, a Piince Rupert Daily News As I Tuesday, November 3. 1953 Letterbox .-; An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnro Rupert nd Northern and Central British Columbia Member of Canadian Presa Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Tubllnlied by The Prince RujM-rt DhiIv News Limited p MAOOR. President n. u. PKHRY, Vice-President ,1 f J. ::4. NO H DKRAL BONUS Editor, pense of the Dully News: 4" M Mr . O Neai's information about placed ilk, e p ' ,ms' Provincial a o v e r n m . n . Rm. ... J J5-Vr-y50lir - i,-.c:rjT " 7 Subscription Rates: ! y earner Per week. -Jac, per month 41 00 ; ' mall Per month. 7fr: iter vear fta on the per year. (1C.00. I!fc'Ji i ... " . " " " -" neiD shniiiH .... ""I 11 Wrott V 1. Authorised as .erond rl mall by U.e Post Office Depattroei.i, There Is Still Time ""i"".'cra KenniK a cost or living j a wouirt . , tonus is correct, but what Mr.: a poll tl ntere5tii! -O Neal may nl know to that the Ju of enc h T U ' Fedt-rn 1 government workers It aoir. l'tatorsliip here, and there are quite a few- that Canarif nrih' Fisheries, Immigration, Post ' try hu ,('l Of lire. Customs, Wireless, Trans- 1 of a few ?nC"f nd Hhtl port do not net this Kt nt n. . . rniDorb,, Lit Kids Have Fun I MUST have been born ! under a star which makes nie see the opposite" ing bonus. "'""winment. ' Five or six years ago we did ' D'SGl'STt; fc-et such a thing, which was $15 j SHtVK EttTr:, a month but at that time we got ! Armist ' "e Iv " a $15 boost in Dav so wht h,.r.. ;n,. I.Ke H Just ;, pened? Our cost of living bonus knows we Ltf n was cut off so we were left , . . ama's h havf i J Arf i W -V ; cal!Hl pay boost. We were mm. j .hn h ' 1 Would IfK-sed ,u be very pleased aoout U and ZL, " I the pay boost and the fact thai Pvi :...nlrryln? , mil I J ? . 7 l'lOH I,i(i 0,1 xve" ,s on tle outskirts of the fdimiiik town of Vildcn. 135 J inn The find U part of the WUlUrton Basin underlying Canada and the v United h States Early In 195) a small oil discovery on the basin s northwest rim touched off an .l(? Whlh 1P1 l d'veloJmpn,- or fields in North Dakota. Montana. Saskat- Th?new me n.n rf,. ? ?' Thi8 'S 3 "lap f the bai,n whllh Produ abuut 25.000 barreU a day. new wells at Virtlen may become the best p oducers in the province, oil experts say j side. ! Right now in Vancouver there ; seems to be wide support for Ihe idea of attempting &U1I another bun on fun. The idea is to huve the city council forbid the sale of "fireworks" to young-, Mers. " My reaction is: For crying out loud how stuffy can you get? ; Let th kids have their fun : while iney still are young enough to enjoy it. Let the fire-; crackers bank, let the sky-rock- els soar and let all the youn- i usters let off steam, in a free,, happy way. while they are still ' young enough not to understand ;the lull import of those bis, firecrackers" which Uncle Joe j and Uncle Sam are storing up j lor you-know-what e A LTHOUGH workers at the Columbia Cellulose lhmt, as well as at the other mills eoncerned, lave expressed themselves decisively in favor of strike action, it is not unreasonable' to hope that iioth sides will consider the situation together before the final drastic act is played out. Locally both W. R. C. Jones, mill manager, and . Pat O'Neal, spokesman for the union, have made it rlear that they are ready to do this at any time. J'hey arc men of sound common sense and straightforward manner who can be counted on to do their utmost to maintain the pood management-employee relationships so characteristic of this particular industry. We are sure this holds true also at the other locations involved because managers and labor leaders in an industry which has established such a record for itself cannot be anything less than men with long and valuable experience, and the brains to use it. Naturally the point will be made that long talks between the two parties have already been held. 