"1 PROVINCIAL UBRXRY ... . I 5f vI3To:::a, s. c. MORROW'S LTIDES- M August 20, 1953 kmc Standard Time) 10:14 15.1 feet 21:41 18.2 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 15:32 3:45 10.3 6 3 left feet Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 193 PR1NCK RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS V VDelivtry Phone 81 FieSOT$2SJ)( Iran t" J f TTH nn n I u .AP.Trhriin radio I,v tlwt royalists In Iran 1 LS ' III t f? M f 1 I, thrown Premier Mo- V SSSL ' HU'WU U L u uwnm t Mossadegh's govern' j Y 75w I ,J i h h id id sent sent an an appeal appeal . - " ,,; . . .;- j , img sh.ih to come home : i , ' i Iv is time the people have to capture the capital, i;prly waiting for your rairt the broadcast. Explorers Rescued From Caves wu ii" confirmation of Five Aboard Aircraft Overdue at Smithers A $25,000 reward was offered today to anyone locating the plane carrying Ellis Hall, prominent New Mexico and Texas oilman, and four other passengers which vanished Monday night on a flight from Annette Island, Alaska, to Bellingham, Wash. , report that royullstx army hail overthrown I i Mii.irifuh who has . .1 tightened his rule In : n two yearn In office, 'initly a Tehran broad-Mu.'-arexh had rscap-i:it lii.-i fore -'n minister. J J The plane's flight plan called f.ilrmi, had occn lorn t-'A. for a stop at Smithers UCJ AIITi;RAY,Fraiii;e (Uru-lersi Two French cave explorers stranded In a shaft leading to the Pierre 8t. Martin caves were safely brought to the surface today, leaving two other men still below the surface. The rescue! me'i are the expedition leader, Nnrbert C'aateret. Meh iniineil Iteza Pall- 33-yiar-old ruler, and j Offer of the reward was received at the Dally News today in a telephone call from John fciiaVH arrived In Home ! McCormack, business associate nfler fleeing their i in Sunday. 1 jf Mr.' Hall at Albuquerque, New rjnd Robert Levi, who played a leading part In organizing the project. Tuesday the expedition .set a world record by reaching rdjy midnight attempt j llnli and his Imperial j V ' A MRS ANNE KlEi:, In hospital In polio at Winnipeg, gets her fir,4 glimpse of her three-riay-oltl Hon by photograph. The child was born two days after the mother was admitted to hospital with polio niid taken Immediately to Children's' hospital. It will be some time before Mrs. Ricu can sec the baby so a (Winnipeg Free Prossi photographer, Jack Alhlett, took the baby's picture and brought It to the mother. Mexico. Mr. McCormack stated that In addition to the cash reward, free gas would be arranged for all planes taking part in the search. The offer is made by the Condor Petroleum Co., at Abilene, Texas, one of the missing oilman's many interests and an affiliate of the Standard Oil Co. Where Standard gas is not available, the Condor firm will handle charges. Air services and flying clubs wishing verification of the offer may call collect to Fred Luthy, president of the Albuquerque National Bank, of which Mr. Hall is a director. ftiwirh to dismiss Mos- I fciid substitute a military I Pi V-'fti1 ' ' i' jy-'A' ii. Fazollah Z.ihedl. h id I ,i and Miiv adeih had I a rounter-coup Bnd many of thc.shuirs fol- j Ship Burning In Atlantic BOSTON (API The coast guard reported early today the 260-foot Danish steamer Else Basse "Is burning and expected to explode at any moment" 15 miles off Cape Angullle, Nfld. The vessel's crew of 24 and one woman passenger were re-oorted to have abandoned ship Railroads, Telephones Still Tied up in France a point 2,395 feet below ground. They were stranded at the foot of a nurrow vertical shaft loading to the caverns, below the Pyrenees. The two left In the shaft were .tationed to guide the hauling cable on the slow ascent to the sin face. The explorers, linked to the sin face by phone, had waited in the moisture -laden gloom of the cavern 1.247 feet below ground for the thin steel cable by which an electrie winch on the surface would haul them out. Anxiety crew as the rescue efforts continued, for Levi, trap-iped below. Is the team expert in the handling of the winch's lehran broadcast was Gil heard In London. i. accompanied by mueh I shouting In ihe rail l 4icl royalists controlled inment offices and the ii Zaherii had been lull tlie new premier. The reward Is good for 10 days, starting today. Others tn the plane with the 54-year-old oil magnate were his wife and two daughters, and FOi:R ABREAST, Cl'RVED NECKS HIGH, Egyptian camels march in a colorful parade In Cairo marking the first year of Egypt's independence. Egyptian soldiers ride the silent beasts with crossed legs. Under the leadership of Gen. Mohammed Naguib, Egypt officially became a republic recently. The Egypt-Ian monarchy ended last year with the removal of King Farouk. safely. The survivors of the Else PARIS (AI' France' most paralyzed and Premier