300 Attend Navy Danco passing Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Friday, July 10, 1953 I - vf - A - w I St. Laurent Says Liberal Government Would Assist Health I nsurance Scheme Will SanJy About 300 persons attended the baskan. dance honoring personnel of Novelty dance pri?s were pre-HMCS Cayuga and HMCS Sault sented to Ray Walker and his 8te. Marie last night in the Naval partner Miss Joan Bell by Chat-Drill hall and sponsored by the ham's Cmdr. T. A. Johnstone, reserve establishment HMCS Second spoi dance prizes were Chatham. won by Seaman Jim Brooks of Captains of both visiting war- tne Cayuga and Miss Dolly Ben-ships, Lt. Cmdr. W. P. Hayes, of son. Cmdr. Hayes made the pre- up every year. We hope it will I party could be sure of carrying were speeches and Udshakes or welcome continue to go up, and if it does, out that kind of a promise un-you may be sure that a Liberal ! less we were prepared to meet government will continue to cut expenditures by borrowing money VANCOUVER W Prime Minister St. Laurent says the Liberal government stands ready to assist In a "sensible- and practical" country-wide contributory health Insurance scheme providing satisfactory agreements can be worked out with the provinces. taxes," Mr. St. Laurent said. and running up the national ' But we are not going to promise to reduce taxes regardless r r arranged Tor visiting n and their wives at ullan Legion last night. ,,c had a good word for Miid the visitors will li fond recollections, i round of applause was debt. And that would be, as Mr. the Cayuga and Lt. D. E. Rigg of santation. Finance Minister Abbott said, th Sault Ste. Marie attended. Another visitor of note at the trying to b'uy votes now with our: Able Seaman Bill Heminger dance was Pfc. Robert L. Sur- of circumstances. Neither the Liberal party nor any other I children's earnings.' tin Youngs when he was Opening a two-city vote-getting tour of this Pacific province, Mr. St. Laurent also said Thursday night that his government will continue to cut taxes, if national Income rises and and Wren Nina youngman were man of the 6th Infantry Division, In charge of arrangements for U.S. army who was on leave from the dance. iFort Ord. Calif. Pfc. Surman Trie dance also served as a has just completed his basic birthday celebration for Able training at Fort Ord, near Mon-Seaman Heminger who a year terey. He formerly worked at the ago last night returned from CNR express office in Prince Korea aboard the HMCS Atha- Rupert. he huge city iropny. the hus?e city trophy. Liberals Rapped For Failing To Prepare For Depression h.irold Whalrn said ne J. . J'V. It called Harvey Murphy, European- t , : - 7 X:A other circumstances warrant reductions. The 71-year-old prime minister received roll after roll of applause as he touched on these and other contentious Issues In delivering the 12-point Liberal party policy before some 2,500 persons who packed a local could remain here so ens could see It. Must .1 a very benevolent or nseious council in 1930, kcd. The trophy stands 11 three feet high. m w ho was In rharge rments for the dinner nit sot a big hand for -bitanclng act. Wll- By ALAN DONNELLY i RENFREW, Ont. (CP) Hon. George Drew, Progressive Con-! .servalive leader, says neither the Liberals nor Conservatives can be blamed lor the depression of the 1930s but the Liberals ag born Communist who was trained at the Lenin Institute In Moscow where they specialize in political warfare and sabotage." A Progressive Conservative government would pass a law to define Communist activities, protect Individual freedom by makinz certain that onlv bv a For Work . . . For Play . . . America's STRONGEST Whipcord! gravated It by not preparing for It in the late 1920s. Fisheries Minister Sinclair, Associate Defence Minister and 20 other B.C. Liberal hnnel Kills, deckhand At an election meeting here j decision of the courts would that Thursday night, Mr. Drew re ferred to a radio address by Prime Minister St. Laurent in law be Interpreted, and defend Canada "by taking the steps necessary to protect ourselves against treachery of this kind." candidates were on the platform. Hundreds of persons were turned away. They stood outside the arena and listened to the which Mr. St. Laurent ques tioned how ready the Conservative government had been for Hhoard tlie Wchlneau mii.,t own a hardware perhaps he supplied 05? r Ray Hurl, who's been lie last three races and 1D31 winner of the r Rupert leg told the i that their hospitality t each year. He asked isitors to rise and give s yachtsmen, a cheer. 