i he f I imCc Thuiscia. r , January. 21, 1(M WHAT'S THE ANSWER? Although I seem to be perpetu ally emptying aibtrays my hou mmm -t of tea contains a stale cigarette odor. U yon know may uay I can aileti-ate this unpleasant smelt? i i i BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE rail mm r - uyv By EASLEY BLACKWOOD l!'i, , ' ' , '1 ,i-r. ' . ' V 5 : ' ' ' ' ' ... : ' I ITS- V , Hold-Up Can't Be Used DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS If First Trick Is Needed j Here is another case where declarer should not. , hold up on the opening trick. Miss Brash's somewhat 39A SiTTES FOR RENT Classified Kates "THE DAILY NEWS "CIRCULATION" it time 4 30 p m. day preTioua SUITE. Phone Red 984. (29) doubtful raise to two no trump got Mr. Masters into a game contract and Mr. Abel led the seven of spsdes. Mrs. Keen put up the king and Mr. Masters very promptly won with the ace. A. Yes, here's trick you'll find most htlpful. Sprinkle m little dry baking soda in the bottom of each ashtray. Soda not only helps reduce stale cigarette odors and makes ashtray cleaning easier, but it quickly squelches those hall lit cigarette stubs prevents the danger of (ires. 40 HOMES FOR SALE "today last year HAVE YOU A SMALL, DOWN PAYMENT? . 3266 3233 654 wny aid ne not hold up in an South dealer If so, we offer this comfortable i effort to get Mrs. Keen out ufi d 3 rcnfi dt word per In- ' minimum charge 60 etnll ',tl,es !) renta. Card of pe'aih Notice, Funeral . j,' MnrrlaK and Enfagemenl mri-menes, 12.00. Display double, prlo. No Refunds ,C cot accept rT'1"',bl'T slfiini urti Inserted Incorrect! r wroiiK enMlflmtlon unleaa ! Neither side vulnor.ih! ' 3 K 32 FOR S.tl.E MISC. North (Mi- llra-ili) 86 5 4 all I lour-room bungalow near tpi spades? He had two good rea-bfls and shopping. Fuli price 1 sons, both good. First the key yNEAR THE CONVENT ' 'CL" iZ? 1 Immaculate five-room bungn- j ng l" the, cntlr,c iuit to mak" low, close to everything. SpucV ; "w contract. And the diamond ions floor plan displays lai 'Te i "Hesse had to be taken toward U BUSINESS PERSONALS C'HKNI LLE BEI )SPH EAI )S WITH FRINGE. SIZE fi4xl()3 AT ONLY $5.49 EACH H A Ttiil d'tttucmcfrt rt not publitHtd r dupUjrtd by. At Liquor Control Bowa1 Of by tkf Govcriwr.cnt of IritiA Coltimbit . ' pit IJ 10 6 Ion nl Mien errora w r--i-i !4 hours of nnt uwrin, F rnm factory to you. This is Luxury Steamer Prince George SAIUS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday Ml 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN the very (incst chenille bed I living-dining room combination, f Mr. Abel. i housewife's dream of a kitchen, j Second, there was an import-Open stairway leads to two ant tactical advantage in win- A (Mr. Abel) S- Q 10 8 7 3 2 H K J u a 3 C -M 8 4 ANT AD (Mm. Kivii) f S K U J I HQ 10 7 3 A OK 7 4 II C J 7 8 3- II SALE PRICES Still in Effect FLATS $3 95 to $8.95 BUSINESS Arid PROFESSIONAL spread made, completely covered with Corduroy baby Chenille. No sheeting showing. With beautiful fringe all around. First quuiity, they come in elaborate multi-colored flower patterns or solid same color oat- j .uwiujr i.m ui lAjiiin uuu Uitill. ru: cement basement, automatic oil turiiace. Terms arranged. 