- Prince Rupert Daily 'News As I See It - DAILY NEWS LETTERBOX Tuesday, April 27, I9r.4 REFLECTS Qnd REMIND IOK JOKr; t he i;dltm , i ne 1 jfitly New? PM'O FOR niRFCTOH 1 he Editor, The Dally News: It is time that, someone ut Independent dallj newspaper Jvoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau nf rirculntlnne Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prlnee Rupert ritlv Newt Limited. i. W. ItAOOR, President H. n. PERRY, Vlee-PresMent 'Too many parent" .,.. Ii" addition to I lie suggestions Danny Kaye, the actor, "try tn n.iln .hil1r,in ln ...I.-. ). I .ft Pt $tt:t eer in .! ; in I m ore Prince Runert nut In a ului? for! . ... " ""'". Mey Subscription Kates: ;.. n,.,r. ,',... ... "..,i memscives wanted to be. and QuehPM , "atf ij carrier Per week, S5c: per month. Sl.no; per year, SW.on. (jfcFJr-:y mall Per month. 75r.; rxr year, 8 00. - ---uilifliu across r..;,wli'' luuorizea as second class mall by the Post Offlce D-partment, Ottawa Columbla should have been fabricated here. Instead of being shipped elsewhere for manufacture. This might also apply to the outfit which uses our timber, but sends thf product to Edmonton and other places for fabrication. Most of our troubles and mistakes have been caused by Canadians. We may have enemies that require serious consideration but why add Canadian goofy ideas to our real troubles?? D. T. GREENE. Smlthers. Prtn o,,.1""." that's the surest, way to ruin a child's life. The only rule for child-raising I have, If any, is to' try and behave myself so' as not to become a delinquent parent." i nwrmiiMiii nft i lliillv (Jraham Wins re local manufacturing, in my last, letter. I neglected to mention the amount, of Fraser river p. iUer, and bodies, upon which we pay freight; car loads and car loads, year after year, while we produce rye, bailey, etc., and will soon produce a tremendous crop of dandelions. Do I have to make any further remarks? In order that all angles may be taken into consideration, I .shall just mention the little joke which our U.S. and Canadian statesmen are playing on us, and gel ting paid for ii. Of course it could not be done for lis, but we are sending experts, and marh- wehr could ,(h Back in the good old clays plenty of people entertained the strange notion that they couid THE TRIUMPH of Hilly Graham in "Britain is little short of phenomenal. The youngish American evan here, the Little Theatre group seemed to have difficulty in obtaining members and there was a decided luck of public interest in the plays presented. Now local the.splans have had the chance of professional instruction In acting, stage-managing, directing, make-up, etc. The plays recently presented were thoroughly enjoyed 'by all those I have spoken to and Rupert Is lucky to have the opportunity to enjoy first-class plays. We are, after all, not a vfry large city. As for the so-called "offensive" language many people In Rupert, no not understand the J not afford to buy something that ccst, too mucn. Queen and duk. ,: PLEASED WITH PLAVS The Editor, The Dally News: It seems that the minor few gelist arrived in Britain under i I a cloud ol well-deserved resent-; jment. His advance pifl!ici!y had aw v.,? uwm " " "" me . world nei months have been objecting to the pro- I 1 'i Rl'PEIlT TO SYDNEY G. F. Johnston, Australian traffic manager for the Canadian National Railways at Sydney, Australia may plan on r-ni.iiniim In ihtil distant land. He --jinrrj mn and entertain, cept In the ..... made It -appear that the fast-! talking American preacher was i coming lo Britain not to turn i the minds and hearts of British j people toward a revilalized re im-i.v. nun pint-ins, unn miliums fanitv in the recent play "Burn of .our 40 cent dollars, to many"! Yenerriay." foreign countries, to show those! I Bas amaed to riiwover that, people how to produce the things j Uch narrow mlndedness existed which we produce. When they ; in Prlnee Rupert, and would ff- it production, they will ; fully back Mr. Dobble In" his want 1o sell those things to us. j choice of plavs and his produc-and as they will be produced at: Hon of them. theatre and certainly must extremely narrow-minded fWn. And mi " : thing todav, ihw. W be the !lgh!',. hostilities trom 'jo, D(l reureci on pension in renruary, t0 