Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 17, Vj;2 I ada Obligation of Willie Mays ! n-' GAYLE TALBOT him.' Thfy always take the best! ones, and by this time I know iff no accident. "I don't blame the board. They are only protecting themselves against any possible chance of favoritism, if a Kid is a good ball player, everybody in town knowi about him and is watch- GtlUlCl . . Lot Sales Are Made by City Sales of city land as follows have been reported by the finance committee to the city council : Lots E and F, block 22, section YOUTHFUL TEACHER ANCIENT CITY Peter Abelard. the 12th cen-! Aberdeen in Scotia id was tury French philosopher and: granted a ehiter as a royal theologian, opened his own burgh by William the Lion in, school when only 21 years w'd. 11179. FEEDING HOME GARDEN RAYS HIGH IN YIELD AND QUALITY n Move il( ,ms B (MKBETT NEW YORK (APi Once in a jnK to see if he's called up .ilon while a chance phrase will get . wit,n their sons. The result is stin k in a man's mind, the same i uiat he gets the first call. He's as one of those 'advertising the showpiece. It's just an un- ' 4 iriKlos on the radio. One of them 8 has Riven us a hard t me during fortunate situation." Don Newcombc, the huge Biooklvn pitcher, to'd renorte s i - he week-end It, beyun when we read wnvrc ; at Norfolk the other day that he Col. James T. John o.i. head felt certain he would not be in 6. to Clyde and Catherine 1 1 Moracs for $1200. j Western half of lot 19 and lot I 20, bloek 10, section 5, to Walter; Lundigan $750. i1 Westerly half of lot 8 and lot1 1, block 30, section 1, to T. Nor- ton Youngs for $325. Lots 2 and 3, block 5, section '; 2, to D. W. Burnlp, $600. j Lots 5 and 6, block 3, section i 7, R. E. Mortitr.T on- behalf of ' Karl Marki, $40u. i Lot 5 and easterly half of lot 6, block 5, section 2, to J. W. i Valderhaug, $4au. ' Ee'ective Service off cial in Alabama, had reminded yemnt; i ., I i". Mays of New York Giants hat h.c "owes p rhap-, a fjna'e ' r blisaUon to his country' than 1 other boys because of his pra-.rnie in the sports w-rld staff Writer it'.s ol 100 '''"I m-c WMl "(iic nighty job i fii'.un Cominw-cjtfiio.'uiio ; uf busnci ',; oi A wheal . - jhc wc.4. mis '"7ir the amount ;'', time last year ,'.ii)lC 10 tllC U.SUE. "Oibuxwrs nave ' west foi the ;i i fceui oi 40 la. ' started haulias uniform today but for his a!h-lethic prominence. Don, who served a brief hitch in the Navy beiore receiving a medical (I s-charge, has a whole catalogue oi minor ailments. There have beun othe; f:cr:. casvs of ball players leca'.Ie'' lo the color which have cau.---.d persons totally unconnected with the game to wonder out loud. ft " i - - I V t , if , r - I The occasion was the turndown of Willie's appeal against being drafted into Uie army next month The 20-year-old Negro; star -claimed he was the chief support of four of his 11 bro'.h-i ers and sisters, his stepfather TOIDES ' tin Great Lakco Square Dancing Friday ; being unemployed. Col. Johnson Mtlng posittoii. ruled it was not a true hardship ,,.,'i's at hundred. ; case, and wc accept his trained have nau judgment there, but the "greater obligation" quota stuck like a Apply Plant Food on Each Side of Row, Several Inches Away-': From Seed. task. Agents rflcd 450.000,000 i i mm the fah ' needle in a cracked record. RaY Gabardine to 10:30 p.m. ) strides in Black and 1 CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM j Navy.. Featuring wide C ) k J$ Pair..." 0 f J A :. tB with 400.000, ! Jut does Willie owe a There Is a ie.sson for'all home humus to maintain its soil po why W to hU. country than gardeners In the remarkable re- rosity. . , ;erf suit Vhifh farmers are achlev- Four to six pounds of balanced the.tkl " 1 naCXtrbl?'kh t clothesline a to horn. can peg imj .by increasing the quantities commercial plant food per 100 ofVant food usea on th'elr crops. fi. ft. wiU be adequate lo, 'the l jast year. Much :!.