f 1 f ;53 Satisfactory Year The Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, January 16, 1954 Bracewell Rejects Terrace Waterworks Extension Plan hedral Meetina Told Approval Given Postal Rate Ji.ictory year during- congregation through death or OTTAWA 'CP) The eovern- it would los" mr.nev when n re eported at the bt. tlieclral annual con-meeting this week Bpeclil to The Daily News TERRACE Plans for extension of the village water system have been turned down by B. C. Bracewell, B.C. Inspector of municipalities, but the village B e churcn nan witn modified te take care of a population of 6,000. Commissioners objected to his per capita cost estimate, saying it was based on census figures for Terrace only, disregarding the Ollt.tvinu arM ill S. ProcJUer in the commission will continue to press moved the f amp tax on cheques then. HIGHEST IN WOULD . He said the increase will make Canada's letter rates the highest in the worid. The rate for one ounce would be five cents, compared with three cents in the United States and twopence slightly more than three cents for two ounces in Britain. lor improvements. At this week's meeting of the Commission. Mr Prai-pwpll' Mowed that physical ; the financial sltua-.itisfactory and there permanent improve-liuring 1953. Among the Installation of an i Postmaster Sam Kirkaldy said there were 1,780 families in great-j er Terrace representing an esti-i mated population of over 4.800. letter refusing endorsement of HJiuinace and iiquida- mention to Miss Jeanne Faure Mrs. N. E. Arnold and Shelford 1953t011' aU l Whm dled durin8 F E. Anfield was re-appolnted rectors church warden and O E Moore was elected people's church warden. Synod delegates named were O. S. Reade and H. E. Faure; envelope secretary, A. M. Rlvett Committee members elected c'ilV lrs- J' Ridsdale, Morris Scott Fred Slade. F. H. St. J(.hn Madeley, H. Dean Freeman, P. F P. Bird, and Peter Lien. Richmond E. Mortimer was re-elected honorary auditor. The meetin- closed with a resolution of thanks to all those who had taken part In the work of the church during the year, and the serving of refreshments ment's plan for a eent-nn-ounce increase in first-class postal rates has won preliminary Commons approval after a two-day fiirh against, it by all three opposition parties. By a vote of 49 to 34 the Commons Friday night passed a Uiouon preliminary to a bill to Implement the increases. Th bill then was introduced. Progressive Conservative, CCF and Social Credit members voted together against the motion, which was supported by the Liberals. Opposition leader Drew, entering the debate in its second day, charged that the postal boost is the payoff on the political bait that was offered last spring before t)ic general elect; 11. Tho govern- nt know ine proposed waterworks bylaw was received. His main ob'ecMon was high per capita cost, which he estimated at mor-i than $540. However, he Said he wnuirt pnnKirinr bts on capital Im-caiTied out In 1952. h under the leader, new bishop, the Rt. ine commission will continue to study the matter and meanwhile will seek to bring back accounts up to date. Many residents were reported three years In arrears on payment for water service. They will be asked to jr i i ',? (i. . m ' " y ' 1 V"' ft) I rh i tH "Vh . t 1 IT I I- SEE. lie u. waits, mxnop any less expensive project submitted, suggesting that the present water system could be f.i, had agreed to lake t in the work or the ng the limits of the rector said. fi r made reference to J! ol members of the Heavy Toll Of Dead Left i visit the civic offices to make arrangements to reduce arrears. An application form local taxi firms to install meters was table! for further study. The commission also discussed parking problems in the village and planned to discuss the problem with the Board of Trade and Retail Merchants Association. Gordon Vosburg was re-appointed village solicitor for the ensuing six months and Dave Cooper was named sanitary inspector. The commission also 17,11 draw up a bylaw tu allow foi the 200 indemnity provided under the municipalities act for each read ers Ca.iii for old ")'' Pulger j Moose whist drive, Saturday. 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. (13p Annual meeting of Rupert! Shoreworkers Local U.F.A.W.U., Legion Auditorium. Sunday. Jan.! Saturday Sermon . . . to flexible ... so soft at this wonderful After Storms LONDON ( Gales howling across the British Isles and Western Europe quieted down today, leaving in their wake a heavy death toll and costly wreckage. Four died In Britain and five in Germany. A blizzard the third in 14 days lashed Sweden today, but the worst appeared over for Britain and continental Europe after a nightmarish night. Austria, counting 130 dead in snow avalanches, is still dieging out, with many lonely villages cut off from the outside world in the great Walef "valley of death." Helicopters taking off in mercy missions w-ere hampered somewhat by high winds sweeping the mountainous ski coun A 17, at 2:30 p.m. Election of officers to take place. All members please attend. (13) low price. Union Auxiliary lo.s erne black wool dress, created by Luclenne Nicod, 25-2T noT Stuc!ent' and execute by Christian Dior, has won fta i T Wool !l P M the contest lnoreI by the International Secretariat in Paris. It triumphed over 9,164 designs in the competition. Dior's model, "Lucky," presented the Bov, and lived up to her name. !g $9.95 Names Officers Uy SENIOR CAPTAIN CYRIL IRAYN Salvation Army "A BARGAIN WORTH WHILE" ryone that thlrsteth, come ye to he waters, and he o money, come ye, buy and eat, yea come buy wine hout money and without price." Isaiah 55:1. I.saiah refers to LI . Inquisitive Dog Steals Show jl apter 54 he speaks " Provided for needy souls. As Queen Greets Dignitaries h of Christ and In I 1,1,0 r "be Invited? Ho try. NELSON N.Z (lAn nmlokl. Holland's reDaired dikes with white sheepdog stole the show he speaks of the -"-jyone not Jews only, al- race made with us thugh they were the chosen rse three promises. PP1. but Oentiles as well. ALL uke an everlasting tne Pr. the maimed, the halt, ti you. even the the Dllnd. 