to- Princ Rupert Dailv News Friday, July 10 1953 j Noted British Plane Designer Building Prototype of Powerful Pint-Sized Jet WWW ppgJW'-in..' II I' u.i-.i'..u.i.u..i. n.i... r-.-nM! .ii .i. I ' '. .,''?h 1 .'.In Canadian Planes In Air Show Racing across fifteen hundred miles of daiigf-r-fni(J wilderness . .. their courage forged an immortal American epic I PONY EXPRESS IN COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR 6TARRINO CHARLTON HESTON - RHONDA FLEMING JAN STERLING - FORREST TUCKER Today and Saturday I By AKCII MacKENZIE .the record-breaking Canberra ! LONDOw .! A lop British1 jet bomber used by the RAF, plane designer is working on a Petter is building a prototype ol powerful rocket jet fighter, only the little plane, dubbed the Gnat, a third as heavy and a quarter He expects it to be a potent as expensive as the conventional: anu-fignier or bomber weapon, type. and at the same time to be four I The pint-sized plane will givejto f've times as fast to produce notiiins away to ordinary-sized i tnn bigger planes, competitors except size, claims I The statistics listed by Petter j W. E. W. Petter, who designed smack of the lightweight fighter Also Cartoon - News Showt 7 . 9:08 CAPITOL SOESTERBERO A I R B A S E Holland CP) Canada's contribution toward arming North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations will be exhibited here July 18 when the Royal Netherlands Air Force celebrates its 40th anniversary with a display of Jet strength. More than 4H0 planes from Canada and seven other NATO nations will Join In Western A FAMOUS 1'I.AYtKS THtATRl Saturday Matinees J. - 4:0 cran turned out oy me Japan -BfM Europe's biggest air show, from ese during the Second World War, cashing in on economy and manoeuvreability at the expense of the pilot's lack of armor protect ion. The resemblance Is only skin deep, however. Petter's plans discount the nossibilitv nf the for your money the field where the first Nethpr-1 ri PTti5-V - ' V TV 2 raw? 8 I and GORDON i Gnat being merely an expend- fs9 frs I able addition to existing arma- lanas air lorce piane iook oii in 1913. Representim Canadi wilf be three squadrons of Canadian-built Sabre Jet fighters from the RCAF'-s No. 3 fighter wing at Zweibruecken. Germany. Leading them will be Wing Cmdr. R. T. P. Davidson of Vancouver. meats. . r of : (mm WARNER BROS.'-cotM" IECHNIC010R TOTE M What he has in mind is a heavy - hitting fighter, with swept wings, two 20 or 30-millimetre guns, light ejector seat, radio, big body fuel tanks and possible radar range-finding equipment for the guns. Petter estimates the combined weight of the necessary equipment plus pilot may total only 2,250 pounds, 40 per cent of the TODAY and SATURDAY Evenings ... 7: - 9:05 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2: p.m. WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT For Boys And Youths Yes sirce! here In littl? old Prince Rupert. Eight here in Wallace's. A complete hoys' and youlhs' department equal to any city .store. WALLACES DEPT. STORE With the United States and the United Kingdom, Canadi; has supplied arms and training to the rebuilt Netherlands air i force, as she has to France,' Denmark, Italy and Belgium. ' Supplied under her two-year $361,383,000 mutual aid program have been armaments, ammunl-'inn. let in"lnr and nthr equipment. Last year, she trained 1.400 pilots nnd navigator for continental NATO countries. -jiit pf honor t the air show will be Queen Juliana of The Netherlands. I. KODEO TIME AT THE 26lh ANNUAL two-day Ponoka Stampede, near Edmonton, brings out the best in broncos and bronco-riders. More than 12.000 jammed the grounds to see this Alberta cowhand battle his wild mount for the required eight-second ride. plane's total weight. He calls his hypothetical craft a practical flying weapon whose short production time and saving on man-hours in construction "makes possible efficient production in many countries which might otherwise not be able to contribute to their own and North Atlantic Treaty Organization defence." PRINCE RUPERT TO t ri' r Li 1 :. m-u i fc.t.lHI HI ! I ' I SnMfici to Chnr BEiaaZKHHHli Try Daily New? Want Ads Tins advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boiiid nr by the Government ol British Columbia. m- rAL 1240 Kilocycle CFPR BLACKWOOD on By EASLEY BLACKWOOD FRIDAY PM b :m S :?5-S 30 rttlrrs' Choice , IntpriiHt.i'uml Comty. -UN TftflHV tic Ncw: Wrnihcr R-uirt CNR Starts Training Younger Men SHERBROOKE, Que. Witihin the next 15 years most of the present supervisory officers on the Canadian National Railway.? .system will retire. To prepare a corps of equally capable men to replace them H-MHnvr Yon Heard'' KETCHIKAN WRANGELL - PETERSBURG JUNEAU And Other Alaska Poinls ELLIS AIR LINES Full Safety Play Will Lose Nothing, May (Iain Much There often is a big difference between a play w hich is almost sure to be safe and a play which is absolutely. safe. In today's deal, it meant the con B OO Bill Oood (Sports Krvlew 8:15 Supper Herenade 7:no CBC NewM 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:.')0 CBC Waltz Time 8 no Boh Mi Mullln Hhow 8:30 141 BolteK a Chnitwin 9:00 tiongn of My Peopln 9:30 -Canadian Symphonic 10:00 CBO News 10:10 CBC NeWN 10:15 Election Tal It Liberals 10:30 Sport Pace 11 :45 Independence Day-Doinlnlon Day Proitram 1 1 0(1 Weather Report M.P. tract. H'tntrt rlciilrr Both sidrn vulnerable Nrlti (Mr. AM) 8 -A K H B 7 5 D Q 8 7 3 3 the C.N.R. ha.s started a staff training course. S. F. Dinple, vice-president in rharse of oueratlons told the Sherbrooke Rotary Club the course is not Intended to replace the know-how that comes irom study and experience on the I job but to provide the supervisor with a broader knowledge ; of the company's operations. Phone 266 Office Opposite Post Office 1 1 nsh Arrivals WE CAN - WE WILL REDUCE TAXES CFPR 1240 on your dial 10.15 p.m. Published by The ProRressive Conservative Party of Canada Mr. Dule opened the five nf ,nades and dummy's king won. Mr. Muzzy sw no problem to the hnnd and in fact there was rone. However, the wav he went pbout taking nine tricks, a problem was created. Thankful n heart hnd not been led, he decided to go after C K 8 4 . (Mr. IHtlr) (Mm Kn 11) S 10 8 5 4 S - 3 a A B 4 2 H Q J 1 H ' The need for supervisors will ' D None n K 10 I the diamond suit by taklnu a finesse toward Mr. Dale. What If Mr. Dale did have the king nf diamonds? Mr. Muzzy then would hnve four diamond win-"rs. two snade winners and three winners in clubs. The general plan was all 11 04 Music Till Midnight 13:00 Sign-off mTT'U A M. :00 Musical Clock :30 CBC News; Weather "Jep-rt :3ii Musical Clock 8:00 CBC Ncwa 8:10 Here's Bill Outd 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8 45 l.ltl.le Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary :i -Saddle Serenade 9.30 CBC Stamp club 9:45 Songs of the West 9:69 Time 81mm 10:00 Children's Theatre .u:ju worm Churcn News M0:45-CBC News 10:65 Weather Report 11:00 Saturday Dale 11;30 Weather Keport II 31 rW Arrivals' " '' - C 9 7 3 2 C J OS Hmilll (Mr. Mu.zi) 8 J 7 8 H- K 0 IV-A J 4 C A Q 10 The bidding: Bouth West North Kast i 1 D Phsk 3 D Pass 3 NT All Pat Sterling to Dollars cosily and quickly increase, he said, with the pres-! ant "new railway buildin? era.": He referred to new lines being built by the C.N.R. to Lynn Lake,' Manitoba, and from Terrace to litimat. ! "We have had to greatly ex- 'lid our yard facilities and Industrial trackage. The scope of jur .service has been widened to ncltide the expeditious move- ifiit of all types of traffic pas-( senger, freight, refrigerated ship'-' iit nts, exp ess, terminal and LINDSAY'S ' CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1!!10 MOVING . . PACKING . . . CRATING S1II1TING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and ' World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SH'P VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Lid. I'lione 0 or 69 f or. 2ml and Park Ave. Halibut Landings iir;ht. but the card led from rinmmy st trick two ruined its chances. Mr. Mup.zy selected the deuce of diamonds. "" Mrs." keen played the five nnd the Jack was finessed. Mr. Muzzy looked very happv when Mr. Dale discarded a club on the trick. The finesse had worked. But his elation was short A total of 117,01)0 pounds of Our American and Oversea Department can help you make use of recent govern- merit regulations that enable you to bring sterling asset to Canada. , We believe you will find the U'Sn-i .-k.n simpler and fs .--- iha you anticipate. 1 1 :33 Message Period 11:34 Rec. Int. ll :4o i'ersuiial uibuio P M 12:00 PolX Song Time 12:30 Music Profiles 1 :0O Roll Back the Years 1 :30 BBC Bandstand 1 :45 Sounding Braiis 2 :00 Trans-Canada Bandstand 3:00 CBC News 3:10 Program Resume switching service and the intro-luciion of motor vehicles to co-l ordinate truck-train service. 