Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Friday, July 10, 1953 by u ray... Reflects anc Reminisces ailueKS ale iaiU to be doing well on the lush acres of the Bulkley Valley. They are prepared to work extra hours when harvesting the long green. in independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation! OKnadlim Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. P. MAOOR, President H. Q. PERRY. Vice-President a. I in ore " " " " " .-tJ -4' . v 7 were Lndsl Subscription Rates: v carrier Per w-ek. 25c; per month. 1.00; per year, 10.00. y mall Per month. 75c: per year. 800. utnorlzed as second, class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. it at n a dlan :lC h ind li foi ss The Mustard Pull Out Peace Team. IN THE past years I have IX) IT NOW Because It's needed, the city of Trail Is distrlbutihw a newi map. It has a complete street index and cross reference, This I l rou travelled to many far n Vi he Ihc away countries. One great B.irnl Is more than Prince Rupert can say. Today, the coast, from Kitimat to Skagway and beyond is In the public eye to the tune of billions In development and this Is reflected In continental Interest. If there was ever advantage of this was that I got a fresh viewpoint on things at home. JACQl'F.LINE At'RIOL, 35-year-old daughter-in-law of e sident of France, is engaged in a long-range et-air duel v American flier, Jacquelne Cochran. Mme Auriol broke tt. speed record for women May 12, 1951, averaging 5o! 24'. In a Vampire Jet. Her record fell when Jacqueline Cochra, through the sound barrier for a world's speed record. Elderberry Blossom Pancakes I" CO "i a mscii iked. I came tu see how the Cana time when Prince Rupert I"1 " should be telling the world about herself It Is now. dian government lioks in thieves of outsiders. It was not cnly their governments but the common people. in ' onv pvt 'J'D. i .n Ji,. M " k ft i i 4 , , - ' i 1 1 i A C.ING PEOPLE are the products of the life they have lived, remarks Margaret E. Smith, lirector of nutrition for the Health League of Canada. If a sound state of health has heen maintained for the first CO years, people have little eason to he anxious about the next 40. This possibility of living to be' 100 had never really occured to us. The way Miss Smith puts it, lowever, there is nothing very much to it. Finding hat health is the sum total of what a person has )ppn eating daily throughout his life, she conclude :hat for a ripe old age, moderation is the answer. One way to effect this is to eat in smaller amounts ind oftener, which means five or six small meals a lay instead of the standard three. She also cau-ions against the use of hot spicy foods as they irritate the intestinal tract. Although we respect Miss Smith's considered ir near-nmllKU;, murder scenes LUIUI IU VUJWIIW VIU VUJIUIIt and sexuality did not appear j KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) Four ; pwneake break fa-its .n regularly on the covnrs of mlll-ii(M.tti rP5U,.nts got Ujgether here 1 ed here!" ions of magazines wc mWit not rpt.Pntiy and observed an old The recipe for the t consider this such a toui-h oldwrm custom with a strong ; Elderberry 'blosxinns w!lf world. If'iinttrlliin Hcccnt - ilvpn In Mrimi t,. -i I ub run pr i-.sV 4 l It ' i m John Walter, Sr., H a r r y ! weeks und are ;iw St huitz. William II. Wolff nm ! creamy-white and !! NO DOWNSTAIRS In the old days, any poets, artists or musicians who man- Lee Shanu ate an open-air breakfast of elderberry blossom ilie In a sudden heavy shower in Cairo 1 whs forced to take shelter in a sentry box. with about four Egyptian soldiers who spoke no English. When I finally made them understand I was Canadian, they were my Dais, and could not do enough for me. On my last day in India I visited the Taj Mahal. I chatted with two much be-rlbboned preeans !n the Indian army, and when they at last found out T was Canadian, gleefully declared, "Canada, Canada good, good." In their own simple way they said to me what Nehru himself had said about the key part thenr with part of th stem. Clean the blossoms t singly Into ordinary