Pr nce Rupert Daily News Tuesday, November 3, 195J passing Sandy Last Rites Held For Rupert Child Funeral servii-e for Reed Alexander McLean, four-year-old son Legion Remembrance Week Activities Start Tomorrow Canadian Legion Week, a full ; up for Wednesday, Remem- ,; lias come and gone .nr but tne sionej e on that night are ihp rounds, borne U indoors after the " jcK'un acuvities leading Urance Day- up to observance of Remem-1 ActivlUes will start' with thei" i y j .j -'' 4 ' h , ; t 9 ,..,, - fi V" ... I, ' i - 1 itf?-: t of Alderman and Mrs. Raymond A. McLean of Praise Rupert, were neid at i on. ted Church here with the Rpv. L O. Sieber officiating. Palibea.trs we.s R. F. Rudder-ham,. O. -ow:it, M. Hrehirchek and W. C. Collins. R. W. Long -itmfiie parties, But (, kept friends jay evening . . . n. '""cu,ucr- win paraae 10 me cenotaph Wih get underway j here tomorrow. Legion, Navy, Army and Cadet Opening event of Legion week I personnel and local bands will be the Leg?on Women's I marching off' from the Legion Auxiliary annual tea and bazaar building at 10:30 a.m. The AiTX- tomorrow &tprnn,n in tho lJlllnn, j -i i i .... Vunbar and Coreen a couple of DaseDau d made the rounds ,n district before tri1 li T V. ....1 -. ... ...v aj t i.iai , auu lj 1 1 ic i i l n . i nrtraniya. ion auditorium. The event will tions will participate In the meJ iwntown . mortal service. The public is YI-KWEI SZE . . Bass-Baritone d up with the Paul llorren and Ro-rt Marr Tattersall, Buria' was ;it liee- hmount cemetery, Edmonton, with Dr. W. T. Young conducting the committal rites. Besides his parents, the young-;ter is survived by two brothers, -loddy and Danny. leature sales of home made candy, sewing and fancywork, a fish pond and home cooking. The W A. card party will be held tomorrow night and the auxiliary general meeting will be held Thursday. Lerkfd out in fancy A masks . . . cd out in Ian Dun- iiiie he was baby- ut later transferred auto when Ian's ve-ap . . OPTOMETRIST Fred L Dowdie R'wm 10. Ei.nno Building Phone Blue 553 Friday will see a start on poppy sales, in the local schools and Friday night will be "Bring Your Missus Nite" at the Legion when members, wives and guests will enjoy a social in the auditorium. Saturday will oe Poppy Day. Legion members will be selling the memorial poppies, made by disabled veterans, downtown and throughout the district Lnor and Bill Matu- Sze Program To Include Ch inese Songs A widely varied program, including several traditional Chinese songs, will be presented by Yi-Kwei Sze. noted bass-baritone, when he appears here tomorrow night in the second concert of this year's Ala.-iku Music Trail series. Mr. Sze, who lias won rave notices in appearances across the United States, will present works by Handel, Schubert, Rossini, Brahms. Verdi, Pculenc, LITTLE inin.vtiD mi, , mviiea. ihe service at the cenotaph will start at 10:45 In the event of rain, the service will be held in the Civic Centre auditorium. The annual remembrance banquet, for Legion members will be held at 1:30 p.m., and winding ihp the week's rmU will be the Remembrance Day dance, open to the public, to be held in the Legion auditorium. The 120th H-AA RCA battery will place a wreath on the memorial cross from Vimy Ritge at St. Andrew's Cathedral Remembrance Day, and several youth groups will parade to various churches for remembrance services Sunday. KKADY-iitiE TEA LONDON (CP) Army catering experts have developed a new type of tea powder, to be tested by the troops in Malaya. The powder contains tea, sugar and milk, and one ounce provides a lurned from tneir jlion and business ik them to Vancou-and Seattle. On the Mexican Chlhuihi! Vi 1 I i . . J G looks 8 "ttle concerned for the fate of her !Kl?.fKlSSit,h' hldS "ny d0g UP 10 be registered in the annual Dog :hoy did some hunt- PARADE SUNDAY a,u-t briiiRinK home bdieve to be the ! moose in B.C. Remote-Controlled Fog Horn Fixed To Prevent Future False Alarms A church parade to the Salvation Army citadel will be held Sunday morning with Legion and auxiliary members falling