Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. ADril 17, 1952 pared with eight cents in the and others on short time. United States. The high tax was Aid. J. W. Prusky was a visitor; rv 0 Rental Scheme Disappointing OUNCIL considered to have been the at th meeting and spoke on main cause for some 800 tobacco such city matters as buildings, . MANY LABELS ANCIENT ADORNMENT workers in Canada having been power, etc. J The al'igator pear is only one Ear-rings were worn by both laid off since last November President W. h: Brett was in of several names for the avocado, men and women as personal essive Defence ling Objective ihiang's Army Civic utilities committee. decorations from ancient times. with threats of further lay-offs the chair. a West Indian fruit. through the city clerk, is call- Regret was heard expressed at ing for tenders for new uni-!the monthly meeting of Prince forms for the members of the' Coun- Tradeg and Tit a nfihort rr o n t i HOLIDAY It THE ROCKIES .... 7 Z?M0OZ v.t.u. .......... , ... Vinus- i Cll inai iiic iuw ju.i. Note What kind of army are the Chinese Na-'iwiinL' in Formosa, hoping some day to. win the lu" h. r. nKlil Rill Rmti f'linnriiun Prp 0111 tne tuiniiiuiii-iuuj - ' fanadian forces in Korea, recently visited . the 7 k f J sink's island Siroilguuiu. m tuu omij, ic aujucu On instructions of the elec-! Ing scheme had turned out, in-trical inspector, Prussian hooka1 stead, to be "high rental." It on the telephone pole line from : was felt that the scheme had the chlorinator to the booster failed to provide desired help pump near the city limits will for the low Income group, be replaced with crossarms at a letter from' the Needle an approximate cost of $400. the Tmrtp Union committee in- jfestiuri 1 By BILL BOSS Cimnditin PrrfiB 8U1II Writer Formosa (CP)- ""' . , u Tf L"v... Imcndatlon was made by the had been removed from the pur- v-i ltlir a ffuuu aimy iieie. ii i ui niu ; utilities committee. ..has nf ladipn' earments. hand " - - . U.. 4-U TnAc if 1.1 .v!.,..! bags and other goods from tne Pole united States, some firms had A telephone and power tomorrow uy me ivcuo, ii, nuum Sunt of itself. ! , line is to be installed down the been lavlne dff employees, re- lane which separates the City 5Ulting in their living standards A-bombs to tisiunuls, so we re l6r says Lt.-Gen. . iUn nnrmll jjfrO 01 "it second World Vl tii(. V commands the .'cround forces, rm't yet equal ta . within six Test Defence Simulated 'I error Weapons Maa irom Wallace s Department and purchasing power goin;j Store on joint agreement be- clown. The council endorsed a tween the city and Northern suggestion that Canadian goods B.C. Power Co. Recommendation t,e purchased Instead of Ameri-to this effect from the utilities can and that the co-operation committee was accepted. TIw 0f local storekeepers be sought, cost will be approximately $750. M thp Bnp?PRtion of the To- ' , , T bacco Workers' Union, the coun- Vinland Lodge, Sons of Nor- cll decldect to communicate with way, has asked the city to in- wir,,otr nf Financ nnnPias Ab- 5 " To Be Used In Britain will be. Within a; x in perfect form." By EDWiN s. JOHNSON Plan your Banff, Lake Louise or mountain lodgevacation now. .. Canadian Pacificstyle! Lnjoy your Canadian Rockies holiday with superb meals and service "the diesel way." information and ntfvaHont from any Canadian Pacific ofticm or your own ogmf. - Train travel through the majestic Rockies Canadian Pacific tyle has always been a scenic treat. Now it's more enjoyable th'anever aboard thesmooth newCanadian Pacific Diesel trains. On business or family holiday, enjoy a new high in comfort, air-conditioned cars, and accommodation including sections, roomettes, compartment and drawing rooms. a graduate of furoue cumdiun rrcs fcian wriier sU1 a no parklng sign ln from "7""d" t ADDlewhaite MP .