1 Armstrong Agencies Ltd. j Phone 342 Eves. Red fFifl i (17) ! ning the first tricj:. Assuming the worst, that Mr. Abel woult win trick two with the king of diamonds, it was by no means certain that he would then cash his spades. That is, he would rot know for sure that the spades would run. sum ii (Mr. MilMrrs) 8 A J H-5 4 2 D A QtSl C--K 2 The bidding; South West North WEDNESDAY Miilnigbl Comfort and Service REPLIES ore holding replies ne following News oxes: 2 865 878 885 j SMALL 4 Wartime, furnished. Full cement basement. Good location. Phone Blue 394. (25) Tast, ' JrSz-. Pa., r Vor reservations write 01 call City or Depot Otnce, Prince Rupert, B.C. CUBAN HEELS $5.95 to $11.95 OPTOMETRIST ; KEITH H. TUCKER..' 210 Fourth Street . Phone 212 1 D Pass 1 H 1 NT I'ass 2 NT 3 NT All iiii3S What if Mrs. Keen had start-! ed with the lone kinr; and Mr.' Masters now had the jack and 40A Houses Want' a to Buy terns. In all shades ond in both! extra large double bed size or', .single size. At only $5.4!) each.t sent COD plus postage. Never before a bargain like this bed-' .spread with fringe. Immediate 1 money-buck guarantee TOWN' & COUNTRY MKO.. Box !04. ' Place I) Amies, Montreal, Quebec, i rip), COUiKINQ books, large selection now wiling at HALF PRICE at TUB VARIETY, STORK. (7l! WE Tt AUK c,.u,.r.,l h.. ..i..e ie,t." jn mat case u might ,.d t0 h(jId un ... nro Th.,n for houses up to $12,000. Im- i ruin tn, fhances of the defen Replies must be i he would have had to play hi, j3ck of spades. Mrs. Keen would led fcr in person I HIGH HEELS $6.95 to $10.95 CAPLI NG TRUCK lUt mediate Inspection. i to cash the queen of spades. H. (J. Helgcrson Ltd. ! f, foursc ln lhis P-irtirutar . ! hand Mr. Masters wouldn't Inve u i c... j i mHzi Fs.tate und lns j a if 96 xur. char cr ,tht; Or P. Wilson, Black 197. Eves. Pade8 weren t cashed. But COMlMi LVE.VIS Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smittwrs Every Tuesday and Friday. leriati Burns BaiKtiet 21. return the nine at trick two and now the spade situation would be crystal clear to Mr. Abel. II he had the kirn; of diamonds he would win with that card and then there would be no question about cashing the resi of his spades. SKATE sharpening and sa 1 22 ' "--"'"B n:rj;iii, nave nupper .K-j VOGUE SHOES DANCE For connections rhoneJJSJJ int. All types of saws. Pr cision Saw Filing, 215 1st West. il the U F A W.U. Dance, Legion Auditorium. 141 1 Limited 500 3rd Ave. W. Green 595 (itel 1 card party. at i Auxiliary .nd 17. ea. ror example, aiier winniti with the theoretical king of diamonds, and deciding that a spade return was dangerous, Mr. Abel might have led a club. Worse decisions have been made. And a club lead would have given Mr. Masters almost i certain nine tricks. To kxik at il the inner w.y, suppose Mr. Masters had elcct- Investors Syndicat at Citniwla., LUt. anrt 1nvrlors Mutuai of Canada Lid. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph.38i,,. 315 Third Avenue W, Ht-prcMMitatlve (tir Priiir.t Uupf-rt, Titihc and Kltinmt j I HAVE been transferred here i from Edmonton and want to I buy a five- or six-room house. ;Can make a Mibntii'tUal payment. Box 889, Daily Mews. 1 1 3 42 WANTED rt, 1:ENT DUTCH family wants to reit. Immediately a tliren-bedrooni , house, close in. flon.act J. ti. (Storm, Kilimat, B.C. 17pt i TRAILER to sleep fur for 4wo ! weeks. Apply Box 890. Dully 1 News. (21-nci THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt i House wiring and electrie.il f repairs. 149 9th A2. Wist.; Phone Red 165. , i:t!',( ; WORLD'S FINEST ("LEANER I EI.F.CTROLUX. Phone Blue 170 for Parts Sales aervlrw. : , : WII.FORD Electrical "Works. Motors bought, sold, rewjjnd and j repaired. ufi I rl Guide and Brownio ikr- Sjlc and Novelties. Si M e Krlli.nl. Fell. . 1" I Chuirh W A Valentine ft 11 al Mrs. L.' M. ,. 945 Burden St. Elks Home Jan. 22 Ciiril Party. January Clearance COATS AND BUNNY BAGS Vz to Vi off at THE STORK SHOPPE 214 Sixth St. Green 184 (19) Feb. 11. (3!)' Friday fF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY..., ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 039. M. J. SAUNDERS I.ISTCSCS V NTEO ; 43 lull Lamn W A. . FOR TnAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON D1BB PRINTING . COMPANY W1LFOKD Electrical Works ! Dealer lor Ekolite Sounders, i i3H ' Since. Fob. 12.' un. ;in Vali nt me Tri fc DRESSMAKING (Hid I tionx. Phone Red 224. altera- 31) 10 p.m. 2 a.m. $1 .00 per person Unescorted ladies admitted free until 11 o'clock. MUSIC BY : i ATTENTION Owners: We hnve I several buyers for irood four-i room houses. No waiting when you list with Jim Georgeson at i Armstrong Agencies Ltd. ; Phones 342 Eves. Red 958 ' tlt I INVISIBLE repairs, ! ing. 727 Fraser St. CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Pbone 133 Valentine Dance. Feb. imiuvmn i nly. Tickets s Barber ohop. Edw.i'fi p.r.A. Tea ar.d rrh 18. FULL bed complete; chrome set. green table, yellow chairs, waffle iron, saw, elecirolux floor polisher. All in perfect condition. Call it 1001 Hay Cove Avenue. I17pi TO ORDER Avon Pioduets. call Red 504 1 2 1 ) i SCOTT McLAREM " Ctl.RTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 603 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 THE WESTERNAIRES 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE Ae EVERYONE MAGAZINES, uotre.uet. News BUnd. INVITED ca dies to Afri t 4 .v , .;V ' "K 'V'." ' "!' i s 4 '. ' -f. '. I - ' i . Vr " '"-'' i V.I Wi f f . , ' '''' 1 : f' A f ,- V V ; , v ;; v ' ,! , T r r ' f t . ' -' '; ' ''i'y . A''-" .... , l5t'V! "4 " -v-..'-a- t-;vs', i : y,rVv '''VH e ; ,i i' " ;t ,rr.t.. 'y , lis ' ' , OFFER will be received for Lots ml Spring Sale, April U7) 7 and 10. Blo.-k 53,,Hazelton 1 PHIt CCi refrioersit.ir 7 en fr BEER Bottle collecto., in excellent condition; chert1 Townsite. Highest or any offer; Gri en (i8p; 626. BLONDIE Business as Usual! r.ot necessarily accepted. M. A of drawers; painted kitchen set; By CHIC YOUNG Myros. Executor, A. E. Smil h j Estate, Haaclton. B.C. ' iU)j 46 Bl'SINESS OPPOItTI'NITIES I ftl'.MIN iL i foi' Vancouver by, car v Jan. 25. Room for hare expenses. I'hutie I lK'll DITHERS UO U9E LMN ,VJ YOU TA:, FOR chimney cleaning and odd jobs, phone Green 173. (42p CARS? Bob Parker s of course? CALL MR. ' ( AND TELL I- j . ': ,cy'"S " -4 . 1 j :t it ALL At.L T'-tr T.-tr I IM I H.AVE around do. no in,.