Josenh Basse were taken aboard the Patrick Hlbben, son of a University of New Mexico professor. Mio gave no details of serious potitwar strike entered Lanlel'n tnivernnient ('tirui ll.s second week today with j Negotiations between the gov-1.000.000 workers still out, rail- . eminent and. luui-cominuiiist roads and communications still j unions broke down Monday and The pilot's home was unreported. steamer Corner Brook about five hours after they abandoned ship. The steamer carrying them headed for Corner Brook, Nfld. The party was last seen just Villagers Breathing Easier I mere wh.i no prot.pert of a re- before takeoff at Annette Island, where the plane had stop nt of the revolt, nor there hud been blood- liiarlng the rcxirt In iie shah said lie was ped for refueling on its flight Uumption in sight. i J Socialist party leader Ouy I Mullet told Laniel thai any sav- j delicate machinery. Naval Trials Adjourned A third stranded explorer, Rob RCMP Boost To Be Paid ' As Raging Fire Slowed Down FORESTVILLE, Que. JResl-, He' indicated two men were indents of nearby villages are volved. breathing easier today as a I Light rain fell for less than an raging, still uncontrolled, forest hour in the Forestville area to- from Juneau. Word- that the . aircraft wa overdue at Smithers " Monday night touched off an international aerial search in which 'his touted government financial i ert hfil,tcy- w nscued Tuesday I reforms which touched off theitvenl"g' rel-UHj. lu JUU country, 'iisly declared he would ate. limn broadcast were walkouts already liave been I 1 lle two JPIW Bre '"em- n here by monitors of . (U.S. Coast Guard and RCAF VICTORIA CP The provin surpassed by the Huge losses to i " -J"" ,he French economy from the i h'-'PK'K 'P expedition, who had .tre posted themselves on ledges in- 1 day, but there was not enough to have any appreciable effect on the main fire. HALIFAX Court martial of three Canadian naval offieers charged in connection with tlie grounding of Hie destroyer Huron off Korea's cast coast July 12 will not be open to the press, naval sources have announced. clai government and B.C. municipalities have agreed to pay a 42-per-cent increase to the pianes irom sea israna, Vancouver, have started a sweep of thousands of square miles over the rugged area In which the . Nnhoilv ronlradir.ted Mullet. s'ac S'"1" 8ulae lne aoie past Jutting rocks which might jers Needed Vezlna said the fire was in a fire slowed in Its sweeping advance across mountainous bush-land northeast of here. The two villages. Stc. Therese du Coiombier and Cantour. La-tour, are directly In the path of the' arrow-shaped blaac moving in a southeasterly direction toward this lumber region, about 200 miles east of Quebec City. M oik forty Security measures were given RCMP for the "latent state" due' to cool and policing province, humid weather,. . . . . ; , J Tne jwllce rate has gone from The main fire'-which started j f'400 P" man a r ,000. Tne increase for the 48 miles north of here has been gov-biamed f rnnie.nt and municipalities will on "carelessness on the (I turnout of prince as the reason. Normally military twin-engine monoplane might have landed. Sea Island Lancaster flew over Prince Rupert last night and also, this morning. . Five aircraft operating out of Annette Island, and other RCAF urling club members ulcourts martial aro open to the I ray it one of the biggest hazards of the rescue bid. " 1 : 1 " Appeal Slated By Ex-Mountie " tor tonight as there is pumic Charged with stranding their It was expected Parliament would be called buck from its vacation for a special session next week Lanlel may be thrown jut.of of f ice In the bitter squabble certain to develop. Tliese . still were the main strike areas: 1. The railroads only a handful of trains operating. Industry mil trade hard hit. and htin-Ireds of thousands of, French-nen unable to travel; 2. Post offices and telephone "Me work to be done In-! building, Jack Laurie, ' of the cluh Kuirt owiuw planes have so far reported neg j part of blueberry pickers." Japanese Ship To Sail Friday ative results. Yesterday search. tine said timt time Is planes reported checking all ship In the courts martial which were adjourned Indefinitely here yesterday are Lt.