Hl'i"'t faily News j 1 Thursday, January 21, 1954 .. : ixjj. BALLOT BALLOT"! THE ALEX HUNTER AWARC J -?.JW i ..-,: j. ii f j i Ship Operators ' Seek Further FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP Government Aid j .. OTTAWA tro r , wyciaiuis ut i deep-sea ships decided Wed- ! L- Please consider rny nomination of: X for the outstanding citizen of Prince Rupert for the year 1953 My NAME ; My ADDRESS , , ' ! nesday to press the government I ... . 1 ur lurmer help for Canada's' ocean-going fleet. j The Canadian Shipowners As- ! sedation, representing most of the salt-water fi IV 7 Soldiers fared lesirable .3 flie Associated Pre&i jllNGTON. T.ln i'd States soldiers e refused to come ; ) o m Communist ?w ill be declared fable" and dis-j Friday. l)le-discharge papers pi i.-,oncrs-of-war who up bo returned will con- ; lei lt-is Into civilians spnditions other th;n C iy chose this middle tlealini! with the 21 to Aiole legal difficulties v of sterner action jve A loophole for the ;ir themselves, should Kin come buck to the a ho the defence do-ih.iid It had narrowed BALLOT BALLOT- Fill in and return to the DAILY NEWS not later than FEBRUARY 4. 1954 its annual meeting to keep after the government for adc'ional "reiief" to ease nr.. .-i their financial burdens. The Onpmtrir tin m ; i ' V."t ; r 1 1 i refused a subsidy, of an esti- TV .....tcu j.uuy,uuu a year, to keep i ll vessels of Canadian registry In ODeratinn linHa. K r- a: tnin , i - j - ,.mv. vic dlan flag against world compe- nuuii. iiiaveaa, ine government rrrngd t0 have some transferred to cheaper operation SMOhE. SMOKE, SMOKE that cigarette!" Ani that's exactly what this nicotine-fiendish machine does. It consumes 15 cartons a day In qu-st of a cancer-producing agent in' tobacco -smoke New York University's Institute of Industrial Medicine contrived the smoking demon to investigate claims that tobacco smoke Is a cause of lung cancer. Dr. Alvin I. Kosak watches the puffing performance. unuci -e onuso. tiag. choices or action to Waiting in Freezing Temperatures Ends For Many Regina Trolley Passengers 4 i nun on army roil a decision for the 1 future; My WII.F C HISI.tTT it hem undesirable ui- v..nuwii rrebB nun writer ! ! RKCHNA (CP) Three days of thepi from the , waiting or walking In freezinu the two parties together, their (nly contact was through Retina's one dally newspaper and the city's two radio stations. The no-ovcrtlme ultimatum As many as 14 of the system's 54 buses were idle. Homeward-bound workers waited in jold which reached 48 degrees below .s as deserters. it course would have j weatlier are ended for Hej?ina trolley nasseneers. the seriously cut into Regina 's ! zero, 1 it - '.:. u i ; ' !;i t '. 1 V . , - j- transportation system, particularly at the evening rush hour. 'the men to accumu-: party In a di.spute between city fins course was ruled i fathers and the transit union gul opinion that the j over a discharged .bus driver rms specifically pro-1 The union and city officials j prisoners on bo1 h i announced lale last niht that refuse lo go home 1 n no-overtime ban Imposed bv feleased as civilians, i the union Monday will be lifted $ny officers held out 1 Immediately. There were indlca-Im the mm deserters. tion.s that the dispute Is near f'' dwn, any of th? : sell lenient, ending a strike t v(ntually returnd ; thiestt by the 165 transit em-jlialjle for automatic ; employees which would h.ivv j iitirt-martial. ! given this citv of 72 000 Us fh -.i - Start the New Year with new luxuries! priced for YOU wherever you see CANADA'S SIGN OF BETTER LIVING ... Salesman Faces Arson, Murder Charge ST. THOMAS. Ont. (CP) A warrant for murder and arson department lawyers j transportation tip-uo. nice me agreed ar- i A joint statement by M ij'oi i in eonneelion wi'h th VMri ' 11 V',' 1 ; f,s sought to guuran-j Leslie Ji. Hammond and George f Win.' j "fc. fire here last Nov. 15 In which two persons died has r,cn i.i-used for Frank VV. Mil iltv 4n j. ,- umii u i nuo.