mix and place In si.t CARLETON COLLEGE in Ottawa, started in 1942, is Canada's newest university. It was founded when the capital was crowded with young people brought In on government work. The original Klea was to giva them something to do in the evenings. Its head Is Dr. M. M. MacOdrum (centrei on the steps of the college with three of the 1,545 students registered last term. " w PhJV hlali living are puncakes covered with Water-believed to have lived In attics, ! rounty maple syrup. ! comment the Chatham News, I chances are a somewhat slm-! But now, they are occupied n,,, hrenkfast was beinir served If r I i II 'T ( isit i ; frying pans. A blust,m I ;" ' fZ,'h" " ,"" I1" s"mn l"'rmilny' U1r v"a7i pancake. As the pbout each blossom th ere snipped off. Sew hot. POLITICAL ROUNDUP . . by J. K. Nesbitt ..,....... nips, norinern iiaiy una j Switzerland but minus the Can-It would seem, sometimes lnjfllan maple syrup, mid summer, all iasect life isj The unusual feature of the not practically the same. It. breakfajt. of course, is the urged in a newspaper headline erberry blossom pancakes and that any fipecles that Inflict it ts ln tlH, aforementioned damage oulit to be put, out countries that the custom orli?t- for I ulvice, it somewhat lessens the attraction of be-oming 100. The idea of living on nibbles is not the nost alluring prospect in the world. One of the Measures allowed mankind is an appetite that nakes the nose acutely sensitive to what's cooking. ' Tt has the rich enjoyment of a temptation that will oon be sated. This business of eating a bit here and that Canada is playing world peace. VICTORIA Is the head of a to the Provincial Prime Minis T A f WOT nrtf utin hfMvro An Provincial government the Pre-ters. For Instance, The Guide Other kintts, we gather, jshouitt nated. indispensable nun, indispens- i mier or the Prime Minister? Jto Relative Precedence, issued by bp The Kltchrner gourmets have ! been oberving it for four years Tble parties or jiulitpensabie lnu LS an argument mai me ueparimeni oi me secretary j Governments" But there' ar : bobs JP everv nw and tnpn: ''I0' 8tat. and Pbli.shed by the! AMcg frQm oltawa annoim j on the first Bunday after July 1 , is raging again. : Queen's Printer, lists "The Prime ertma man In orn iilnnao nt ' . . ... -ere I i in ,i . i . i.i, i 1 1 ... ' in. Pries.11 It some time, who Just can't he I In a newspaper advertise- ?fin,s of tne Provinces or;, nrteen mUUon. AH could t""lf lHerhl rv hi n displaced, without loss. !ment during the recent election Canada." jfind accomodation in the Marl-'1"'; 'S'",,"" There conies a point in every : campaign, Mr. Bennett signed When the Queen, as Princess time provinces, and there would. V "1 ,. democracy when it Is "time for him "Prime Minister of British .KiDeUi, and the Uuke of Edm-uil be ample space for every- Wjlt ,P this ?,!"P!7h:,t..ti,me.,mly.!,e'Col,imbia" LT:.' with"ut 8",g any dLsta,1Re I Kitchen, "r resicTen and visitors year. It. may be that tlv Wniptiy Liberal leader Ar-.y- ' "7" ; w speun. !hare the jinnual treat in we iiiMruriiuiis iu ine uuv- ..... t , xf.t . . thur Laing scoffed, said there Already Kitchener has gain- ernment of British Columbia; " ' ' CALLING IT A DAY is oniy one irime Minister in :; ... . 'ed a. certain distinction as the x bit there kills the expectancy. It may be comfortable but it does not stimulate. It would be discouraging also to have to give up the occasional nip of something spicy, such as a dash of mustard or a splash of hot sauce. Even if they do irritate the insides a little, they are simple pleasures which surely compensate for the physical damage by bolstering up morale. This is not an attempt to dismiss Miss Smith and her good counsel. Since there are not many centenarians around, it must be that most people are entirely too indiscriminate about what they shove down their throats. But something must be said for the spirit as opposed to the stomach. If this is ignored, we might become fretful and sleep badly Canada, that lie lives in Oltawa , ''HoTnrTe said yesterday nat lace wlwe , knwket and A lew duvs ago Mr. Bennett enl