I'i ntc Rupert Daly Nnws ! hwsdiiy, January 21, 1S54 Seguin Concealed Poison In Body To Cheat Gallows Ly The C'unuUiau Pruas CORNWALL, Ont. Henri Seguin concealed the noison he swallowed to take his own life and escape ! Wallace's . Sale i ! Winter 7 "7 J Now ! Clearance On! the gallows in his body, perhaps as long as nine months, a coroner's inquest was told Wednesday night. ' Hc krPl thp viaI of Poison in The five-man Jury absolved lender "lumtaum container iJl off telal and othcr la-i on his cot after he died : minute visitors to Sesuin's death found 7" df ib- ST I haVed 'fo? inTe-hoTr nearmd f Lenal'd took only 20 minutes to return H"'a- . " .at His cc-jmunanon to cheat a verdict of srlf-adminlstcred the hangman .was in death from cyanide poisoning "Pjroswd 32nd and I nul jwrc o a The evidence indicated that S WALLACE'S GIVE YOU Dresses For The Price Of ..,! miv h -.v.- hidden t h l' ' " ""v'. DRAPERY CLEARING Res. $3.90 - S4.30 $1.99 yard Reff. S2.75 - $3.40 $1.69 yard mmhlinir and unerammatical. :4, LADIES' SWEATERS Gran'mere - Jontxen St. Michael . - Monarch MacKinnon of Scotland PULLOVERS 6t CARDIGANS 2 I wu enmnleted the dav of his death and read by police only poison in his rectum from the time he was captured in British Columbia last spring in an at tempted holdup. after Seguin was in nis aea-.n throes. - II 1 I CONDEMNED AS DOG North HOIfK As written, it said: II VI IVIVIJ "Justice has condemned me as . I r. a dog, they will try and hang D.mht t-lllllKA - me like one, but I will try my DllUill I lllUlt- best not to, I will cheat them, Sizes 9 Through 44 Reg. From $9.95 to $25 HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Pick' out any two dresses you wish. Try them on too. It the same price, pay for one only. U different, pay the highest only. Either way you get one absolutely FREE. 2 for 1 Sale Rrgular SG.95 to S9.95 first quality. Your choice. Rcgul.tr S1.H5 to $3.85 First quality. Your choice. $499 $299 " ! to the very last end, if I do C r-,i, ! succeed to cheat them in the; JaVS UlCVV lend I will only be too glad to. J do so, if I don't cheat them U ' By The Canadian Press will not be because I did not ! 1 i Regular 98c -$1.25. NOW 69 C yard All Sizes From 14 to Size 44 All branded sweaters. Assorted colors ond sizes. Excellent selection. OTTAWA. Opposition I The letter, Seguin's last re-,, J leader Ueorge mew see, autnoritics at n 0.clock for; CL0THS ond Toblecloth Sets ' x fVnifl'i'e fivwnn north- riMWorv delivery tn to .the the rnndemned condemned ' '. . Entire Stock Ladie's Coats winter $4.95 Better Quality O AO SMOCKS. Sixes 12 to 20 : man's sister. By the time pro- ; vincial police inspector Robert Wannell reached the end of page 32, Seguin was dead. 3 Price Groups $j4..9 Our Our st.nek stock is is limited limited but but the the Reg. $2.95 to $3.95 Ladies' WOOL KNIT 1.49t0 HEADWEAR $1.99 A grand assortment of styles and colors. Buy for this year and next year too. land as holding a bright future for youth and enterprise. He urged the Commons Tuesday to.'direc.t its attention to the potential wealth of the north. 'n many ways the north coal $2.99 $5.25 Blue and Green UNIFORMS Clearing 24" I'fcClLIAR HABITS The bulk of evidence at the inquest concerned Seguin's peculiar toilet customs, his re reductions are unlimited. At these prices, you can't lose. fusal to use facilities outside his $29" eeCKOns 10 me youu aim .. ,.,,. frlr Reg. $33 to $55 Reg. $2.50 Hand Woven ffM WOOL SCARVES. Yours For W( $6.95 Large Size DRESSES S3 99 5 Sixes 46 to 52 us. to people of ail ages. v;tio; ' - - ( that had told guards r.ail. lie Sizes From 12 Through Sie 50 look for the rewards that com his sanitary hubils 'vere irregu lar and that he" p-3ferred the a greater privacy vt iV -11. Dr. Ward Smith, uirector cf JJ l he Ontario Medical Legal La-! Wallace s1 Dept. Store With adventr.-c and with new development ,. . "I would hope th-.t ... every Way possibit wc wo'il.l dire", &!fr attention to that distant urea so as to encourage youiv, Canadians and Otlv. 