1H ."-.ft PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL U!, 1 : i Borrows Itides- ly, August 21, 1953 Standard urnei 11:11 18 3 feet "' 22:48 19.3 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "" 16:42 4 47 9.1 5.0 feet feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 194 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone . : f & -X., i Si Mi $mi At -DO, VDelivtry fil X nn . . (fit In) u iiuiiro V II a t n7 V I - .. .i A Ousted Premier Arrested Rupert Planes' Set When Weather Good KETCHIKAN, Alaska (AP) An oil slick on an isolated i'sland sound and reports of a wandering plane along the coastal inlets-led Wednesday to a stepped-up search in southeastern Alaska for a missing New Mexico plane with five persons aboard. Today military, private and ; LONDON (API The royalist-l 5 3' 1 ..JOiT : " iff .' - - J from Sea Island. V' ncouver. Civilian search planes to the north are being supervised by Ellis Airlines. Meanwhile, reports of aircraft apparently in trouble on Monday night when Mr. Hall's plane disappeared continued to be re h v-v. i ' t : - I x v il 1 i" ,. A I J i , t . ,; - A', i r ' -' lN'C'E IS NOT LIMITED to two-legged ex onents. Here an equine star, Neapolitiana commercial planes in B.C. and Alaska are awaiting better wither to continue the search. The clues were the only ones so far in one of the north's largest aerial searches, in which 28 military aircraft of the United States and Canada are participating. Dozens of small-plane Diiots yesterday also scanned an estimated 6,000 square miles of southeast Alaska while most of the military planes concentrated on the British Columbia controlled Tehran radio today mnounced capture of ousted premier Mohammed Mossadegh uut said new atreel fighting with Mossadegh's supporters broke out in the Iranian capitla. Earlier dispatches said, the new premier, Maj.-Gen. Fazollah Zahedi, had given the wily old Mossadegh 24 hours to surrender, f Late broadcasts from Tehran said Zahedi had started to form a new cabinet and had messaged the shuh to come home at once. Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevl is in Rome but Is planning to take off tonight. , performs a difficult step. Capriole In Hand, as Col. Louis Podhajsky (left of the Riding School of Vienna holds the rel is. Sixteen dancing horses KUided by eight ceived. In Prince Rupert, Fred Lowe, 220 Eighth Avenue East. t of the school exhibited their form at t'.ie International Horse Show being held at the y Stadium in London. reported sighting a twin-engine plane apparently in difficulty flying over the city shortly after 5 p.m. He said the aircraft, which was travelling high in an easterly direction, sounded as if Two Detained After Fires i Tchrnn radio said Wednesday i Mossadegh's right hand man. sia Urges Arms Plan H-Bomb Disclosed 1W i APi The Russians ennouncemcnt, as reported in 3d today that they have . the Communist party . newspa- In.t k,i4rnn KnmK D...,ln .1 W 1 I 1 former foreign minister Hossein DIRECTLY WEST An oil slick was found at the month Of Molra Sound on Prince of Wales Island. That Is almost directly west of the Annette Island airport from which Ellis H?.U. 54-year-old Albuquerque oil Kalemi, ruid beeu torn to bits FORESTVILLE, Que. O, Two by mob violence In which 300 it had a sputtering engine. As the day's checking of fishing craft and fish-trap tenders along the bleak Alaska coast proceeded, the clues drew a trail of a wandering plane southward along the coast at low altitude. It was reported to have turned up Very Inlet, toward B.C., but a fish-trap tender said later that persons lost their lives. A dis man took off with his wife, two daughters and 17-year-old Pat ,u i,rt, iijuiuLii uuiuu t rirtiua ttliu uiuuucuak U bile men were detained here last night y provincial police as "tmportant" witnesses ' in suspected arson activities in connection with two forest fires at nearby Ste. Therese du Colom-bicr. Police did not Identify the men rick Hibben late Monday. patch from Associated Press correspondent Don Schwind this morning said police still were searching for Fatemi. The announcement of Mossadegh's capture gave no details beyond saying that the ailing irenKth ' They coup-' Moscow radio this morning to .aim with a new calr.the Soviet people: itiunal acceptance of! "Recently in the Soviet Union, disarmament plan ! the explosion of a type of hydro- Private and commercial planes a plane, believed to be the same wanderer, came out of the inlet PRESIDENT EISENHOWER (left) and newly elected Senate