The Prince Rupert Ccily News' Thursday, January 21, 1C54 arm Personality, Superb Playing Win fation For Violinist Frances Maqnes . . 'f iti' 1 1 j Possibilities of staging a spring fashion show possibilities as lashion show were discussed f-p.-inc fund-raking Dreiect ,when memt.-rs of the Business, . COmDletelw !i(itf,,i 11.. ji.. .. . iinest musical event ot anu froi.-ss.onal Women's Club ov-.- fcAS lAN0 v,. held tnrl- montMy ...eeting at . m . i; ine aiiegro vivace movement of hL , ,K?manza Andaluza by , the Beethoven Sonata, Mr. Oar-i naiasate. In a different mudi..,, i.. .i. .... ... , . .1 5.01H Uie I ne Canadian Leyion . ' over-u-., The .roup wil, investigate snrTii'I1'?'!. ..H"1P in to date was last I violin roncrrt by thp (Frances MaRnes whose and vivacliy in both Ji t y and playlnf? won he: FINICKY... THAT'S US Yes. we're sure cranks about the condition of used cars we sell. Every car must be In apple-pie order. No skimping around this place . . . Guess that's why so many folks say we have the best used cars in town. Why not look them over today .... Easy terms, of, for your convenience. T r, niaiijr u)ic llie Know Il'Ol.l worn Vvere Brahms' n, u Hungarian the artist. Vta"toiK P", ir: 1 s,",""! ere were flaws n iuli ii'L""? Hn.f.rith- Performance, a, there al- Jl!v wai ni i e.-jijii.i. iruin music lovers. ', lion. l ways are. But, if so, lliey were iMiureu oy a completely adsorbed audience. like no other artist i n,iv,,,, I.rri. -She sweot through! .""VTHMIC RENDITION THE NEW Sarasate'x "7.u ft 1 ? During the intermission, R. C. new to us, but will be a favorite Telford, chairman of the . Al lUdiner program with fly-ors. Then, while recciv-ratulations on her per-je at the reception lol- & in iuiure after her rxeitin" rhythmic rendition. Tho ......I. r . i ilie inu concert, u..i.v.t, she -conn wiiii-1, wum ui me accompanist l) praise by proudly pass- j also drew rave notice from th : l ..lmu .r.r ii-ll rw. . aska Music Tr 11 Auxiliary which brings the concert series here, outlined the financial position of the organization and aske for .'. jggc-tioiu to- next year".! serif-. He estimated '.hut somt $2,050 was reouired to finnnc. tho fm '51 MONARCH SEDAN 49 CHEV. -,,-Ton PICK-IP Radio, heater, air cond'.- A1 condition through- tioning. Blue metallic out A r"Kged truek fo' heavy duty work. i. paint. Only $180Q only $1090 '41 FORI) TIIDOR '50 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN Radio heater and air- Excellent shape. Heater t-onclitionmg . Not a and flefr0sters. For real rattle in it. $1075 economy. A buy at J865 SEWS DARNS EMBROIUf-RS MONOGRAMS BITTONIHU.ES SEWS ON Bl'TTOrtS And has a Lifetime Guarantee. See it NOW. Terms SM.Oll Down, SI5.00 Month iiiiiii niiaj.iiiui.i ii'-i;c. uuvio uarvey, who tonth-old baby boy, back i. has worked with Miss Magnes M.iiii Vnrlr nnH Uhnt.. '.fnr fhn me la,.l Inst fimr . , her! vhom she considers a partner, jther ne iooks t'if Liuier man uiw an an nccomDanlst, season, and said more concert to date was only f concerts ,;u'";eiis this mis & r..-. the conceit. Missi'was outstanding. The demands that, mat, with witn one one f.-. ho wed Impeccable l'(n nim were hear- but l.e met 8. revenue to with full-.s.:euiii-j !. ih"m v.-ltl? apioins l.V.ruuhoiii.N-buut 4 but pomplete control. I. In Zapatacic !!::! years of! At the recepli ion followine (.ha McRAE BROS. PRETTY Constance McDonald wonripr where the barbers are finding what seem to "c barbel -shop poles on the '. ?acli of St. Petersmirg, Fla. OoU;-ful, aren't tlipy?'. AND MANY MORE VALUES GALORE BOB PARKER LTD. 'junrlrinir' t, ...v.. .. . C 0 1 C C F I, fcierly bowin", light as ft i-"B'iiK:i siifiwen un rt nr Ihrilllnalu rr.tTi refreshments we'p Wrens of HMCS S.Y. "The Store That Service Built" iu r i ii vi u oy through pei feet . timing, and in 'Chatham Phone G or 3G Variably drew beautiful i-. l . , I "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" ' I '11 lll l 1111 llinii lllllllll. jing the concert was passionate, dramatic J " with which .she won lion. Tzigane nirnns Bid the music wag u'.l if played by Miss Magnes. ijr.ird it played liefore, a like this. Ravel nimbi h ive been delighted. fl) MOODS else, after Tzigane, lave been an nntl-cll-t Miss Magnes contin-4ild her ii- nence ir. travel composition, t!.e I which switched the pin pu.ssi. .. and rt.