'tT A , the cost-of-living bonus wan cut ; I know that' i th" off was shoved aside and has not this thought LTi1 : been ?lven to us since. ge.st thnt nL?? oa: i SoVu fellows at the Mi... , do cmne dTwn'; k Please don't get the Idea that !l It "snTEl? , Z All government workers get a , what the ervlt T I cost of living bonus as the Fed- Here's. for an a J leral ones DO NOT. Anyone can , without dogs check on this. I OTTAWA DIARY 5''f. .V.V. With the Inne nnr! iiwptnniliL.i .w .... tr ' , i When vvnen things iiungs are are " good good we we """" havi have i ray... Reflects ana Reminisces . L ' '' rur me iirsi ume in econo- exception .i Of her muxhrrwiminir r.,1- Ki.. ...... . . i ,, . " "HV. IIWUIl Y UUI L' rHIllT:ll AT IIJUI L ) STr KP nitf fP Druan ""-'v- "f" fiit ui an can-: "arii iuiiiks are not so te hiho,. ,.r t, , i i ,V , .- good, 1 LONlX)N (fPi r mlnation lf-deter- adlan Investment needs. And us we are lucky to navel steady Scott t7d the sTv-a T ..... lthis Nation prevails despite Job. I nsk you fellows to comnare Prevention f Zl CONSIDER the utter absurdity oi a ccneration of adults w hich has not. rmmch Yul . tvp'Thing went well between which the Federal Bureau of ! "T "T l'?J?. ":P , . 'I '?.u w,ln - I MIt Propaganda trill sense to make world law to ban ,, ,.. ",. ; ua.te' "atlstics has Just completed. It; cower and Industrie rt, j"'" " " " iiuusewiir oin-ui(i wun imiUion alomic weapons having its local , '"Z T rrancisco, log shows the investment in Canada, ment currently in nmirre,, P lawmakers sitting down to ban n uP"-abundance. descended, by Canadians is far ouUtriping ,',f"" J , T fire-crackers! A plane crashed, and five out of United States. United Kingdom !.! the Consider also what hainx n, ri ! "lx alwa.rd lushed. There's also and all outside Investment in n1. , 1 934 .U'. '""-rteht u j years 1 " Know m nusbund's cheque ; be displayed at evm : f"i' for a a n hn a muni t- .. u. ; , . ' m t(. whole month is no more .spot , in the days of the "noble t ;.-, , '"mul"cr' so nicK it s Canadian resources. 1 r a . porlmtnt" to prohibit the salfr . 1 ulJc:,t- - mnner north-' HiNon-resid ident t me me ume ume ui of the me oil on and ana iron iron dis-1" dis-i " 1,1 ' sonle 'u ul 01 you j"u iciiows fellows' . covery booms-t'snadian capitr-1 for barely two weeks. ..r,hi owi hl h lwas e('ual ' Ui nation's entire . FF.HKRAL OOVrtRNMRNT it wnicn Just iu-it p"lor nilnr am-I ' 'rieVelopment Hi...... , ,"r"1 " nwas- UH- wltn WIln ev evon FMPLCA'EE'S WIFE. ::lid con 7 ." IATEST REPORT miry, isuinplion of alcolio! j 1 WO miles, there's an-. Canadian indu lljers of people literally 'ot, seaPolt and railway ter- ounted to 38 p diink iinL- just h.vi to ...i;, minus, nunvis. Slraniilinc btraniilinc foir foir cnniH cnniH t,. t,. uih uih i , Vast num r cent I. now ndP .. i111'" avalla' 'or export. it rlso be there. Yet. it isn't. OUT IX THE ( OLD just 30 Der rent. There is Just one noteworthy i tn4 Tntften W (21 Non-resident ownership of fce0non 10 Pral story of 'The Editor, ?SH:FFF inadian governmental and cor- ",c,"ean ' Canadian financial . The Daily News: nifms sis it isn't that way with a lot of aton f""dll dtbt.h J: over me country's re-' me KanKs score again! :u"'lcs' sources. lnal ls Hie spectacu-: notcnikan. Alaska, isolated ped 't:u from "um one-third one-inim ot of the tne total total ,, an human lvin,. ' iny m musnroonilnR inusnrooming oil on i industry community with not quite the outstanding in 1939 to Just 15 , )f tne wstern ner cent of the Mmiwh.t provinces. and wnat have they accomplished? The remark i not so pertinent as it may seem. A vote has been taken on the men's willingness to strike, not their intention to do so. Thus the way is still open for more discussion and something new has been added. Perhaps it will make no difference but it is worth finding out. There is a period of at least 10 days in which the position can be further studied, and w-trust there will be more if necessary. The