f Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. May 9, 1952 elated Ron rd s of Tin rl p r if Central R(, Htul Mrs. Burns Terrace. I.. E. Strum. prcM'Jint. Nnriln-rn Interior Lumbt rmni k Arisociutum. and Mrs Strom, I'nnee O-oinc Alan Wlivte, gcrural trailic u'iil. cm. F. Park. superintendent . Public Works, and Mrs. Park Vmi'lerhool . Provincial (i.itm W a r d e n L. Morrlson-IUiudse n. and Mm. Strand - .MAN Y GUESTS (Continued from pae li Sister Ship of Flying Enterprise Coming Hef To Load f arnn r r: Iiobson and Mrs. Hobson. Ne- STATEMENT DENIED Jmintit'(i irnui pui;e 1) Officers Describe Interview RCMP officers Sgt. Wales and by the defence to have been Cpl. Anderson testfTied Ryan signed by the accused, had been brought Into the, city "There is a similarity," an- police NCOs office for an inter- swered witness, view. He was. warned that he 'Isn't there a marked differ- was not obliged (o say anything ence? Doesn't that signature on but anything he did say could the statement look like a drunk- i Villa? Commissioner B. Slulvmiey, I c P. Dunn. president. Infrna- Englneering Inc.. San Frnn- tuirns LAKe. ; tioi al Village Commissioner A. fisher ; ci-i o Drama is Unusual Story of four strangers thrown together In a cross-country plane flight, "Phone Call From a Stranger." with a quarette of stars Shelley Winters, Gary Merrill. Michael Rennie and Bctte Davis is the week-end feature picture at the Capitol Theatre. The principals are thrown to nd Aiis Pisncr. Burns Luke. ! w.'O. Huber. Rtnrral manircrr. B.C . F C. Mnnnlx. president. Mannlx ' International EuRlneerlng Compnny I Imitcrt. and Mrs Mannix Limited, and Mrs. Huber. Vancouver. A O. Strandberg. project manager, i Walter T. Burns, president, Asso- jlllllllUIHIIIIIIIII.IM! be given in evidence. en scrawl?" persisted Mr. Brown i A Danish' ship, the Flying K;i,r,(. . 'Prince Rupert, to load a cartfo C0ll!il i,..,i W: , , . feU 01 f bar , W ' 1 Smith and Mrs. tinuili. li Howe. Ocpartni lit of Indian Affairs, nnd Mrs I'ouc. L. Downey, principal, VunuYi lioof Hih School, and Mrs. Downey. hrunk it w a tine 11, Vi tuna. 1 iisnfcf if fl;ttt , RC..l and Mrs. Batty, Prince George-. Prince ti(Hirge Council with wives G. Hu!leU, ovei iimt'iit at.enl, wild Mrs. Ku.lH.. Prince iconic Judtre Krir Wootiburn :uid Mrs, Woodburn. Pvhire teor;:r. Inspector tilt. Provincial UtimO Department. I Oliv?r and Mrs. Onvr. VumU r-hoof. F. Crocks, Department of Trade and I.irtirstry, and Mn. i rot kvr. O. 8. Karris. Vancouver Cyril SheiffirJ, Wistaria ' "The signatures appear in the same handwriting," replied the officer. Mr. Brown handed the documents to Mr. Justice Wood. cpl. Anderson said Hyan was "emotionally upset" when sign "I to!d him he was being held fur the murder of Lorraine Tait," said Sgt. Wales. Alter the warning, officers said Ryan began talking. Sgt. Wales wrote aown what Ryan told him. Then Ryan signed the statement. 'uim au". one is uiie here mvu J u" Japan, having crossed the Pacific 0,? 111 Flying Eagle belongs to the Is- Uan "1 h brandUsen LiiiC, owners of the n '- famous- Fh'ing Enterprise, which we of V;m'ouvtr made marine history during the K' t Ea?tr. k past winter when Capt. Kurt u '" Vess' tu " Carlson attempted to fake h'r ' single-handed into a British port Cana-ownert k after she had become derelict ' '""'red ASathi . ing the statement, When Ryan was handcuffed Defence Counsel Brown asked in his sleep at his Port Simpson Cpl. Anderson if he could see home, C'pt. Anderson confirmed gether in stormy intimacy when their plane crashes antl a man running away from a wife whose lndideuty he cannot foigive finds himself trying to console