Floor Leader Sen. William F. Knowland beamed for photographers after the former returned to the White House from the Governors' Conference in Seattle (topi. Then Senator Knowland turned to say something to Elsenhowert probably about all the bills the President will have to look over and sign before going on vacation, and the camera caught a completely different picture (bottomi. - . based at Prince Rupert are ready to Join the search today, as soon a ban on atomic wea- gen bomb was carried out with and turned back, northwestward other than to say they were re as weather conditions permit. I experimental aim. As a result of lington. the atomic i the possession of the tnighty toward Annette. That clue brought the diver With the Aero Club organizing lated and In their 20s. One man former premier, his wife and was'said to be the other's uncle, j children were removed from the Pntifa coiH iViA turn man mtnk 1 vnnli.n nitAl .. . i i operations, a large area stretch tinmission confirmed i power of thermonuclear fission gent lines ot the search back toward a centre again as search Id information on the ot th new n, plosion wa of great strength. ed utet. It wa. understood the Uwiasnt ".W. pro-shah - "The test showed the power I. ,,. , ,i,. . t I bomb" U-.st. but Im-Ihf United blu'S had ' ing esistward from Portland Inlet has beeji laid out as the ground to be covered.' Under the plans, a Queen Charlotte Airlines plane operating out of Prince Rupert leaders aid the plane might have oeaded toward' Annette and flown beyond to disaster In Moira Sound. Con. Zahedi said the shah had fnmilar reactions In the of the hydrogen bomb is many , . . The men were placed under Kitimat To Surpass rArvicJa Asserts Editor from Quebec H)52 tests at Eniwetok power I wiu cover a section along- the guard of police of the Anglo- of atomic bombs.' .n D..ln n..l Dnnn- f,m Naas river to Lava lake and instructed him to' prevent Mossadegh bring lynched by the street crowds. Zahedi added that Mossadegh would stand public trial. ' nent by chairman. The communique said. Soviet ' '1 southward. Five Fined Mrauss said the com- dreaded H- " "re.. i . 7. possession of the An outstanding feature of . Rupert by train tonight, nlans I Three other aircraft belong- tud information that bomb offered no cause for alarm owned by the company whose We will wait for the nation Kitimat is the civic spirit which to visit other points along the j ing to the Consolidated Mining is already making itself felt in line to give his readers at home ! and Smelting Co., Nelson Bros. among peoples of ather coun- timber Umu in this area, ioo;tri K..v wht should hp. done with Total of $350 that new community. In the conducted an atomic '2 and subsequent re-fated the explosion with fision and miles east of Quebec, have borne him .. Zahedi said. a full picture of what life in i isnenes ana ine Aero Club will this part of the country is like, i base their operations at Lakelse , ;' j I lake. They will search the ter- opinion of Aime Oagne, editor of ernment still favored , International disarmament and a ban the brunt of the main fire north of here. An investigation will the Quebec ' weekly "L:ingot," i on weapons of mass destruction who arrived here today. ' ! enntinnp. tndftv. Fines totaling $350 were levied in police court this morning by Magistrate Vance when he adja- ft the official Soviet rain north of Terrace extending from both sides of the Skeena river. 'You can tell people like it Recalling that Prime Minister Mlr,WM, ti.lri tha Riinrpmfk Rnv- I The fire now has been confin- 1 dicated the cases of five persons Four Rescued By Helicopter ine lm 0 aircran is i.hia Di an umhui ow there in the friendly way they meet you and their eagerness to help," Mr. Cagne said. 7 Rains resulting fracas in front of the Beaver piloted by Neely Moore and the Nelson Bros, plane is a Cessna flown by Bill Tocker. The ! cd in an area of about one square the let parliament Aug. 8 that "lle although constant surve 1-of U S no longer held a monopoly because of Its the hydrogen bomb, the state- ! necessary Pxlmlty to the v Hag e nirnt charged that Malenkov's j remarks had been used abroad 1 wHnfirvfters kiip crew ot firefigh ters "to cause alarm, using it with ?.? Whereabouts t Mossadegh was not disclosed. ' Tehran radio said some people were injured in the street fighting this morning. There was no elaboration. The vagueness of the announcement about Mossadegh's capture led to speculation, that Zahedi's regime might have made the broadcast in the