f 1 bmiw i.i. Jet Eaglets Spread Their Wings From -$40-Million Eagle Friday, May 9, y Rail Engineers Win Increase for an Increase of n the basic wage rate with slicht mnnii MumiKbAL - iiie unuuiun ucaiion in rules and will extend "uu" 01 Lorm.," ' National Railways and thv? Bro aim lrom April 1 of this year to September 30. 1953. Announcement of the atree- Enough Oil in Fort St. John j Area to Fill All B.C. Needs VANCOUVER (CP) An official of the West Coast Transmission Company and Pacific Petroleums Ltd. said last night that, within six months, enough natural gas reserves may be proven in the Fort St. John area of British Columbia to supply all the pipeline needs of the province and estimated .xports to Washington State. . - men', was made hei .; jointly by ered hv 1 tn:ni u:Ufr-'-. Or theihood of Locomotive Engin-ter.'i yesterday signed a new 18-month contract covering locomotive engineers of the western ! region of the company. The Iwest.rn region extends from Armstrong at the head of the lakes to the Pacific Coast. I The new contract, the outcome ' of several weeks o! collective bargaining between the company and tlvj i brotherhood, provides i "Good tvhisky has mhsr C77 Norman Whittall, speaking be- l're the annual meeting here cf I- ?: 'tALF A - I - ) ;J Fireproof Prison For Doukhobors the Pacific District Investment Dealers' Association of Canada, jeviewcd the progress made by the West Coast Transmission Co. in organizing construction of a fas pipeline from Alberta's Peace River district through the Fort St. John area and to Vancouver and the United States. Whittall said it would shortly be announced that a new 100 Oil Line Defence Project VANCOUVER (I" A $75,000 firpnvnnf detention unit. for I I HE A TEAM p-.-.ir; c-'Jt tn a foolhall gsme. flyer of H.M.S. F.agle, thf British Nvy' "atomic tee" flattop just built at the equivalent of $tO-million. run to their airrraft during rxeretse in the Knglish Channel. Also hon are to Attackers of the two jet squadrons the Eajile carriea among her 100 aircraft. When their prescn' rctrmament program is finished the British will have aeven more flattop than in World VVr li. i-..'.l h nava) leHrmament this year will be th equivalent of over 9930 million. tas well program will be launch- , future Sons of Freedom Douk-ea in the Peace River area of hobor terrorits win be blljlt Alberta. ' ! immediately in a remote section He said total gas' reserves in of 0akalla prison farm In sub-ihe gas and oil producing area j urDan Burnabv. will be known fairly accurately, 1.nM,r.i wismes- n- Tlii fine, ftilly-afjcil lii,y tlic ilclilit of all hIhi aiireriatc a nmootli, nounced the move Thursday, less So There Will Be j No Shortage of $leel j VANCOUVER 0 Canada and the United States consider the 750-mlle oil pipeline from Alberta to Vancouver a defence project and there will be no yhortage of , steel for Its construction. ; Members of the Engineering Institute of Canada here heard of construction plans Thursday from D. L. Roberts, vlce-presl- dent of Canada Bectel Ltd. of ; Vancouver. He delivered a paper ; General Crerar Worried About Defence "Show Window Army" when the welis in outlying areas nave been completed. "This is not a short term operation," he said. "We are trying to prove a natural gas re-,?rve in B.C. of from two to five t.illion cubic feet of gas." Iik'IIhw iliink. Hi? wie k for Vi iscr'it IVLuxe! than 24 hours atU- .i was recom mended in consultative report, pi the Doukhobor problem. . Mr. Wismer said government would have to give more ptiiHu tV-io fnr.nnint nmirram Ontario Miners to Kemano R. Hiiv uvf & Piayert by ti- J fl-iP WISfRS DISTlLLERr LIMITED Contracts for surveys of the bef announclng a policy on ,ine already have been let he l other , recommendations. rppnmmpnrtatinn. j TORONTO (CP) The biggest 1 reunion of wartime army of fi- cers since 1945 took in To- Gen. G. G. Simonds, cuief o; eeneral staff, were among the ronto's Royal York Thursday rUllant assembiy whicn heard Prepared .by S. M. Blair, vice- , KIRkLAND LAKE, Ont. (CPJ ' night to fete General H. G. D, Tbis ilvertiseiticn I not puMishea or ili. the i Twenty-two skilled rock tunnel- army president, 01 irans-iuouuniain. ' 01 Pipeline Company of Toronto. the man who led through Europe. Crerar and hear ineir old lead-. r""trul lar " T'V the (.overnmont of ilriti,h the cZ. men, second group in a week,! British Air Training Cut Mid. Laying of the pipe should start next year. The line would be completed in 1954. Roberts said that enough steel pipe tor 210 miles of the $82,000,-J00 hne will be obtained by the end of June and another 170 miles by thj end of the year. Pipe deliveries will continue to allow completion of the project in 1P33. He said that Canada's crude ill production will match anticipated total requirements by 1957. 