the surviving families of three teilow passengers whose lives had eached similar crises. Through their problems he learns the lesson of forgiveness himself. Oary Merrill, as a lawyer, is the man and his three companions are Shelley Winters, a trlp-tease singer who has failed to make good on Broadway; Mich- s. r writ Moore, the Daily 1 K. J Province any difference between the sig- Mr. Brown's question that "he ( Vancouv muttered something about not knowing what this is all about." ana listing. j "" e Greek Con-t" The vessel U due at Triple Is-' Eae land at 4 n'rnpk n.. or to w the U1e Caim, ,., " -C Paul St. Pierre, the Vancouver Sun. K. Drury. the .Vews-Hcro.l (V-ui-convert. II. Mucey, the Hritlsll Columbian (New Westminster! nature on the statement and tne .signature on two cnecks, auegea Accused Calm and Quiet Called by the defence, Ryan to p.ck up h'r, ,-ga: contained a mickey bottle of stepped calmly from the prison- whisky. .muuut ( V'k -Timcs Yic- li. ouiig. liie Uuny toria B. Tofcln. the Daily cr s box onto the witness stand that the bottle you hid?" j acl Rennie, as a doctor who has abandoned his wife and son, and jKennan Wynn, a vulgar travel-i ling salesman. It is through i Brtte Davis, an invalid, that ! Merrill gets tils cwn life siralght- cned out. , trriai. I), fcltjokaril. tanarlum R. L. I.ertiiur. i;riii Press. T. Friiscr. the ("nun TreS:'. sh L' filled i Herald HOSIERY GLOVES DRESSES LINGERIE SWEATERS COATS GOWNS SCARVES TOWELS SLIPS MILLINERY TABLECLOTHS PANTIES UMBRELLASBEDSPREADS You Know Its Right When It's from Wallaces Wallace's Dept. Store and was sworn in. He wore a dark blue suit a white shirt and a light blue tie. He spoke quietly as his counsel asked quesiions,( ana relatec the story concerning events 01 Saturday, December 23, 1950. Ryan spent the day in Prince Riiivrr. Phrivtni'ic chnninn .fw. "Yes, it is." said Ryan. Ryan and Lorraine Talt continued their shopping at Cow Bay. Ryan wrote anotner check, for $75. He gave Lorraine $50. "What is the minimum the least amount of money Lorraine should have had on her when rrracei. and Mrs. I raser. K. V.'amer. the Iiiu-nor News i Smither I . N. E. Kerr, the Nivhai:u Chronicle ' Nechalzo - VaiidtTlH.. f i . and Mrs. !Cerr. C. G. Warner, the I'rinrr; Oeorse Citizen (Prince Oeur,T), and Mrs. Warner. J. P. Ma;or. the Daily News (Prince . .Wv.4.uu uLvfius wau VOU left for Port Simpson?" The picture, rich in emotion, is featured by the ingenious use of flashbacks integrated into a four-in-one plot. Today's Stocks (Courtr; S. I). Joliii.luu in Ltd.) ujiiuiuc lait. ne saia ne nan lived with Lorraine two years, i ' She had three children; was a asked Mr. Brown. "Lorraine should have had $30 or more." widow. He was married, but had been separated from his wife for : , Ryan toJd ot mcctlnB Wilfred Knott and the three departing i mmm Rupert i . Ci. A. Hunter. the Daily News (P-ince Rupert i. and Mrs. Hunter. G. R. Simpson. The Iievieiv (Burns Lake).- Irwin Bairn1. Stir. ion C.IOIt. L. IrvliiK. Station C'KWX. Jack Carbutl antl a.'-si.stant. cue Ralph Beasiey, Association facreen News LtniHcd. Jack Lohl;, National Film Board. Jack McL'allum. Lew Parry film PrrKiuctions. McNeely DtiBse. vlcc-pre ;ident. the Aluminum Company of Canada. f a VANCOUVER American Standard . .. Bralorne 6 B It X more than two years. The two arrived at the bank ! too late to draw any money. ,They went to a Jewelry store i antl there cashed a check for ; $100. i "I gave $75 to Lorraine, k.'nt : $25," said Ryan. Lorraine kct 1.35- II 'J- 1-01 I I -..Cx-' ' 4 TS' Cariboo Quartz Congress Cronin Bnblne Olant Mascot Indian Mines Pioneer '. lamitea. and Mrs. Duliose ; for Port Simpson. Knott pro-; duced a bottle of wine. Ryan again assured the court he had ; taken no liquor on the boat. When two bottles of wine had been drunk by the trio, Knott : produced a third. Ryan said he ; had taken his vessel Westerly 1 around the "outside course" anc ; at this time were Just past Hud-i son's Reef. He remembered seeing the third bottle of wine. From then on until he awakened handcuffed In his bed, he I remembered nothing, h said. The batteries on his vessel no i jvj-?i 'j'T' P. E. Uadley. British Columbia. J. S. Kendnck manager, protect 1 '"""J wimijsu puisc ill and Mrs. Harney, j her handbag, said accused. He assistant mauam-r. I identified Rreen handhnir an 2.25 ! I . . .w. t''lllT.l 11 I If i'Tl -i 00 I .06 I 54 I Premier boruer Reeves Macdonald 4 Reno Sheep Creek 1 Silbak Premier Spud Valley exhibit, shown to him by Mr. Brown. Defence a.kcd accused if the purse was tlu'n torn as it now was. li was not. 54 ! I .07' , t W project urilioh Cuiuiuuiu. and Mrs. i Kendrick. j F. T. Matthias, assistant inanai-'er. project British Columbia, and Mrs. MaUMas. ; G. G. Vincent' of Uie public relations department will proceed to Ne- ' chako In advance of guest parties to j rft official m'e.sts on arrival for thei dain-namine ceremony. H H Whit-, nker will accompany guesis rn the sneclal train. R. Muir will accompany the press party, proceeding by : Silver Standard Western Uranium 2.50 i 430 I were low, wouldn't operate the The couple met Lorraine's i. . Us Oils-Anglo Canadian 8 A P Con Calmont 1 Central Leduc 3 ir. 10 62 85 80 FRIDAY ond SATURDAY 1 1 O 21951 A40 AI ST1N SEDANS 1 ir5i) A40 AUSTIN SEDAN 11948 INTERNATIONAL PICK-IP 11937 FORD SEDAN 11941 i -TON INTERNATIONAL PANEL 11950 STLDEBAKER SEDAN orother, who was drunk, said j Westerly s running lights. Ryan. Lorraine and brother went i Ryan said the stove on tlje to a cafe, where Ryan joined ' boat was not In working order, them later. The brother "was j The only thing on the boat passed out" in a booth. They i which could get hot enough to leit him and continued shop- j burn someone was the exhaust ' pins;. pipe, running through part of They bought toys ' for the the wheelhou.se. kicis. Tnen they proceeded to j Accused recounted a series of Cow Bay. Lorraine handed Ryan ! hetiri inhiHrs reoivpri ns TOTE, Mercury F.VIOMMi 7:00-f I'M .31 50 MATINKi: S.T.-2:00 P.M. A tMiS PUUBSTHl TERRACE I OPICS Okalta 4 Royal Canadian , TORONTO ' Athona superior Auto Service fe-rri a mickey bottle Of liquor. SllS ; vruitV, In later vr tocr .23 .12'-, -19 .57 .17 .28 Knox Uniied Church Youii" riad taken it from her drunk I .r, ilirv U.-AQ In IQIft in cnmninp TODAY AND SATURDAY A masterpiece of bold ond challenqina emoticnt Limited Aumaquc Bcattle Duquesne Bcvcourt Buffalo Canadian I'-'ople's have taken their play Mother, said accused. He hid the 1 whL.n hc 8truck the top of joule on his boat. Third. Avenue West Dora the Beautiful Dishwasher I! Phone Green 217 ; head on a protruding volt on a io mo Drama ! Clival al Prince -"u uu ,uut 11 wen asKeu ; frl..nri' new fishlni. pit.l Ilupeit. Mrs. A. J. MeOolI. will Mr. Brown. , ! Kvnn ,h ETnn . ' ,u j . o'irect tin: and ''Yes " Ryan said that the play, Jeff Daken was ; was no, in work.nir ,ir,,f,P 3 ! Tl.j only tiling on the boat which cast takiii" part are, Bdiha An- cy him could get hot enough to burn 7 a. .am. Gordon & Anderson .For Mother's Day Presents Allan Usiald ;;;u"! T!'up', S1"'ii;l K": B"?w iU lhat tllis! someone was the exhaust pipe. A A ural, CoroiC Dale ana evidence had been given at the!running through part of the Mie. Oiidid loop loejiiiiiii and jcii Jci'f ii'ceuiiig preceding trial inai but out that mat police ponce i ; wheelhouse wheelhouse ..ni., rs .van i.