-ai-haiKile tough n, the result oi biii vcst sea.son'3 Retwrts f increased yields are overaee garden annually, nro- v... the answer yet. Are boys being thirds of it should be applied in often astonishing, t penalized because they arc pro W ".""" I . . ... - ', (no inrlnn hrnra nlnntintr .mnvlns 220,00'J rnc expense- oi lecuing is so "'v . mlsino athletes? .an in rThVS!er1ronn tholer eCr nol ' of a Z, we.d or border" 'the! Baseball m,n have Wd us th.. racthods wiU .got n ruuuuoo i j r. SLACICS f "' 1 i Wool ond Rayon Gobardiiis Slocks. llOii TMT7TVir J ' H Regular cut in oil the wantsd sSodes. V va 4jyAjM J WeM cu!' ond tci'5rcd by Jocob iventhrouga fa.uu, u-,,, Ik . .,.. ----- 1 On - soils , h ,nsta,Me .0 .specify thch pH6, plant food i names not to be used and have v v ra ( !,!. l A it .. u i n to shipments as me jarmer. , ( Atiada's overseas The plant food content of hu- .'.r.Mil. at Aorll I mm 'hich one can make tf concentrated in bands uuc" w" " should be . , ,i pockets not touching plant. " "" ' bi o jikI interior small;- and . it i a rare home or were no. raa ai au. roots but within easy reach. jlne H 000.000 bushels garden which can make enough 132,000,- - - --, - td with - r. -. it. s neariorcaKing, said tn-3 head of one of baseball's biggest (. 2 On sweet soils testing above ! pH6. spade plant food! into the ' e lajt year. ; ZtuM wheat crop ; farm systems. "You bring a boy ! nil through twn nr thrpp ffrarips soil, evenly and deeply. ecejflton uij To apply the first method, !alu, just when you know he.g when setting out a plant mix ,.eadv for a trv at tne b) tlme , ;.-;sls. Bv a rule of plant food with soil at the bottom ' that's when they ars sure to grab h aiip's omen :i tor J-J )ie( rriva fj Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones Lend Home for Occasion RfiYALfDTv s THF-IINIVFilll of the hole, a laoiespoon ior tomato plants, up to a handful mixed with a bushel of soil for trees and shrubs. In sowing seed for row crops, make a furrow four inches deep : i.'ftcially estimaud 0 trtL-'nels would be : ia.sis. Tilts would :i 4io.000.000 and ris tD be marketed. Prince Rupert Spacious home of Mr, and Mrs. W. C. R Jones, who proved Dv. R. E. Focrster, Nanalmo; on each side of the drill in which I O. M. Fergu.'on, W. McKenzie, S m - l I ci a m b w h w a u tum C il II NEB I ' C J I Th;rd Avenue a Sixth Street N gracious hosts, vas made avail ! niojjucers had haui whopping 293,- able to the Business and Profes- seeds will be sown. Pour plant Lea, Fred Hull, H. V. Jackson, Hits is mora .clonal Women's Club last night food into each furrow, a pint to; Mr. and Mrs. H. Crandali, A. R. jr and it ts 30,- gu0sts were Bronlslav Gunpc'. ' and sow the seed. When the roots; Hardy, C. Paulson. W. G. Riddcll t!!i the 10-year celebrated violinist, and Carl get iong enough to reach the j and N. Tarbuck. Vancouver; Mr. 1930-40. Fucrstner, pianist, who earlier piant food the plant will be old ! and Mrs. Bancroft, Ocean Falls: . it in farm gran- in the evening had bejn pre- ; enough to use it. iw- R- Tooth, Stewart; R. H: ithi-h lav In the sented in . Alaska Music Trail" . 