reduced number locally of those favoring strike action, as compared with those who voted down the company's offer, suggests there is considerable feeling that a go-slow policy will do n, harm. As we look at it, the workers have expressed themselves emphatically but nobody has' slammed the door in anyone's face. population of RuDert is now M.WWS HANDY er total outstanding now. get ting TV and also has two radio stations. Bark in 1M5 a Canadian investment of $296,000,000 in the Crows and gulls are flying, not Payments to foreign In ovi r w " nat "V nas nas Rupert pn got KM ... ... t a spacious Prince Rupert's (3i . V harbor, hnrlvr.r h..t but lo, instead, 1 1 'VCStOrS , nations ano,!s oil 0,1 industry ""iustry was was suffi which consumed 25 ner suffi-' ; took to prove "they icant do-this to me." They ; couldn't, cither. i In tlifory prohibition w,is a i wonderful law. In far! it. wa.i l Uio greatest fiasco ever al-j tempted in Not Hi America. I The attempted prohibition oi Ihe sale of lire-crackers to kid,, will work out exactly the Name rs Ihe attempted prohibition ol the sale of liquor to the father.. kiuI mothers of tltosc same kid.,. i Canada alrcmly has a law for-, lnding tlio sale of ciii,ncite to yi'tmsstore. If ynti want to sec how effect vc this law- take a look at the next, bunch of kid,; you sec coming home from hiih school I '.iOU CAN make out a case for i the ban of the nunnij,,!,, breezy hop and m nick pick anvwhere anywhere handy hnoriv t-. to cent of " the total Canadian divi- ,he " 'Tn' ?2 ,P " n dominated !" by ",,P. a few " f. aV?? WnrM w it V wHrj- total resources fuddy duds VT- Thy ,teCm t0 av require csthin cen't But that was before the Western ' to shove long- relle ie tlmt tlwt times, times, for for ne the the hi'" next next .mh f industry's cash disbursements. I!."1 Provinces ''ro"nres became ne another another Middle Middle td c and so-called rul- few months, will not ho fh.K CALVIN BULLOCK ... East or another Texas. As of ture down evervboriv's thmni f"o it's .(lif t as well for everybody to be friendly. ' and who give cities like Vancouver. Toronto, etc.. TV at the ex- ill U , latest figures, a Canadian invest- VYOlf WhiStleS ment of $578,000,000 in the na- . r . tlon's oil Industry accounts for vireet AAovie Star ,:niv nt of the total; a A United States investment of At University SSTW.OOO.OOO now represents a 52 "T rent ,n,erest . IXJNDON Reuters) London cmi.iir.E Police cells in Prince Rupert have, of late, been exceedingly (I'liet. ICs been the same mv Come to the Concert MOW... I - with certain folk that could be of fireworks of a tpe which aie university UlllVt students replied with Furthermore, In all Indurtry Ofl .11.1., rl i . , n.eilt ItVOoH n V,nrn V. TOMORROW brintrs to Piince Rupert the sfeonl artist to appear in this season's Alaska Music urinal n'urt oceanic 01 v "'v. "uric me jiuitr .. their U.c situation ls concerned nocl-ets wclf w"istle .... Monday night when foreign , . investment, , alth ug'. Its or or power iiowcr I a guest lecturer niounrrl th mU i,ihui i, arc empty, as well. We're Helping 90,000 Canadian: A jil-' ' SeneS- performance promises to be of fecial interest for the artist is Yi-Kvvei Sze, the j More magazines seem to have ; the notion that more nerxnnr Hut to attempt indiscriminately to ban all ordinary liic-crackers and fireworks is noi only impractical. It is .wrong. Which boy fits better into our soUuly. the one whose mother : ' "-,u""lJ c."riuiHI, IS rostrum to . speak , on -Shakes- still a major factor in the Cana-: pea re and the Films." Idlan economy. For example ! The lecturer was British-born since World War II, US travel Hollywood movie star Greer Gar- ; investment has tumped by 60 per son, in a flaming red dress with rent from $5,000,000 000 to $8 - 1 i a huge shoulder bow. 000.000.000. By comparison Unit- Miss Garson. who earned n erl h'innl,,., io.(, -... ! si' " will continue to worry over the state of their health. One periodical, for example, is trying to To Make More Money... uiiiy singer or tninese trth ever to achieve international operatic fame. I5ut more than that, he is rated as one of the preat bassos of our time, reirardless of nationnlirv 0 j'.ti -protects him that he is convince bachelors and spinster: o'ei .uiuwed to handle a in it' ll' or iCJr he mirrht bachelor of arts "i" degree at ul the l"e ada aaa over over the tne same same period period ha has iiiai iney are more subject to cancer than those who dwell tn j university in the 1920s, said: ; jumped bv a mere sMnonnm fli. . " vc the tne one one tiliu, who:,e parents1 nr,r.,titc- wedded blessedness. Well. It's ' "Peonlp think I'm a high-brow from 1.750,000 000 to $1,770 000,-always possible to make suggest- j wnen ,ney near about my degree. 000. Some 2.821 Canadian firms T in ' obtaining i i . him . for , the , series, . Maxim Schapiro, !tcn him ihe preper use of the I the gifted pianist who personally selects those who Z'liy S EiTa! ; BUt that's not true. 'LearAlriff nnur aria nrttr,t in Tl..l.. ions in tne interests of greater security. and acting don't mix. I'm a States as against 1.985 such happy illiterate now." firms In 1945. terrible danger if handled care- :. ', tAV Come to think of it-exactly r U"r the same reasoning as is used ' ne 'ten nears repeated to-for a bun on fire-crackers 'could ! day tne cnar" that in Canada be used to ban matches. The j and Possibly elsewhere there is a match is a million times mote I tendency to suppress or discour-deadly than the fire-cracker ' age tne more 'ree circulation of But who in. his right senses news. The trend, or drift is WOUld tl'V tO bun mnt.r, hut) In that direction. The AKE a tip from more than 90,000 Canadians! Inor your savings the easier, faster way with INVEST! SYNDICATE. So popular is this PLAN, that in the tat : years the ns.set of INVESTORS SYNDICATE OF CAN1 have MORE THAN DOUBLED! , Here's how the PLAN works. Suppose, for examDlc want an extra $7,500. fifteen years from now. With INVESTORS SYNDICATE PLAN, you save a small aro regularly over the years. At the same time, the benefit compound interest and prudent investment help to ir your savings grow. When your PLAN matures you rer a GUARANTEED MINIMUM of $7,500. You, too, can profit frpm this easier way to save nu for a home of your own .'. . your children's education a retirement fund . . ': or whatever el yon maj ih Consult your INVESTORS SYNDICATE represents today. me iu ojipccu, cuiiMiiL-i s iiiat ne matie a remarKable catch. This compliment for. Mr. Sze is an impressive one because, as far as we can see, all the artists who come here for the series are immensely talented. One listens to' their performances with a sense oarjf jcatimj, and perhapjs a bit of surprise, that mustcitof M SxcetlkcfeiJ 1 hlkVthti far from the main centres of art. Without knovvinir much ahnnt it ,1 GENERAL p ELECTRIC Automatic Steam Irons V 2 I'ons Vfv'V. L ' .... . . I entitled, because of Its services ;rT!iAO..&'-'ioi W3wie!i&fay&lrlt fft'past'to more privileges in j a boy letting oif fire-crackers. fhe Prent: ''" " -i : w . " ,So did my father. Thank the ' ' ! Lord, he and I grew up before 7 Tlpperary; with band. once ; anybody got the idea that fire- more reminds Germany of what P in , $4,50 " imagine that the financial - returns r to the vnv ii :,rtit i ciacKers were " ' v OUUU1- sinful. Wh., wno sne can iaiK " or. in fact, there in nrvtyv are particularly bountiful. We can make u for this I ,n10w??rhad they made no mlschlef tl.., hr.u-ovoi. ...... 