rrince Rupert Friday, May Daily isewS 9, 1952 uMness HOUTUAMKIXJN .Kiig. -f). J bus-load of 19 relatives travelled hate to welcome 26-year old Pauline Browning on her return j from a 3'i year trip "to see th i world." Her tour included a visit to Canada.. BLACKWOOD on is (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publteatian) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, Sc pw Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notlcet Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00 . SPECIAL HISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE (Oricle, 1LJ REAL ESTATE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Squeeze in Two Suits Helps Contract "Why didn't you lead another spade, Meek?" complained Mr. Muzzy. "That would have taken me ANNOUNCEMENTS Sonja's Tea, May 10. Hospital Day tea, Nurses' Home, May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea May 14. Eastern Star tea, Masonic Temple, May 15. Canadian Legion card paj-ty May 21. iuen s uotary a, Civic C'en- tre, May 22. Canadian Legion Dance, formal, May 2Zvd, Legion Aiuli-tonum. U22e Cathedral tea and rummage sale. May 31. Make your reservations now for the Shrine Ceremonial Ball, Friday, June 6. Tickets at Van Mcer Studio, Gcorgs Dawes iRed 127) or W. G. Sheardown. PEKSONAL YOU don't need bis money co advertise. You can sell anything from a business to a 'bathtuo through the classified ads. They cost only a few cents a line and pull like mules. ( lllnc) John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30. 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 PO. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all 'Us branches 204 -4th Street Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For rfwnroddrn, HeeU and Wo.n Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CIIANDI.KR'S STl'DIO 210 - 4th Street Box 645 Thone Green 389 Prinee Rupert I i I ! . FOR SALE Four room house, furnished. Electric range and washer, new oil heater, bedroom suite, kitchen set and front room furniture. Box 379, Daily News. (lllp) FOR SALE "Glenannan " well 3 known fishing lodge. One half mile lake and river frontage. Apply E. L. Rudland, Fort Fraser, B.C. (111c) lAh Htt 'ALR FRIZZELL'S MOTOR PRODUCTS Limited Phong 871 1930 PONTIAC SEDAN This is a one owner car, good tires, (.lean body, fo;- the parti(u-lar buyer. An excellent buy at only $585.00 1C49 PONTIAC SEDAN Only 13.000 miles. Heater, de froster. Paisley blue. Full fulIl price $1795 I 1959 ANGLIA Heater and de-1 froster $735.00 mG GMC ,.T0N PANEL Heater and defroster... $715 ' FRIZZELL'S MOTOR PRODUCTS Limited Phone 871 b'OR SALE 19&0 Austin A-40 sedan, excellent condition having travelled mainly oi. first class roads. Priced at Vancouver. Price $1250.00 cash. Phone Mr. Fraser. 477. (tf ) new tires. Price reasonable. 238 West 6th Ave. illOfji FOR SALE 1950 Monarch, ex- cellent condition. Phone 677 (tfc) FOR SALE 1938 Fold, good condIuori Apply 99 Taxi. (113p) FOR SALE 1950 Ford K ton, low mileage, Al shape. Blue 411 after 6 p.m. (114p FOR RENT ! , 1194" CHEVROLET '2-TON PAN- THE SKEENA Grocery will be i el Fuily reconditioned. Zy" 'a ventnefio ' M hosital visitors. Skeenn Hiw.l lun Pnce $1375.00 i ' ery, opposite hospital. Phone 1 WE PAY cash tor burnt out motors, anv size or mike. Wil-ford Electrical Works, Cow Bav. Phone Blue 391. (tf; DRESSMAKING and Alterations. Phone Blue 851. UlOp) MOTHER'S DAY permanent Phone 855. illU) LOST AND rOlv'O LOST Ring of keys. Finder please return to Daily News. (lllp) HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED NTED Girl with typing AT7CTION SALE TimlMT Sale X SSKflS There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 11:00 a.m.. on Tuesday. Mny 27th, 1S)S2, In the office of the Dlsl.