-,iu.uuhiii C M & S 34 Con west 4 Donalda .. Eldona East Sullivan ? Olant Ycllowknife ..... 9 Clod's Lake Hardrock Duvex Joliet Quebec Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake 1 McKenzlc Red Lake .... McLeod Coekshutt 2 Moneta Negus 00 .00 .15 24 7o .75 48 13 ,90 48 70 .15 80 ,43 90 42' 62 , t . . uV aa Deen unao,e 10 lma Accused recounted a series of oy.-i aml a'' CXpect to lhe i,quor bottlc on tne boat- 'head injuries recclwd as a -Lt.ui Saturday. j Mr. Brown gave Ryan a par-yOU(h, alio In later years. Last i hkovi nttiii il '4. nrrrT- ir Bedspreads Mcqi imiiufu i-Uj injury was in 1950, in summer, Miss Donen Bonner is uit of him by Mr. nmieiu, heaieu miwlien he struck the ton of his Evcninq Shows 7 - 9:01 ptruding bolt on a ihc month winner for April. Thus the courtroom. Ryan opened the head on a proti t ZVu,ZT t? ea"h m0nth by parcel on the witness' sUnd. It frlend?s new fisl- the Kinsmen. 1 he winner is en- ihing vessel. ,SVAV.VW.V.V.W.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W Dizy" Spells titled to .urn) value m merchan- 'Lost Control in chse. He'uiav take a made-lo- Lamps Hassocks Small Tables Bedroom Chairs Noranda 78. 00 Louvicourt Pickle Crow 1 28 Vi 72 Ryan said he had suffered "And you don't rcmemLrer any-several "dizzy spalls," during thing at all after the third bottle nicn he lost his physical con- of wine was opened? You don't trol. He said he hau run his boat remember who steered the boat?' PHONE 210- aground .twice. In November. .nca.sure suit at the full value or he may take one less expensiva and make up the . difference in other merchandise. He mu.st make the entire purchase from the store selling him the winning ticket and he must .spend the full amount -within the month. Proceeds from these tickets go -toward the ambulance fund. And many others ot i For that New RANGE, REFRIGERATU "No, I don't." i "You don't remember tying up at Poit Simpson? Nothing about a fight?" Ryan said he didn't recall anything. "What did you think you wvre It had been hanging up and it was moving, so they told me to burn It." Mr. Hogg cross-examined the mother persistently on her knowledge of time. Me asked her what time of day It was In the 1950, he returned from Johnson Straits and, after an 13-hour run, ' was seized with a dizzy spell. His boat ran aground on the rocks and. sank. i "You have an very cxtraordin-! Gordon & Anderson I WASHER or SMALL APPLIANCE ary memory of that Saturday af- being charged for when you were Mrs. K. Wold is leaving for a tvrnoon," id Mr. Hogg, crown j brought to Prince Rupert? Phone 46 I "What time is It nuw?" he ask ! short trip to Prince Rupert, re- prosecutoi. as hc opened his "I thought I was being held ed. She didn't know, but sale! she had heard the fiv,' o'clock jrmii,' Sunday. ross-examination. "Can yrm memb?r gnything about btivimr for being drunk." D '. A. W . Large Uild the court whistle. any liquor ' he had examined Ryan physical "Well, o'clock?" could It be seven hc asked. Witness said "Didn't buy an Honor that ly and found n bump on his head FLY... G. E. KETTLE NOW $14 50 aaj answered accused. "Then, if Knott toil? us he was drinking your liquor on (he boat, ho is lying?" r year np.o. Trie bump was st.in head, but was smaller. Ryan hac. ,r,d him tho bmnp was from ,str;:,, his head against a protruding bolt. a j "Well, it wasn't true, anyway." AND EXPERT FURRIER CARE j Could liosc Control With Alcohol l Northern B.C Power CoMi A Tiie doctor taid it was "con Itesner Hlmk Phone g,f.wUt. B' Prince Rtmn t. B.C. ''' .'i ."...."."." ".""