'Church, Vancouver; W. Okum, "I . mcpO.; as JnpM Ml w -mmm mm M m m m m mm m m r f T ,r winter account recital at the Civic Centre. I Miss Elliott Head, Mrs. G. Lam- i i ... ,.... a,im( ,.f, TORQUAY, England 9- John bly and L. D HoMand. T:vraee; . IVIWW junii vium wit, i . . . , . . , E. Bol'-.on, Port E - .... t,. j D.fnoUin.-...i illutrhins rents an upstairs room m.. ana mis. giving sington; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bolton a Bureau of Stat-. -i -tnnatcd tlirj wnmen'-. m.,h wa ass I ted In I that overlaps two stores storekeeper. a claim for Port Essinato'v mis M. onmour. John tried to cut expense? Hazelton; F. M. Doekrill. Telkwa; 9 at 150 000.000 connection with the recrpumv oy-'f" 4r. roDorts from the vice-president Mrs. Catlicr- : rent. h iivinor iii onlv oivj half but Mis Mattie White and Miss ine Laurie and o.hcr members or the club. could not fix an octual dividing Abby While, Ketchikan; F. S n o.. ini orHm-pH Viv t.rl- Kdwards. Sea Inlet: R. M. Clark Mrs. Roy Common pouren oiv . . ,Q both lanf)lords. Smlthers. Wors ine serviteuis wcie ran. - li ft much of the !u-"m the total kl :c -" bushch. a" rtinual frecze-uo ! Iiites, Canada's i were kept moving tiiet winter. Pacific a iee the volume i -ijvpar. rail shlp-: lakes were !n- r cint. and Atlantic 937 ley, Mrs. Bea Grant. Mrs. Joscly Bolton, Miss Frances Part rid-so. Miss Trances Cross, Mi s. S J Hunter and Miss Elizabeth Clement, RN. The affair w,as a deligh'.fi- II SUPER WASHABLE! fgd :j SUPER SCRUBBABLE ! ' Rich as velvet.. . tough as rubber. . . Sfr' newest miracle of research ll & mm H V II II ii soclal 'climax to a memorab evening. d nearly 40 percent continued to i if outzolns shipments clear t'.i iTkehead. When snace SSHDCZIII037 the season, the .a;uii timusmuu mcr- loads of grain were rattling eastward, racing time and the wra ther to clear prairie storage f'J- r wicked termlnALs 0 uslipu of grain, f 1.4 their effective ' b.iiiciiing a wide tiiii.lishrfk oi iliMiidVuti 'v iiic l i.'U' more grain from the spring hi.' vest and the not-toc-ttL'ilanl new crop. f-trol Board or bv the C.ovprnmrnl of UrMKh f.'otiimln like rcsuH-' ' harvest season. i-iV". bnxw about l 800 bushcl--5--Si space for un- "f tc-seis followc' !iifi' into port an.' ; wk more than poured hi to i!rt ' hat -may h '! Train shlpplnj 1 !-y. Record year i' 463.700,000 bushels I e m 6.330 cars in "'4 last week. Ths 4'oad 1,100 a day, HANDBAGS MADAME . WE OFFER YOU TO COMPLETE rd COMPLEMENT YOUR SPRING ATTIRE sis J 1 o( ..-.-raasiral 1 ..srSSSIK-" YES WILL AMAZE YOU! 1 1 tf" beautifully, in minutes . . . has no offensive odor. One eoat covers most surfaces. Made by the makers of Kcm-Tonc and Kcin-Clo.$7.85 PER GALLON. Super Kcin-Tone comes ready to use. It needs iio primer or under-coaler . . . applies easily, pcrlcelly on wallpaper, paint, plaster, wood or metal. It dries evenly, SMART STYLES and SHADES in REPTILE, COWHIDE. SUEDE and PLASTIC LEATHER ot NEW LOW PRICES (cZIL ,fA C; 1 SHASTA KKMI1I f tL l&m sZ iree KEMG10 I liood Housrkccpinj; ) Vo,.r "y fS u. se all 3 of The mtrotle lustra enamel for kitchen and bathroom walls. Look and washes like the baked enamel en your new refrigerate. $3 05 quart. $4.29 gallon. Ths original oil paint that mix with' water, On gallon, thinned with water, makes and on-koH gallons. So yovr actual cost per gallon it these great home decorating aids VOGUE SHOES loiss o. no. ) ' Is n . I The Martin-Senour Company ltd. The Canada Paint Company Ltd. The Lowe Brothers Company Ltd. The Sherwin-Williams Company of Canada, ltd. LIMITED 506 Third West Phone: Green 595 Box 638 - Distributors and Dealers from Coast to Coast - 1 thf n I. i'UD"snoa UqUor ConUo,