NO FROZEN fip"1 Ivy Stewart i ne r-nnce Kuperr uony iViw: Thursday, January 21, 1PM P When you useWRAP-OKi ELECTRIC HEATING CABi- 1 Tops Celco Leap :f., hicotiviMiltMtcf fr.nn frtiiv ii u ) l.ltt .l coined ii'h'P iiromul i.(w-sill nr slinllow (niflf-rrnunj ulu ' ifJiu H-t vol! outirt. MailiUtinn lit tM'itt - hkr i-p,: -v liM.s cntv smull fui-rinl.. Thi-rums i.nt, ti:rn on only m.j, Ut. r.'idi't or i'v nin'rlfiviicr. iw wwr;; ronipH bp wit '!lltffth . V3T. .tiLtifi'i nn nr immty h:tck. 1 I l.l.l-THir ht'l'IC. Hn tl., i,rr i.p in :;o j,,, " Yon ctil, r'riittiifiiiini tlnu' a- futnii ' t:i chiy.s. i.r:u. .ns-.nt a fit m hi t. I'M1:, itousc c-iiriTiiL '1 lwrrno'i,nt roiiiml K;r,y" c a. ;Doug Bentley's Return Inspires Ranger Squad " . I5y I'D SIMON c-rn Hockey League, playoo Canadian Press siaff Writer sound defensive hockey and J."'.! The dream came true. , up his former boss for thci A rejuvenated Doug Benlky game's first goal. ! joined New York Rangers after ; . It was the same with the oh- three years away from the Ni-: ers. Ritsht-winser Wally Heiiji-tioriftl Hockey League and turn- ; .sheimer rapped in a pair oi rd them into a club the like of ; fioals to run his season's which Madison Square Garden , to 20. Rookie Camille Henry and j hasn't seen in many a year. centre Paul Roniy got the oMi-j The Rangers' 8-3 victory over : era. r , Boston Bruins Wednesday niglit ! Boston rallied onoe late in the nhtT Doug's four-point part in it j first period as Cal Gardner and GEORGE A. COOK Ivy Stewart, of A Division to.) l'til l.'elco City Mixeil liowliir League keglers Friday when si; collected women's high sing!.1 wilh a wore of ?'.!il and !. tool; women's high three wi'h C8!. Men's high single in A Division W".s laki-u lY Heg Oilut with 209 and Byron Lofgren rolled Co7 to win men's hip.h three. Savoy with i:!U and SLM'i took team high honors. In B Division, Tom Nicoll win men's high lime with i'.'.il ana I(e4 Lursnii captured men's higa triple with 5'j2. Women's hip.h single-war, taken by Irene Lindsay with 208 and (.'aril Brent - UV.) - Hi it Up. W'"fl FINAL CLEARING OF -f IM i,en rolled 535 for women's high S I i Winter Coats X.- te6I, : three. Timber-Tics rolled. ys Tn-Vi y-vC- V J' :for team high single nml Cnn- " 1'JV( y-h, bocds won team high three Willi 5..1 7 f.Ui ' Insults: vjbj: i IB if . - .it "v r LADIES !! H(?re is your chance to gel o winter coot at a red saving. Good selection of colors and styles to choose from. I A Division - Savoy 3, Noi th- ! land Dail y 1: B.i!.; 3, ME Wildcats 1 ; Resi luals 3, No r Lames 1. B Division - Central Cafe 3. Pilots 1: Conbc((is 3, MB Lucky Strikes 1; Timber-Tics 3. IU- : Bailers 1. 1 ? were impressive enough. But uoug Monns tallica to reauee even more awe-inspirinn to tha lhe New York margin to a-.l. 13.483 fans, largest New York 1 But by the time Dave Creighton week-day crowd in years, was scored the final Bruin goal m the effect on his team-mates. , the second frame it was a lost That 33-vear-old Max Bent- I cause. Ipymild perk up on beins r"- I It was primarily a - Beniiev united wilh his brother was to! ''how. Expected to show with be-espocled. Four years Doug's 1 Max when the opposition was junior but subject to a host of short-handed, Douu filled the ' real and imaginary aches and role to perfection Then they pains for the last few years. ; came on the ice as a line with Max flew in his old style and j veteran Edgar Lapru"c- and produced two goals and a pair ! produced .he first K goal of assists. i w!lhin m-conds. Hut the sight of the pair of i A little later