1 ' - -'" Ti -i mm k hi i i the depression after 1930. "A Liberal government was In VJlW DM KM ot'T IN (iOW NS and mortar boards, four graduates of a nursery school in Windsor, Ont., are congratulated by Dr. J. 8. Plant, one of the proud parents, after receiving their diplomas. The five-year-olds are left to right: Wendy Valmsley, Donny Barric, Paul Plant and Charlene Santsche. prime minister by loudspeaker. He Is to address a rally In Victoria today. In his policy speech he said the Liberals arc "committed" to support a policy of contributory health Insurance, administered by the provinces. , His government Is ready to assist In getting the scheme under way but Mr. St. Laurent Is convinced more than ever that "this Is a field which should, as far as praticable, be left to provincial administration." Two provinces alreadyhave power when the great depression came In 1929," Mr. Drew said. The Liberal government made no preparations for it although a depression had been forecast. In another campaign speech earlier at Pembroke, Ont., Mr. Dre said a government of his party would end "witch hunts" for Communists In government agencies and fight Communist activity "under a known law." BUYING FOR YOUR HOME orgency call lor llow- of Portland, at tne caused consternation Maximum Strength to lembers of his party. Wear and Wear under Stapler Convenient Gadget In Home as Well as Office tindrrcd anxiously If h4 ' ' f( f ( U 1 1 i toughest usage, yet with is trouble aboard his Trim Good Looks . . vacht, Jole. It turned full-fledged hospital Insurance, Right whatever you do all was from a Belling- The government had long abandoned the basic democratic principle that no one should' but Mr. St. Laurent doesn't think tel chef who watched it lair to federal taxpayers If federal contributions are made apes. Close moth bags and repair rips in them. Fasten party favors and . . . wherever you go. Heaviest 19 ox. Whipcord i ' Durable Water Repellant in 'only one of two provinces. mm have his freedom threatened or his right to work denied except under a known law enforced by free and Impartial courts. "Employees of the National "Federal contributions should ly IXKNOKE LESTtlt The stapler Is an essentia) piece of oillce equipment today. Many housewives do not realize what a convenience this little i. vet is in tne home as well. With a quick movement you L,.n slupli- together bills and receipts, menus and shopping be regarded as a national sup Ion of the boat In his who, passing through in vacation, wanted to .cquaintanc.e with Its he explanation brought nt and relief. ioard the Joje Is Mrs. smart poodle, Hohay, plement and an evener-out when Fasten plant and flower arrangements. I MAKES BETTER most or tne provinces are pre- Two-Ply Blended with Nylon Scratch-Free Comiort Film board were placed under susoiclon fr months . . . then with a great show of aatlsfactlon they (government members) de undertake satisfactory a DooKirt or directions snows 'pared to you how to use the stapler for I schemes. ifter the ship with a each Job. You II find hundreds of other uses for the stapler If vou keep it about the house. "And If is Liberal policy to go on imnrovlrnr federal health grants which have done so much to place all the provinces In a better position to discharge their primary responsibility In this important field." The 12-point policy declaration was mostly a restatement clared that they had cleansed the board of offenders who arei guilty of no offence which this government Will define by law." Mr. Drew said the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Is "In a position to paralyze our vital uranium ou .id r.nu mat lite; i. stay together. A new triple-purpose stapler is also a lacker and stapling pllcr. It also has a staple remover, which makes unstaplini? as easy and quick . as stapling Itself. ere ore some of the ways in which you can use such a itHDler about the house: Post grocery bills, menus and Q. "I hnve h-d to buy a wardrobe closet for my small bedroom. It looks so large and ugly. How can I make lt fit In better?" A. Paint or paper lt the same color as the walls. You'll be pronunciation. Uohny slight Increase in the n of the Dally News s. Irwin and her friend, L. RciU, of Newport alifornla, railed at the fr oirice to obtain an if copies for use In the sleeping quarters hip. . i lilv News also W'as well ivn at the yacht club iv afternoon when the IN" THE TIME Industry." It was led by "a man Vi I 1 TROUSERS..., $12.95 JACKETS . $15.95 CRUISERS , , , , $19.95 Watts & Nickerson . - MEN'S WEAR ' surprised at how It will seem to disappear Into the walls. calendars. i Attach covers to Ironing of previously, defined Liberal j policy on such major Issues as housing, communism, price support, the constitution, employment and taxation, i Only the Liberals, he said, could form a stable government at Ottawa, and only the Liberal Man Fined For Driving While Impaired AND IT'S SO SURE! boards. PERSONALS Ucovered they all had Install fancy ineii. edgings. Attach extendon, lamp and jin5 hi the paper within r after their arrival. appliance cords neatly to furni party has "reasonable prospects"' Charles Henry Jackson, Prince of reducing taxes and keeping Rupert, was fined $50 and costs. Mr nnd r Frank Skinner . . . .