"Clihn.," ft- Prince Rupert Daiiy Scws Thursday, August 20, 1953 WORDING TRIFLE CONFUSED BUT LETTER TO POINT WASHINGTON (API The AFL Air Line Pilots' Association said today a member reported that his company had received this note from a Japanese whose luggage was misplacAl: -Mr. Baggageman, Unit?d States of Lax. Gentlemen, Dear Sir: I dam seldom where suitcase are. She no fly. You than for crying out loud. no more fit to be baggagema.ster That all I hope. What the matter you?" P wSy hall,.. rt- , lortit' Ul!;l,r ., ))..(' - lak ol won. l,t4;-' - , w IuimI .'' ' M. Su l," L , 10 1 , luhi ulo. Imrf, J" .Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ruiwrt nd northern and Central British Columbia. Member ot Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Ctrculatlqna l' Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. " ' Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. r. MAOOR, President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President As ! See It I or A mint ri ' OTTAWA DIARY By Normun M. V.ucLeoo Quiet, kindly, unassuming time. It wai as a result of his 'Jim" Rooney he's "Boss" new riding machine that Roon-Hocney to you if you happen to ey. who is a gentlemanly unas-be ' a Toronto Liberal worker Miming type without any die-was in the Capital over the tatorship ambitions, derived his week-end clearing out lus ol- wholly unsuitable title of "Boss." fice. He was as cheerful about : The Rooney machine got its rt as he always is about aeeept- baptism of fire in the 1945 gen-ing the inevitable. cral election. It lost out, but Actually, the cruelly unfair in such a thrilling photo-finish feature of last week's election ' that other Toronto Liberals returns was that, although they J were Inspired to imitate the left Toronto still dominantly 'Rooney formula of diligent, rmi-Liiwral. they failed to include i sislent effort. The result in the "Boss" Rooney in the list of i 1949 general election was tlv OallTNewsW,nt;V.u Bubscrlptlo:. Rates: -Per w.h-h. 25c: per month. II 00; per year, (10 00. mall Pr month. 76c: uer Year. 18 00. Senator's Threat SENATOR Knowland, Republican leader, has X. Y fcuttiorized as seen: d class mall bv the Post Office Department, Ottawa. , ' -EoglandV Mourning Ends HIS year will go down in English history for at T -least two , major events the Coronation and "England's victory on the cricket field in the Test Matches with Australia. Possibly the Coronation will liave an edge in space, but there is no doubt that the writer respons- Tory now clarified the issue of (winners. The voters of St. Paul's! historic smashing of the China with brutal can tiding in downtown Toronto re- j Toronto" legend. Rooney this Jected him in favor of Roland time was among the victors. Michener, former Cabinet Min- j In the election just over Roon-ifttKr in the Ontario Consenutive was a victim of civic pMw-Government. There was realiress. The construction of the s :lour: I It the UN votes to admit Red I China he will ask tha U.S. Senate !to have the U.S. quit the UN. How mucn more irony in that result, for if therj j Toronto subway centred in his lis single individual responsible : riding. It ripped out, the hoins . ible for giving an accurate picture of 20th century uespuc u.e iu, u u. I f(l. hPAaki the ati-anulo-h,.!,! , f 10 0(10 of his staunch.'.- English life -wifr-report that on a certain day in 5 V- imaium the nations wh en a re - ; whjch the Con-! downtown voters. He fought ir .fhfZJtid'r b,Sa!..UM Party one. held over : valiantly, but the handicap was goodwill , the worlc ' ju Tutoflu and advent York , too great. He lust by upwards of SH- ' u thousand v,,u'-- .. l., iihmil Iln.li Kami wr.n w wum jui-;wUi,u,, o ,.,.,.,. August. 1953, a 19-year period of mourning ended arhid wild rejoicing. The "Ashes" to many a symbol" of England's' lost manhood had returned. "'in this country there is nothing from which to draw a comparison. Although it did not become a recognized pastime until a couple of centuries ago, along "wu ll l ..... J ...I i. I, . do you need to buy that the Royal York . in lean mi live wijm wiwii il hh:, ijr iiumt-a Let's not fool ourselves. t and in the he7a :! W granted that liberal- 'Hotel In Toronto ' He. r euul had ho tier "JnLTZ was destiny to r.n.aln v. ; phjsh Hoxhorough apartment ; ' f -; L i ''ho China until time has given ben- ators at Washington a chance to rver a lost cause in Toronto, hotel in Ottawa. Kooney now i-The mood of local Liberal was well Into his seventies. Parlia-txprrssed in the resigned com- jnient may never see him again. cricket in England goes back more than GOO years wlen the Saxojis played it witli a rough stick called H "cryce" or "creag" from which the modem name jjj erolved. ' f2 We in Canada can only appreciate what the "! Australian invasion means to the sports-minded Pill