in at 10:15 a.m. at the Legion building for the f?n rvn ,3 K U church. Padre, Major Poulton -I ml l H A the past two weeks ironing out , The fog horn, located on Holl-kinks In the radio remote-con-1 and Rock four and one-half miles trolled alarm system which has ; south of , Rupert In Chatham yuuu wiu conduct the service. A full agenda has been drawn Holland Rock's remote-controlled fog horn won't be giving Rupert-bound sea captains false alarms any more. At least that Is the hope of a team of expert who have spent iime back" sign was ,e Daily News office ir Jean Nixon. One -time employees ol Jean started her career here first In r snent the past six i Wonlworth's. ight tor the curlers nine is over, but pint of tea. been giving some trouble ever Rachmaninoff and others. A highlight oi the program will be three Chinese sons, new to Prince Rupert concert-goers. Mr Sze will sing "All Red the River" (traditional) by Gen. Yueh-Fei, Soong dynasty; "The Red Beon Love-Seed'! and "The Flower Drum." . , He will open hi3 recital 'with Handel's beauliful "Hear Me! Ye Winds and Waves" and since its Installation in May of 1052. tewing (-'-machine i Fix Warming Lunches For Fall Days - -f I, - ,1 other well-known works will include several German iieder, the aria "La Calunnia" from "The Barber of Seville," and others. to the game are spotlight . . . they 5 those seen this e form, showing the " how to perform Whirlwind) Christie. ome practice before opened and says be-.w'll show the old-finer points of the Sound, has been sounding when there was no fog and generally confusing ship skippers. The experts, two from the National Research Council, Ottawa, and one from the department of transport, Victoria, found that Interference from passing ships' radar systems was affecting the fog alarm set-up. The ships' radar works on the same wave-length as does the radio beam controlling the light, and at some times, under certain conditions, ships' radar would start the fog alarm sounding when there was no fog. The research men remedied the situation by modifying the receiving antenna on Holland Rock. YOUTHS NOT TOO ANXIOUS TO VOTE IN BY-ELECTION VANCOUVER Fr the first time In British Columbia's history, 19- and 20-year-olds will be able to vote in the provincial election this month, but Victoria youth appears to be unimpressed. The voters" list has closed for the by-election here Nov 24 and although no official count was made of the new voters, it is estimated that no more than 400 or 500 of about the 1 600 eligible new people registered; mm firlt Iflect and "-"iji ran Businesswoman Says Own Sex Often Make Best Bankers REMOTE CONTROL The fog alarm Is operated by 1 remote control from the light- way to develop a )us attitude toward spend a while In mid-summer, or any metropolis during the says Don M( ( orkln-lias fust returned urn in the east. He's -end some more time .gold acquaintances, if climate across the all rlfiht. once you ! on the Pacific side inttuu. BOB PARKER LTD. ' ' nm-"-e on Barret Rock, here cn ..... r noRnxiiv nnr ' I, An" JaVltS' one cf ,hc first Kaien Is!and- When fog cornel NEW YORK , NbW YORK (AP) w Women, women in America tn hnlri on t .v, - insen 0 pattern diic completely ulsmalically. It makes the landed sewing s easy as playing rkcortS! and The Elna Supermotic does everything H sewi, darn., embroider., monograms, mends almost invisibly, mokes button holes, sews on buttonsin (act, more things than it's possible to mentiont Etna even carries a lifetime guarantee. You can't afford to buy any st-wirg machine until you've teen an ELNA so phone today for rhe amazing . , eight minute presentation in your home there's no obligation. I id son don't write to 1 RIRK and breezy fall days turn m.y!!.h!T",nhb"?ker' otlen Potion in a metro- and he , radio s? tern ds e Lv L T 'PnT bank Miss Javits' vic?