Dtutg appeared liglil weight stickhandlers froin with Luprudc as a DHisilfi, , reunited for the iutj team, performing as if he first time since Max was traded hade done it all his life, to Toronto by Chicago Black ; The little guy was all ovr Hawks In October, 1947, c'.ici the ice, eluding the .heavier things to the other Rangers. Bruins, shaking off the bodilv TORONTO EAST YORK I.VNDIH'RSTS of the Ontario Hockey Association's Senior B league will represent Canada at the world amateur hockey championships In Stockholm Feb. 26-March 7. Left to right: (back rowi John Scott, John P etro, c,oach Greg CHirie, Moe Galland, George Rayiiss- i middle rowi Harold Fiskari, Norm Gr.iy, Vic Sluce, Dan Windley, Russ Robertson, Dei Couch: front rowi Don Preston, secretary, Earl Clements,' Gavin Lindsay, captain Tom Campbell, Reg Spragse, trainer Lawrence KerruCand Bob Kennedy."- Seattle Bombers Rob Royals I Songin Signs Of Chance at Third Place with Hamilton Reg. to $55.00 SALE PRICE Ungainly Ivan Irwin, always a contact he couldn't avoid, lav- ,, .,., . , , ' , ... , HAMILTON CP .Tuke Oa ;-. ,d rlouter at his defence po,:t. . in? soft passes on Ranger stick, . f " J i Into the No. 3 posiUon, Roya s daur, elected president of Ham- ).n nPruin,, .i ii: ..a K, , Third place m the Western were rocked back on their neeU , ,. Ttucr-Onis of the Hie Four ice and making stickhandlin" ; riers. Max saw less action but i ?ot'k.,'y Lcae.ue I,roved. an 'i'1 ,hV lH?" Isst-plnee Seattle j Fodtbal "Onion, said Wednesday MEN'S Bombers night that quarterback Ed Son- motions. Jack Evans, still on performed similar dip; y-doodl ' ,L ! 1 , wt:sl ' .trial ai n R-mirer after n vran tool. rf rtoht tpr Rnyils Wednesday niglit j Bombers looked anything but two points to j cellar-dwellers as they dominat- vnder Doug's direction with the goals, nix were scored or set up , ,HclmK only "ly, Saskatoon Quakers of the West-, by a Bmtlcy. . r'nr ovcr busk:i itoon Quakers ed the p ly, sweeping to a 3-1 ai. who led the club to theif Grey Cup victory over Winnipeg last season, has, signed for the 1U54 .cinnpaign. He predicted a two-way (or the.ouarterback i't'.' b.'lwi'en sun ilead in tne first frame, addinj two more in the secon:'. and n singleton in Oil; third. 1' ' . .--i A OUTDOORS W:,l, VUj- Maple Leak . Bounce Flyers lhe following wolf ct was de- ing good sized dark colored dollies ' Royals' only consolalion cnie I Songln and Travis Irifii a goal by Gordie Fashoway ! 1 iclwell r mer Auoutn Univer-that, boosted his leaguc-lcadin': I". -ity "U . -w York Giants st:r. total to 31. ! ... . .. . Men's made-to -rne; tire suits in o lc variety of cloths c styles. You pay for the veloped and perfected by the on salmon eggs shows that the : Intrt ffsenntanf Seattle scoring was sli ned bv Dave Wall, Danny Sprout, Rudv Alaska Fish and Wild Life Ser- anulers are nerniittinu the h.iit vice during several seasons, and to act more nearly as though it is; actually killed five wolves on a ! being still-fished, and this is a Fillon, Herb Jet.'ery, Guyle Fielder and Dale Sweaney. Wall By The Cnn.idliin Press Nelson Maple Leafs, cari'yir.i single HOC. cardinal latllt in last Water! liy ,n n nmniiiir hnttln ur.lh Snn- r.nd Vir.lrier pnch hnrt a nnir nl First and highly important Is ( much less lead and a cleverer use , kime Fiyers over tlvrd spot in the ; assists. .... , t with one pair of (K ... and get Extra Pants h .u .oic tne TOiirak acuinR, me . oi me duck eouies to lUKe me , Western Inu-mauonal llurkev i Onlv 1.000 New Westminster t iper must walk the tidal flats lure deep, let the water work for ; League, settled things, tempor- fans braved a snowstorm to', you by eliminating line drag mily at least, Wednesday nigh,. ; watch the came and they had! .n wolf territory until he finds n tide-pool which is from eight to 10 inches deep and 20 feet across, generally round in shape, that gives the lure an unnatural j Flyers were bounced into the; little to cheer about after the' action, practice "mending the ! basement at Nelson when they ; first three minutes. . . cast" by picking up some of the 1 absorbed a 6-4 defeat despite' 01,.., .,.Iir.K, HE UNIVERSA Third Avenue ot Sixth Street MJtLm ! J 10 for iOt i H I 1 1: '-.f I i iiond oispiNsm a Q -"lO' Jl Willi .mlir!!tW!ll N tor used blodei. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe but somewhat oval is still suit-! floating lino and' setting it the hat trick performed by Bill ,, , ' ,v, able. It does not matter if the I down ahead of the lure in thlRamsden. Wingy Johnston, the; v,aU con.n, I pool is near or far from the tide-j path it would eventually reach. ! Flyer's playing-coach, picked up . Bombers at 2:36 and H ti the vet-jj i water, or whether or not It be- Do these things and study th the other Spokane goal but wlsit ran detenceman made it i-0 -eomet, n poo. eariy or W.-s In thelstream and allow your lure to Ko! flowed down by a match-mis- Just iO conds later. abnoway tida : change. I where it would if entirely unen-1 conduc t penalty in the third l" eap momentarily ADVERTISING IN T1IK OAiLY Nl-.WS BRINGS RESU1 cumbered line and leader. ! Iramc and a laajor in the sec- , Next by J.1-' is to kill a hair seal and Bombers a T sa'.-! , Place him in the centre ut the This can be learned by tossing end. !.., .., t: msam pool so that about half of thek'hiall twigs er similar available j Leafs spu-uj the scoring hen- pu,on anc Jefrery' jn the see-'' carcass is above the water at low debris into the stKam, and then civs around with gon Is going to Gnd and Sweanc.y in thf, third' ( Modern Mail tide fasten the flippers cunning- ' we'chinir its course and actions. ; Kea Koenie. 15111 iiauiane, L,ee ly to HEAVY stones with strong' Our steelhead angling will Hyssop. Jimmy Lowe, Don Ap-concealed wire, then ile more I st"ct P t0 huge amount of Pic'on and Marty Burton "own 2-1 at the end of the ! n"l"B of the! HEAVY rocks on and around the Pressure ; fnvst, I.eafs came hack with four r .i,. i, ho f u oii. : vvonilerfiil mMenishment it re- period completed , the , Seattle ; coring. League, action Swings to the prairies tonight, where' Sa.ska- . rnnriva iiit o tr, VdtriAn. o'u w tjiab iv win iiui uc ijuooiuit; . . tu ... . . 1- j ., i roivec fr.nn t,,P neenn hut IHs lin markei S in the .VCOl !ton F1y,s ln lhe on'y; eam JU' WUIU luuiag l cuicass 1 ' .hiln hth ; it .ich ,,r.lrl Ir tr hOtil ,t"r...l.S CO. .ICCled in . . . 1 ir. nrvanltwri niwlwt tn onsiiro V.-htlC scheduled. : v;ty iilhii us position. : .ts..... v - - '.hat. the headwaters (where theltil(" f'n;jl nl: .-.ior LraRiie Then spread a half dozen number four or four-andra-half vouna fish are hatched and' The Okannc ii make their tint rowth before traps, around in the water five icaimes action t-.niyht with Vernon Canadians taking on Kelowna Packers at home. The Journeying to thf sea) are fully f feet away from the seal, do not . . . .. ... nrntertfri at all times, wjitch Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST , New address: 303 3rd Ave. W Phone-Oreen 960 vTe Vn TrT out for those commercial inter-' WIHL is id.o ain until Salur- ve verv ,"u--e to anchor them secure-. . smwnine 1 dav when Kimbcrley meets ly to fiat rocks, (these are harder , hniaZ dnS I and Nelson journeys to lor tne ammai to arag and also 1 . . used . ,, tractors and . , . Snokane. roughly equip rA (r.,iM. it ! .w ...... ..i6,. u rnont- thio Iq tint nnintsrl nt the ' large outfits only but could also Look at these extra features fa in MODERN MAID LAMP IN BACKGROUND no fjhnows, no nlarc. 