of your OWN r " wu.u-r ' " " wuu.u.. i .a.c All the nations of the British i ; Commonwealth have announced "W alsy get eteera but ; fcny large sum of money on it their intention of granting of fl-jW Hv get vol there. He belongs to hat rare race o the real ,Rwney took the most uncom- tireless individuals who ncvei cial recognition to giJ. iernmeiit of China which of , Pfomuung ConservaUve eonslil- grow old, but die with their bourse is the Red Communist , ncy In the whole elty and boots on. It would be charac-j ' eovernment ' proceeded to demonstrate what teristic of him to turn up after But immediately alter tnei "c u",,c- "c ",c i "", ? Toronto Liberal to earry on per- as kindly, and as wise as ever Englishman if we look ahead a few centuries and i - imagine that some upstart country with a handlul Commonwealth Conference Mr. ! St. Laurent said there would be j careful joint timing of this step. Just before leaving for the UN manent organization work. Pre- Meantime, his friends on all vious activity had always been sides of the House are going to whipped up just around election miss him. More POWs Expected Shortly As Exchange at Half Way Mark a mm of skaters year after year beats our best in ice hockey. (Even that is no real comparison as our best are' apt to be professionals playing for the other side. In cricket any such arrangement would be tantamount to high treason.) Although cricket is sometimes thought to be a marathon tea party masquerading as sport, it is not a game for .the frail or timid. The hard, leather-cohered ball travels at bullet speed and, except for ;at New York Mr. Pearson sug-: gestad a reasonable cooling-off ; period before there could be any 'decision on admitting the Red government to the UN. In view of the adamant atti-1 tude of the U.S. Republican &en-i ators, it Is certain that no move to admit China could succeed at I the 1953 session of the UN. But In view of the general attitude of (the majority of nations it U However, Allied representatives accused the Communist workers of activities bordering on spying and told them to stop it. They told the Reds to limit their activities to authorized humanitarian missions. PANMUNJOM (API The Korean war prisoner exchange passed the halfway mark today and there was every indication the Reds' will start sending home larger numbers ol Americans dally. The promised 150 Friday, and obvious that the United Btatai It; T the wicket 'keeper, there are no heavy mitts to help ; going to find itself very much In the minority on this question. ZX sitig the fast ones. Outstanding players of the game No less than 27 countries have im t t i i a . . . it appeared the stepped-up rate who holds the all- r JiKe uon nrauman oi rtusuaua, ! already recognized the present w,u continue indefinitely. Three with time world's aggregate for Test Matches, Are you any nearer tlii year to making that , all-important ilown-paymrntT Or war your last twelve months of hard work wasted as far as your savinus are concerned? Your saving are the only part of your income thai can buy the' riVetla to your 'dream' house. , So start saving in earnest at the B of M from now mi . . . and move doner w ilh each paytlu v to 'moving in' day I tX, 420 runs, and Jack Hobbs of England, who was still one of the best cricketers in the world when well 11 past 40, must go down as great athletes in anyone's W brink Y IK it i The gamers . noteworthy, however, for much government in China, and those ; hundred South Koreans also will which have done so include the t,e freed Friday (key nations in certain areas,! B&ua suty Americang go such as and 300 Koreans were freed to- Britain, the Netherlands, Den- j h ym ; i mark. Sweden, Norway, Switzer- r ' " ' :dav in the 18th daJ exchange land. Israel, Afghanistan. India, i Indo-j No Bntlsn ere schedul to Pakistan. Oeylon, Burma. Aesla . s I ' ,etul n Friday, for the first 8me That exclusionlst attitude of ,siace tile waP be8an- The cPm-! Senator Knowland will therefor; niunists have delivered 809 of j not have the effect of blocking j tne 022 British promised, international recognition of the) The Reds have turned over j re 1 1 eovernment of China. lonly 1.315 Americans, well ,un- But it may well lead to theider half of the 3,313 they listed, j rather ridiculous spectacle of the j Thursday's shipment brought jmost populous nation on earth, j the number of Allied troops i recognized by almost all the na- j freed to 6,533, just over half of tions as the only government of j the 12,763 the Reds promised. "pre than the physical prowess involved. Probably m'ijre than any other sport in any part of the world, itSias set a code for a nation's existence. In Canada " othe States a man who has distinguished himself atjbaseball or football does not necessarily qualify t" hi&iself for anything else. In