-ict Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C.. the Licence X 53858. to cut 9.165.000 f b.m. of Hemlock and Spruce cm an area comprising of part of Lots 1310. 4600 and 478, situated miles south of Stewart. Casslar Land District, Three (3) yenrs wil be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treaU'd as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria, B.C., or the District Forester, Frince Rupert. B.C. (M29 A4. 11.18.25, MC.9,18) IN THE MATTER OF THE BANK-. RUPTCY OPmCSEOKGE A. CHAM. BERLAND. NOTICE is hereby given that GEORGE A. CHAMBtRLANIV-ef Pa-cllic, B.C.. made an assignment on the 5th day of May llJ52. and that the iirst meeting of creditors will be at the hour of 2 oo o'clock ' in ihe i afternoon- in the office of Collins & Vosbcrg. Barristers and Solicitors, Terrace. B.C., and that, to be eligible ; to vote, creditors must file with me. Ptiur to the meeting. proofs of claim and. where necessary, proxies. Claims against the estate must be i filed with the trustee before distri-1 bution is mane: otherwise the nro- i ' of the estate win be distributed ,J v , ,nerew j DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 8th day of May, 1952. George L. Rorie, Trustee. P.O. Box 130. Prince Rupert. B.C. (Itc) LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Cerificnte or Title No. 12404-1 in Iot Ei;;ht (81. Bloi-k "B"' of Uit Two Hundred and Thirty-Four (JS4i. QiH-en Ch:irloitc District, said to contain One Decimal Naught Two Nine (1.0291 acres, more or less, Map 12CO. WHEREAS snrtsf..rrnrv proof of loss oi the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of Harry Etlier-idce Wt'tmon has been filed in this oflice, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month trom the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing DATED at the Land Registry Of fice. Prince Rupert. B C., Hits 2Hth day of April. l!r2, A D. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Title. (126C) Railwaymen Hear About Pension Rules ional counsel; C. M. Brown. res- ional auditor, and E. J. Giilln water, .staff recorder, all of Wm '"'""au,,i "w1" the committee, opened with an outline of the main features of the revised rules. He explained tint iYxO. rt'h 1 . ... t important provements, ,as j r ;r.ul "c 4iv. w ti iv. jit unt ur. vv tcii- Lsion plan becomes Part Two. Mr. Brown followed Mr. Patterson with examples of questions and answers. , The committee advised that it ,5s travelling the West from Po.'i and'ru-in Z Z FOR r,.yT, SALE 51 Ford, good con- snortnana h r, r t u a rf MARGARET mc - PHONE BLUE 593 Po- BOX lip. ELECTRQLL ""'s and Sfr,. NOW iocatbj SANSON'S CHINA Phone: hIWl0r Evening,, Biue S70 'or 6Pnulne parts ar." phone or write I HANDYMA HOME SERV GENERAL CONTRA Building and Ri,li3i; kinds ROOFS - chim:. OIL BURNER PHONES-P.O. Box 1C70 MATTSON t'PHOLSTERB Phone Blue 126. PO 234 3rd Ave Prince Rupert. I H. G. HELGER LIMITED REAL ESTATE 4 INS' Phone 96, Evenings E LING THE TA Tailorinf Allen and Cbthes MaJf-l- 220 Sixth St. P: 0 General Construction 9 Floor Sandir General M Cabinet Won o M ureer a w LIMBED Phne 909 15 1st Ave. W. p01 JOHN H. BULGE Orion"1"1, John B'U Third Avt" LONDON (CP) Inflation Nolo: The British government's annual "Economic Survey" this year consists of 44 pages and costs is 3d. The previous Issue of 48 pages mid cost one shilling. ji J . i L 654 i S5 ptr ioif pd tot ptM. PUm kv tfc rttdy wki tl drrvtr eUu 'kit trcttiMnwal w tut publitt o 4 ipird by f 4 UqtMf Control BmtJ m by lk GimmI (i:OKdK 1AVKS AUCTIONEER Phone (Irei n 81U and Red Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did It ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? Type faces give you this itstanding distinctiveness and these can be supplied by our modci n printing department. Dibb Printing Co. HELP WANTED SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT preferably with previous experience or Inrelliqent young man willing to learn trade STEADY YEAR -ROUND EMPLOYMENT Apply BOB PARKER LIMITED "Homo of friendly service" FORD MONARCH DEALERS Phone 93 DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe wmxa Saved bv the Bell! DAG WOOD-) WAKE UP REMEMBER, YOU Vjvv -v HAVE TEN f HUH?) " mouths - .i J V J TO FEED ) '"jfityjT For the MEAL that REFRIS! expenen some knowledge of bookkeep I ing, 10 De mstructea to operate bookkeeping machine- Good salary to right party. icitpiiuiie i. uiicii WOKK WANifcl .., ,. PVnrn Ttn'rinr, - mi a. wants work, bv hour or piece work. Apply ai2 7th West. (HOp) RELIABLE wman will care for child for working mother. Box 378. Daily News. (109c) ! I FOR SALE NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-. lted. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Gramlllc Tsland, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) CAT r1 T-vnr.v. i 1 i i. V ZZZ"' lL'r'i-i 1 BEST OF FOOD South dealer Neither side vulnerable Vim III (Mr. Keen) S-7 8 4 H -A 10 I) 7 5 3 13- 5 C- A 7 i-:t ( Mr. Mwk) (Mr. Mitr.rt) S-J S -K Q 10 8 5 H Q 8 H - K J 0 4 D 9 8 I) -4 xi C J 9 8 G 5 3 3 C 10 soul h ( Mr. Mnlrr) S A 3 2 1 1- 2 D -A K Q J 10 7 3 C K Q The bldduiK South Wi-it North East 1 D Pa.- Ill IS 2 9 Pus-i 4 IF Pass 4 NT Pa.-s 5 D Pass CD All puss fflmm Popular Steemer Prince Rupert 8AILS tOR Vancouver and Intermeiiiate Torts j Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OH DEPOT OFtTCE PRINCF RUPERT PC. .ran - . n - l NEW CHENILLE HAROAINS FROM FACTORY TO YOU Our nationally 'anions fully covered, no sheeting showing baby chenille bedspreads still at only $5 25 tach. Also, new luxurious corduroy chenille bedspreads, thousands of ! small velvety tufts at only S7.60 each, both spreads come in all colors, single or double bedsize with either multi-colored or f.olid sculptured center patterns. First quality. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1408, Place D'Armei, Montreal, Quebec. (IIP) (All Times Daylight Saving) VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Coquitlam 12 noon ALICE A KM, STEWART AND POKT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOK NORTH Ql FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS May 9 and 23 ss. Camosun midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun May 2, 10 and 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupe.t Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 ! . I 11 For 'jest results, advertise! BLONDIE OLiP ALARM CLOCK A IS BROKEN-I'LL VttiVJ HAVR TO GO ANP S WAKE DAPDy UP off the squeeze." Mr. Muzzy was right about being taken off the squeeze, but his complaint was somewhat unreasonable in that Mr. Meek didn't have another spade. Mr. Meek had opened the jack of spades and Mr. Masters had made the right play, letting the jack hold. He saw that he had just 11 tricks and that the only hope for the contract was to develop a squeeze In two suits hearts and spades. One trick always had to be lost and it had to be, lost at a time wnen the enemy could not quickly cash another winner, I (Try to make six diamonds on 1 this hand after Winning the , 0Denjnr 0Pe"'a SDade apuue lead ) j At trick two Mr. Meek Shifted to a trumb. Mr. Masters Won na nf nntpH nolea tv,at even 'V? " if the hearts were divided 3-3, that suit could not be set up as there was only one entry on the board Still, he had to do everything he could to lake any possible heart stopper out of Mr. Meek's hand. Otherwise, when the long diamonds