. Hlftl'uitlC Hiitl Liverpool In F.n(.i,..i i-iw.khR i'Kt.ss ! ranada's first pilnling press Prince Rupert ..Daily News it As I See ' is believed to be the one set up lat Halifax by n a r t h o 1 o m e w j I Green In 11rl 1 uie worm great, seaport, only 1,000 iH.pnht t i.n in century. Saturday, January 1(1, 1954 Scientists Set To View Mars At Closest Point by 1 a .dependent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prtnc Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily New.. Limited, r MAGOR, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: rier Per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, tlCOO. tTjJuiwlr ,-ra -u -Per month, 75c: per year, 8.00. ifS .uonzea as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa more Be Thrifty ... WASHINGTON i-Thc planet Mars, In June, will make lis closest approach to tlie earth in 13 years. The planet will then be only about 40,000,000 miles from the earth. Two years later, In 10M. Spend Wisely . , j Big Brother Pinks and Spies IT IS a fact that the most progressive thinkers in all the political parties represented in parliament come from the west. Of course there Is the odd progressive in all three parties which hive MPs renresentine eastern Canada. But by and o I " HAS just come to our attention that this is the last day of Big Brother Week. We have no idea vha it means, but it sounds nice. Evidently somewhere along the line the oldest boy in a family got the idea of commemorating thu trials to which he and his kind are subjected. After all, if anything goes wrong in the house when Mother and Dad are out, it is big Buster that usually takes' the rap no matter how fiendish his smaller kin have been. For an unnaturally long time they are considered iust babies, but Buster is an adult as Vt v large the average MP Iroin the j west is much more advanced in i INSIST. ON it will come within 3:,uiu.u'm miles. That it the closest it ev. r comes. Mars will be studied in a formal, organized effort to gain new knowledge of its atmosphere, its exact size and Its "changing surface features" which may be evidence of some kind of plant life. Astronomers from U countries will participate. ' The National Geographic Society says, "Observations will he made on all major continents, from high-flying planes, and perhaps even from stratosphere-probing unmanned missiles." Bloemfonteitr, South Africa, has been chosen as the site for special studies because it's at a latitude where Mars will pass almost directly overhead each night. The Orange Free State skies are usually clear in late spring and summer, anfi there's a 27-inch telescope there which is the most powerful in the southern hemisphere for detall- MRS. TINA A1J.ORI, an Italian radio sinner, claims she is to inherit $30,000,000 in platinum, gold, and coal mines m Colombia, South America. The fabulous inheritance, calculated from the richest mine, was left to the singer by an uncle who emigrated to Colombia several years ago, she said. his outlook than his fellow members from the east. Maybe it is the climate that does it. For how else do you explain the fact that our west coast salmon are Dink and even ruby red while those caught In eastern waters are a dismal gray? . All Aboard 'HU in on POTATOES My parents never Mx old bicycle is standing in . rode along the garage. It is the same bicycle I knew. AND vegetable! I had when I was a bov. 8ome-t h- t. in:r.mrtihi from I HEARD of one enterprising .salmon cannrr on the east coast who refused to sit down and moan over the fact that nature seemed to favor the west coast salmon. The eastern packer did not do what those wily Manitobans do to those famous but half-phony Winnipeg goldeye fish that is, dye them red. No, the foxy Maritimer printed in big letters on the outside times I think I can climb on it j 'njs bicycle. The gang of us rode I t photography of the planets, and ride back 20 years to my rtown "to the river on summer' nh;ervntinn from northern old home town. i afternoons and on warm sum- hemisphere observatories will be j mer nights, with bathing suits hampered to some extent by the flapping. In winter snow fact that as seen from that HOUSTON CO-OP Dirt-track racing on motor cycles was a fashionable theme in the boys' magazines that we read. So for a time we were all hemisphere, Mars will be close to MARKET ASSOCIATKj the horizon and hard to observe. not to j dirt-track riders. The driveway of his cans "Guaranteed turn red in the can." accurately. i crunched under the tires, once I fell through the ice on the lake t and rode home encased In a suit ' of frozen armor, j After tne war, the bicycle was soon as he is able to totter two steps. It is not altogether wise of Big Brother, however, to let people examine his case too closely. While it is true that he has to do more than his share of looking after the others, he is also the one in the family w ho gets the new bicycle and the new shoes. In addition, he is able to indulge. in a little bossiness which might cost small fry a clout on the head if he ever attempted the same