-. AMD VvONT NOTHING -'(OUT Ot HEi'vt r- 7 A COLD A C-.jJ) V BE MTH E CFRCt AC-A'COD I'M i I'.'ITH A CCLC, S f .UTTMEH-ES J TO BE DONEJ -. lour dining room chairs; roomy modern walnut bedroom suite; 34-slze bed painted sea green, soring and new felt mattress; Zenith electric washing machine; Super-Clipper lawn-mower with rubber treads; pictures with modern frames; boy's books and records; garden tools, fruit jars, etc. Bargain prices. Black 216. 502 6th Ave. E. (18i TOOAV ', , , -I NEARLY everybody uses 69. i Alcoholics Anonv-1 Box ;u cm Us roi'Mi "Tops in Opportunity" , j Cafe and bakery for sale. Go- ing concern. Monthly turnover i five thousand. Good locution.! Reasonably priced for ouick sale, i Terms acceptable. Reply to P.O. Box 261, Burns Lake. BC. l!)i I I GOLDEN Cocker male ! Phone Oreen 879. pupnv. 1 16) IF r-.V., .1 Bs lie LOST 47 AUTOMOBILES 'MM PERSONALS RT MURRAY le Bulletin INFECTIVE NOW 4 t-V 1 POT-BURNER oil raiiRe, auar-, anteed three months. Phone ! Green 2187. (19) suit I GOLD slj-net ring. Finder please I phone Oreen 063. 1 17.i 1949 MONARCH sedan. Phone Green 326. i21pl J OIL he:.ler, $4'.'0. 668 7lh Easi. (18) ' 18 HELP WANTED MALE LEGAL NOTIC ES ONE roll-away cot. Green fejfcL'..ifcrJ 933. U7i "auiss ana of excellent sweaters PPIKf'E RUPRIcT l,AN!l IIKCOIIOINO DIBTRTCT bia f stile at KING OFTHE ROYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY 0M-SAI.E PRICES ...... 0RT SHIRTS MECHANICS. MRtNH S1-NAI5, $3000 -$3840. for the Department . of Transport t Prince Rupert, B.C. Full par-t"Uie,' n rnttr.s otfiee. of the Clcll Service Commission, National Employment Service and Post Olflces. Application forms, obtainable thereat . should be filed NOT LATER THAN FEBRUARY 6 with the Civil Service Commission. 6Mi floor. 1110 W. Georpia St., Vancouver S, B.C. r (It l 34 WANTED MIS( EI.I.ANEOI S WANTED TOP MABKST PRICES PAID fof scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B O. Phone PAcific 6357. 1H) TAKE NOTICE that The CaniMluin Fishing Company -.Limited of Van-couvwr, B.C.w jKciipaibjit Jih.h oiinurry iiprafitoT.s, DiU'iid to - ilpplj . tof "a leusw of tlie following rtesfnbeti IiiihIs. sjtunte In front of Lot a. Bluok 1C District Lot 7 I Plan 1458 1, Townsite of Masset, Queen charlott District . COMMENCINO nt a post planted at the North East corner of Lot 6; $1.95 to $3.95 ;m goods left over nnstmas. JTER JACKETS A PAIR of men's skates, 13. Red 685. si7e 117) thence South fid" 18; East, 200 leu: j llifllec Sooth 3S- 4i' Wcr.t. a;) feel; thence North 5U" 16' West. 200 led. ""avy winter iacketa S3 SITUATIONS WTD.- E'f male more or less, to hiRh wnlfr triark. ; butterlt'S, ' be": 1,10 St:- '""ler of will Lot 5:, CASH rOR Scrap, copper, brass. subject to DISCOUNT 4 rad.ators. Phone 5-w Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) WILL loqk after children during day. Call at 9l9 loth Ave. East between 5 and 8 p.m. ililp) j gfgi 3G ROOMa fcOR RENT tirray Men's Wear v.ister raaiK to. point or comnience-metit and conuinlng 0.15 tures. more or lent, lor tlm piiriKwe of mooring fish bonts. boat ways and such other purposes ns may be required In the conduct of their operations. THE CANADIAN FISHING COMPANY LIMITRn "ur 1)0 a r "us More Sense" LI L ABNtR By AL CAPP 2G Hlll.DINti MA'IERIAI.S PHILPOTt! EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Inquire about our budget plan for your home investment. No down payment. $100 to $2,000. 