'Further improvements ln-l-irio a laclio lor yard work, installation of more automatic signals, and the mechanization of our maintenance of way opera - halibut were sold by Canadian vessels yesterday at the highest price thus far this week paid on the exchange was 18.9 for mediums on July 7. Landings July 6 Kingfisher (American) 30,500, 18.6, 18, 14, Atlln: Capel-la, 19.000, 18.3, 18, 14, Cold lived. He soon realized that no 'matter how he handled the diamonds from now on, the lead I would have to be surrendered to Ch rosne Sets . . . i tions. These Improvements will Mrs. Keen. When Mrs. Keen did j , cet in with her kine of dia-I monds she returned the queen I create new positions and we must have men trained .to ijtep into ',hcm," he said . ' . Here's modem moqic for your kitchen .... Peerlessly crofted chairs and table enhance the beauty of your kitchen and surroundings . . . Triple-plated chrome. See our nearest office for detaUu James Richardson &Sons tiiablUhed 1157 955 WEST HASTINGS ST. . VANCOIM Phone MArine 8511 EXECUTIVE OFFICES-WINNIPEG ' Brinchw Vancouver, Vionrm, Olaarr, tdmontrm. KraiiM. Saititon Mmj.e Jw. Lhhculie, Foruae U Fiaifie, Swijfl (unrnt, Kpaort Viadsuc, Chailuai, KitLhencf, Gall, Kiaaitoa, To onto, Montreal . Mountie Moves Up OTTAWA i The RCMP announced; today the appointment of assistant commissioner Clifford Walter Harvlson, 52, of Montreal, to command the force's Toronto division. Until recently he was In charge of criminal investigation for E Division, British Columbia. July 7 Teeny Milly, 30,000, 18.9, 18, 14, Cold Storage; Margaret I, 55.500, 189, 18.4, 14, Atlln! Atlin sold 35,000 to Co-op. July 8 St. John (American) 30.000, 18.6, 17, 12. Pacific; Deep Sea, 10,000, 17.5. 16. 12, Royal; B.C. Clipper, 77.000, 18, 17.1. 12, Cold Storage; Mother III, 30,000, 18.1, 16.8, 12, Atlin. i P. Doreen with 23,000, Four-Forty with 22,000, Fredelia III with 43,000. Embla with 22,000, of hearts and the defenders ! rnH.led off four tricks in that suit to defeat the contract. Tn this situation that in j where the king, the ten nnd one I other card are outstanding in a suit, the only safe card to 'end first is the queen. In this "articular case, Mrs. Keen prob- j "rilv would have covered t,h ! kine, hoping her partnpr had at '"ast one diamond so Mr. Muz-' Oenghis Khan .the first to use gunpowder, conquered China In. the 13th century. as Viking I with 16,000 making a v would still have a guess 4DVERTISINO IN THE DAiLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS total of 126,000 pounds all sold to Co-op. July 9 Twinkle, 22,000, 18.5, 17.5. 12. Cold Storage; Haida Chler, 40,000, 18.6, 17.7, 12, Atlln; Northern Breeze with 45.000 pounds and Tramp with 21,000 sold to Co-op. Spokane Pilot Edges Yakima Don Osborn, manager of Spokane's Western International League baseball entry, scraped the bottom of the barrel foi pitchers Thursday night and came up with Don Osborn. It was a judicious choice. The 43-year-old veteran sen' himself to the mound In the tor of the ninth against Yakima .ft"t Come New. the third relief pitcher, loaded the bases. Osborn fired three straight strikes at Ted Edmunds. That retired the side with the score 6-8. In the bottom of the ninth Bill Sheets singled home Carl Rush to give Spokane a 7-6 edge and lift the Indians a full game in front of Salem Senators who took the night off. Elsewhere around the league. I.ewiston shellacked Wenatclwe 12-3, Vancouver whipped Edmonton 9-1, and Victoria downed Calgary 5-2. o whether to finesse against 'he ten or nlay for the drop on i 'he next diamond lead. j ActU 'll". as you see, Mr. Muz- i " would hnve had no problem. would have won with the 'e and Mr. Dale would have hown out. Dummy then could have been entered with the king 'f rluhs and the marked finesse nealnst the ten of diamonds would have brought in the entire suit. Nothins could posibly be lost 'iy leading the queen of diamonds first. But something -;ould have geen gained the 'ontract Itself. ..I"i'&s2- . 1 4 Ciiairs, I Table Set $99.50 SiB ill I 1 '52 FORD 1-ton Express Pickup 1 $2050 See the LADY ARVIN set by Arvin Industries, Indiana. The navigable channels of the Mississippi river system link the Great Lakes with the Oulf of Mexico. $1545 $885 LADIES' LUGGAGE 2- and 3-piece sets 2OFF . . . We carry the largest regulqr price selection of luggage in the city. CHOOSE YOURS NOW AND SAVE FOR YOUR HOLIDAY DOM'S DEPT STORE '50 METEOR Sedan.. '50 PREFECT Sedan '47 FORD Sedasi, Special '50 MONARCH Convertible '51 PLYMOUTH 2-Oour , $139.50 5 Pieces $995 $2550 $1700 Mil- K.i;v-"' MODERN AND OLD TIME Dance Tonight LEGION AUDITORIUM Admission $1.00 Dancing 10 -8 Music by THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS EVERYONE WELCOME A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A Good Place to Buy For Over a Quarter of a Centur.7" 0? Third Avenue Phone 775 Bob Parker Ltd. SERVICE STATION "The Home of Friendly Service" McBRIDE at SECOND AVE. 3