- n r rrum i muni i 1 1 1 1 iwl m i mun i 8 Prince Rupert Daily News jWi.tiW(7 in M Thursday. Apnl 17 , i4e Kg BUDGET WISE? Thousands of Housewives Can't Be Wrong! twt Qu. Bargains Are the Talk of the Town! "Shop With the Rcsfr Where You Buy for Less" April showers bring Maflowers. Your Independent Food S:orr. ore with you again showering you with many Spring f i A bargains. Comparison is not necessary when you shop with us for we lead w'.th aual'ty and low prices. rM i. . . . i EMS- Pikes Effective April 18 - 21 Inclusive LOW PRICES - EFFICIENT SERVICE QUALITY FOODS FREEDELIVEi 6 "Your Guide to Safe Buying" 'RAY' JOHNSON and 'JIM' ROGERSON 'PHIL' LYONS lidway Grocery Cnii: foods D & SGROCER 'BILL' WASYK The Skeena Grocery "Where particular people shop" Highest Quality Meats and Vegetables " Phones 581 and 582 'TED' THOMPSON Rupert Butchers and Grocers We Specialize in Fresh Meats & Poultry Phone 21 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 J I L I iVIITED 1 And Meat Market We specially feature farm fresh eggs Phone 659 6h and Ambrose Corner 2nd and 3rd Avenue Phone 6S6 Phone 250 and Red 465 5th Avenue at McBridc s cakTmS 1 . Robin M1 s .Peas T""r Kin' 2for37c Libby Robin Hood, White Chocolate ond G:nqc B-eed 28c HEINZ 57 VARIETIES Red uois Ro' ci,v' ch'"' ,s""' 2 ,or 29c Cereal Foods STRAWEBRRY 7 1 Heinz BABY. FOODS 2 19c JAM Pure Mo!k;ns B?st 4-lb. tin 31.09 Blended juice D"pwh 2001 2 fr 25c RED PLUM JAM Pure t Malkins Best. 4-lb. tin 46c Sockeye Salmon Horseshoe Brand, r ' PERFEX BLEACH 32-oz. bottle HEINZ Tomato Ketchup N" vhe ketchup testes lke Heinz only 31c for a big 1.3-oz. bottle PERFEX POWDERED BLEACH 20-01. pkq. : I'. Jomato ;J 7 for 37c S. mm iii u it ii nir.u ?. for 49c I4 CM! 33c L IX TOILET SOAP-Regular size, 4 for 1 CANNED FRUIT COOKIES t"F)P4Z5 PEEK FREEN DIGESTIVIS j! ALL BRAN, Kellogg's Wi(h eej M-paralnr, l.arse I'ark.igr l.:ci rej tqjn w:h BIG r.V'NGS i.n oit Produce and Tr 1' Deperiroen's. CORN POPS, Kellogg's 27c 27c 47c RED PITTED CHET.RIE3 Ay'.mrr, ('lir:ici. ),")-. APRICOTS , A.vlncr. t'lioi'f. !," n.. f RUIT COCKTAIL Dp Miiii1'. :! ;-u. 27c 35c 17c for 114 1 I Oil till ASSORTED SWEETS IVrW I rrrn. Hall Pi'iirrt COOKIES. Cream Centres l .iniilv si.r i.ikisr CORN FLAKES, SHREDDED WHEAT .NalilMro 33c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Q 7c JO-oiiiicc. A1! o-- produce !s trimmed WT5' -fre? c-d specially se-i c',:l to r.s2-r.: yo j thai- garde- freshness so essential to I lie H'.s:rim:jatni sSoppsr. CLIP THIS CONVENIENT ORDER APPLE JUICE Mrrv. Sunrypr. IH- TOMATO JUICE 33c 39c I.i;ly , Tancv, 1K-( CANNED VEGETABLES GREEN OMSONS CHHO'TS Lor3c rifiro, bunches 1 5c 2. for 2. 3 c CUT GREEN BEANS Q7p a .Malkins Best. C.hoiir. lS-7. for ONSOMS u ibs. 29c LcYcly cooking variety FORM Butter Eggs Coffee Cheese Milk Sugar Green 0"'" Carrots Tomatoes Oranges Grapcfru Onions Fresh Tomot KERNEL CORN , 9 Ofto Ay me-, F.w-. M-o.. for Wtf'' TOMATOES 9Qr .lalklr'- H;s(. hour. ?S-or. Alt' PEAS Iloyal City, lanvy, N0. 3 for MtMx' l"i-;Uiicc . ' - I I I r ) Baby Foods Ketchup Spaghetti Coko Mixes Jam Cherries Apricots Fru: Cocktail Grapefruit Jxicc App's Juice Tomato Ju:cc Green Bees .Kerne' Corn f.l Tomatoes fi Pcos LI Crob Meat ! ! Clams ! 1 Herring ' J All Bran 11 Corn Pops H Corn Flakes f Shredded Nabisco ' j Cookies ! Quaker Rolled Oats U Sockeye Salmon r- Bread 9S I ! Ripe ond firm, per tube H flf m I 1 iii-ttwiii imrmuMiiimmutmmmitmiHmin,uii immj uu. r-..-..MPml,Bng CANNED FISH 3c 63c 39 c CRAB MEAT CLAMS Ulmlp, Clovcrli -;if. I's HERRING in Tomato Sauce n ircspefryit l '"- 4 27c C! vcrlcaf. f n!. T y BKeiragslgi nam mum IMnmiWWiUMWMMII The Stores of Friendly Service - Phone Your Orders - No Extra Charge For D3 WFry.W'l ii n IllMill