-led "because of continuous Inter- i bers. ' vention in the country's internal; : POdK' that" the! Grafico said : Jirson-CQmllcr Jl. rr urr i.e,mi-.of the B.C. Packers, is a business U.K. Doctors to Meet in Toronto TORONTO. A joint annual at Hawke'a a finback whalvj landed WHALING SUSPENDED- A workman starts to rut lip rt, EAT-Whea', from western Canada, which has El:0 hltrt . ....... j," ' senead ports by rail during the winter, again t e' t'i's time bv shin Thp wheat, streams into one meeting of the council of thej S ;a "hmn. visitor in the city from Vancou- Harbor. Labiador. by the. Polar Whaling Company, He stands on the b.ubbcry tongue while cutting at the base. The whalebone (baleen), through which the big mammal filters the water af i fill'ng its mouth with food is the fringe-like growth on the top jaw. Whales will roam tho wate s off northern Newfoundland and Labrador in peace during the May-November season. The two companies operating in the area have announced they won't open their plants this year because, of low prices and loss of European markets. . (CP PHOTO i '5 Lake.- carriers, the S.S. Lemoyne. at the dock of " hostility towards the Col-ler. He expects to spend the rJn Pool Tprr,,i.,, . i t,.. ...u... uoo h.rhnr .rnm.m riin-iiiff thP next few days here. He Is a British Medical Association witn the Canadian Medical Association will be held In Toronto in 1955. f"ed dwn tne b (s fesumed I surrender of Saul Fajordo by the j former resident of Prince Rupert land the Skeena River. I .- (CP PHOTO) 'Chilean Embassy ... ! :