- rest The keeper can listen tn on This This may be h because ,h they president of the Commercial ; an ordinary short wave radio WnVriiKriemH .lu B and Trust Co, of and hear the fog ata S stretching a dollar, guarding a New York, has been with the ing ft hn,? ,restllng institution for 29 years- . . ihe oe alarm and an auto. the giocery budget. j "I always have tried to make mafic light, were installed to re- Also, women take a realistic t personal contact with as many (.., Pid imhthouse on Hol-yiew of money. Men are likely j customers of the bank as pos- and Rock which burned down to talk in large round numbers, t sible. I can tell more in five Jn m$ adding a few digits -to make j minutes of personal conversa-j The present light Is completely things sound good. Women Vxll i tion with a man than I can by j separate from the fog alarm svs-annonnce the price of a dress pages of credit references. Yoii i pt,. ,t ... .! 'try often, but Ocrry mj moinrhtg about food towards Inish); Tuna salad sandwich; Aprt- cofs; Giiiftar cookies. I Bean with bacoo soup (sliced r-as able to keep track aatlsrymg bot specialties like steam, dig soup. Just what your young-sters appreciate for lunch. After all the morning activity, (ha school-agers are plenty hungry. Drowned ... rranas for garnish); Cheese-olive sandwich; Banana; Chocolate brownies. i tnis week when Vancouver sent him trom the papers. It that Syd Woodslde, In White Rorlt -soi r scoops - Oh boy. it's good to sit down to a MiM nriv- -.i,U T ... You'll carry home the prize from eMefi 1 Drslitonf fit e easy redit terms $30 Down $15 Month Valley Basketball as $12 98, and men ' will describe ; have to bank on character. . . ' cany 24 hours a day it as "somewhere under $15." "Too many people think of i?se GAS ENGINES ' That extra $2.02 means a pair banking as a cold, impersonal I "p0lh' are operated by air com-of stockings and a manicure to 1 business. Actually, it should be j prcss driven by gasoline en- I " I' ' " 1, JWI IORB casserole of Macaroni and Cheese made with tomato soup. There are two easy stens. Make unrp hv m J Mr Woodslde was Basketball Assorln. Champion 6.70 15 $22-95 a woman, but to a man it's not ; the exact opposite. A bank must blending 1 can (l1 cups) con until the spring of gines worth talking about. deal with people and invest in McRAE BROS. LTD, densed tomato soup with cup milk and 1 CUOl shredded ihirn otitic of the Rltwria. ' cheese. Heat over low heat till cllpese nilt Rtonf ,,a ui,k A ATTITUDE OF MIND , It's an attitude of mind, says B03 PARKER LTD. 'The Home of Friendly Service' character if H is to succeed. A h, 1 mistake and a greeting from an olftcrr of the bunk can mean more than an annual report to the average depositor." Phone 6 or 36 "The Store That Service Built" cups cooked macaroni. Pour all into ' ' beini held here The remot.e-c o n t r 0 1 1 e d fog alarm system was devised by the national research council originally, on request of the department of transport telecommunications and marine services divisions. The three-man team. II. R. a nuiieiea -auar rassern 0 Tnn with nmr n-atari rha... -n !.,. health nurses from th-mitral points In They lnrlnrti ti. tared bread crumbs. Bake 20 min "VlSOr fmm Onnonnl big bowl of vegetable soup and a sharp cheese sandwich. They may need seconds on both soup and sandwich lo All all the hollows; but they're well filled with nourishing food after this kind of meal. Luckily good hot soups of many kinds are at your command. Just reach to the shelf for any of the "21 kinds" of condensed soup. And you can mix one flavor with another too. Try tomato with beef noodle soup. Fun too is the way you can garnish a bowl of hot soup so it really catches the eye. How about fluffy white popcorn or a toast animal (cut with cooky cutter) atop tomato soup. Or make a funny face with a cracker to float on soup: spread cracker with cheese (use olive bits or nuts for eyes, eai-a and nose). These are fun for parties as well as everyday meals. Perhaps your gang will like soup ith funny-faces on Halloween Seup 'n Sandwich Lunches Eat at home or tote to School) Tomato Soup (popcorn garnish); Ec salad sandwich; Apples, Doughnuts. Vegetable Soup (crisp bacon gar- Teachers Stage j School Board Reception Here ""ne Yaholnltsk' MR. C. Slpvon. nt I.educ and S. A. Gardiner of thej resonreh council, Ottawa, and Larry Reid of the-department of j transport, tfavclled iback and ; Mrs. r. Neighbor "flene Boehme and 'illiams. Irvni S' I , ,Jortlv to Hollfuid Rock on the kalherino'tB,'' department ves f s-1. (arr and I,en Introduction of teachers from ! schools outside Prince Rupert and n rprnlinn fnr lhl arhnol utes in not oven (4UO"F.). 