' i PROVINCIAL LIB3A3T, VICTORIA, B. C. 113 orMes DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 nin it ' VOL. XLI. No. 110 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1952 -' PRICE FIVE CENTS THEY'RE OFF , t&n&Qrf'bA' rfv LJ X ' ( ' Y ' Vf l ALCAN S GREAT DEVELOPMENT Mw TIm Plan Will Work t-JtCHAKO BYtt BUI wfl stop MtfwwJ fUw. 1 WtttK drainag m Uotlmri) A bwk f toward Wt -10-S kMMl rivtuih Cetafc Motmtimt Vp wt tan mmm mm 7.UC ft. fa muU MtwitMi i k ufUt f awtltpint U Si k. $ l wit KmmMi Km wiH rry pww t XitMwt. i -fire inniofi wtvU pwmit tUrtric snuttmg ( 1,100 MiNiM h. W .1 TerracJJ J I i pr J: mm or, d 50,000 fm-mtH IdhmT . Provincial Election Campaign Commences From Labor Rostrum Three Candidates Heard by Attentive. . Trades and Labor Council Delegates , Prince Rupert's three provincial election candidates had their first sounding off of the campaign last night from the rostrum of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council. Speaking by invitation, J. D. McRae, Liberal; T. M. Christie, Progressive Conservative, and George S. Hills, CCF, made their initial addresses of the contest before a gathering of attentive and courteous delegates. f V A Morica Lake - r"sTSt;:'p Vonderhoof , Kilimat " PRINCE GEORGE : X'J,''ZJI C ' '"'"'vrT: ' 'T?,fc-5::9i!s-l Each candidate was allowed! fifteen minutes to present his i case and then a period of ques-, j Honing and general discussion ensued. W. H. Brett, president of the council, was In the chair. J. D. McRAE J. D. McRae devoted his discourse to two tubjects the part vUj X .. .. w,"Xr ' I -J ir : ' ' . . .,' . . i just over a year ago the city council had advised him or the serious shortage of houses in Prince Rupert. As a resulti he had appeared before the couricil three times and had pointed out the federal-provincial scheme whereby rental houses coul$ be obtained on a 75-25 percent tied-eral-provincial) financing jjasis with a clause under which 'purchase could be made' on a 18 per cent down payment. That far the city council had taken a leading part In the admission of , the (Continued on page 7) he -played m bringing the 50-unit housing project to Prince Rupert and the report of the Inquiry board of the Legislature into the Industrial Conciliation Act of which he was a member. Mr. McRae read from back I MURDER TRIAL y Guests to Attend numbers of the Daily News how ling of Kenney Dam Manslaughter A verdict of. manslaughter was returned by a 12-man jury at 2:40 p.m. today following the Supreme Court assize re KITIMAT TOWNSITE 1 100 official guests will converge on Ne-l.is week-end when the Aluminum Co. of Statement Denied by Accused; Ryan Verdict Due This Afternoon The second trial of a Port Simpson native fisherman charged with the murder of his common-law wife is near the end. The 12-man jury is expected to trial here of Harold Kyan, 33. Air Mail to Alice Arm-Stewart Within the next two months expectation Is that air maii service will be Instituted from Prince Rupert to Alice Arm and Stewart, thus marking another phase of the ever-increasing use to which aircraft is being put to use in this area. Authorization has been granted by Queen Charlotte Airlines to carry the mails on its regular flight to the two mining communities which heretofore have been served by a weekly steamship service. great dam on the canyon of the Nechako; f Port Simpson. named after Hon. E. T. Kennev. minister i . and forests. '.ending will lncluck rnor CluiTiice Wal- Twelve AH I I ion Dollar Development Program A t BCs Aluminum City A total of more than $12,000,000 will be spent in the next three years on development of the townsite at Kitimatit is announced by the Aluminum Com I return