-e ; innrews. president of the work l'hiire of desertion ! ei s' lnc.il, said buses would re Q susiainaoic. "uuiuu oix-rauon lonay. ; crown atlornev E. F 8 Sanders "Jt tippears In the best Inter-! said Wednesday D T at .iv ui mi iTuiieei nea inui we It T r McNullv lh' overtime ban presently ln. nu,; ls I N J 0 : "V:; one-time s !. . held in c:;. l -nrv Proposes f,,.i'm. ivmu. i,,n unotln-r arson chann. He l " I Better sheets Better blankets Better , pillow slips At better stores everywhere ,1 annmg p WILL licensed of trying to bion rinwn the Salvation Army hostel there. Wednesday s u ri n o miceoient was Ihc fir jt public disc'osur" of su-riclon thit the $!.i().000 fire may have been started u.iuiumim an- vt-iy suisiae-tnry and we feel we are much closer to a solution." The statement came After a short meeting of the dl.spu;ln l -'itles. the first in weeks. With few previous attempts lo b-ini -Knives I The most thrilling values and long-weariqg luxuries ever i' ' i to k bedroom. ti t. woven beautify your They're Tex-made, ! I (CP) Harold E. ; hi I, m & i . . ' 1 . i of course, made right . . here in Canada. Now featured in your favorite store, these Tex-made wonderful, wash able sheets and blankets show you why -Vancouver Easti j ipnsrd a law against , g-kniveg to young- j I the Commons that i Ins a serious problem Wheat Imports . f Approved' Tf 'Canada lives better . . with TEX-MADE! I AUCTIONEER P I'lioiie lll.ii k XIK '4iii K. il IX' . ; m punks who think ;i '"iters" carrying By Customs fs lo school tianees, b eases of youu; bov k- ulnvlwwl MINNEAPOLIS f.T A milling I ' . v6 yr . V Hf . 5.55 ... . '' ft : , luiiiiiiuiv saiu weilliesu.iy nraic ft sooke duriiiB con- customs officers had given as-W Hie criminal u wa8 p(.1f(., tly ie..av a section outlawing 1() import 1- grade wheat fror-i nis and nmmunltion fun ida. j under 11 y"ars who A frit- i ' rwt . .1 i i-t tifr f tlt.i cms off 5 . 1 ,IH also , "L '"u; heat Will; nO-d B...1H Hlld se'i-hould cover the m,, fr Umr a, tn u ,. f'r;lh;?- icxportin-i 11 as !!.! oiiHU; , parson agreea wheut. the official, W O. Kei- i-miivos are offensive : ivj. I, id he hid nolhlii' to do Hi saw the situation lr. Winch is covered 'prohibiting the con- JWtETENED (33EHD IIEID T w You'll know why it's the Hsive weapons. ; cn Killed ?tcr Crash iU.KS. Wis!,., .fi. Ifl'd llei(.0!,t,.v VVrt. Ailed into the Si '-pit i Fuea a .short di-6"rc. killing 1 lie f ;-.'( i (333 ; wl'l; such practices. ' Kellogg, a partner in the Fel-lo?i; Milling Co., was co'iieum;- 1' on a Senate iifili-ull.ure , ciomit lec reroinmcna1 in 1 cry tint the Justiro d"),irlment , t-toriy possible rriniin.il pitwu;-I linn of (unipiinies ievl In ivi I- tiitls Involved In the tnw-scutc vlie it hnports. ( i IaST NIGHT - FIGHTS ' Bv - hr AvuK'in'rH l'n-.u Miami Hcach, Fli. Clnrllo Nurkus. 11)7, Jeisey City. N.L. stopped Danny Nardil o, 181',.. j Tampa. Fin.. 9. 1 Mexico City -Manuel Armen-teros, 123. Cuba, outpointed Lino Botello, 122, Mexico, 10. Y ,; ama f I-:. '1 H. i I 4 ',e.v. l 1 ; i 1 ' 4 rA, jf v l"' . V J r .. . i - t PF ' I, 1- f. i v T . ft 'V, ' When your doctor recommends low butter-hri formul (or youi baby, use Delta Concentrated Partly Skimmed Milk. 1 aid headqu irtei-s at I none uf tlv !wli'-d. r was on a rnntir.c Ifit from the p0"t K'-t Guard stalion f 1. bn-akiivr t..: us It r less lha, lO'l feet "sir 1 11c slul. i soSO...so safe KAi.lTION T-'i.v of Copenhagen. e of tho eldest in founded In 1479. . . . arc the new Pure tissues . . . yet so firm and strong. So gentle and kind to the skin, they're perfect for l)ahy and grown-up- too. Reach for PUREX in the blue and given label for facial soft quality in single ply, or SUPER PUREX in the new white. Kilvl, the ultimate in tissue luxury, for only a few cents more. I YOU'LL I APPRECIATE in the West ! THESE .1 ) ' VVir-.lsur Sedan $975 S'lli 4-l)oor Sedi.n. f rcs.... $1450 i'l'tliir. i'otl shape $ 195 I I.IK HON OK Folks want rich flavor in coffee. The fact' that Nabob is the largest selling coffee in the West first choice wilh thousands like yourself . . . well isn't thafconvincing evidence that you'll get the flavor you wan 'rom Nabob? Try it! I'K'K ! I ROM PERiO! ru, v J -it, n P SERVICE two A'etvAfPKWED PCX rS$(E$ - : i