thing. It may be, of course, that this is not the meaning of Big Brother Week at all. Possibly the reference is to some charitable organization which cares for small children, or something of the sort. If so, we apologize because that gives the week a far more worthy purpose. At the same time, Big Brother, in the family sense of the term, certainly does merit some recog-N' nition. So too, for that matter, does Big Sister. In a showdown, or even without one, it is she who does the baby-sitting. Come to think of it, perhaps Buster had better forget about his Week and go ride a bike. How To Hide in Canada around a house of the district served as a track. A pal and I had match races, which I invariably lost. ! waiting, neglected it for years. then, lately, I spent $10 to put c$t?vsc 1 AM a canned salmon man from away back, but I always horrify most of my fellow citizens from B.C. by admitting that I prefer that salmon from the can and not fresh cooked. But lest anybody 'run away with the dea that I am for everything from B.C., I frankly confess I think mwt varieties ot eastern apples &re as good, in fact better, than most var It in shape, pretending that I i would ride it to the store and ; save gas for the car. In truth, I was being sentimental and grat- ! ifying a whim. - 1 It seems almost certain that ; if I pedal the bike around the 0 0 0 0 i I had the delusion that if t waited for my competitor to come around the track; and started level with him' once more, the race had somehow begun again. He argued that he was a lap ahead, but I could never see it that way. I was very proud of the bicycle when I got it gleaming new. There was only one thing wrong: it had narrow handlebars, and all the kids had wide ones. So I traded the bright standard bars for a scabby old wide pair. Earning money with the bicycle, I lived a double lite for a yovrsp&re time to serve j bend 8f the road, I will feel the j : weight of the news carrier bag j on my shoulder again, or hear ! the shouts of my friends rldiiv? i beside me to the fiver. , j ; Try Daily News Closiif ied ! Canada ieties of B.C. apples. The easterners simply don't know how to grade, pack and sell apples like our boys do in B.C. If these eastern fellows did know how, the Ontario or Nova Scotia apples would be taking a big chunk of those markets which B.C. now dominates. time. Early in the morning and , after school I was the servant of a Lancashire dairywoman who ' kept me in a state of terror wUhu her sharp tongue. At night I was a free-lance rider of the MY OWN two favorite brands of Ontario apples are the rus-sett and the sbeepsnoses. I don't know if there are any sheeps-nose apples in B.C. or not I never came across any. I remember the sheepsnose darkness. I delivered papers from about 10 to 11 n.m. ". ; The dairy was 4 the old- i DINING PLEASIM variety for once, as a boy, when I was throwing up sticks to knock down apples, I hit a hornet's nest, partly out of curiosity to see what would happen. Tho.y angry hornets chased me at least half a mile, stinging all the way. in fashioned kind. I carried milk in quart and pint cans, which 1 poured in the customers' jugs" My employer had a passion for speed arui cleanliness, and no matter how hard I tried she never seemed pleased with my performance. Yet she kept me on the payroll, at $5 a month. The paper route was different. I answered to no one. It was a romantic feeling to ride at night. Now and then I bought a five-cent cigar and puffed it as I ONTARIO apples have recently SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe (RECURVE) pN; -,v- I loomed large in the news. The newspapermen around the To Senators Jenner and McCarran re- j RECENTLY turned from 'their secret rendezvous with Igor I Gouzenko, ex-Soviet code clerk, in Canada. Mr. 1 Gouzenko and his family are at present living obscurely aid pseudonymously.,"somewhere in Canada under the ;secret protection of the Canadian Mounties. The Gouzenkos have a new name let us 'say Smith,' for convenience to hide their- identity. The "Smjths" have neighbors. The neighbors read newspapers. And various newspaper interviews with the Gouzen,kos, conducted in an atmosphere of elaborate hush-hush, note their physical appearances and mental characteristics, the ages and sexes of their twoichildren, the sort of lives they lead, their foreign accents, their musical tastes, their house. Two United States senators drive off from Montreal into the' unknown for their highly publicized Monday afternoon meeting with Gouzenko. That day Mr. '"Smith" is absent from his job. The nex day the tvVo senators reappear, smiling secretively liHe.ttyo Sftflj .that Javiswallowe .Hiiv canary each." Trie same clay Mr. "Smith' presumably returns to work, explaining with his heavy Slavic accent that he had to visit his grandmother yesterday. rVe had no idea it was so easy to hide in Canada. Or maybe the neighbors don't read? -CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ronto Globe and Mail office thought they would play a joke on the famous Senator Joe M Carthy. They sent him a barrel of choice Northern Spies and wrote that "the woods are full of spies up here." But was the brash Joe taken aback? Not a bit of it. He got his picture on the front page of hundreds of newspapers in both countries,. 