-"Lafayette, Indiana.; LONDON (CP)-To test result, the Sons of Norway Hall on "j ?ne thli the tax on c'igaf-W wrfect English. He ot months of study and train-1 Fifth Avenue where congestion Ffft. Vu' .....I if L .,monr nus aamir- intr Rrttnin r nlvil ripfpnrp Torres nffan a i D -vu-" - " . .. ' .. uaiiiiuwiij krlnn K. nanoHan nrir-P down . .i.. fnnndian army nhnnt ?nn nnn strons win urh nniorfoinf. i,i - Vm Europe in 1945. 'launch a series of large-scale -lu-ld. The matter was referred "V, "Sf q U "Z tav rtt lhc conuneni exercises this spring under con-. by council to 1U traffic com- ofVlV the tne three-rent tnree-cent cut cut is IS still f r.,.npra Elsen- rf,nn .(miiintinv an nptiini Chinese' ' 1 22 cents per package or to com- his 24th atomlc.bomo attack. j fousfct through 10-to-l! Although the government has Licensing committee reported "fe - aii w ieauuc .. not aoanaonea nope inai aa tne granting of trades licences sin-led 1st British international agreement may as following: John T. Knowles, 1 tswn yet be reached to outlaw atomic Clifford Mahone, James Moran St decorations he force as a weapon of destruc- and William Shrubsall, taxi j . ijbon of a Comman- tion. It is taking no chances. ! operators; C. Saucr, shoe re-! 'order of the British civil defence units have been palrer; Northern Properties! Bit he hasn't yet put operating for some time in every Ltd., apartment block, and R. ; hiiJ star of a National- strategic centre throughout the u. Ingram, fuel dealer. ! -n.'irt-Rcnrral, a rank country. Hundreds of officers . ; j i hi as promoted here, and students already have taken No parking signs will bi; erect- i r:-it after we arc bock suecial courses at the Home Of- ed at the Pairvlew Road bus! ntand." he says. fice Civil Defence College at turntable, council decided at ! !-. neither Sun nor any sunningdale Park and at three recommendation of the board of! i of the Nationalist other schools in Gloucestershire, works. I an invasion is lm- Yorkshire and Perthshire. ft. 7 , ... .!:& Win -rj&s, ty Know wnat k Graduates oi tnese scnoois Auinorizea board of works to ; n the way of equip- wm instruct local volunteers ln purchase stores materials in- hat they have, measures to neutralize some of eluding 800 feet of concrete cul- i 'iiripal adviser is the effects of scientific warfare vert pipe, 12 sets of grader William C. Chase, should the country become in- blades and 350 drill bits at cost - - d states military Volvcd ln a third world war, j of $3100, ' iup in Formosa. The British mission that visit-! I flatly: : cd Japan after the atom bomb: KILLED FOR IVORY t to prevent the Reds attack on' Hiroshima and Naga- Up to the late lflth century, i and the National- sakt estimated that 50.000 per- more than 50.000 African clo-4m; '.here. suns might lose their lives in a phants were annually slaughter- Yes, it's a fact! Tliat sliccr filmy' creation In your uunlroltc may veil have 1cj:uii life some lark iuiet lrili-li Columltia forest. typical British city with a popu- ed for their ivory. ! lation density of 45 persons to, an acre if caught without warning by a high air burst atomic bomb. REALISTIC TOl'CH Si 1 II' Is to train these w rcsslvc defence, yir.i" them with the j ui,h to do the job i anv fancy set-up, ar building essential The public, however, has been assured that civil defence is far tl fulds. and that casualties can T . . Z.. L attack FOR COOKlUGr i be greatly reduced by adequate cll, -they haven't got , advance preparations, suitable fsifllities are lull one of the many items of , Mearin,aiareJLiiov proilueeil from hik iiualjly aeetate jams. Today, jou'll (inl thesr bonder yarns turning into fine drapes, hangings, slip eners, rus, and seores of oilier eoloiTiil