according to recent announce-I ment. He will be well remem- ligion, but to turn thmi away from .socialism, which the majority of the British people freely support. Mr. Graham's bad advance give this criticism. Here's for honest-to-goodness theatre with no punches pulled. "TALLULAII" Prince Rupert. a.very much lower cost, fhey will be available to us at a lower) price than we have to pay" for the same thing made in Canada. That is the only way I have yet GENERALflELECTIi; As a theatre goer In I,ondon, New York anri Montreal, I can appreciate the tasks that confronted Mr. Dobble. To work with such limited facilities, and limited talent that Prince Rupert offers Mr. Dobble has done an ex.-ellent job In his produc-t ions. If a few of thc.se people had an opportunity to see maybe some of Noel Coward's original productions In London, or eve.i some first class plays, they would understand the cleverness of Native Bible LONDON CP)Some 20.000,000 Africans will receive a new 8wa-hill translation of the Bible from the British and Foreign Bible Society. figured out where we will get j some of our money backbut! what will our poor Canadian' government do with the same articles which are being subsi-I dized by us. and given away free? Of course, when those countries get into production they will not permit Canada to give things away free because it I will compete with their own! I rrrTm iff k BuHerketjui LATEST REPORT Akk yw bivttmil DaaUr fa trx latett prl uni frMctvt mi ' portraying a character. To cut a i publicity turned out to he a (blessing in disguise. It attracted nation-wide British attention to the mission of the evangel!. -,t. Probably a third of the people , who went to Hihy Graham's 1 meetings, at first, did so citric1.. ! in .skepticism or outright hostility. But Billyji.,. jld fashioned ; message converted most of I hem, : i at least to the point of coneed-iing that Mr. Graham had a mos-; :-;age worth hearing, j Billy Graham's decision to el!-: , max his campaign by a meeting' ! in Hyde Park was a stroke of ' genius. He drew some 40.000 i j people which is more than anyj ; of the other speakers have ever j ' drawn in that forum of fre? ' .peeeh. ' ; THERE is no mystery about thej , power of what Billy Graham : preaches. It i:, ail plainly set; i forth in his own book "Peace ! jWith God," published last year by Doubleriay. New York. ' Billy Graham preaches the old mereiy ruination ot a manuiacturers. it may have the J script is result that our subsidized pro- I play. ' 'mmm These productions bring true , r Uicts will have to be given away i free to the Canucimng who payi for them In the first place-for J a change. I believe that Rupert, most of I I Tr'P"i SPECIAL to life people to us, and the peo-1 pie portrayed in "Born Yester-1 day" really do. exist believe it ' or not. If we condemn the au-. thor for profanity in his script, we are condemning the living, and who are we to condemn? , Bravo Mr. Dobble, you have done a fine job In your productions of "Street Car Named De- the towns along the line, and many rural folks are short on power . I have been wondering if 5-Veir tr X! it could be possible that our late tin-lamented B.C. government sliimpd nn ft hti. in not. hnvlnf? n i Stewart Looks Ahead WITH DISCOVERY of what may be an exceptional copper deposit to our north, and large-scale plans to harness northern P.C. water power, new attention attaches itself to our neighboring port, Stewart. At the far extremity of Portland Canal which climbs well up the foot of the Alaska panhandle, Stewart is in a favorable position to serve as water outlet for whatever projects develop along the northwest swathe of B.C. which Alaska cuts off from the sc;u So far, Stewart has existed mainly as distribution and supply centre for the Portland Canal mining district. As such, it has had its share of good fortune and bad. If the (iranduc copper development proves of real value, Stewart's luck will be on the up-grade again and, if the port can be made accessible to the industry which is expected to materialize farther north in the next few years, its future is assured. But the citizens of Stewart are looking in other directions as well. In an open letter which they are now distributing, members of the Stewart Board of Trade