." VV-V"""""""" ceivable that a person who has suffered head injuries would lose mental control sooner in an alcoholic bout than a normal person.' lie raid 'he 'dizzy spells'1 to wh eh Ryan referred could have 1 .c?' "partial loss of coisciuus- EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY "He breams violently perturbed. It flxrraine's deathi vias very definite'y new Information to him " said Mr. Anfleld. M.'. Justice Woods wanted to kne w what had happened to. the Christmas presents bought by Ryan and Lorraine. ' "I have hud them in my custody," said Mr. Anfield. The Indian agent said he had bepn with Mr Rrown anil a nolir-n M 11 CSS. A "Speaking generally." the doc-' fcj tor said it was possible that, a DAILY 'SERVICE : fa. I W person with former head injur- officer examining the Westerly TO it couldn't1. I The clock on the court room wall showed 5:40 p.m. Last, defence witness. Clara Mather, spoke hesitantly and hardly above a whisper. She told Mr. Brown she liad fern lights on the drifting Westerly while Lorraine was lying dead on the beach. The lights - "r-oii. on mid off." Mr. Hogg asked hvr "what kl id of lights?" "Like a flashlight or matches." "Could it have been the reflection of the moon? There was a bright moon out, we have henrd." Witness said it was not the moon. "What relation are you to the accused?" asked the prosecutor. "A coutin." Dr. L. M. Greene, who performed the autopsy oi the tiead woman, said cause of death must k. as a result of a wound on her li?ad. together with "the terrible bruises and burns" which appeared all over the body. "I have never seen a body so battered In my life," said the doctor. He discounted drowning as cause of death. Dr. H. H. Pitts, Vancouver pathologist, said he could "not exclude" possibility of death by drowning, following his exam'-lnatlons of the woman's lungs. But the state of her lungs "was not entirely consistent" with that of a drowned person. "It was not conclusive evidence, one way or the other." if couiu lose ms memory with betore It was sold last June, much less liquor than a normal Mr. Brown pointed to a coat, person. which had been identified by the M.' Anfield, Indian agent with first crown witness, Wilfred 31 years' experience with Ti- Knott. e.i -beloninir to him. nnrl fj dians, said he had called on Ryan the mickey bottle of whisky, ft on Christmas Day and the next "Were these items found on the OFFERS OUTSTANDING FUR SERVICES J iNSPKCTlDN J MOTH PltOOl INi y CLKAMNf; J RLPAIRIXc; J RESTYLINc; " J ion this ct)r.in.i.Ti; SERVICE . . . Phone 974 BILL SCUBY FURS 30? Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. KILDALA AND KEMANO BAY For information and reservations Phone -476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. aay. on December 26 he had boat upon very close examina-asked Ryan it he wished to con- tlon?" Mr. Brown asked, tribute to Lorraine's funeral. j M.'. Anfleld said they were. Accused's Mother Testifies William Beynon was sworn In ning around. She went to the to interpret questions and evl- beach and saw Lorraine's body donee of Mrs. Webster, Ryan's lying there, mother, who spoke in Tsimpsean, ' A lot of vlllape women returned in a. low voice, head bent low. with her to the house. The house lhe aged native woman said was full. " Kjan came home at 11 o'clock She said she burned Lorraine's plastics, RCP' one1 Uothcrs I Fashion Footwear "j-- n fin oi corraine s death. He I housecoat in the stove. P.O. Box 280 PRINCE RCPERT Phone 476 was drunk and all wet. He wmi "Why did you burn it?" asked Mr. Brown. "The others told me to do so. straight to bed. 1 1 She heard a lot m of nermio r m f Mil-