-Cmclr. T. J. C Thomas of Dartmouth, N.S.. and Lieut. O. H. Emerson of Batti-urst, N.B. Cimlr. Richard Chenoweth of nori and there were it members who had not landing fields ln the vicinity VANCOUVER A former RCMP corporal .has decided to take to the British Columbia without developing any clues. db sd fD.twu a year. Contracts are now going out through the RCMP to the municipal authorities to sign. Effective date of these contracts is April 1, 1953. The RCMP earlier had asked for the increase to be made effective Jan. 1. The province's contract, however, became effective Aug. 15, three years from the date of transfer of police powers ln the province from the old B.C. police to the federal force. I'd out to give the others During the welcomed lull, scores of firefighters hacked and bulldozed fire-breaks in the path of the blaze in case an increase j or change In direction in the wind should produce a new j threat to surrounding communi- j ties. j The fringes of the fire now are 1 about six miles north of here j and 10 miles west of Ste. Therese. me quicker the work Is Slid, the sooner nlans Montreal Ik rharoeri with suffer- letters coul 1 of appeal a case arising "Xehiinges millions of The Japanese vessel Libetar will sail from Prince Rupert Friday after taking on 9,800 tons of wheat at the local grain elevator. Skippered by Capt. D. PaUrons. the essel will sail for Callao, Peru. tarted for the coming i lug his ship to be stranded. The i three will also face lesser charges. from disciplinary action within the force, it was learned Tuesday. John R. C. White, who had Commercial planes flying in the region during night hours have been asked to watch for flares. Meanwhile passengers on commercial planes flying in and out of Prince Rupert are bejng asked to keep an eye on the terrain below for any sign of a forced landing. The missing plane Is a "Dove" Two minor fires were spotted S. Reserves Self Voice been stationed at Prince Rupert -near Ste. Therese Monday night piled up. many businesses slowed to a standstill. Frenchmen reduce!) to putting personal notices in newspapers to rom-.uunlcate with their stranded families; 3. Cool mines, building and textile trades, some metal working factories, the Paris subway and bus system, and street cleaning services. Garbage continued to pile 17 Any Chiang Bid on China Canada Trying to Settle Issue of Parley Delegates witii the RCMP, was convicted and burned over about one by Superintendent Oeorge J. square mile of land before being Archer last Jan. 22 011 four contained ln that area. An in- charges of conduct unbecoming crease in wind velocity could an officer of the force. have sent the fire rushing Into The RCMP commissioner at the village. Ottawa imposed a $!0 fine, re- i Maurice Vezlna, assistant nian- "UH.m IAPI ThpTTR . avtiAi'liitlu ,.,.,,,r,r,,nH uluml 11 if "b substantial modern : possibility of attacks on the "lUlUmeilt n flii.iooo ..,..,.. 1.1 ...l.,lnrl , I, I n h lu many cities forces on Formosa, j could be expected to provoke Red Ti.n ,uiirmi, honor, d. a nm duced him from corporal to first ager of the Laurentlan Protect- with a range of 1.500 miles and a speed of 200 m p.h. It is a twin-engine, low-wing monoplane with a tricycle undercarriage. Locally. Queen Charlette Airlines went Into action today to aid the search, sending out a Norseman and a Beechcraft piloted by Roy Berryman and Emerson Wallace. Nelson Bros. Fisheries was also getting its Andrei Vlshlnsky, the chief Russian delegate, Is expected to deal with resolutions before the committee calling for conference yw.ru ior tiscir a retaliation and thereby involve "lice over any DcuiKihieii.hu iir iih rieot i u i, n n b k ,u UNITED NATIONS, N Y. Canada is playing a behind-the-scenes role in the current United Nations meeting which Is struggling for agreement on the makeup of a political conference to decide the future of Korea. The role is one Canada has Information available here in clnss wnslablc and ordered his ive Association, confirmed that test against government plans to cut public payrolls and up dismissal. provincial police are investigat- retirement ages. Now the unions ! Mr. Justice H. 8. Wood of the ing the origin of the two fires, are pressing for all kinds of ; B.C.. supreme court subsequently ! A Quebec provincial police in-general ' wage and bonus rises as refused to review the case and vestigator Is expected here to- dicated that an agreement with who the government of Chiang Kal reported this U.S. is shek to assure the U.S. a voice In government Well, , neia mat tne nUMr is a semi- aay. Lanicl's financial plans, which i military organization, not open) Vezina declined to elaborate for participation by Russia and India and for U.S. "power of attorney" to act on behalf of UN in setting up the conference once its participants have been decided. The Russian delegate also probably will deal with a resolution which calls for conference played before, that of attempt ing to reconcile differences be to supervision by the courts. publication on the information he said also would be aimed later at the tax-evading rich, ippearcd definitely wrecked. The appeal will be heard at , that was gathered during a quiet i tween Britain and the United Victoria in September. 