-imi auty. lier sections of her Iwcre just as satlsfy-4t-1 vehicles for her es-e hniriue were Scli'i-iaiina in D ma jor and U s Sonata in a major. Supretation of Chaus-fiis was beautiful and Si- j,,,, , TL 0 lFmM BortleMs, Bortleffs, Columbia, Columbia.. 7' I Jfe'VJ SSSS . JT- U Choice, Choice, 1 15-o. 5-oz. Tin Tin U II I VmAttl. l! i F Medir 252's TOMATO JUICE .11 5i IT 2 dozen . . 75c Artists Musicale local artists enjoyed a t the home of Mrs. (ompson, 1426 PlgROtt lUrtaining one an-their various talents, hose participating 3 tmnmmmmmmBmmammmwmmaammmmmmHmmmmmK j JLL jJ Royal City, Size 5's, 15-ox. Tin I ((CnV& Ryo1 CitY' Fancy, ' U ? 1 yll Cream Style, 15-ox. Tin 1 Jj (LJ iE Dondd Duck' B,endcd 20 ox-Tin tf I SAUERKRAUT - tSt GRAPEFRUIT Indian River, Pinks. 96's ' 3 for 29c GRAPEFRUIT I" River. White, 96's 3 for 2.7c PEARS Fancy Flemish : . 3 lbs. 27c PEARS Fancy Flemish, 40-Lb. Box $2.89 BEAN SPROUTS 17c LETTUCE California, Large 2 heads 3 5c CLUSTER RAISINS 39c f utricia Wicks, Colorado, who sang "II Bac-I "Espagnole," All red inist, who played sev-tn compositions, and 4rs. J. Sandboss, who nbout a year ago from t Mr. Sandboss, a call' t, played Bach Pre-I Fugues while Mrs. je-iprano, sang several f.s In Italian and Ger- a;idland, a violinist, litz Kreisler composi-(y.irmly received as was ballet dancer. Mrs. also took part, playing Wipin works and con-th Beethovan's beau-plight Sonata." Jli wound up the en-fning with refresh- 9 .. .. . . . WAFFLE SYRUP, Nabob 21 -oz. 32: SOYA SAUCE Bottle 24c H.P. SAUCE ' L Bottle 34c CHORE GIRLS 3 for 24c LEMON CHEESE, Nabob 31c AMMONIA. Liquid Bottle 13c DELUX TEA BAGS. 1 25's L..L $1.25 KADANA TEA BAGS, 30's 27c NABOB TEA Lb. 89c INSTANT COFFEE, Maxwell House..... 64c SPANISH RICE DINNER, 15-oz. tin 22c PUFFED WHEAT Cello Bag 12c O CIGARETTES ARE CHEAPER BY THE CARTON DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER, 1st Grade , Lb. gg WHIPPING CREAM ;. 2-Pint BUTTERMILK Quart 23 MILK, Fresh Quart Ctn. 28C FIRST GRADE FLOUR 0 MAPLE LEAF 24-lb. sack $1.(J5 MAPLE LEAF 49-lb. sack $39 BISCUITS RYVITA, Weston's Pkt. 25c ANIMAL ARROWROOT Large Pkt. 25c TUTTI FRUITI SANDWICH Lb. 2Qc CHRISTIE'S ARROWROOT .... Large Pkt. gg PEEK FREAN ARROWROOT Pkt. 34q ii ii ri i n ii- THIS IS MACARONI & CHEESE WEATHER FRANKFURTERS No. 1, 1 Lb. Ceiio 45c DELICATED STEAKS ls. 69c HOCKLESS PICNICS Swift , 59c PORK RIBLETS Lb. 25c Ready-to-Serve HAMS fuify Cooked, as cut Lb. 72c FIRST GRADE BACONS End Cuts . 79c FIRST GRADE BACONS Centre Cuts 03c loo.Sclicai-1 of the Mooseheart here at the home of lenent Mrs. H. Muncey for future activities ed. P also enjoyed whist, nze going to Mrs. O. ( present included Mrs. M" F. Good, Mrs. Id Mrs. O. Robinson. were Mrs. Mabel 'is. S. Haugan, Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Nlck-I 'NG RESULTS yrmerday ultrrnoon's rt Murray trophy com-Jin- Prince Rupm Worn-I Club tin iu foHown: J'l'trow 5; Patrlde 4. p m 5, Hamilton 10.' Unmorrow: Patrldife vs. f" VS. WllklFV H,ll,n WIZARD WICK ...... Bottle 42c CLOTHES PINS, Best Pkt. 32c ASSORTED SPONGES Bag 48c COFFEE, Rhumba Lb. 98c 53c EGGS t Grade A Large - I" Cartons, Doz. SOAP Sunlight, Bar ........ bdf 2, . Z7c KRAFT DINNER .ftfllllLK. PACIFIC DELTA CARNATION 2 tins 31C case lots $7.19 This is Super-Valu's Everyday Price on this commodity VOLUME IS OCR BUSINESS. Thal'i why oar merchandise Is fresh and low priced. PINEAPPLE Choice Aola, Crushed, 20-or. Tin - iC V.ANCOTTVPn JELLY POWDERS 3- 25c PEACHES 2. ns 35C Choice Columbia r ii nan" 'ft. i Waypoints FRIDAYS: JUITLAM, 8 p.m. Sundays: -iosun, 8 p.m. rt and Alice Arm 6n, Saturday, 6 p.m. Queen Charlotte f Islands t 27 and Feb. 10 I Thursday, 6 p.m. Queen Charlotte I Islands Piry 3 and 17 t Thursday, 6 p.m. S SMITH Rupert Agent Ms- Phone 868 t f We now stock VAN'S - CO-OP and RUPERT BAKERY Save lea loaf at Super-Valu PORK & BGAMS -r .2 tins 25c Nabob 15-oz. SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27th J