9 TOP UNITS . . . net 3, cot 5, but 7 diffc speeds. STORAGE ... . 2 huge storage drawers. ( HEAT . . . Automatic Prc-hcat. , MODERN AAA ID . ! . the best vc . today for anyone's cooking do FULLY AUTOMAT! Only any part of the anchor rocks .how above water in rase a wire or chain becomes visible or able to give off the iron smell which scares trap-shy creatures. At all times when preparing or visiting this set, use all the precautions to prevent man-smell or sign showing such as any CIVIC CENTRE GYMNASIUM ' 1 ' KETCHIKAN ROCKETS be meant for the back lots logger who has absolutely no harmful intent, but who simply does not Understand the damage he may do. Merely by driving a tractor across a stream only two feet wide could destroy the bed of that, st ream, jso that the steellK ad TrS'-v . ;f':" j m. . 1 " I nindjt.rnnei: employs, .Don't tor- VS. oet trt'tflke the setil iW.iill.'l"!""!"""-''"11'""11 be deprived of water- lv thf you. it's worth five dollars! The changing tides and salt water same token this same might bog down -.nly a little, yet the sm .11 in uc and clay dam will be working in the trapper's favor all the time this set is ri . r alive, so visit it from a , good tnus created could easily divert, distance quite frequently, and the .stream into a different bed PRINCE RUPERT ' CHALLENGERS THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8.30 p.m. good luck, trappers! , . :,fr.,rn which the water could never reach the ocean, but become dis- The. Cloyah has steelheads slpatcd entirely. Small things,, true, but they are for you to take again, but they are not falling to some of our newer anglers; the fact that these anglers are tak- 1 care of, my angler brother for lAmtei Mebus CHINESE HOOKED RUG Imported rugs of the very finest quality. M tiful arrav of fine colors in lovelv floral I COLOR HARMONY REFRIGERATORS See the color , , , see the features . . . see the value . . . you'll be convinced that there's a place in S'our kitchen, for new, Modern Quicfrez. 9 Cu. Ft. Model terns. Heavy long -wearing looped pile, jutek- I "1 1 -..;....r iH Cook uitffi Kefchup ;'.) '; ' ' MpS K Q LJS I, ! ! M j ,brl Tomato ", ' 1 -Ii I ; . im54c 0ztm-:-r't 4 irr j so that the edges can't fray. Several sizes your home. Expensive looking yet reason priced. mi. 1 The same chefs who know the secret of the world's favourite ketchup have put their heads together to give you s-niart siniile recipes rhat will enable you to use I k in, "rcit magic" in yonr kitchen. We're in the middle o( the cold w cathcr anil perhaps your pood warming meals arc already petting a teeny bit monotonous for your family. You can tickle tired palates with the same flavour that . makes people reach for the famous red liottlc in restaurants. Ilcinz lomato Ketchup is asked for by millions who expect the licsr. Never buy less thin two K)trcsonc for youf cooking and one for the tabic. GET A FREE RECIPE iOOK AT YOUR GROCER'S K (he ketchup you buy does not hove lhe recipe book ollached, wrlle lhe H. J. Helm Company of Canada lid., Dept. S.P., Uamlnflton, Ontario. 9 x 12 on -1 $269-00 LIBERAL TERMS ARRANGED SEE IT TODAY! Heihz PHONE 46 ? .., j-.: , ..... - - . . -