1 sery-ings. Serve a Bean Banquet: Skills, browned. Juicy ham and a helping of beans and pork makes a supper that's a banquet. To make 4 servings, brown a 1-pound slice of precooked ham in skillet ;coolt some fruit lanple wedgesj-eanned nach halves andor sliced bananas I along with the meat. Remove meat and fruit from pan. It there's an excess of fruit juice, pour off all but hi cup. Pour into skillet 2 cans of bans, heat till bubbling hot. Serve with ham. Crisp cabbage slaw witr chopped green pepper eomuletec this meal. VANCOb VEjc (P One of the c anitary inspector, 'ending. .board were highlights of the 219 nurscs ho successfully ! monthly merline of the Prince! the B.C. Registered Nurses' Association examina Rupert Teachers' Association ad ers Ucl. ' . I The trio completed their job Saturday, and the two research experts left by plane yesterday for Ottawa. Mr. Reid left today. 1 j THIS WEt-K The I. c sin 11 Auxiliary nionth-! ly meeting will be held Tlmrs-I day, November S. Nomina-, linns will lake place. Members please attend wnu,,l ball, Elks'! - X If J t if 4 : ) ! (2571 I tions was not able to learn of her success Saturday. She was Alva Lucille Wor-den. 21, Lanaloy Prairie, killed Oct. 19 with four others when their plane crashed on a mercy flight from Ounn Lake to Vancouver. Miss Worden had been working In the Bridge River hospital and was attending an Injured miner. Joseph Neu-meyer, on the 120-mile flight to Vancouver. Aixiliary ineetlni,'. 5. Nominations. y '"night, 8 o'clock. (lt 'I l-wn tea and m "'age sale, 2 p.m. SOUTHERN END The Union of South Africa covers 473.000 square miles to the southern tip of the African 1 V held Saturday afternoon at the Civic Centre. President R. H. Davidson Introduced Mr and Mrs. Steele from Port Essington, Miss Kl-liolt from Inverness, and Mi' McNeil from Sunnyslde. On behalf of the association, Mr. Davidson paid tribute to the late Alan Hurst wiiose passing was a loss to all who knew him. He will be remembered as a man who put pupil welfare before school reputation or personal desire, said Mr. Davidson New committees were installed and committee reports received. At the close of the business meeting, a reception fur school board was held to give trustees the opportunity of bo-coiiiing better acquainted with individual teachers, particularly those from schools outside the cily. Program convener Miss Jack arranged the reception. ) W Ml (Hi j m Tuesday, Nov. 3,1 Station KTKN, I ; ,ur leeial broad- Ves, lady, it most ecrtainly IS possible that you've been paying mnfc for your milk at the stoic than it would cost to have it delivered right to your doorstep early in the morninsr. An-1 I lie milk on the delivery Inuk is I IU S1H U to. It is the milk rereivrd the previous day anil brought direct to you from onr coalers. It doesn't Bit in the stoic all day. Phone 1g for Delivery 1 too t ;fn"lva,,ti ' atlonrl m,,,:"" at thn. A --j, rrmay nights ,W Sunday r.lght Uhi". ' v- Lavik. .ton, conducting. 2 f"U Milk f- Sure of a good welcome BUCHANAN'S r ders!:?. (;turt p FIRST llSl FLR M f :'; USEFUL HINT No. 8 ,V M Hi? bB5 Store canned foods at a "" v moderately cool temper- 1 cr In a dry basement M or cupboard. M ) PftYALOTV C A X N E 0 FOODS ' ) ays insist on SCOTCH WHISKY SccuteS inite B cmmy r Appolnmnt iY-A Scotch WKisky Dittiltvrt to lol giqg Caorgt VI , W J" suchorxm 4 Co. ltd. Yesterday's Milk Today NOT Tomorrow. DAIRY V -foremost In frozen f xds PhR '8 Limited NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS Distilled, Blended and Bottled In' Scotland CONTENTS 26Vi OUNCES " ' tins aavirusement is not published or displayed oy the Liquor Contrnl Hw? a h h fi(jfernmnt of B'Uish ro!unW..