were run and the clubs cashed, Mr. Meek could ', hold hearts and Mr. Muzzy could t hold spades. In that case the squeeze would not operate. Therefore, after taking two rounds of trumps, Mr. Masters led to the ace of hearts, return-- ed a small heart and ruffed it, felling Mr. Meek's queen. Then he ran the diamonds, discarding three hearts and a spade from dummy. Next came -the king of clubs, then the queen of clubs to dummy's ace. At this point dummy had left a spade and a heart. Mr. Masters had ace and trey of spades. It was , Mr Muzzy's play to the eleventh trick from a holding oi the king, queen of spades and the king of hearts. He knew he had to keep the; heart to prevent dummy'l ten ' from winning, so he threw a j spade. Mr. Masters then won tho j last two tricks with the ace and trey of spades. "I didn't have a second spade, Muzzy or I would have con-' tinued' the suit," said Mr. Meek, ; sadly. "And I might add that il you' were a little better ' with cards than you are with words, we would have set the hand. Why not overtake my jack ol spades with the queen? Masters couldn't duck, then, or a spade return and a ruff would nave beaten him immediately. And it he won with the ace, the squeeze, as you said, would be Jim e fit R ECIPES CANNED RHUBARB JUICE j Hot Pack Wash, cut rhubarb in vmall n i opoc AArt Ana r-t water . per quart of rnub'arD, Bring to boU and boll, covered, 5 minutes OR steam without ad ding water. Strain through moistened jelly bag. Add sugar Is de-riivjd. Reheat to boilinir Doint. Pour into hot containers, leaving headspace. Process in boiling .bath, allowing 10 minutes for a .i . , . LTeolor rh" ?l g?.c.?ior' U?f Z , ny one of , the following methods: 1. Wash and cut stalks In one inch lengths. Make a medium syrup, using one cup sugar to one cup water. Pack rhubarb in cold syrup to cover OR pa.ck In dry sugar, using 4 pounds prepared fruit (about 11 cups to i pound sugar (2 cups). 2. Remove leaves and root ends, cut stalks to uniform size, about 8 to 10 inches. Tie in small bundles, carefully wrap in moisture-vapor-proof, paper and tie or seal securely. 3. Make Into sauce. Sweeten to taste and pack cold. Rupert and will hold a meeting CI, Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 0 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 YOU can now rent a U-Drive1 A meeting of Canadian Na-for as little as $6.00 per day tiona: Railways employees at and 12 cents per mile, $25.00 Prince Rupert last evening heard per week and 12 cents per mile the regional pensions advisory or short rentals at 75 cents committee, composed of Walter EfJ hAMra"l.1Ll!,ce"ls1pei T- Patterson, Q.C., assistant reg- FOR TAKE Ol'T ORDERS PHONE 2M BROADWAY CAFE ihalVacuu (S niPegl eXP!ai" the reVLsed CNRiM ln' Blue 433' Hlp) rules. rug and under-mat, china I ( pension cabinet, record plaver. 869 6th FOR RENT Sleeping room ' c- A- Belner, divisional super- -East, below B-Y Market. Black 973. (112p) intendent at Prince Rupert, act- (llOp) ied as chairman and introduced iRTAL-E-LenM-r-eTrigVra:! the committee. vor. b'o cu. it., eooa condition . i $150. Sinple treadle sewine machine. S50.00. Contact St. .Elmo Hotel. . (HOp) I$R SALE Thrf piece Chester-' lield suit. 8 piece dining room suite, lawn mower, single bedstead and spring. Phone 464. (112c) FOR SALE 33 HP. Evinrude outboard motor excellent condition. Phone Blue 954. (lllp) FOR SALE Lady's bicycle, good condition. Phone Blue 288 after 5. dl2c) FOR SALE Two piece chesterfield suite. 1501 8th East, (tfi at a11 ,VT"L:lboth'pint andVart aim: Shipping and General Moving-, Packinc. Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 130 Box 478 GOODYEAR "Tl3 Greatest Name ln Rubber" Hose Belling Matting Tires Tubes Batteries Airfiiam Products NORTHERN TIRE & RUBBER CO. 712 2nd Ave. T.O. Box 1481 Phone Green 993 - becona or rnird Ave. West. ThoneLBTk36969tr0mnSArmStr0n AkS LUl ".?":.- r,.""' Phone S30, the Bus Terminal, 2nd and 2nd. U13p . wrticu iu tie.Ni House or suite for three. Phone Blue 846 days, or call at 618 8th East. Urgent. , (114pf . . . 1 K - WANTED TO RENT Family of nuA-JT ........ Zt?lU"T: vU vji uioucu jiuunr, Phone Red 588. (lllp) WANTED TO RENT Suite, nouse or rooms. Urgent. For government inspector and wife. Phone 438, DeSilva, or r.u. BOX l37. U11P' HOrSES WANTED TO bCY i . WE HAVE a buyer for five to seven room house on First, rnune ciacK la ( evenings (110c) WE HAVE buyers with all cash for two to four bedroom houses. For quick sale phone Armstrong Agencies Ltd., phone 342. (113c) WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment mad. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van couver. B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (tfi CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop per, Daneries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West, City. tf, rCOI'N1 4 NTS PUBLIC ACCCtrNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk, Stone Bulldlne. Red 593. f20m) SHEET METAL PLUMBING. Heating and Sheet Metal Work. Roofing, Phone 543. 630 6th West. Letourneau. (130c) IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE !ngs divisional points, to .instruct employees on the e feet 'of the new rules, and to answer their their auestions. questions. ft I I While employees were told that they can write to the committee at Winnipeg, those already on pension were instructed . that they should obtain their instructions and advice from the CNR Superintendent of Pensions at Montreal. The printed pension rules, it was stated, will be available for all employees in two or three months time. 1 The Committee also gave examples which illustrated the increased benefits which will be obtained by mast employees and pensioners under the revised plan and explained that any employee or pensioner wishing tn rnmp under the new plan must elect lw employees ou uoara ship, foi-within the times established by Mowed by meetings at Victoria the new rules. Vancouver and Kmloops. REAL ESTATE TWO SPECIALS wartime four, furnished, fully insulated, level lot. Price $4000.00. Easy terms arranged. Wartime six. fully insulated. Patent roof, level lot, close to stores and bus. Price $4750. Easy terms arranged. Exclusive Listings. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197 Evenings ' (ltc) FOR SALE Neat four roomed nouse on Fourth Ave. East. Basement with hot air fur- nace, electric stove. Price $5,700.00. R. E. MORTIMER Real Estate Insurance Phone 88. 353 Third Ave W. (113c) FOR SALE 160 acres timber, 3 seres cleared. House 18 n 20. Chicken house 10 x 14. Close to highway and beach. One cabin. $800 cash. Phone Oreen 787. Graham Island, Mnsset, B.C. (llOo) FOR SALE Two lots, partlv constructed house. Corner of Second Ave. and 11th St. Owner leaving town. Phone Blue 393. . (lllp) FOR SALE House on Wantage Eoad. No. 201. (lllp) II II 11 ByCHlC '"V GET UP I SAV!pf) I (YOU LAZYBONES, LthEAlaiw ) 1 im Employees who served in ths1 armed forces were advised that their time in the armed forces U allowed as service time under tha pension plan, and that no contributions are required for the period of service with the forces in order to obtain full benefite under the new plan. j In addition to Increased bene- fits, the committee outlined new provisions permitting earlier re-! tirement, either voluntary or because unfit for service due to1 illness or injury. i , Following the meeting , the ' committee left aboard the Prince! I j