England, however, : China yet excluded from US', player who does the same m cricket is considered a Jtkely leader in other fields of endeavor. ; The difference seems to be that cricket to the r If- i China's seat in the one place ! where th) representatives of all TYPHOONS CAUSE DELAY No Communists were sent north Thursday and none are scheduled until Saturday. Typhoon conditions disrupted Allied shipping from the Koje Island prison camps off South Model 5R18 CHOOSE YOUR COLOUR COMBINATION Hr's an xcluciv HaMkreftr cHur feature. Thit mantl radi com im i "dxoratvr" colour with m contrasting intrthangobl ' wial contra. You havo a choico of 30 colour combinations. Famous Hallicrafl ort "PuHing-Po wor' through flvo tubas. Brightly poU lJId brass scutcheon, Siio s I'i" x 5'V. In flam; Citron, Pobblo, Birch Whits, Hot Chocolate nd Iprwco. TO mi i hid (mioinn s Bank or Montreal E$glishman is not just a sport but also a training in the nations are supposed to meet. BEHIND what you might call the mere maneuvers of power politics there are two different out- i Korea. The stream of happy men lmtifR tin China I t wjjfch something more is learned than the value of a jtrong wrist and good eye. We are not sure that itJlcan be defined, but it has something to do with the spirit that has brought England through worse crises than losing the "Ashes." Thursday told more ot the grim The general British Common-wealtii outlook which is almost r'w ;ionately held by India, Pak stories of life In the Red stockades. One prisoner told a story of istan, Ceylon and Burma, Is that j tha fioonei Red China Is seated !a U.S. airman staked In the sun o in Hip TIN the annner trie fnrppa'and lett to die because he Would I; .will begin to work whicrf Willi " back up ;pnqny -.germ ?-t REFLECTS and REMINISCES Priiuc Ruprn Hmiiui: I RN'I.ST PAd.DING., Mif Sirwan lliwrh: MIIVllll: ti. til.Nt.E, .MfoiS" Tvruie liumh: Wll I I AM V II I.INt.S, Milupr Roy it ? finally detach China from hr1 la'e cuarges-uy uu; i-oninmn-present ironclad alliance with 'sts- .. . Russia. Shortly after the prisoners I think it is no exaggeration ! returned, the Joint military ar- McRae Bros. Ltd. The Store That Service Built' Phone 6 or 36 rm ICwill be remembered that not on a lounge or In an easy chair. JJJ so long ago, the eating of horses m started in Western Canada. To- ALWAYS FREE tVftt WAlk OF tin "NCI WOUKINO WITH CANADIANS IN jto say that Nehru regards the mistice commision met at Its o.i IUH recognition Ol cnina, ano raiiinuiijuiu neuuijuui iers - uaj..01Crpi..B NeMie,j, nus uevvi- We do rpnpntinF th1, v,0, orim,-, tn ttkt Qa tha m,.. Red renuest 12 hL . ht u . t fl.i ! n this ls a country. If you do ! important peace-making move' The Reds gave no Indication Sfpd ;not care much for the weather that should now be made in the; what they wanted to discuss. H u' ; around Prince Rupert, there is set-up of the world body. , i Red China's Peiping radio f Tt inrrt tr. 1,'ini- nm l-.m. nn l'"ie y"u Mnllot muve After Asians should undor-1 charged that American author- $1 baV TLTzlttna-TZZ' 8U nd not "ke H much:8tand 0,her AsiansJ bPtter than itte. have obstrimted Commun- you v look prospe r -ntmS . ! i But I would imagine that even ! priuon samps in South Korea to j ! Fr ths three months ending Mi. Nehru would also reluctantly i.Tunp 30 tlie St. Thomas (Out.i fae the present temper of thJ ! Times-J o u r n a 1 stands fifth U.S.A. as another of the facts of I' '. " l I'Sl'ALLY CERTAIN 1 A fire chk'f has been heard to; among !8 papers quoted by the life. virtually susjiended their oiwr-ations." Peiping accused the Americans of "openly persecuting" tlie teams and restricting interviews with, the PoWs. s- say that more men than women 1 uominion Press Clipping Bur aAt.t.r.ieterl tn '-frrt Vet. mnre eau. It makes nnnular rearlim conies in but Uncle Sum walks wftdien than men are attracted Ior publishers. out. tohe fire sale that comes along a JUle later. k J. V J?ho was it rcmarfeti that by bung careful one, :cn live as c!jiply as two aUd, 12 years a hi.. u sv-s t j , - i s . . i ; ; : .."I'V'i-.. ' ' '' livery town of any size can show a few public, but not un-ctftifortable seats. They ore not ItSended by those who have been owrtaken by age and enjoy bffing out of doors in comfort, wtthout havlng-Jto keep Indoors JOHN H. Automatic Ice Maker Refrigerator fr No'troys to fill. " r No trays to spill. ' ' it No troys to empty or forget to refill j Starts itself .,. Refill itself " , . , Stops itself ! FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE BULGER Other Servel Models Available, in F.lectric, Bottled Gas or Kerosene. NOW ON DISPLAY AT. . Orfo Thf nam -John Player cons po ttif pgckog It your guorontt that vry figrttf h imootti anci ffth. ?lrist Canada's Mildest Cigarette RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd.