Thursday, August 20, 1953 SUAAPJaER Hitch-Hiker Irritating To Policeman Convention Report Given PORTULEVEN. Eng. (Reu lb Ruosrt Rod & Gun Club r V ft k c . . . i- ' . ; pa. , J U7 o at THE UNIVERSAL 5 'solutions svxrorted by the Other resolutions Mr. Lamblej Nftthorn Dirt.-i' t F.od and Gun voted for and which carried in C:3)S w?re to a meeiiri? eluded the Vancouver Islanr 0-a. .; .( r.iv . 71.-A and sfflliaied Fish and Game assc ''"'" 1' '".: l--s the -ia'ion's brief asking that a stri V.mse Hall. - 1 100 yards In width be left stand S-off Lambl-y, northern dlst- i"g around all and streams ri'" delega!-to the B.C. Fit'h aad and one concerning gnzzi; cine council convention at bears. CWJlliwack in May told members Th 'volution on hrs. rro t!t while many of ths resolu posed by the Interior Fish, Gamr tidfcs backed by. the Frince Ru- and Forest Protective asso?iatior j.pjt club had been parsed by urged that surveys be made i; 1H- fonvericn, th-; Southern areas where both grizzlv bea Cijiboo Guides' bid to have no and domestic animals range tc optn season on cow moose was determine which are the most defeated. I valuable and In areas where the J.-. K'-.'V'i C.-iboo Guides, 'grizzly bear is considered the M Lamblev said, had sided with . most valuable that grazin? Our complete stock of Shorty Coats at one low price. Here is your chance to sove.. Come early for the best selection. Values up to 27.50 17-98 ters) Police Constable Frank Sandercock lock off his helmet one of those typically English coal scuttle types and laid it on a roadside hedge as he pumped up a punctured bicycle tire near here Tuesday. He put It back on his head when he finished fixing the flat, remounted liis bike and started a 21i-mile ride to this little Cornish fishing village. As he rode, he became aware of an irritation on top of his head. When he entered the village 15 minutes later, the inita-tion had developed into an itch. So he lifted his helmet and scratched his head. That didn't help and the itch became Itchier as he directed traffic in Porthleven's cobbled main street Annoyed, Sandercock took I off the helmet again, deter-i mined to find the bee or what- ever it was in his bonnet, i What he found was a 15-I inch adder, England's only I poisonous snake, cooily coiled up in the crown of the hat. I The cop hasf'y dumped the ' reptile into the road and a , passer-by killt.l it. "It sure is lucky I've got a good crop of hair," said faan-dercock as he mopped his brow. ; An adder bite seldom proves fatal to an adult, but can 1 bring painful illness. lepses be discontinued. th Game biologists who believed iit i he larae moose population Mr. Lambley told the meetinr that he voted for this resolutior htl jeopardized its food supply. Tk miirioe heiipvpd that now ! end that both G. W. A. West, pre .19 Reduced from our regular stock, 51 gauge, 15 denier Nylon Hosiery at real savings. Dark seams, high panel heels. Sizes 8V'a to 1 1 PAIR ! MYLO liJ r-flure had reduced the moose I datory animal officer and th' h-wds to a point well below the j cattlemen were in agreement, available food supply; th there I Another resolution supportec1 . . . f . . : u v,a Wal .lnh onri rarrinn v.'tl'- ShSUId not De an opeij seasun on ur n v.-- . cc- moose for 1953 ah that no WANT A KiUt? Ihese daredevils ride high above the clouds ovjr a 3, 200-foot gorge in the Bavarian Alps. The fellow below just went along for the ride. Russia Assigns Envoy to Greece ATHENS (API Tire Greek rovernmcnt has annoancrd that ihe Soviet Union had agreed to he appointment of Alexander Xontoumas as ambassador te the 'rem'in. IContoumas no'.v Is mibassatior to Turkey. that asking for protection of the bald eagle, Mr. Lamblev said. The Vancouver Island Fbh and i Game association asserted that ' industrial development was lay-' Misses' and Women's half-sizes dresses clearing ot one low price.. You will have to see these to appreciate the outstanding values. Try-ons .-. . yes! You may try on anv dress in our store before you buy. Volues to 12.95 GIRLS' SWIMSUITS ing the bald eagle open to unjus persecution and that"h as the bald eagle, near extinction, was merely a carrion eate-nd scaveneer it should bp ci-er the protection by law of the B.C Game department. Next meeting of th" Prin-f Rupert Rod and Gun club will hld Monday night at the Moot' hall. GIRLS' DRESSES Clearing Sanforized Cotton Everglaze Crlskay dresses for little girls tt one low price. . , Sizes 1 to 6X : -' f'iher consideration be given t'xn open season until such time a -J a more comprehensive- and crAaustivo survey could, be made. h" "i?Me told chetocal club tlJit while he and eight ether ciijegates had voted for the resolution, 14 other delegates had vetted against it. Oil Man Tries to Halt Report VANCOUVER (P An oil com-pjny official has taken action to bick an inquiry board from re- 79 1.99 Clearing Satin Lastex Swim Suits for little girls in yellow, blue and peach shades. Sizes 2 to I. Regular $2.98 Dandy Candy-! IS FADED BLUE JACKETS Three-quarters of L'n-U's 'ot ton crop Is used in Brazillar mills. LADIES' SKIRTS Clearing one-of-a-style, etc., from our regular stock of skirts. There are some real buys here. izes 12 to 20 Clcarli g Sanforized faded blue Jackets at real savings. Si7.e 12 to 20. fUguUC $3.M '. 5.98 RAYON BRIEFS LADIES' SWEATERS Krrtii ISPLAV OOKUTS Clearing odds an dends of Orandmere and Fairy 2 pa'ir fr 1' 3.95 Rayon Tricot Knit Briefs in White, Pink, Blue and Maize. Sizes S-M-L ............ Princes:- Short Sleeve Wool Pullover. 'I CJkTXUXSI Values. to S3.93 r jrting to Ottawa on the retail marketing and distribution of gKSoline here. . i The Supreme Court action, sorted Tuesday, results from ln-c;2iries into the gas price situ-. aton started some two years ago bj the restrictive trade practices cammissoin, which succeeded the combines investigation board. !sev3ral member1 of the Auto-nwbile Retailers' Afsociation and standard Oil were c,uestior.ed by i tle three-man ccmr Ission from tje federal body. Tuesday an affiUdM' was filea cj behalf of Edwar-l Alc-.ndr ljnce, marketing n.anager and elector of Standard Oil, seeking S rupt ft inula ted ruar; eujt waUrr; H r ROGERS' WH.PEN SYRUP; 9 tag vh-:;, twotm stiff; fiaror. Boil si.Kj.r. ater and R(X".KRS' I'Ji hi- SVWI P nmil little rf WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP . . . COUNT ON Ub BOYS NYLOM JACKETS Mothers! Here is a special purchase we rmde of boys' all-Nylon Bushcoats with heavy quired lining. Elasticized Waist ... Half Belt ... Zipoer Fastehinq Fur Collar. It is practically impossible to tear the outer fabric of this jacket. The ideal jacket for school wear. Choose from Navy, Beigeor Olive shades. Sizes 8-1(S years , 0.95 niniurr iorms "ft ball'" when tcttd in mid water (2-i4-?Wr,F). Cr.ol slitfli'.lv and pfiur praduaUy avct stiffly beaten eg whitet, bea tine un'il mixture t smooth, heavy and of dull appearance. ,qA and drop by trasponnfuls onto greated paper to Dibb Printing Co. la prohibit the commission from I COMPANY i P ( .' Kox Diffl- "rirrivfi'. B.C. r - ' - - , LY FALL AKKWALS I'M reporting to the justice minister. Rearing has been set for Sept. 2fc dealing only with the Bence Replication. Mr. Bence's affidavit states tgat "without previous warning t me I was put on oath by J. H. CTiinlan, Investigator, and ques-J tfenel by Douglas grown, coun-iffi for the combines board." JJrhe liestimony was contained irt a 38-page document dated rjjc 8, 1952. Mr. Bence alleges the transcript is incorrect In sR,erat"T)laces In one instance tSe words "mark up" appear wtiere he used the word FALL mm faMSuits ' BAOCtoSCHOOL I SADDLE' OXFORDS 1 A well-made Oxford with , yS&f ' ' "Cat's Paw" ladder soles. M& 1 Black saddle. Sizes 4 to 9. 5 - SCHOOL OPENING . J J K No Militia to Je Called Our new Fall Coats are arriving daily. We are as excited about them as you will be. The styles are even nicer than before at prices that will stand comparison anywhere. 1 BUDGET PRICED From- Ladies' pure wool Piaid Suits in two-and three oiece sets. Come in and. see these outstanding values in double and single-breasted styles. All-around knife-pleoted skirts. l SPECIAL m BUDGET PRICED From Children's- BROWN OXFORDS A?;fi 2S-00 M I VICTORIA if The army will 1$ called in to put down Douk-iit)or la- ies:ness only at the rftjuest of the RCMP, Premier Hlnneit has announced. "fie was replying to questions t3ut' a possible railwaymen's :-ike in the Sons of Freedom tgritiry unless the government, called ia the militia. "Premier Bennett said such a castiic itep would be taken only i the RCMP found themselves ujible ,to cope with" the situ-son and called for help. Neolite solos . . . rubb' r hrels . . . brown calf uppers. All sizes from infants 5 to children's 3 (Ages 2 vears to 1 1 years) $3:95 10 PLAID FALL m JJSo far, he said, there has been vm such request from tho police. "'We're fU'ing them 100 per rnt co-operation," he Eaid. BLACK PATENT STAP By GOR-RAY Very well tailored 12-gore skirts by GOR-RAY of . $2.95 : A ial dtrs" iiioe for the smart Mi'3 ... a Blak Palen upper f 't"" iTy slit hrd to Ion jt-;v caring M lite roles . , . l slues from Irf-.n'r 5 to M!si-5s 3. , 1 Wa'invito you 'to see our large selection of new dresses, for the Fall season , . . Featuring smar. styles in the n e wc;t fabrics. , ; !n Misses' and Half-sizes i m e England. Heavy all-wool material in plai J patterns. ; GOR-RAY 2 NAVY . ! MEM'S OXFORDS RUM m w ytK j4 ' from, ' '-'ii ; "Skirts One Better" Sizes 12 to 20 EACH CLFAIINS AT ONLY lb. 21-00 11 For the Tccn-GO,-; Bov w; have a group of oxfords, sizes 6 to 11, r-nula-ly priced up to $12.95. S&99 1 tM, 14 1 .. U 1 f wnU II 8T Family OE :STO8S i vITIhlE mmmBA. r T r M mm M mmmM LIMITED 629 Thrd Avenue West 3RD AVENUE ot 6TH STREET Jhis advertisement is not published m displayed by The Liquor Control Board or by the Government of fitisb Columbia. ) Prince Rupert 1, Phone 357 0