its verdict this afternoon. I Harold Ryan, 33-year-old ac ; f ier Byron Johnson. icused, yesterday took the wit-j tents of a statement produced ,ness stand himself tor morejas cvldence by Crown Prosecu-than an hour to tell court and' u.. nm ine native fisherman was charged with the December, 1950, death of Lorraine Tait, iis common-law wife. Evidence was completed in two days. Jury deliberated for one hour and 55 minulcx. Mr. Justice 11. S. Woods remanded Ryan for sentence to end of assizes. Labor Party Scores Wins rnment dicnUorics, i Trade anil Chnm-unmerce ropre.srnta-the perimeter be-t. ?im yiifl.PrJucc yors, viiiacc (ominis-i magistrali-s, nows-and company offl- !jury he had "blacked out" on lur "uc" , J ; his., fishing vessel homeward ' e've. to police by the accused. 'New-Triumph - . . A - ; : i I liLJ 'bound from Prince Rupert De' Ryan said he remembered cembef 23. 1950. 1 signing a paper after his arrest, A few miles out of harbor was ' following return from Port Alcan Power pany of Canada. This amount is exclusive of the capital which outside firms will spend on construction f hotels, banks, department stores and other 'the last time he had seen tor- Simpson early morning of De-; irnlnn Tnit nllvc he said when rem ber 24. ' UuDosc, vice-prcsi-' Almiiinuni Co. of questioned by Defence Counsel Mr. Hogg gave" Ryan the w Hinwn on. iment to read In the witness buildings, Outstanding It is further announced that denied he knew the con-j stand. . LONDON CP The Labor party; be the oriiciul host raoion. Mr. Kunncy i of honor. jpert will be Mayor and Mrs. llar- Vancouver Aluminum Pn feaerai Duiming is piannea. (Never Saw Statement, Says Accused ousted tlra Conservative city councils in 19 British cities in nf Oanaria'.. s5n non onn nm wt. ! This building will house the post fight-with her. I don't know j at Kltimat and Kemano will es- offlce. tne customs offices 4nd tablish "new triumps" in field otner federal agencies. Confer this week's election. j "i never seen' it before," ac- Results so far showed Labor icused said, has gained 656 seats and lostl Rvnn sairi he did not know Act will also be encouraged. Expenditure on the townsite this year will be up to $1,000,-000. This will be spent mainly on clearance work to prepare the property for the construction of roads, sewers and the Installation of water lines and other utilities. In this way roadbeds will be allowed to settle during the winter In f i. J D. McRac. ex-1 1 Mrs. McRac. T. Nor- '' ff presicldil of the I l'( rt Chamoi'r of Coni-V- Mrs. Younu.s: John ' Jy'AME PKItPKTl'ATED . . . . Hon. E. T. Kenney for whom Nechako Dam will be named tomorrow. what's going on after that, t did went overboard and got back In the boat that was outside Port Simpson. I didn't see , only 10 in 372 municipal borough he was charged with murder un- ences on the subject re now under way and .designs and plans are expected to be started at an early date. Another development in the ! councils uuuKiiouir,iiBiuuui.u u, he was told about lt "two or of engineering," a Montreal expert said at the annual convention of the Engineering Institute of Canada here. "The Alcan project," said F. L. Lawton, chief engineer of Ahim- jwaies. Against mis vonserva- tnree days latcr.. by lublishrr of the Daily i Indian j Lorraine. "I kind of sober in the chuck. s lives ana uiuepeuucma in must p v Anfield i numer townsite program Is the plan to cases they are Conservative sup Mrs. Hun er i . .... ., .... called as a!l went house next and see my Mr. Anfield was inum Laboratories Ltd., power increase the original appr,opria- 1: ney s "home town" I ix'iny Minisii- of Foresu Dr. c. porters lost almost 700 seats against gains of only 