IlLS ,Honor the Lleut-gover- Churchill was retiring. Doubtless sauprkraul arp SPrVed " he said came back from Ottawa carry-; n,or of British Columbia, the Hon.j n,e truth. Anyway he's earned -.Tnink now tne c'Uv wouid lng a brief labeled "The1 t;larence Wallace. Mm. Wall- ,t. Ever shice he was a youthful ;st,Tifi people's minds the Prime Minister." That started "Z correspondent In South AN oTerbrry-blLom people of Canada are going to vmt the Liberals out and put the Conservatives in. But I don't think they will, for this reason: Deep down in their .hearts, the Canadian people .know that world peace is the most important thin? in the world today. They know that under th? radiant, goodwill leadership of our great Prime Minister. Mr. Lester Pearson is doing one ,of the most practical peace-mal ing jobs attempted by any statesman of this century. CHROMITE FOt'NI) tne argument in over again, ; " '"-- rn-a nuy-inree years us", ma Now there ar many sides to BrltLsh Columbia, the Hon. By-1 nfe j,aa been one adventure after '.his question, and it goes a long ron Jlinsn. and Mrs. Johnson."! another, with precious little KARACHI. Pakistan 9 Large deposits of chromite have been way back. ! .When the Lieut. . governor empty time between Ihcm, found in Kharan, in the Baluch- Liberal Premier T. D. Pattullo.i writes t0 hls flrst minister, who from 1933 U 1941 always called a Ilow Mr- Dpnne". e iorm oij iDernan ana nis puriy ramc i.stan arPa Tne area j, believed himself the"fPrlme Minlsterjand address he uses Is: "My dearnto power solely on his offer of to contain more than 8,300 tons sion t tht. effepi was hu -Prime Minister." $25 a month to everybody. Ap- f eXoosed ore. ! office doof.'Hi- had a blueHeu-i Mr- Bennett mostly signs his parenuy he never react tne uura wny noes Canada s name stand 'titers "Premier,", but when he chapter . pne or ne wouio "r brief that said, iifttH. , in huh in u the e UN UN todav- I :n ,"'hn ... todjyL i...i.i.r4 i-i Mir.iA.2Vw. rends communications to Oov- hare known we have to earn our at night. This, in turn, might , lead to ulcers or insomnia. So you'd better; pass the 'mustard, Miss Smith, because we are just going' to have a small second helping. ' - Why 1 h t inaaa aiw.ivs nnmpn " " . m PheUn, Edmonton. " u. A ... w;w pnvprnmpnt nmncrtv t.hntUrnmpnt Houjp or the Federal f Drcuu put on any trouble-shooting brief case, and so Mr. Pattullo Government, lie si5ns as "Prime j gleans. . ion it in me premier s omce. """hi-i. When Mr, Hart took over In! When the ( head of the Provln-1941 he outlawed the term Prime! cial GovernmeiU is Introduced, Minister, took down the sign on or announced at Government the door, refused to use "the House, it Is ' The Prime Mlnls- committee at the UN such as the cne which finally broke the prisoner deadlock over Korea? Why was Lester Pearson the first choice of all but Russia Red Cross Gives $20,009 to Japan Prime Minister" brief case, calledi ter," or "Mr. Prime Minister." I OTTAWA DIARY j? By Norman M. MocLeoa If the Progressive Conserva-jto be done bv mirrors Thev're For Flood Relief himself the Premier. Not long If, of course, the Prime Minis-ago this brief case turned up, ter of Canada should be there and it's presumably the one that , at the same time he would toe ha.scau.sed the latest stir in the! THE Prime Minister, and the for the position of Secretary-General of the whole UN? Why is Mr. Pearson thr President of the Assembly right now? SURELY the answer is obvious. Canada has the most practical team of neace-makers at the UN Lester Pearson is recog TOKYO (CP) The Japanese -ives should win on August 10th perfectly willing to tell you iext, where would they find the how they're going to set about ' Anelia $475 '49 Ford roach $1350 50 Prefect as ts $550 '4B OnUffe ,-ln Pickup with box.. $950 '3-1 lord with '42 Mercury Engine A ls $125 Premier vs. the Prime Minister head of the B. C. Government rCC) cross today received a gift debate. would be "The Prime Minister ofmi ton ooo fmm rnnaHn tnmrri ,N,500J)00,000 by which they have it. Here's their story: Each man in the uniform of Sitting as a private member I British Columbia." I flood relief, from 1941 to 1945 and boosting j The official Journals of thel Albert Batten of Hamilton, he Was the only true-blue Lib- B. C IaKlntnre. however refer .nMn.n. r iv, Paint a room todny. I niilil. It's eaV 'l'' N KASY Safin. N " iihc, ilriea m fast, si-"" wear , . . can lie crW' ami over. No "painty" "lap murks". For -la-l" hoard, macoiiry " rimer. 