Friday, July 10, ltfoS bowmen Meet GALT, ' Ont. (tPX More thaii 200 bow and arrow experts from Canada and the United States have been invited to the first bit; Invitation tournament of the Gait Archery Club Aug. 23. Unorthodox targets will be used to test the bowmen's .skill. TODAY'S STOCKS It. JtthtMttin Co. I I l-l Saa( Court ev K BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dovdie Room 19, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 5.25 9 30 .95 18 .17 M'2 .34 .29 .55 .10 1 39 .35 200 .44 .16 East Sullivan . . Giant YelloRkniiK .. Ood s Lake . Hardiock Harricana ' Heva Gold Duvex Joliet Quebec Little Long La'c Lynx Mad.'en Red Lake .. MfKenzle Red Lake Macleod Cock.shutt Moneta Negus VACOLVFK American Standard .... 18'-. Bralorne 3 75 BRX 02' 2 Cariboo Quartz 1.05 Congress 09 Cronin Babine 10'i Oiant Mascot 45 Indian Mines .05H Pioneer 1.85 Premier Border 08' Privateer 03 t Sheep Creek .63 Silbak Premier 13 Vananda 02 "2 Spud Valley .C4 Silver Standard 93 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS I .... J 20 HELP WANTED FEMALE 3C ROOMS FOR RENT LEGAL NOTICES B.C. FOREST SERVICE EXPERIENCED stenographer j THREE-ROOM suite, furnished. for loca construction office. ' liy m rive, wesi (160p) Noranda flfiufl Louvlcourt 15' 8ome bookkeeping required. NOTICE OF LICENCE SCALERS (COAfiT) EXAMINATION Examination, tor Scalers Licence 39 HOMES FOR KENT Phone 563 durmir daytime for appointment. (159) Classified Rates j UAiir time 4 30 p m. day previous i imuilcuttoii. s'iliid. :i cents per word per ln-wTilim: minimum charie 50 n , rt li Notices, f0 cents: Cards nf Tlmnks. Death Notices, Hum-mi Notices. MitrriBxe and Engagement AiiUi'iint'-llu'lit. 12 00. ml Di--.ii:y double price. ' ro Kc'tmrt We will not Hccnpk responsibility ,r rtaslfltd aits lriTtt: Incorrectly IF YOU WANT A ' CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONX'RETF WOEX, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS PHONE S83 MESSENGER PICK-LP AND 'DELIVERY Uranium 2.70 47 'i 24 ' 58 Western Sil-Van Dorreen Estella SIX-ROOM house for rent. Five RELIABLE hlfih school gradu- j minutes from downtown. Fur-ate willing to learn children's ( niture for sale. Box 722, Daily wear trade. Apply The htoik i News. tittup Shoppe. (1601 i . . ' . 40 HOMES FOR SALE PART-TIME help for office I . Oils Pickle Crow 124 Petrol Oil 4s. Das 46 New Senator 19',!, Sherritt Gordon 4.45 Steep Rock 650 Silver Miller 68 Sweet Grass ,43 Gulden Manitou 2.45 (Count) under provision of Section 6fl of the "Porr-Ht Act" will be he-Id at: Terrace Ju!y 5"M fnd 24th. 153. B a m Los will be (w-nled one day and ti paper written the other. Examination fee l 8.00. (Applicants who. have tried the examina tinU'T wrung classification unless tint-in io or audi errors Is received itljm 24 hours of first Insertion. work. Must be able to type. ;$1250 IWwn $3500 Full Price ei Apply at Room 19 Besner Block, i John F L Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone B!ue 443 WHY PAY RENT? Anglo Canadian 5.85 A P Con .28 Calmont 1.15 Central Leduc 3.05 Mercury 15 Royal Canadian 13 Royalite 15.75 TORONTO hiicth (1611 Landover Oils .28 Rix Athabasca 1.90 niKIIOP Born to Mr. and TYPIST . STENOGRAPHER tion previously will be required w brinj their receipt for the ft 00 fee Application forma IN DUPLICATE must be correctly filled out and submitted before the examination. Application forma and further information may be obtained from the CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. A M. Bishop i nee Aussie Nesbitt Labine 2 15 quired for office. Phone 03 for Four-room bungalow with finished attic. Neat as a pin with nicely landscaped lot. Worth Inspecting. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Evenings Red 958 lite) (jlki'slurli, ol 313 Bin Ave. tusi, i,ltprview (163) District Forester, Court House. Prince ily !. 1:10.5. at tne rnnrr nu- , . r'l Oeneiul Hospital, son. ! WOMAN for part-time work In i-irht cicht pounds. (ltd I grocery store. Apply Skeena (Dally except Sunday) GEORGE DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Blarl; 84(i and Red 12? Grocery. (1641 Athona Aumaque Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian C M & S Conwest Donalda Eldona .10k4 .14'2 .40 .19"., 27 50 440 .70 ' .26 H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 809 Rupert, B.C.. or from the Fores Rftnger at Terraoe, BC. (JlO.noj ESTATE OP ALICE FRANCES GIBSON. DECEASED. IIIH HM.F. I3i6 PERSONAL FTVE-ROOM bungalow, good location. Steam heated, con- OFFICE clerk wanted, married woman preferred. Apply park take notice that I. Wtl For Outside Orders Phone 133 crete foundation. Full price I $5,500 00. Half cash, balance (1641 ' Written tenders will be received by Ikon Loulchm, win noi ne re- ""fnu j. the undersigned tintil Aucust 8. 195S incurred Don )it: il)le idic fur inr any any uni debts unmiru - H FI. $65.00 per month. For particu-Inrs nhone Nelson Brothers. for purchase for cash or one-half cash and term of property at 674 Illy Iiailir, rM:rpi. ujr i.t.T it, of July 7. 161P coal. I Port Edward. Ask for Mr. Hill. FOOTHILLS (sootless) KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT J.taics Block C083rd-Ave. W. (1001 Phone 651. Phllpct,, Evttt & Co. Ltd (ci UN the Prince Rupert group of Alcoholics Anonymous to- Will Filed NEW YORK APi Actor Roland Young left an estat? estimated at between $5,000 and $10,000 upon his death June 5, it was learned with the filing of his will for probate. y Write P.O. Box 1511, Prince 28 Fl RNITI RE FOR SALE Iilllti; itujjL-ll., UXi. I Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. iim-rl. HO"' 4th Arenue East, nelnn Lots n. 18 and 16. Block 7. Section 6. City of Prince Rupert, conntstmg of a substantial dwelling In good condition divided into three large self contained apartments with cement basement and foundations and attractive grounds. Apartments presently occupied on monthly tenancies. JAMES T. HARVEY, Box I8. Prince Rupert. B.C., WARTIME Four on 7th Ave. East. Cement foundation and floor with other .special features. Fenced-in lawn. McClary oil ranee. Full price $4,700.00. Terms. R. E. Mortimer, 353 3rd Ave. . , - 161 BEDROOM suite, bed-chesterfield and chair, dinette suite, new F.lectrolux, kitchen table. Bt'SINESS PERSONALS LACK your classified ad in this clothes drier, magazine rack, PRECISION SAW FILING . All Types of Sows. Sharpened IIS 1st Ave. W. Phone B09 TWO-STOREY house in Masset on waterfront. One acre clear Administrator. (J2.3,8,10,16, 17.23,24 1 puper at the economical six i-iomes imuipi-i, b' "" in r'lte 15 words for 3 con- sealers nnd other small Items, naive days cost $1.35; 15 Phone Black 766. UBO) rds for six consecutive days z SFW,N; M(HINrS m.r. ,.,t SI 8.1. And remember, you ,n phono your ads Just call SA1 t;B-Repalrs-Rentals. Singer LAND ACT ed, with garden. AH in good condition. Apply Box 719, Daily News. I161p rorrtft BISPIAY eOOKUTt o Vi -o fA& SB. Daily News. itf-nel, H..11,infr ntre Phone B64 CATALOGS (1741 .1 rHT-A Llm- ATIONAL Machinery Co COMFORTABLE three-bedroom home. OH heated, sun porch, hirdwood floors, close in. $5.500 00 easy terms. Phone Blue STATION uty ELECTRICAL ited. Distributors for Minim;,' 30 NOTR E OF IVTIATIOS TO APPI.V TO PI KCIMSK l.M( In iJind Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at the Southern end of Kinaskan Lake. TAKE NOTICE that Lucy Elizabeth Hyland, of Telegraph Creek, B C, occupation General Merchant. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described JOHN H. BULGER .iwniill, Lognlng and Contxac- , - ,1-n' Equipment. Inquiries In-iTHB ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. DINING PLEASURE 319. 15'J SEVEN-ROOM house, 514 ' 7th Ave. W. Full basemeat. Price ited C-nirtville Island, Vancnu-1 House wiring ana eiecincai r l, BC. (tf I repairs. 149 Bin Ave. west. WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US Zi , m W !T aV Phone Red ids. uon i fe - Hnlr in $4,750 $2 500 down, balance as rent, Box 723. Daily News. (163) .GENTS for Canadian Liquid IE 0 WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and 11 SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acety-nt- and all welding supplies. iiuKnv's Cartage & Storage td. Phone 60. (c) Dibb Printing Co. repaired. (tf I ti. 'A i ' diiillthkj FOUR rooms and bath, two good oil stoves, some furniture. $3.50000 426 8th Ave. East. (161p) I aAai4iaV FOR SALE MISC. Commodore Cafe 32 lands: Commenctnts at a post planted approximately two CI I miles In a South Westerly direction from Survey Port PP2046: thence East ten UO I chains; thence North twenty 20 chains: thence West ten (10 chains: thence South twenty 20 chains, and containing twenty (201 acres, more or less. The purpose for which the land Is required is to accommodate a hunting and fishing lodce. lk,l dtfi K M publitKcd ot tlnpiyW By I Third Avenue John Culgcr Ltd. COMPANY l tana Caltttttbiv m . UNFINISHED house on two lots. Phone Red 843. U59p AUI.ACE Prince Rupert to Smithers via Capling's Truck !no ( very Tuesday and Friday, on tact Whalcn's Cartage, hone 316. (l(!8pl B-7 CHIC YOUNG . Darn Good Rule! BLONDIE ' WANTED TO RENT . DENIM MATERNITY SKIRT 12-21 $6.50,. LUCY E. HYLAND. Dated June 19. 1953. lJ26.Jllly3.10.J7l 'EI.UXE Press "Clestetner"; Uuplifsiting, -circular letters. I ionihlv bulletins, business rmt. Phone 383. 733 2nd Ave ! UNFURNISHED house, four or more rooms. Apply Box 721. Daily News. (162p) YOUNG man, quiet habits, desires accommodation. Reply Box 724, Daily News. (161p THE STORK SHOPPE 303 Third West 160c est. (178) UMJ.U NO, automatic oil hat- 46 BI SINESS OI'PORTl'NITIESi f ""'I,., ( , FAO, v IM V r p OONT WOfiBy BLONOir.tEBVTHING VvE HAVE A RJLE TrAT ANYTrilr, l- TZ?LrSZr e. W1WIU.6E FiNElNAfEW WE SAY BcFOP; Wl VE HAU OUR feilffl fn-rr mMi mtA intr. sheet metul work. PhimP 48 TAXIS and TRANSFERS " " "C ITY TRANSFER Long Distance CRATING and PACKINO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household EJfects Moved to or from any point In B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBrldc 13. Call 630 8th West. Lclour- BUDOJES In all fancy colors and varieties including Pleds, Violets. Yellow-Faces, Clear- :ui. ic) m, intra nnri sel f-cnlors BahV OHIO'S FINEST CLEANER i.,.',. In nnnntltv KLEfTROLUX. Phone Blue n"LmH AvIHes. 1331 West COMPLETELY equlnpcd early-closing restaurant. Fixtures alone worth more than the asking price. $2000 handles. Must be sold. .Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Evenings Red 958 1 Otc) 0 for Parts- -finlcs Service. 53rd Avp Vancouver, B.C. Tele- (n phone KE. 541 1-R. 161) I.ENDOR Tablets are fffertlve. MF,AT cooler, cafe range (2- By ZANE GREY 3 weeks' supply $2.00; 9 weeks' KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED ?:.oo. At Dceth's Pharmacy. (H) t MST'.',eSf?CD.. riBUiDRIfiflHnO V ' ' (SOilPAHDfiACK Se.'OeSIWfft lAiMMWHILf.RACKTOJEBANO HS e?ftltt MD6HT.K'.' j vexi hksd iivv TWT" nwAMWM'A'Qii ji j- Be..i meM, Moyna frr6 tl I uni.ic ACCOUNTANT. Incomp LANDSCAPINO AND GARDENING Rock walls, rockeries, rock flower boxes, lawns and fences, garden keeping Free estimates Phone Red 806. . . ; f175pV oven), big wall mirror, electric coffe maker. 708 3rd Ave. West. (159p RESTAURANT, or will sell equipment. No reasonable of-fpr refused. Blue 127. i!61p) t HALLirRAFTERS Model fS40A dreamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR , VANCOUVER tnd intermediate Fort r 1 A.V USANCE CCWPAHV J M ic Tax specialist. S. G. Furk. "STAirr? tune HiiildiliK Red 593. (20mi ItKf'RJGERATOR SERVICE v'ummerriHl and Domestic. '' TAXI business, one car. For full 9-ttilx radio. Blue 683 after U;. . Each Tkurttta iaoasvnbs; novelties. Mdlc's News Kturtt.- :i " ' tO Parlor. May be seen in morn -TS.-.anMa'icsw-.nw :roCT.CX ; PROFITABLE shoe nuiRiOK business for sale. Apply Box 717, Daily News. " (ltp For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service ings. upi KILL Snw for rentr 836 Eraser St. Plume Red 816. 107p! EARLY everybody uses 99. 47 1950 MATCHLESS TnoUirryclc good condition. Red 579. (159p For reservation WTlte a call I lly or Tiipot ( ILL!' WANTED MALE RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nil"! .-. iy s -j m. 1- ... V- Pr.ce Rupett, B.C. 31 WANTED MI8CELI.ANEOIS Not a paint or polish! Just like By AL CAPf He's Off To See the Widow LI'L ABNtR chrome! Lasts years! Send 1 .93 l( -ta is MAH FUTURE r5A SHEW 1 . S WAU, THAT'S GOOP V. WHV-fufttt.'-AH ftECUZ SHE'S MARRVIIM' MUSTN'T or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (174) J? TOO C. S LAVC. 1 MUSTN'T -iA'-yF WO OAFv BUT MS..'.' HAIN'T NO GOAT. GHOfT- 1 f WO' ) I I -PUT DAI-SV MAS- I WHVp. ) CECIL B. DeMitDEW FACE--AH MEANS, IC CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543-Call 630 6th Ave, West. Ic) DOIIERTY piano, $200. DlntnR-room suite, chesterfield suite. Reasonable. Phone Red 7H4. OKITIONS are available for the following in our Prince uport, Terrace nnd Prince eort'e offices: oum; Chiirtcred Acconnlanls; "r.lor AiitMt Clerks: 'nlor nnd Tntermcdlntn Articled Students; luior Articled Students, with AM'M GO'JNIA iTf)P AH HAIN'T NO GHOST. 1 IW S fe 1 ihawow.v i 1 I TH'iiT WE.DDIN .V goat-face.'' -nAuvE-rr , y 1951 "2-TON Ford pickup truck with box. For particulars apply 1503 Graham Ave. UGlpt V (16()p) BOATS AND ENGINES 1940 CHEVROLET sedan in fitt class condition. Cheap. Phone Black 448. . (1601 ! cither Junior or Senior Matriculation, and for which positions suitiible candidates will be t'iven aptitude tests. Iply in writlni? for an inter-cw, pivln? full personal par-:,ulars. references, etc., to A. Gardner Co. 325 Foiirth - a 1952 1ITI.LMAN sedan, black, - : - . 18' BPEEDBOAT Speed about 20 knots per hour. Phone Red 448 or call 621A 6th Ave. West. (162) low mileage. Phone Blue 433. (161) t. ;i. 4 'si 1 LEGAL NOTICES f. venue East. Prince Runert. c- (159) AITTION HALF. 12 PIP. outboard engine with forward and reverse gearshift Practically new. Phone Bill Lorrfc, 863, before noon, (1641 36 ROOMS FOR RENT J- By STAN DRAKE THE HEART OF JULIET JONES OYS! BOYS! Do you want to earn extra pocket money dur-K summer holidays? If you do, WW IS MARTIN V THREE-ROOM suite, partly fur isi en i and leave vour name t THE DAlt.v kfws npirtrtr. STOPPING HERE? IN A MINUTE, HARRIET... NOW TAKE A 600P, LCNS LOOK i.Jfsir XOJ MUST HAVE I THAT'S ...IS THE HOUSE I 5REW " I' M LOST YOUR MINT- i FUNNV, UP IN... VES, TWE VERY HOUSE I 1 HOW CAN A HOVEL, HARRIET. I BROU&HT VOU TO AMEN VOJ I , 1 I LIKE THAT REVIINP j t THAT t ASREE0 TO MARRY ME... J 'f. Mi. V lvE OF ANYTHING A P HOVEL.. L BESINN1NS TO REMEMBER, Tn'-ZCr " r HARRiETT J 'BERT WILL yOJ PLEASE TELL for summer miner routes (tfnpl nished Apply at 621 Fulton St. U59p) , HIM TO 6ET OUT OF THIS... WIS SLUM AS QU CC1 S3 room, three min- AT THAT HOUSE AS HE CAN HEM 1ST for analytical work. Apjilv personnel sujiervisor, olumhla Cellulose. (161) Post Office. Blue .THE ONE WITH FURNISHED utes from 409. VANCOUVER 7la Way points SUNDAY BS Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QCEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS July 15th and 29th SS Coqultlum, Midnight FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISI ANDS SS Coquitlam, Midnight July 8th and 22nd FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 THE KCKSH (181p) j , - WINCOlVS... t'AN for Timber Sale X-.VIHM There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 11:00 a.m.. on Friday. July 24th. 1063, In the office of the District Forester. Prince Rupert. BC the Licence X-59854. to cut 8, 470.000 cubic feet of Fir. Cedar. Hemlock, Spruce and Balsam on n area comprising of part of TVt U48GP and lDOHftP. situated Nueh River, South Dentines. Arm, Ranae 3. Coast Land District. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. ''Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may snbuiy tender to be opened at the hour ol auction and "sreated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester. Prince Rupert, B C. (M' RlNSASSLL after stock suite. (159) TWO-ROOM furnished 315 6th West. ANYWHERES 'ore. ' iiA4) 2a ji.'ffi-T-i-iiKiieM t. i LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 221 5th East. (10Op) 9 Help Wtd. Male Female OUR hoIp urRenUy required. Homeless chiiri X4 SLEEPING room, close in. Blue 433. 1141 Beach Place. (159) f'mies. please rnntact Roelol air; tc- -'-vp'---" i l rBT'TWV- - - flfare Branch. Phone 355, (100) LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 742 7th West. After six (160p) 7 Ah n n MM if LI Li Gu