1 1 50,000 strong "shop window" n p mano B.C. , anny of today j Fourte-n men left in a previ- on the seventh anniversary of ous group and William Ramsay.. VE-Day. the hotel became lr- till i U J M1 i A i K- ' i ' i '1 4.i LONDON The Royal Air ; manager of the National Em:.tuaUy army headquarters as Force called off all squadron ployment Service here, said niore than 600 reminiscing yarn-training at home and abroad to- at,0ut 150 hardrock miners from spinning veterans pitched into day because of United States oil Nol.thern Ontarlo and North. ; a rally they coyly labelled "Ex-sti iK6. crciiiP No 1 ' west llebec have one to the i Jet fighter units were excep- I Flanked by a platoon of gen-ted. . project during the last five erals-24 ,of them around "him Most of the high octane gaso- months. He expects a continued 'at the head table General Cre- line used by the RAF comes from demand. i rar reminisced with the best of thj United States , ' .'them but he also seized the oc- Jet planes use kerosene from if Vou n-ist sel. ' ' udv -itlst ! I0?, he , , l,r .,, . ;,, ,f;TT- i worried about Canada s military BIGGLESWADE. Eng. (CP) Workmen demolishing an old luilding in this Bedfordshire ".own came across 10 hen's eggs, Irled inside but with shells in perfect condition. A former ten--tr.t kept hens there 25 years ago. position tquay. i Lt. Gen. Chas. Folkos, Cana-idian joint chief of staff, and Lt- ' -f 1 fhe'Bren Gamer,, 'Accurate firepower - one of the keys to the successful operation of Canadian Infantry in the field. The Bren Gunner plays a major role in this all important phase of the Infantry's offensive and defensive strength. Today, the Infantryman is one of the most highly trained the most resourceful men in the Canadian Army. His job demands the mastery of many skills and many modern infantry weapons. The Canadian Infantry Soldier stands proudlyas one of the world's finest fighting men. His personal qualities and his training make him outstanding wherever he serves. Serve in the front lines of Canada's freedom, at home and overseas, with the Infantry. Play your part in Canada's most important business today . . . defence. Yon are eligible if you are 17 to 40 years of age, tradesmen to 45, ' , - A V' Use Force For Release ft ft SEOUL (P General Matthew B, Ridgway ordered Allied troops to use whatever force is necessary to free an American general . without delay from his Communist captors 1 1 the prison camp on Koic Island. ji.ci p.ifoners of war, defying-hi -raer today, stiil held Brig.-ia F.ancis Dodd, commander of Koje Island prison camp, . , ar e hostage. , R ;wa said Communist prisoners are demanding in exchange foi Doad, "phc :e.s, permission to- organize, writing paper and some other things." 1 - : ;5;::f-;r; JJ 6 ''V' I'.wa---.,. if , iiM" ',.. .1.; .r1 lrt ,TI ' ,Yf , JLJ physically fit and ready to serve anywhere. Ger full details from the Army Recroifng Office neoresr your ftomet No. 1 1 Personnel Depot, 4201 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. .-- M . :' ' ' A1 'Is i - ,. if. j A 1 O . v ' in r TRISON RIOT Hundreds -of inmates cf Mont eal's Bordeaux ialt rxte-' !uudu--' and Monday in proi-jsi aga'.ist alleged bad fo-jd. Smoke fro.r. one of the many sma'l f.rss et bi lows up behind the central dome of the six-wing prison. Prisoner:; b:okc into the central yard, wrecked lurniture, broke .locks on cell doors and thre .v rocks t-:d c.bns i.t 4 ..ice and guards who tried to quell the riot. Unofficial estimates pla :e damage caused by th prisoners as high as $400,000. Solicltor-Geniral Rivard of Quebec will conduct an official inve ligation. (C? Photoi . w -i.x:'iJ-P,k'3 Listen fo "Voice of (he Army" Tuesday and Thursday eveninpt Dominion Nel-ork iv -i! s r- -. - 5 ..- Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form M WILL DO jl ! i 1 LIjs58'""''' C. Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25. insertions for price of four.. Minimum charge, Add four words if bo number required cost, 50c ) ik Name .. Phone No ! This advertisement is not published or , : disolaved by the Liauor Control Board or , bv the Oovtrnmerit ol Briti;h Colunbi.' w if i' i 1 -" '-. v'1 1 - ''. '-' f .-K-.-t'