1 k A t : x , . . ' ' ;" race mignt nave been i T. M. (Tom) CHRISTIE Off;, lie tl:.i w Phone 3S jivjwfwi rir i lrn Tin- m. 4- I .1. . ! even more guilt-ridden than it 'i A11 na" Canada's farmers! .v ,...0 VUI, u, Iiear rnem. An audience is usually the nicest reward of all. it Fingertip Change from steam to dry ironing it Dial-the-Fabric Control. RUPERT RADIO 6c ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue Phone 644 , w V . w 0 I III! U T S3. T SAVE IT NOW .' . . LET IT GROW . . . ENJOY IT LAT i wun most or us. of course, there's a variety of trouble, including how best to get the crop in. And what a monster. There's never a time however, one can't afford not to exlend the welcome honestly earned and of priceless value. Scripture Parage for DoJay "So mightily grew the word of God."-Acts 19:20. Federal Buildings Taxation ; is now. For of course we would (have let them off anyway but j maybe developed more complexes because somebody said j that such was unlawful. ! ' People are far too dull already. People do not laugh jpnough. Hardly anybody whis-: ics. Most of us do not even ! become human, or laugh out !loud unless we have enough al-jcohol in our systems to deaden 1 all the repressions that our so-niety hoans unon 11a " v For Municipalities Urged It's been 19 years since Saskatchewan has seen the election of a Progressive Conservative. It's taken an Estevan lawyer, Bob Kalahty, 32, to emerge from a straight fight with a CCF candidate. Party standing in the prairie legislature is now: CCF 42. Liberals 10, Progressive Conservatives 1. No one need be lonely. Sometimes a fellow becomes used to it. Th VAwuuuvtiK O Exemption , government to exenmt ,,, "ave ,nore ,un. more of federal government property paUU re parades, .om local taxation imposes a cent federal sfs tax ff' c,)lM' and fewer eood on f''1 "' municipal munnTf taxDavers UnjUSt bUrden" and sVim.iH n!nufactrd o? their own " Te U!X- i , e Fox and The Grapes ! Heavenly Studies j HATHtirtSAGE. England CP . Rev. Henry Didcock, 82-ycar-olu slur-gawr of this Derbyshire i own, built, himself a special be ended, the full membership of I " .leciaied0" f Ba Munlci Strange Mine v.X'T tt: i Wshed Ashore linn thnf nnnia - .. . I RAM FR A Mrifien ad. for a tour The Victoria Chinese who won $115,000 In a sweepstake, had been buying tickets for 25 years without winning, anything bigger than a 10-cent piece. If at first you don't succeed, buy buy again. - - invviuc ior tax- , , ' n , "!-vviKiii "r"iwv,K"i ii-iescope iciescopc atlon of all federal government, ! s rf,nKP mine- ihP mechanism of of the famous "peak ' MORAL: Instead of saying "sour grapes" when you can't immediately attain your ambitions, build a ladder to success by opening a savings account with Ths Canadian Bank of Commercs. Add to your balance regularly and whleh was unfamiliar even tn get a heii..r ... . ij. uijciues in municipalities on A HUNGRY FOX saw gome fine bunches of Crapes hanging from a vine that was trained along a high trellis, and did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air. But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach: so he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking, "I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour." the snme basis as that of ordin- vo,rra navy experts, washed verse. you'll soon be in a position , to get what you seek. iiii r i firy municipal taxpayers I !,s""re Sunday night on the The resolution, presented by I Calir,r,lia ast. Prince Rupert delegates, also re- i 11 wl" 00 moveo mhi yards caio.ted that the legislation pro- ,lowu ,llc boa,-h "way from the .vide for the exemption of all : "ull',if?s and detonated. municipal councils and -school 1 boards from the payment of ex- ' Dies ot 65 else taxes, including the 10 per, TlUHUN (API t,r Thnm w ,TiS Hi zsr of ; lt Under present federal govern- ! S md y. lie wa 6 n.i' ment statute, federal property i.s a leader of tl Mr?e ni 5Bl?S' exempt The from municipal taxatfon. , md s v" a JaH & durlnK 'tSa he convention ifi i also approved Irish flcl t f,,r " ,,,dcPcndcn a resolution asking the federal I from Britain. . llluilmlinn by Arthur Rnrkhnm, frtim llu VT UanunaiM tdtum of Aemp t I CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE Hrst Avenue and McBride Street The Canadian Bank of Commerce ' ' vV 't ' "