hope of breaking the spirit of pro-Mossadegh groups. British informants said the FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) I Streets Totem theatre, Saturday, July 18. Found guilty on charges of impaired driving were George Turner and Kenneth Bruce Harris both of whom were fined Four injured hunters including ! d to be fa yarious two prominent Detroit business ;members of club. men. were matched to safety, Canadlan Pacific Airlil,es ls VER (CP)-Nearly an of Intensifying the "T'" the aim i n tell within an hour ' armaments drive. "They also take great pride in their homes and even those living in trailers are planting attractive gardens and making their place look as nice as they can." Arvida, where Mr. Gagne's paper is published, has something' in common with Kitimat in that it was also developed by the Aluminum Co. of Canada. Will. 11 uv b;i iiug. ,. The two outbreaks $50 and costs; Turner and Harris almost liver last, nluh In I xreirr ir.i: i -"n.?. .- -ir7;ni -gum ." m unv NO CAl'SE FOR ALARM I'Taian figures may be caused the entire village of Ste. Therese to be evacuated. Only foot neak where a downdraft ! P'ovia.ng exenange o. . i"rn- slructing a police Officer and d, as the skies otu.nert The Soviet government roil had dashed their twin-engined ; keep watcn fof the mlsslnR plwe prompt action on the part of ; Iranian people now were in such fire fighters prevented the! a volatile state that almost any- j3 o'clock this morning. 'dcrs it necessary to declare which flooded :u I there is not, and was not, any plane. in the course of their scheduled The helicopter ferried the four 1 ,,,.., a , 4u r. i,, i '"Biiis- f various sections of foundation ' for alarm, thciflnmcs from spreading into the i thing can happen there in the ! village. I next few hours or days. ' - " un- luaiuuucu iiicii umu nic uiuuro . communique continued. fined $50 each. Vina Turner was fined $15 and costs for intoxication under the Indian Act and Henry Tait and Andrew Dcrreck were found guilty of assaulting a police officer and both were fined $100 and costs. The affray occurred after an accident at the corner of Third " 'hen a disturbance 'I been loitering lu.st range peak to the village of In accordance with the CO-ORDINATE PLANS Local plans have been made to co-ordinate with search oper- Bettles, about 80 miles south. ffoved onto the south- The mast seriously injured "It is the most modern town in Canada, but Kitimat is going to surpass it," Mr. Gagne said. "After all, Arvida is 25 years old and many of the town-planning ideas going Into Kitimat had not been developed that far man. identified as Albert LeClerc ations out of Annette Island and of Detroit, remained at Bettles with movements of RCAF bomb- for treatment. ers which have joined the quest Home Avenue and First Street, when a car driven by Harris knoeked " changing policy of the Soviet Union, directed toward the strengthening of peace and security of peoples, the . Soviet government repeatedly offered In thp governments of other countries the carrying out of a onsidornble rcriurtion of arnr-inents nnrt the forhiridiiv; of th" use of atomic find other kinds of weapons of mass destruction. imited back." Mr. Gagne said that almost everybody he met during his four days in Kitimat, wants to stay there and to have relatives and friends live there, too. MAN REGRETS KINDNESS OF OBLIGING "NEPHEW" MANSFIELD, La. (API A young man walked into the Desoto parish court house Wednesday and asked Sheriff Harmon Burgess If .an uncle could sober up on a Jail cot. Burgess said the man put his uncle to bed and left, saying he would b? back later for him. When the older man sobered up, the sheriff related, he said he didn't have a nephew, then discovered he didn't have a car either. An alert w.is out today for a young man driving an automobile loaded with luggage, a television set and several small appliances. . . f Out. (CPi- a fite set off n a stl-k wall '"mn oiew a corner '"'t of Kenrmth M,.... i "I met one French-speaking est lulishing within the name down Titus Campbell of this city, who was crossing Third Avenue with his ward, Judy Mc-Cartenay. Harris changed seats with Turner who parked the car and according to evidence when police officers attempted to place Turner and Harris in the police run resistance was offered. During the struggle Derreck and Tait came to the aid of the arrested pair. f Reef Gold Mine shift ! work of the United Nations ov- , Canadian from Quebec like myself who wants to bring out all , his brothers