1 investigation already under way. j States. Britain wants India, as a - I major strategic decisions did not f A m affect the kind of harassing op- duBlS erations which Chiang's forces "WtJ have long been carrying on V (against Communist units on IQ I J5Tr I Islands near the mainland. v VOW Under some conditions, It was clear that the U.S. right to share niniibPM d 10k Ka r. , , CSC I" decisions on operations could In lcU t00k,glve this virtual veto, couatry a "v ,av 10 r Gamn rnm. J . . ...... participation by the U.S., Britain, maior Asian power, to take part in the peace par;ey that must be I France, Red China, North Korea plane ready to Join the hunt and Neely Moore, of Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. stated his company's plane would take part as soon as the search could be put on an organized basis. Members of the Aero Club were also standing by for instructions from Vancouver indicating what plan the search in this area is to follow. It is thought their aircraft would have to operate from Terrace to shorten the range to be covered. held 90 duvs after the s enlne of ana soutn n.orea. wie ooviet the Korean armistice. rr Island 7 IT ' 1 sucn a veto presumamy wouia r,ln Prince R mprT v.o ?,e ex.c,lse(? .?? prolcctcd.,Na" Monday mnmi, ,1 i "onansi military uiiemuuia 1 bv l. L aT , " I which would involve American "Med forces to a degree inconsistent with'Amerlcan interests. Officials declined, however, to lw.the n" the Union, India, Poland, Sweden and Burma. The last five did not fight ln Korea. The Russian resolution also proposes that decisions of the political conference be considered adopted "if they have the consent of the parties which have signed the armistice agreement." KXCLUDES SOUTH KOREA This is seen by Western delegates as a move to shut South Korea off from any major voice in the political settlement, since the South Koreans did not sign the armistice. The Soviet move is expected to say say that mat a a right ngnt 01 of veto vevo was pro- arranno . made t lL6"1, were vlded In the agreement. The U.S., dn the other hand, wants the conference confined to those countries which bore arms in Korea. PERSUADING U.S. Highly-placed Informants disclosed today that Canada has been pressing the U.S. to forgo her opposition to Indian participation. The Canadian delegation, headed by Health Minister Paul Martin, has been arguing, with the backing of Britain and other Commonwealth nations, that India has a part to play in such a vital meeting, one that vla Victoria tv . u W 1 Tne arrangement between lhe midniBM k , ys Talpeh. and Washington, appar- I a v.... . a " wv.hl ui q nnl nrAt.ro rt.it rtf Pros riftnt. Kts- I " "US 111 Vl..f,.l l ""J ft' w " --- !rning Accord l,,.fo.t.ue.enh0wer's actlon lllst Feb' 2 ln fut Ron M irr revoking an order to the 7tn iieet P the droo ' whoito prevent Chinese Nationalist IV should Z vancou- c arrlved ln ust Uit h before dinner on Mrs. V. Grant Dies Aged 64 Mrs. Pearl Estelle Grant of 718 Fraser Street, long-time resident of this city, died last night at the age of 64 ln Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mrs. Grant, born in Goldendale, Wash., came to British Columbia 25 years ago. and to Prince Rupert in 1930. She is survived by her husband Vere. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of B.C. Undertakers and services will take place Friday at Grenville Court ChapeL Complete details have not been arranged. :Cfcalt"tSand- be met by stiff Western opposition. Canada is definitely opposed. One Canadian spokesman Tuesday described the Russian proposal as "fantastic." He said Canada, as a combatant ln Kor imilllWII liMaiBMiWPlWIl'"!'!! l'RT 1 tmu I Bill ill ill ilr.W-fftfff- attacks on the mainland. -WEATHER- Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with showers today and Thursday. Not much change ln temperature. Southerly winds 15. Low tonight and high tomorrow epUmaV. : na"y Clea eU. accord- could pave the way perhaps for future discussions of other Far Eastern problems such as Indochina. So far the U.S. has not budged from its position. Martin Is scheduled to speak for Canada today in the political committee ana observers expect him to put a strung ns toi India i uttHi inflict. "'"anying offi- Nr's iPO FIRST OF THE NKW WHEAT CROP to be thres,hed ln the Lethbrldge, Alta., area U being shovelled Into a truck by 15-year-old Dwight Perry on his father's farm at Chin. The wheat' grades No. 2 and is yielding about 30 bushels an acre. For the third successive year, western farmers face a storage problem this fall as the crop year ends. Prospects of another good grain crop and a carryover of about 485,000,000 bushels of all grains add up tn a possible maior storage tie-up when the n"' grain stm'ts moving to elevators "ved bv iv, Vancuver thanny..th.e cdets who ea, had a right to a place at the conference table and would Insist upon it. in the light, of rie- Pnhu n, y vr the at Port Hardy, Sandsplt and: Prince Rupert 52 and B2. VBlilpllit-lltS.