1(1 iianlel ciM the navy, -army, or air force ln nized the world over as among 'iromised to cut taxation annually. For the Liberals and the CCP on Parliament Hill these days that's the $6 question. But the PC's aren't worried. They say that the proposition Is easy, and that ' it won't have Canada costs the public treasury j the top half dozen most prac-reral left, since all the others had to the Hon. the Premier." - Canadian Red Cross made the $18,000 per year for his pay andjtical peacemakers in the world joined Coulition with the Con- So, It's all a matter of prefeiv I presentation Vat the Canadian l.,r. t)nl., V.rwl ..?-. ...... .. , 4 ' allowances; bis food: his cloth- today T.0 Austin '41 Packard 120 Redan ... v.liitr-alu -l uYencuM $1050 $350 ing and the military equipment; Nor is' there anything fuzzy which kfetisfwl The iimiUvalent'1 oYTwbollV'" "headed t aliout ' Can- 1 t oriia-uin, ivn. s-ulluuu nau luiijcnce, ana n aoesn i maice murn ; embassy In the presence of Can-In j.he Legislature 'He often re- -difference anywa ittUtet : m-mMwvWJAtor Swred to the "f rimejJinister,"these are the dog Hay A'mflP hevA ' . and" then" 'iuld ties 'pii-aiiJitiaificirfuTaV - yoahLsukl Kasal, vlce-presl- that term's old-fashioned now-argue' about. ... ' ' dent of the Japanese Red Cross, he's called the Premier but1 Mr. Mieht Just as Well Bet into an I in ncrnnllnff the elft. nntorf thnt yTTgure In' Hie Imitea States' Is ada's peace-making eontribui SILVERS!!! Blind Teacher $13,500, while the corresponding : tion figure for Britain Is $4,500. The Prime Minister himself SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. BROS rattullo let it be known he would i argument els to whether a man always refer to the Prime Minis- should be addressed - Mr. J. J. ter and that's what he proceeded Smith, or J. J. Slmth, Esq. to do. But as to that "The Prime On the thesis that the United States soldier Is the world's best clothed, best fed, and generally most liberally treated, the PC's argue that It should be passible by efficient national defence administration to reduce Canadian eosta at least to the United Once Had Partial Vision " TRURO, N.S. H When teacher Pearl Campbell tells the students at the School for the Blind ln Halifax how to do things she The Shorter Oxford English Minister" brief case; If It ever half of It was donated by the Canadian Junior Red Cross towards clothing for Japanes" children. Disastrous floods which struck the southern Japanese island of Kyushu late ln June left more than 2,500 persons dead, missing or Injured. MEN'S AMD BOYS Dictionary says the word Premier Is .short for Prime Minister, and it defines Prime Minister as srot lost It wouldn't be easy to find Its rightful owner. Which Premier, or Prime Minister, and where? was the first statesman in ths world to advocate formation of what is now known as NATO: The peace for which Canada has worked, and even as In Korea fought for, was not a' peace at any price. It, was peace with justice, upheld by police power. Because Louis St. Laurent took the stand he did, the whole west organized and said plainly to Russia: "If you cross that line we fight." Had Chamber CLOTHES AND SHOES 8tates leVel. That would mean a saving of $4,500 per service man annually. On the basLs of a Canadian service force of 125,000, the total saving would reach $562.000,000, a "a principal or chief minister, servant or agent." The B. C. Constitution Act says: "the official occupying the position Qf Premier shall be paid a salary of $9,000 a year." ' On the other hand, the Fed MKN'S FINE Sl!ITS 100"5- all-woo''" Fine tailoring, perfect fitting. Blue ,1! shades. Makes a real suit for all sta at Real Value. ONLY $44 f . -MKN'S TOPCOATS Showor-proof. figure