describe their community as sitting at the apex of a giant triangle with one arm stretching north ami the other reaching cast to the Peace River country. Speaking of the brief which Premier Bennett submitted to Ottawa in search of federal assistance for extending the I'GK, they say: "We read that it is now necessary for freight to travel 1,2" miles from Dawson Creek to Vancouver via Edmonton to find its Pacific outlet, whereas by extending the PGE north this distance would be cut to 739 miles, or if Prince Rupert were used as the Pacific p6rt, this distance would ho rather more or about 7ti7 miles. "Why, however, do we not read in this brief somewhere that from where a farmer stands in his field at Dawson Creek or Fort St. John to salt, water at Stewart is actually less than :50 miles, or under half the distance to any other possible Pacific port?" Although Stewart's figures are somewhat misleading since those 350 miles are as the crow flies (he would fly about 10 miles or so farther if he landed at Prince Rupert, not twice the distance as suggested), this letter is useful in adding its voice to the argument against developing the north for benefit of the south at the expense of a long haul. If that same crow dropped down at Hazelton, he would have flown only 2-r) miles and could ride the rods the, rest of the way into Prince Rupert. Meanwhile he would have covered some of the most minerally rich ground in B.C. which will never be touched under present plans. And so we see the fate of our crow taking shape. . It will eventually have to .be, eaten by. the provincial ornttif ht,v: J 4 M ' iV Scripture fasiueje for JoJmj "I heard the voire of many angels round the throne." - -Rev. 5:11. Born Yesterday." slifp rif lhi: nmupr frfMinraljifl fit.! yire and kUPERT RADIO i flff Kitimat set aside for the u.se of i Prin(;e R"PMt has lhi mihlii' n hi. h nunpil Ihp thank you for. CALVIN BULLOCK' lid. 313 Third Avenue West D. M. CRESWELL, Prince Rupert. fashioned, simple evangelical: Christian message. He believes that God and the Devil are both living realities that sin is the greatest human problem. He be-SIK PHILPOn-Paif Fiv power. It also might have been a good idea to have made some provi-.sion whereby some of the aluminum manufactured in British before L1 lif if it"i ... 'V Mission Abroad Accomplished TERM SAVING. mrn w -. "-nnni i for Canada and baa left behind it vivid sions of our land in the minds of the more tW 2 1 5.Q00 people who visited this colourful collection on exhibition. This widespread public attention stimulated by Seagram Collection has created a mounting in Canada and Canadians by bringing to IoP oiher lands a realization that ours is a ?itl. Kr0' land-a land of tremendous natural resource", remarkable human achievement. Now bock In Canada, the Seagram frllecl'Trk Paintings of Canadian Cities will shortly on the second phase of its tour-a welvfiW Fourteen montht and 30,000 milet ago a unique collection of 92 paintings of 22 Canadian Cities took to the air for a two-continent, 15-couniry international goodwill tour. Pointed especially for The House ofSeagram by distinguished Canadian artists, these original canvases were on an unusual mission to stimulate a deeper interest in things Canadian, and to earn increased friendliness and broader understanding for Canada by showing the peoples of other lands the impressive aspect of our urban centres from coast to coast. This mission has now "been accomplished. Everywhere it has been shown in San Juan, 'Havana, You can accumlate $1,500, $2,000, $5,000 or more, in six, ten or fifteen years. Ask your Investors Syndicate representative for full details. T. M. (Tom) CHRISTIE Office 31 5 3rd Ave. W. Phone 384 circ, Sao aao Paulo, rauiu, Buenos uucuus Aires, nu, inuuic . "K Mexico City, Caracas, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Rome, London, Paris, Geneva, Stockholm, The Hague, Madrid the Seagram Collection of Paintings of Canadian Cities bas made new friends mile, two-year tru."-v , the cities of Canada. Thut Canadions will have dT 52 colourful Caaadiaa wM' of goodwill. ousc of Seagram BOB PARKER LTD. " - " - . ' " 11(1 Prince Rupert, B.C. Terrace, B.C. INIS ADVE1T1SEUEHT IS NOT fUBUSHED 01 DISflAYED IY THE LIQUOI CONTROL I0AID 01 IT THE SOVEIHNE