'ti i ltuvc Hot yet e,.me to Cmud.l to see!; opportut.ivy there." Mining (Us-o ' ii'S in Hi' Korthwe-it Terri'-.rfrs. -ipfl..i- STORE WIDE' BARGAIN HUN1 boratory. Toronto, testified that a i from tlie condition of the alum- m , inus contiiiner he estimated 1 1 hat it could htve been secreted in Seguin's body for at least six J months. m I other stomach contents marie m ' T'.nssible a reconstruction of the a Some Quantities Are Limited. ly uranium icr atomic energy ... i DONT MISS THIS SALE-No Returns, Pleast hrid had ffieused focused attention aitenuon on on th r . A -north. The government shouW 'the glass vial, then 5 ol tlv., - encouragc scUlomeiu e scvf,ral timcs t0 r.orth in every way po-.b i h lHSS and relcasc lhc MT Tt, !? ' : Mson. He then consumed th, , r.n a bill which will ;c.d a rmuut u . , , ' UlV ' VA,)!- fleeted re .resentative to the ; WALLACE'S GIRLS DEPARTMENT PRICE REDUCTIONS Mf.nh;esi rornlones council Tino hill was anoroved :md SWIM Ml NO INSTHVCTOR EAHI.SWOOU, Eug (CP) Tom Gibbons, 72 claims his two pet eats are efficient .swimmers and frequently catch fish in lakes )n needs only formal third rcadiivi before being sen!, to the Senaiv. The Commons aI:-o l.iunclied Buy Ahead Op These' Items - Quality And Savings Luaranteed e)ause-by-claii.so study of the this Warwickshire district,. -ne n:iw revision Ol tile Cl'illl- ?00 inal Code, first thorough over-, cai, ne say. ws'" haul since 18U2. I 25 kiUl;115 swim. Reg. 89c GIRLS' WOOL MUTS All Sizes Reg. $12.95 Monarch INFANT'S PRAM SUIT ..... $8.99 girls: LINED JEANS SS J"! 4 lor Bt Reg. 29c GIRLS' BRIEFS -Ages 2-4-6 ' : TODAY TO SATURDAY . . ..in B,i,l Ir 1 Bhrl'urk! .20.. I Story Sensitively Told! lenaer as h.j"' Reg. 49c - 69c GIRLS' BRIEFS-Ages 8-10-12 . 4 lor GIRLS' COATS -All Ages Priced BELOW Cosl MEN'S WEAR eiinp BOY'S k jT BOW A KIIOKT SI'KJKCTS $3.29 to $3.9? A fAMOUS riAYlti IMIA'M P ADAM FELT HATS HW.ru ti A to Tn Cleuranee of broken lots to make room. HALF PRICE MEN'S SLIPPERS Sizes 8 to stee 11. Leather slippers. Reg. $4.95 and $5.95. ni 7n ' JACKETS "Impact Of Tragedy" "Much Ado About Nothing Shows at 7-9:10 5at. Mat 2 p.m. $2.99 and i : special Today To Saturday - SVHdIv.'Vp. Men's Surcoats and Jackets M-G-M- C1GAHTJC ADVENTURE! THRILLS TECHNICOLOR! Boy's Winter Windbrakers r T we have dfopped these j I U OriRinaliy priced from S5 to S18, prices way down. The sale prices range 'from as low as S2.99 up to S9.9. None higher. 1 A. $ Quilt Lined and Insulated All Weatherproof Gabardine milLTHE It. Sizes 3 Years Through 1 6 Years Regular prices $13 to $30. deduced to sell. Sizes 34 to hi a. 42 Inclusive. Luy for now $8.99 to $19.99 nd next year ... All top V2 Pri Boys' Assorted SPORTS SHIRTS Limited quantity only. Assorted sizes. Can be worn right through Spring. quality. rice i . t ' 'Robert 'I 'rirnt,'."."- if - ! & GRANGER BLmAiM Reg. $2.25 Men's Wool PLAID SKI CAPS $1 7.9 5 - $1 8.9 5 Boys' Winter Coats Assorted sizes. Far below wholesale cost. Color Sk $CJ99 TOTEM FAMOUS PI.AYKKS TIIF.A1 Ills PLUS "THIS IS LIVING" "AQUA CHAMPS" CARTOON Only a few left. Sizes 4, 8 and 10 ears only. First come, first served of course. ' Selection, v-iiiuiiny cihmc jiui.iv. - r- buy several. 1 '" $2.50-$2.75 Boys' Sanforized ' . . -i - ...,1itu nrnhrht now W m & ll Authentic Tartan CURLING TAMS 1.1 U.F.A.W.U. DANCE BIB OVERALLS m . 8i 2 year8 u, for y Pure Wool. Assorted Plaids and Sizes in the SA.95 JJ Reg. $8.25 to $10.95 Cariboo and Pioneer 2 fori Legion Auditorium Reg. 98c Boys' GOLF HOSE Wool Content. Once they go, this bargain will not be repeated. All sizes through 9V2 and 10. Buy for next year BONE DRY PANTS and JACKETS Each on b a rik. it it 1 1 1 1 i i : FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 Dancing 10-2 Admission $1.00 Music by the ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS E 7 "3 S73 t3.-"3TE3TLT.Er. . ,i ti y UUUliaU a