78. department, "marks an outstand dsfence witness, as well as Dr. A. W. Large, Mrs. Lydia Webster, mother of the accused, and Clara Mather, a Port Simpson mother." Question: "Do you own a boat?" , Answer: "The company own half of it it's called the West l-ticularly well repre-I UI Vanderhoof, the f:" for the Kenney D. Orchard and Mrs. Orchard. Deputy Minister of UiikIs and For. cstR G. P. Mrlruse and Mrs. Melrose. DciHMv. Al lni nrv Cli ncral Col E ing event in the amazing development of aluminum." When completed the project will include the largest under resident. Following is statement, intro erly Oil Shortage Hits Canada ground power development in the "I never meant to fight with world Xne develoDmcnfs cana- tion for 40 family houses so that it will now provide for 100 units, with the possibility of additional units being authorized as the project progresses. In addition, every construction worker on the project will be given an opportunity to purchase a lot of his choice on the townsite property and financial assistance towards acquiring title to the lot will be given him through payroll deduction or some similar duced by Mr. Hogg after its ad preparation lor ine Diacmop surfacing which is expected to be laid down in the spring of next year. For 1953 another $1,000,000 has been earmarked for the town-site and in 1954 the bulk of the final work will be carried out at a cost of $10,000,000. By that time the smelter is scheduled to be completed and the town Is expected to have a population of between 6,000 and 7,000. Estimates for the eventual .population of Kitlmat run as high as 50,000. mission was granted in a trial her. I Just got back from Van-city will be exceeded only by : Peplrr. QC. and Mrs Pcplwr. the invitees Will he! Di-pnly Minfstrr of Public , WorkD 1 the daillSltc as i E' s- J"ca and Mrs. Jones. J Allan, wlule others' 'P"'y Mliiimcr nf Trmle and la- by train n .. I dustry E. O. Itiiwcbotlum and Mrs. US ItnweixjUum. ' i and aim ii uicncc. Ill Alcan I Surveyor Ctrnrrnl and Director. J Surveys and MappuiK, Lieut. Col. B two weeks ago. within a trial bv Mr. Justice H. i couver aoout Grand Coulee's output of 2.500 S. Wood. He called the statement j This 1 truth. 000 kilowatts. ! The storage reservoir will be "Signed: Harold Ryan. 'ra Public of nil J" jt, tllC AlKiri'W". t ,01 Superintendent of Lands r r 'Witness: "A. E. WALES. .' "E. D. Anderson." (Continued on page 8 twice that of Grand Coulee and will be exceeded only by Boulder Dam's Lake Meaji and Fort Peck dam. "" a oeiwccn and ! firnm mid Mm. Hiuiis. I rilnee KuUerl n i Awlslant Deputy Minister of Lands method. Purchases under provisions of the Veteran's Land !W have also hwnic K '"I'l1" "'" Mrs. Hopper. .. r niu i to the i.ieuicuant uovernor. ! ,nS eeicinony and a' " C. MiieDonald. former Ml.A, 'dunce i.s expected I L)ev,dney District, and Mrs. MacDon- MONTREAL (CP) Trails-Canada Airlines Thursday announced reduction in flight schedules affecting most points on the TCA domestic system. Reduction, effective Friday, Is taken to help conserve supplies of aviation f uel during a period of labor difficulty In the United States oil industry. -WEATHER- 8ynop.sU A high pressure area lies along ' "8 cereinonv. which "voluntary." j "I live at Port Simpson. . We j started out from here right in j Prince Rupert about 4 and 5 i everything was alright well we I had taken the outside course j and that guy took his bottle out i and we started drinking. Wilfred4 Knott, me and Lorraine. ; ' ' "On our way over we started drinking. We got to Port Simp- j son somewhere around 8 or 9. 1 We had a fight there and Lor-! raine tried to stop, us. I hit her ! with my fist I don't know how i many times. I never meant to .1. D. Mellju'. fcirnier MLA. Prince by a luncheon J KiicsU and to!