1 o 1 dl n g ?un itwe "spies" ' as proud as punch. I figure' that the said Senator Joe is a very smart operator, 1 , : PrrpaHi'liuw is nceissjrv 10 freedom. The Naval Reservist siaiuU for nrrnarcdnCM. He is truly a iva.ri.nit Canadian. He is in twining,- improving . CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBrlde Street I.is tkillt'aiHl knowledge nd preparing himself to serve Canada ai should ihe need arise. You'll see him in Navy uniform right here in this city any day. You. too, ean prepare joursilf for ails ancemcm, nuke new fricmU, and do a service to your country by joining the R.C.N. (Reserve-) now. No mailer svhai your oie'upaiinn, you are- eligible. The need i urgent. t . ( 0 4 t 0 0 0 P 9 t and I don't think we have heard the last of him, by a long shot. The Ottawa river, largest tributary t.f the St. Lawrence, was I first visited in 1C10 by Etienr.e UStRVt TRAINING IS IMf0UNT TRAINING. IT DEMANDS WNOU-HlARTiD INTiRlST C WORT Brule. Ray Reflects and Reminis cei HA Ymi iH he rrtiiiinJ in iprij one nighr 3 wick U-arninn I he ifafu of ilic let Mid injny atliuhle kkilli. You will spend two weeks earh year training on salt water cruises . . . gaining pratm 1 experience at tea. this enters into the early history of the city. The Bainbridge, and other families lived there, and Prince Rupert Shoreworkcr Local United Fishermen & Allied Workers Union ANNUAL MEETING Election of Officers Sunday, January 17 - 2:30 p.m. Legion Auditorium ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND something about bacon and coffee on a cold morning in January that makes us look as if directly interested in something or other, not blossoms. During old home days, the chap "across t he street was said to be'.owlng something to practically .everybody. But that was long fcgo. Just fancy the diffe-ence Jn population. it is now the home of W. J. Alder, a pioneer, a property owner and a Commissioner of Prince Rupert. , KURT AGAIN! General Kurt Meyer, sent down You. will enjoy recreation that will keep ynti (ii , . . make new friends ... fit your m!( for added responnbiliiici. for life for being responsible for The house is noted for its tiled fireplaces magnificent picture tiles, depicting scenes from plays and poems. When the Bainbridge family moved away the house was occupied by a man who made his mark In the north, writes Mr. Nesbitt. J the death of about a dozen Canadian soldiers in Normandy, will be released In a matter of months, announces an Ottawa official. He never did think You will he paid at regular Navy rates (or ihe time you spend in training . . . earn entra money in your spare time. WHO! ASKED, ANYWAY! Who asked for the mail vhen it coQies by air? asked an Ontariopaper. Ho many want it? For a great; proportion of the mail, there' is no air service. If anybody ias been, it is the business firms of the cities and those who Vant it should pay for It, as they have done by special much of Canada anyway. CU THE FACTS. SE( THC RECRUITING OfFICER AT A Florida man makes a good living raising fisherment. That's a pretty good angle. nlrmtfil stamps. Those who cry the world is ; against them should be remind- I ed that the world Just don't give a hang, comments an Ontario contemporary. It Is believed possible to employ stronger It Il ,Hl tch Salt Water Fish by HAVE MISSED SOMETHING : Announcement has been made icity" heading. That must quite a hook-up. UK that out of every hundred Cana dians only two have singing voices. Unhappily, not all of the remaining 98 per cent are aware of this. Fishermen . . . NOW IS THE TIME to have your marine electrical equipment put in first class condition. Expert Service on all makes of RADIOTELEPHONES DIRECTION FINDERS ECHO SOUNDERS Call 644 RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Authorized Dealers for: KAAR and SPILSBURY and TINDA1L RADIO TELEPHONES BENDIX ECHO SOUVDERS (RESERVE) Malaya produces half of the world, supply of tin, and a third of tbe estimated total of the natural rubber. Also a good sized proportion of Oreat Britain's 'headaches. V. Nt 3 It's been sunny, of course, and How do we get that way, or how can it -be believed? Book publishers In New York report the demand for books with a religious theme stands today at the highest point In the whole history of book publishing. Meanwhile, reports from both sides of the border come of church attendance dwindling more and more. all that. Yet we wonder If it couldn't of course lease us about three months of rain. But no longer. Jim Nesbitt, prominent writing man 'of Victoria, has published in The Colonist, a descriptive H.AA.CS. CHATHAM Prince Rupert-, B.C. Phone- story called "Old Homes and Lilac is generally believed to Families" which Is not without! be a favorite scent. While we're local interest. A residence like reasonably certain, there is