-U t C?U nH 1A oi in default 30 days In jail . ,, ... . , . . its other promises, "because we ture or baseboards. Re-attach window shades to 'heir rollers. Repair torn veneUan blind n -.m -uwuKwinv refuse , promlse new expend! i.niny Pilford was right ics and hustled to the Mxm as he got his He sold them all. r Krank Dockrill, Tclk-nine owner, was a sueat (I "4 s Fi ,. il AO jJ 111 Ttv, U-(,V'-. 'V'.r." r 'y - l ( s i - ry: "ti f i'i J; f' ' ' f , hi A t , ' v;:i ' ' i k r r " ,i 4. i, !. I 4 ' ' I., 1 r U' , 0' i 'II I'' ' IV Wl 1 i l " HI VJtrtHW"- Landing and Vancouver. Their oldest r'dai'hter,- Sharon.- Is In Calgary with the Job's Daughter and plans to meet them In tures without counting the cost." s George Drew, Progressive Conservative leader, promised to cut live bv SSOt.OOO 00ft vear. said I i A ! H I Mill Scott's and had a busy Wednesday after being found guilty of being In control of a motor vehicle while his ability to drive was impaired by alcohol. ne tuse. hear-t in city police court before Police Magistrate W. DV'Vance; saw Jackson plead not trullty. He was represented bv Mrs. Willa Ray. The offence took place on the morning of July 1. Van-ouver on Tiiesdayorning. Mr gt but the governi Tnonec'or Piincnn MHW of greeting old friends. president Tony Craw-i attended with wilt ie to Dour Soulcr's res- r.ient had in the last years already made cuts that totalled that amount In a full year. Vmcouver arr'vert here Wednesday on the Prince Rupert Mr. Miller, who he ben In th C"- "Our national income has gone fiiljust the drapes when kept blading into Doug s nig dinner. Doug asked to remedy the situa-t a taller man was RADIO-PHONOGRAPH always insist on.. toms Fcrvi- for many vea". formerly made i!s hom In Ruiert. . home is In Chi; aj'. Is ths .wil M her s'-;!cr M"s. J. Lome Mac-',ar;n. T-na Mit.icbuk arrived from t, , f 1 f ... . ,,, jfYj il j t. ..... . , V . J I ' 1 ft ;sv ' v II rail McLoiiRhtin of found out he wns tf vt 'likings, he Jovially said Vancouver on tlf Prince Iip"'t "tild be a booby prize. surprise, ha was called to spend a visit here with Mr. inri Mrs, R. C. Barber. She formerly lived In Edmonton. 3-Speed Record Changer First 3-speed changer to give ceually superb 3-way per-f,cn"tiinance for your "45," "33 V and "78" records. It's the finest ever made. Superb Cabinet Styling The gracious dignity of Chippendale! Exquisite detail and trim! Richly grained veneer Hushes! iitic and presented with wit from the Ruiert ''lull for that reason. lrc lUk Wilton made ffl . .foremost infrozen foods eec.h in presenting tho Riillirr. pilot, on the Wc- RCA VICTOR V566-! m-'iwp whist, Saturday. July 11, 8:00 p m. (160pt lerclvcd the hacking of Standard Long Wave 6-tube radio. "Golden Throat" tone. 12" sp3akcr. Large record compartment IN WALNUT $229 95 Blighlly hlpher in Mahogany or Oak rs Riid local citizens " expressed a vote of ' Ray Hart and Frank Attention Members or L.u. -V nnd I..O.I,. C'ht.rch parade t Ft. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, 7:20 p.m.. July 12. (1601 '- I.Ofl A. P'ONIC. Jnlv 11. oithcr pc-miUing. Members or thch- "first-rate cf-lilnnnlnt! and organta-yenr's r:rc." : those travelling with it on the Donolie were ELAINE STEWART, m o v 1 e starlet, has been named by 100,000 male tourists, visiting Moramcc Caverns, world's only five-storey cave, as "The Girl They'd Most Like to Be Lost In n Ca"e With " This mnk'-s Elaine the prettiest cave-girl in history. nd friends meet at Bus Terminal. Bus leaves 1 p.m. sharp. Bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee supplied. (He) "son and his wife. Milt retary of the Intcrna-"wrr Boat Association In I was a competitor with boat n that year. "Mtors spent, so much PRIZED POSSESSION! DE LUXE f ' 1 New 'jmmMi M DECANTER VVVZvV f hiking with their hosts l'y lot out when It eami 1 time. Tnmmv Pakm-vial skipper of the Oeva, ftfl iiJ- MODEL BP-61 . Designed with i new fx)t . supersensitive speaker In handsome dove grey . . . Amii.'.ing ranye . Throat" tone system. "Golden , . 69-95 I 1,1 nlind 9 your ( rirst mate Raton Madl-l-ched while the others Rumor says they found to eat In th-s kitchen lit, they watched as the their crew Including WrUht and Lowell Pet- Encourage . . . hild's first step safety. plastic case With Short Wave BP-61-X Less BatteiK'S $fi9.95 "njoyed the dinner. ' Hilly Smith, catcher for ITS GREAT GOING WITH RCA VICTOR Hlon 2 Wildcats in the "irn'd tittle teaffue won f admirers with his al. rnfesslonal mnnncr at ri jssm Ltd ning game Wednesday. .0 K. fed a big laugh from the f'rs when In the Innine Now! This hut old Irnky comes lu vou in beautiful decanter . . , I no additional cost! doubts about TTmnl , With JUMriNG JACKS you can be sure that a child's font needs are completely attended to. FASHION FOOTWEAR Journeau's eyesight and 1 hlns in true Vnl Ri.rr., THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Phone 6 And 36 turned This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Gnvernnirnt of British Columbia. P e larse official. 1 1