faluii s for modern . lit in;:. I'1 "I'll anoth-r form tln-y h-eome that most cr&alile of all materials . . . aeetate plaslie. t t ike them there. ! j shelters and an efficient defence organization. t The first practical exercises ; will be devoted to tests of com- erc to do that It a a third world war." e i generals say It I year before their couia nandie ai . municatlons at various control ; levels. The operations will then ;llV.T;intl At nrotfint ' '4 i f v. . .. - Lr ; 1 be gradually extended to bring mentiating on troop , the military, police, fire and hos- Pacific & j C '7 "''''';'. 1-, j vacuum packh j . nital services nto action to cooe Aeetate yams and plasties are derived from purified ' with an imaginary atomic at- I f 52 Chinese arms' to Formosa from ' j tack ln a selected area. eellulose ... a snow vohile wood. pulp refilled I To forestall any possibility of 3d k been reorganized public misunderstanding, air- from snruee and ln-mloek trees. Through s of three divisions , raid slrcns and fire alarms will the Cclluloup wi. na.s iu.uuu men. : nnt h nllnHf.d during the ex havi United States 105- ercises. ip Artillery and medium j miracle of chemistry, the big Columbia plant at Prince Itupert is now converting In some centres defence units tanks. They are stand- lo"s ' Jon the American .300- rf ,h onn into the basic ingredient for materials uhich Mill inTrZ are Producing ;bomb incidf,nls can be stagcd '" h Ig n,la,"Ua1' l.ak":and life-saving methods prac eventually reach vour Ihing room or clothes closet. n- S.iush, i f'"';tlced. Japanese. utr" ; Officials In charge of regional Pacific Milk ddl extra flavor and nourithmeni io recipe. BUY B.C. PRODUCTS i PTtnch texts. i groups will distribute memo "my being produced Is a tilh excellent dlscl- There's nothing remote or mysterious about randa listing Imaginary dents ' relating to atomic heat i our work up In fuung is meticulous.' ;rt is always good, even on '""I tmirses and on the' flash, radioactivity and blast damage. re at Columbia Cellulose, II It is is Ultimately inliiiialelv assM-ialel associated with with manv many ph iniases ses oi of v ? 1 llso makes a great and growing everyday lining TODAY'S contribution to I lie economic wcallh of our l'royiucc. Ami that's important lo all of us! eo Codecs 'jrkl labor that every . f Ust do. The jeep ln ' i traVl'Hed was as sound ; miles as the day it iivcred pior problems are ln Morale will be a prob-the next year, when ' completed. Troop ? Kay be a problem ln I JiX fears. j J'my age Is between ! r: Midler's best years 1 , " and 35-which 1 ;; JaUonaiisu at least j ,"s ffore 1 they have a ARE TOMORROW'S IS " ( iihunhiii Olliiloxe Company in the first unit nf u rniully ci-;iri(ii,S (.'riifin industrial orftitnisalion. II illiin ti Jru; months, litis orptiniziilion uill In' eomliining timber from llrilish Columbia uilb nnliirul pus drrivutivi: from tlbrrta lo nrolurr a uidv rtmpe of fibres mid ntlivr avrtale froluvts for Cjinadians from -isf to roust, (hir Help your local Sea Cadet Corps by your contribution on Saturday, April 19 ,1 e,re. , ; ?r&lW' -.V?, ; '"mtient problem. j Qoubtfui whether volun-j,; would Induce ; "minsans to man such 7land's P0P"latlon i f 000. And, besides "n the Nationalist has on Its hands fw. 40,000 sailors I airmen some of .'training on Cana-"squito aircraft .... i i i INFRA-RAY PENETRATING StiTlI S Clip AND MAIL TODAV r-- J S-AMP ! AT HE ( Oi l MRU CKLLtLUSE CO. LTD., Standard RuilHinii, ancuver t B.C.. Plraur tend mi. tri Ihnut charge, ihe attractive !D-pKtr illnttrnteA banklrt "Thm Story of Tre farming." t X Aids Rhcumotism, LumDoqo, Sore Muscles, Stiff Joints ond othct ailments. Name . jar 4ddrrnt.. rNG ''. s : - v I Rupert Radio & Electric $ ProTutre.. CitJ.. ' '' S .-4? . 5 'NUlUiIlJli, ,?fclHf i