safely in excess of the lain done that, as Churchill urged. Hitler would have been Drew pledge. will be talking from experience. She also is blind. The first blind student to graduate from the Nova Scotia Teachers' College here, Miss Campbell was referred to by Principal P. McCarthy as "one ho gives every promise of being an efficient and successful .i.eacher." Mr. McCarthy said she did work of "a very high order dur- eral Government always refers .'shades and uood fits. Lots of wear. CABIN CRUISER FOR SALE "ELIZABETH M" Length 35 feet O.A. Beam 9'2 feet. Registered tonnage 13 tons. Powered by 78 h.p. Grey Marine Lugger .... Good appearance and condition. Sleeps 4, with galley, cooking facilities and water closet. Price $3600 Cosh Boat may be seen at Yacht Club. To Inspect, contact Capt. R. Wilson, To purchase, contact Mr. C. S. Foreman, Columbia Cellulose Company Limited. Real Value $2C MKN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Sl..1 Congressman The controversial factor ln this arithmetic of the PC's Isn't the ulleged disparity between the service costs ln the three countries. That's admitted by 100 perfect tailoring, new .sliatles. or stripes. Real Value, from $9 stopped In his tracks. LET US GRANT that the Conservative front benches would be strong that George Drew would be a good home front Prime Minister. Of course he would. But where Is the experienced, practical peace' maker among them? Why take a chance? niv ii'iiovi linn aiiu LlfUIL the government. But what the MKN'S WORK PANTS Shoots Self RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) A Congressman shot himself In the House of Deputies, witnesses said and Is ln grave condition, He is government denies Is the .possi Strongly tailored. Real Value $4 Miss Campbell studied at the bility of using the service casts of any country as a yardstick for the service casts of either of the MKN'S DRESS SIIOKS Good selection, fit and well mn(k Lots of wear. Hp'1 others. values, from $5,50 to BOYS' LF.ATIIKIt OXFOROS slrl1 High comparative Canadian service costs are explained by Deputy Pdinio Gaya who Is re- j ported to suffer from cancer. Witnesses said he shot himself in the house antechamber in front! of a group of other Congress-; men. The Alsatian, a large wolf--hound, was so named because it Was once used as a sheep-dog In Alsace. the government as due to vari School for the Blind for 11 years and then attended high school at Glace Bay, from which she was graduated in 1951 with a grade 12 certificate. She had partial vision until t-ight years ago. "I was hot Very happy then," she recallB, "but I (soon became adjusted to loss of sight." "You know I am much better Off than some blind people. 1 have had the privilege of sight. Fishermen PHONE 644 FOR COMPLETE MARINE ELECTRONIC SERVICE built, lots of wear. Real Values. Now, from $3 ous Inescapable factors which Include the high percentage of the total force which Is on serv BOYS' PANTS For Sunday and everyday wear. Real good values. Now, from .- BOYS' WINDBREAKEttS With zippers. Less than factory cost. From $ ON . . . Radio Telephone Auto Pilots Echo Sounders Direction Finders ice abroad, the expense of outfitting and housing the Canadian service man against the rigors of the Canadian winter, and the generally heavy expense of military administration ln a geographic unit the size of Canada., Thes. are All factors t.ha rov- and I can visualize what is going on about me. Color, form, a Shape, when described to me, all make an Impression on my Re -Roof , - with DUROID Asphalt Shingles For Free Estimate . . . See or Call Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 21 5 First Ave. W. ALSO ... Authorixed Radar Service lor Coastal Steamships LOOK FOR THE NAME mind." ,; Once on the active teaching taff of the Halifax school, she Vlll prepare her lessons from Brailee text books and pass them RUPERT RADIO and ELECTRIC eriuiiBuif strguea, wnrcn jufii imve to be accepted, and which no magic of administrative efficiency toy the fC'i could BETWEEN THE ROYAL AND BELMONT IIOITIS ( Prince Rupert Box imn fn to her pupils ln the same manner.