6 to 24 mos. to pay. t M 118) TWO furnished light housekeepings room, separate or together. Reasonable. Green 809. ; (22p) LARGE, furnished light housekeeping room, Di blocks from Post Office. Phone Blue 727. 1 18n) per F. C. (Jnderhlil. Assail n Dated December 3rd. CANCEL tVERVTHINS" ju&a. (D31.J7.t4.21) I'M OM A MiS.'ON THAT MUSr ur cor neerk STJ VS. ACCOM fU SHEA.' NJtS T-THANi M I ?-HESCOMIN'AFTtl " : The STRANGE &TOPS HEr'Vi", USAGIN-AN TH BABV'S V ' AT A FARMHOUSE- JJj J V , , . , WAV I PHONE vJ-i WrN . n? Z CHICAGO?- 'SjyWSVt K ,S I'LLPAVTNE 17 ER-SERVICE US thf BRIGHT Unlit housekeeping room, furnished. Central location. Phone tfreen 241, evenings. (171 Youth Program REG1NA (CP) I'arlicipation in the youth centre and community centre programs increased by more thnn 50 per cent in 1953, compared with the previous year. Figures just issued show more than 72,000 attended the centres last year. servc your cor phone 386 c coll LARGE housekeeping room, reasonable. Phone Green 727. (19) Your Hrntlng Dollnrs Cio Further With Mclit'od River Hurd Coal LUMP ECIO 8TOKRH CimI Bpeclnltles: Lignite tn ton lots tie.SOTon niplomut r.tn Ton lots til) 00 Ton Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phones 118-117-58 (28c) cr nd nnA 0J COMFORTABLE sleeping room. 336 6th Ave. East, or phone Black 910. (21) lre'he Service is f'U 10 Nnr 3ne. LIGHT housekeeping room. 701 5th Ave. West, (20p) 37 ROOMS AND BOARD (tf) " 111 Dn,,v,t THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE , FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Footliills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (31) Li- Air. ROOM and board in private home for working man. Red 140. (21) Refr 'rations. WSU. VCU CM OELIV El? TW5 Eftl3E FROM HE TO VOuS Slims orks; Box Phone u n 01 HARP WE CAM SAVE WIS AND ROOM and board. 937 3rd West. (17) M S STOCSE5 THIS BV NOT 90THESiN5 E HM CO EVE8.' OOP ( UNO 000 RIDDANCE'.' 29A SEWING MACHINES house. 2-BEDROOM Ave. East. 812 6th (20p) LE. Warn,. r" RB-.. '.wirn un will, ''-al, ' ' 7-S . f " ' " ; r , ., J ,. ' , " - , , i ' .'. v ' ;. ;.-.-, A' 'A? .f ': , ; .s t. ' ,C" . . -id . . JALE3 Repalis Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c ri",l rubber.,, 39 IIOMES FOR KENT I'rices. (Ill ' 7 PLEASE LET ME "i f7' Tffjy ,, I outmjt wue husmno s fir "( I VSeV MUCH W LCl'E WITM Jf JlT. I , A ! Jj. YOU...NEEPS WU JF I (St M Vm V 50tfmhfY HECOE6MTNEE5ME-WE It) JTtLlUiyU r NP9 YOU 1DM8V wm, ' av "ZS 1 1$ ' ri iKtA UP FrEe HIM. A fx M 4-t,-?iv wi.ptEAotoHi' as, AS Siz5 in i i mi ' J - i i n, I, mi f DINING PLEASURE- in ;' SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe 32 FOR SALE MISC. furnished 'Q diiokiii. (21) TWO-ROOM lull; cabin. Seal Cove. ! Phono Blue 825. '-1- -J X-CjjL A v mi I J' West. Letour- CHILD'S tricycle, good condition. Phone after 6 p.m., Rd P89. d7 r (ci 39A SnTES FOR RENT Mm,; o. Purk. APARTMENT of business Rlrl on sharing basis. Phone Green 184, 9-6 only. (18) 1 PAIR boy's skates, size 8. . Good condition. Phi-no Blue 196. (lip) i. neo 593. (20ib' . : r- I I ,. . ,x jLmJ