to go into business I with him." he remarked. "And j he has plenty of brothers." Mr. Gagne, who leaves Prince "s been passing regu-: ganizntion a strict international '"Rh picket lines at the 'control of this prohibition. M n'ic, police B;u,, I -The Soviet government Wl,S awaV frnm Ihi. Vl'.nrli ,n thin iinllilin nf. the lhc "me. i niTsent. time." npletely Communized Romania Miserable and Drab into lecture halls. into the Soviet Union as a 17th tinnul group of Germans, Hun ',7 ""i" l 'Ive ycur 'n cnrri'iov, ........... . Stroke Fatal i f To Local Man Charles Morris, 57, collapsec and died In the Ross Brother: billiard hall. Second Avenue, a' about 5:45 last night. The Prino Enterprise has been almost 100 per cent socialized. Only a loud-spcakcrs on the streets mix propaganada with Russian music. Radlofication as It is colled pipes controlled pro-prnms Into lniirl.snpnkprs which republic. NATIONAL RESTLESSNESS gn ilnns, Greeks and Romanians, reems to have disappeared. SAME CLOTHES But deeply hidden, there is i few private artisans, like tailors and shoemakers who cannot get cloth or leather, remain. And . by the Awmciniod gi "lurpini In U, Men wear the same shirts and rnnnnt he adlustpd In thou- nntional restlessness and even a ""'"IK them. ' slnbby trousers and women little organized resistance. a few beggars. "HAKI1 it'll As feudal princes and Fas In, vi,vjl 1 IHhSr IAP, , Rupert fire department rushei its inhalator crew to the seen but were unable to help th stricken mani'Dr. L. W. Kergii cists before them, the Com munists have substituted mur sands of town and village homes, factories and farms. NO INDIVIDUALISM No time ls allowed for Indiv idual thought or action. If not ettending political lectures or - - n " fof . Romania Ulll- hs 1 WCeS nf IRnnn n.A der for life and dictatorship for and deputy coroner George 1 Dawes attended. I ,t t- It is believed that Mr. Morri i(.r .... yel acs. "cultural" events, the Romanians suffered a heart attack. Identical cotton prints from the mirhlnes of the Gheorglilu-Dej rendy-nifule clothes factory. The necktie has been abolished except for the new Communist mistocracy and costume jewelry is a rare, luxury item. To remain unshaved ls the murk of the "new man." "Tov-prns" is the new greeting. Recreation ! has been mass-organized to the extent where even a Communist worker said: "I have to get away for a few " ione so Hinoi- " n8'ng down t There ls the latent unrest or the(city masses. In the mountains, diplomats say, there have been sporadic indications of organized bands. Peasant villages in the foothills are frequently searched by police for weapons. An apparent underground group blew up a textile store In Bucharest recently. All live in the hope that, with a new trend of east-west relations, Romania may shake off the Russian yoke. "When the time comes and I hope it will be soon," said a streetcar conductor, "fully 95 per cent of us will rise up ""r His,.,.. ,. . ann ZrK ,evel the liberty. If there ever was real happiness or gaiety in a land of hungry peasants and wealthy landowners, westerners who know the past' say there is less today. "Nowadays, when we want to celebrate and be happy, we have a party when a friend, comes out of Jail," said a former middle-class woman. Life has been communized to the smallest detail of existence. Individuality, which despite op ni . fine N Denn m 8 ra' today Is rushed in buses to take part in parades. , "Only the party big-shots can see the parades," explained a Western diplomat. "The public is forced to march In them." With its own peculiar' morality, communism cut out completely Bucharest's once-gay night life, Golf courses have been made Into military training grounds, gnmhllng casinos N n Russia. Rf,m -WEATHER- Forecast North Coast Region Cloud today and Friday. A few show ers today. Not much change 1 temperature. Winds light. La tonight and high Friday at Poi Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Ru pert, 50 and B3. vital 'el Unln. I Everv PENTAGON SECRETARY BLANCHE FOLTZ displays a new napkin to be distributed at eating places in the Pentagon Building. The napkin warns that "lips must be locked" for the nation's security. Top branches of the Army, Navy, Air Force and T?prtriiprt n fete-nee are housed In the huge building. hours on my bicycle to escape the street radio." But he can't go far without police checks.' "Hour after hour, Insistent, nrrve-sh.ittpi'lng and deafening (or more Sov-lfenl a Pec against communism." 'corporation pression always marked the na-