-1 tul"' of the project, I " -at approximately Suturdiiv Tt r.,,r. ffoiiert lii.itnet, and Mrt.. MeUne. It ,(', Kleelc. runner Ml.A. OinilU'CIl lii.'il.rlei. mul Mis fileele. , T. N. Youd'.ib. Prince Itupert Clium-bl'r f.'l Commerce, ami M'R. Youiih. 1!. P. I'lillip. Terruce and District Uoiml cl 'Iraile. and Mrs. Pinup. t: J NorrliiKton. Terrace and Dl-rict. Uoard of Trade, and Mrs, 111 consist of the un- " "'inicy of a mr.k . "'iU-illc a s..t,.m.. the British Columbia coast There are cloudy patches along Vancouver Island but elsewhere in '"""eiiioi'iilivn ,i,,,i I w Leach. Smltlicrs District uiiniu- i .f f'.,inwrea linn IUIM c and filiated just "iRh water mark :'u" end or thP rk.m the province there are few clouds. Sunny skies and warmer temperatures are expected in most regions for the next forty-eight hours. Forecast A T. CroHs. Prince ueori;c uuaru of "1 radc. and Mrs. Cro.su. , Prc-tvtcnt. Prince George Junior 3oai;l of Trade, and wile. JTcwidcnt. fort Kt, Jnines Board of Trade, jnid wife. President. Fort Pniaer Board uf I Prude, and wife. I North coast region Sunny to f nd ti,e pladl f I t0;'d - imprvl-i 1' 11,111 l form the' - d;im to hold back f J! liver j wu accepiHu invl- J. hen:, Enrlako District Board I rtnv nlld Saturday. Little change Coast Pulp Mill Closes i VANCOUVER ) The Alaska ; Pine and Cellulose Co. Ltd. will ; close its plant at Woodflbre, 20 j miles from here, for the month j of June, officials announced on ; Thursday, ( Approximately 400 employees . ' will be effected. j Company officials said closure j TMayorn'H. wK., Prince .,u-! In tvmpcrature. Light winds, pert, and Mrs. wimien. ' Lows tonight and highs tomor- Mi'.vm- Garvin ucnni. r r i n c . row at Fori juiruy, u ana ou; Prince Ru- Sandsplt, 38 and 52; pert, 38 and 55. chairman. Village nd Mrs. nauijland, tnni, 1110 ceremony' Hannland i lllnB Of rim if .,,.:, Coniml waiicra. Terrace. MnlKtmlo W, Robinson and Mrs flobl -rn'in Terrace. Milliner Pur ami mi.. i J. !S. Brown, chairman. Village, i Com mi dinners, and Mrs. Brown. Burns f.nke I """" i ii Fish Treaty Signed Today y mid ineiii I ! K PMnmiL, rlinlrman. Vllatfe coin-i HV Sl.J t, ' ,v, i., u was due partly to soft market ! for Its products and also to repairs to the plant. f.,1,;,,,,,'1' K"'ey,' Kenney. mla.-u.ii.-ri.. ami Mrs. rhllpott. Vnnt : Mr mid dcrhoiil. , j MfiKMrntn a. D. Holmes and Mrs.! I Holmes Vatuierhoof. I TOKYO. Canada, Japan and the United States today signed a tripartite (fisheries agreement HIR.. Men Vtilairr OmimlsaUmer K. rrciiern- Mrs. Fmlorlckiion. Vander- 5 "iiUsh Uoliun- n and . i-iii,-,.v r-iiuin nnt. r.n fish In J"ii i , , hoof I It a.... Mva. Joluisim. Vlilima Commissioner M. Kerr and I uiui""b -i- " " " " K,-rr. vanderhoof. i certain waters of the noithwest viiiane commiHsioner f. Woods and cottst of North America. The Mi- 1 M"tr 'f r ot Kallwuy itiuiways 5 ''Micrjcs. llU M,.s. Mrs woods. Vanderhoof. ,v I aerecment negotiated last year TIDES Saturday, May 10, 1952 i Pacific Standard Timet High ... " 1:08 21.9 feet 14:04 19.0 feet Low .'. 7:46 19 feet 19:42 8.7 feet 1 V la;;e conuul.'isloner ui- " . tv, v,lv, f..,i,v, freedom of the high Vander- recognized i Mcney and Mrs Mooney, Catrs i seas but an parues agree 10 co- q! 'Uf ill i.nn.ili , KMIhi ii Ml I "I W I I III j Hill di 111 l-i...,. M.m nil tmm , 'W, wrmm,MJt&mr.-M wnistcr nf Mines hoof, bor, anri Mra. u ! Mni'iKtrnte Magistrate -Gnorue -Onorgc Saul ana wis. i operate In conservation meas- , KITIMAT TOWNSITE Scene of twelve millon dollor community development-. luiU(er , I Saul. Burns Lake. ""'"ance J. v. (Continued on page 8) , ures.