u m r u m 1 1 1 u i rttittHHti 'George Drew Challenges Prime Minister Pi Monday, lure Rupert July h (t. illy 1953 News More Than 100 Engineers, Men Make Ammunitk iOn Retention of Farm Price Supports Buffalo Hit Preliminary Survey of Seaway Project Dump Hit By Bus Strike D.. I I . . I By The Canadian Press ( He snid at a press conference to improve trade with Common- TORONTO (CP) Experts babble ed States would receive the i tion some 30 miles of railway oy ugmnm rnme Minibur ei. iaureni ana mai Mr. si. Laurent described wealth countries which were the BUFFALO, NX AP) This in astronomical figures in same. I would be relocated and 45 miles CHICAGO (AP) ' Ho;i. George Drew, Progressive price support as "socialism" in an ( "obvious outlets" ot Canadian industrial area of 1,0110,000 pop-Conservative i of- highway rebuilt. set off Lj estimating the power potential Two large dams across the a fire in leader, trade terri- Ontario campaign speech. , A ! farm produce. ulation felt the full impact of Already about 120 engineers munition an of tHo Qt T cm ranKU i;noniii rtirt- international portion of the dump on c " l" wcr- i-auiciii, i-iugira.Mve iunservauve govern- i ! and men are on the banks of jn Ottawa, Mr. St. Laurent will a transit strike in the morning i northwest side heeds west from Ottawa while ment would establish a producer-! meet Wjtn niS cabinet, probably rush hour today as bus driver's jJect- river will produce this tremendous the historic river engaged in rocking a half-mile-snn, Sunday Mr. Drew returns from the west represented agricultural board to ' set an initial price for wheat prepared to vote on a new com-1 Robert Saunders, chairman of amount of electricity. One preliminary planning. with a tremendous ,. to stump Northern Ontario, determine fair farm prices on j for the new crop year opening pany offer. ithe Ontario Hydro Commission. will incorporate a powerhouse More than 70,000 tons of re display. parts vi iueuec ana me Man- i uib Dasis or a scienunc aay-io-j a,Ug 1. Agricultural Minister! The 1.800 drivers, mechanics ' says the increased power cap- 3.500 feet long, containing 36 inforcing steel will be needed as Some 3,000 resident analysis. , Gardiner also is expected to and clerical workers were called acity to Canada from the sea generating units. The units well as some 108,000 tons of evacuated from their Winding up his western tour at 1 Referring to trade, Mr. Drew ! bring up Liberal policy on the to a morning union meeting to way would be equal to 28,000,000 would produce 2,200,000 horsepower. Drillnriipn 1 Dtan A dllll mm a nT 1 ..1.1 n ho- Sa; katoon during the week-end, said the dollar-sterling problem j South Saskatchewan dam pro-Mr consider an offer by the Niagara men working eight hours a day copper, more than 7.630,000 bar- juries reported, Drew challenged Mr. St. is an artificial barrier which I ject, on which the Liberals have Frontier Transit Corp to end I for 300 days a year. Technically The dams would raise the rels of cement and 118,000 board Exploding 120 Laurent to sav whether the Lib- could be broken by "making ! not made a firm commitment the four-day strike feet mm si speaking, Canadians would have level of water 80 feet. The project of lumber. This Is exclu- off brilliant 'a, er:.l government, if re-elected money the servant of trade, not I and which Mr. Drew said Satur-Aug. The drivers old pay stale wns!an additional 8.300.000.000 kilo- calls for the moving of at slve of requirements for ma- the sky back by orange the 10, will repeal farm price the master." A PC government j day a Progressive Conservative $75.74 for a 44-hour week. Other bla watt hours j at a cost of nearly least eight Ontario communities chlnery and equipment in the of a burning anti-alrc support legislation. would make a concerted effort government will build. scales varied. i $19,000,000 each year. The Unit to higher ground. In addl- powerhouses. stallation building. 1 7 n n r crp While They lb u on ju UJ LJ LnKJ U 1 1 r c c LiniAi vnii R ... nuvv iuu JLa U A v JACKPOT now 13.65 TO WIN THE JACKPOT, YOUR SALES SLIP MUST BE FROM THE CURRENT WEEK! CAN WIN CASH ! READ THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ENTER YOU WIN this contest YOU CAN ALSO WIN $100 WiTHOUR CERTIFICATES WHICH WILL BE DRAWN SEPT. 15th Patronize the Best for Laundry and Dry Cleaning Phone IDEAL Cleaners & Laundry "THE HOUSE OF , BETTER CLEANING" We Pick Up and Deliver SANDAL TIME In the ads shown on this page ycu will find three clues per week as to the identity of a world-famous personality. FOR PLAY Last.., Good Condi!! USED TIRES Liberal trade-in your old ones' r 11 rte carry a run line GENERAL TIRES "General goes a I way to make frienc VULCANIZING RE-CAPPING FLATS FIXED Clue No. S: Recently nott lor Secretary-General 0! 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