'rom the highways and Mrs. V. Patrick was elected president of the Women's Auxiliary to the United Fishermen and Allied Workers at that group's annual meeting in the Metropole Hall. Mrs. Patrick succeeds Mrs. V. Parkin. Other officers named were Mrs. Parkin, secretary, Margaret Johnson, treasurer and Mrs. Y. Smith and Mrs. A. Gomez, sr.. sick vSiting committee. The group finalized plans fo: a dance to be held at the Legion Friday January 22, with proceeds earmarked for the emer- back piped with pale blue. In her reply to the. mayor's address of welcome, the Queen expressed Dlenmim of i stood their most gruelling storm test since their reoair ater the creat floods of nlmnst, a venr of David' and byways of life, all are Invited. uv me royal tour reception today for Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. While the Queen and Duke were greeting local dignitaries. ago. The last of 67 big dike he chapter there Is Dreacnes were nlueged in November. Nearly 2.000 Deoole Der- i to accept the pro- the e uce cf God in Christ there Is enough for all and enough for each one. There are no priorities or limitations. The Gospel excludes none that do not exclude themselves. The OnlV Ollulifir.Mrm Is that ished when the dikes gave way Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 last year. ' "Isn't he WONDERFUL? He does all kinds of cute tricks!" - Yeah! She a cute trick too. It's a cute trick to be sure that you are fully protected with insurance . Britain's worst gales in half a j gent:y fund. They also heard a report on pi Church century killed four people dur i they must thirst. Those who are I aticflA4 wl.v. . i. u me aog leaped up on a balustrade behind them and surveyed the crowd. The onlookers roared with laughter. The duke, puzzled at the outburst, turned around and spotted the dog. The duke tapped the Queen on the shoulder. She turned and Joined in the laughter. The duVe went on shaking hanru k.ii 1 I the city "named In memory of j England's greater sea captain." I After the civic reception the Queen and the duke, amid further cheers, walked the hundred I yards to the hotel where they jare staying tonight. , Orange Women i j Cjrotip fecfs j Jmo Officers i - - , ,, .,... wurra ana its rire Auto Lire . . we ... A wide size range in black suede and leathers .. . Cuban and high heels, . . . Also see our Ameri can Girl Sandals. ' ' ' Fashion Footwear carry them all. f .-. enjoyments, or those who de-ping Wurship :ppnd upon the merit of their I are of Mind " own r'ehkousness. do not thirst. i Story: "My Own I They do not 'lsh to "celve His (Offer.- t ing tne night and left a tattered trail 04 wrsckage strewn from Scotland to the south coast. Winds whipping Rlong up to 80 miles an hour blew down bombed-out buildings in Germany, where five persons died of storm injuries. the children's Christmas party with votes of thanks going to August Wallin. who played Santa Claus, Elda McGregor who supplied music for games and carol singing and others who assisted in the project. Refreshments were served at the close of the session. f he Ships Glide In" What Is the Invitation? Come and buv never rtlri mi ii niiiB Worship ; man Invite customers as Christ . Invites us to that from which, we 'only are the ealnrra fnm ana Paul, a fxrvKnt, v Soul Doth lie Lord" Two officers were elected when ' ; members ofthe'' Lsra"jrfirr!re I Benevolent Association held thei ! firt meeting cf the New Year ! in the Oddfellow's Hall ' -Mrs. ll.n ry Painxu: a.s ivm d ' buy we can assure you that you ' will have a bargain worth while. ' Come and eat make It still piore i your own. for that which wc eat kept his left hand behind hn.i trying to attract the dor The dog leaped on the duke's chair, and watched until a constable approached'. - ""Tht n t lie animal neatly evaded riplu-e find sauntered a'iy thraug.. the crowd; . On a brtiir.nt, s . :ny d iy t h Queen and the di:k flrw hre from Blrnhrim and landed beside the blue waters of Tasm.n Bay. The Queen Wi,. ? a suit of mushroom woo! jb..iJlnc with reveres and collar of the Jacket fared with blue and mushroom silk, and a pleated skirt. She worse a bonnet-style hat of the same material and color with a "flyaway" wing at the oni" Unto Me." WORSHIP OOI.S At First .mien.- and Prlm ;i .; Older pupils at nrad United Hall, is more part of us than that which we onlv buy. Come and buy the truth from the fountain of Christ and feeri, and fenst ( upon it. Real, vital, spiritual life will be the outcome. j I degree captain and Mrs. R. B j Skinner prcsa co.jrspondent at I the session, h.'a.; also saw Mrs. M. Heisc ti-.ftalied tts treasurer, with Past Worthy Mistress Mrs. J. Joharuson officiating. . j Worthy mistress Mrs. Fred ! Wilson presided at the well-at- tended meeting and the door 1 prize went to Miss Alice Paulson. Cluh meets in th Buy without money and with-1 after the Evcnlne out price. Our hlivlnir u-lthniif tninv In COOKIES Weston's Tutti-Fruit Sandwich . .1 Lb. Cello 29 : C T 0 It Y In at ii i i hiin hi-x hi 1) a.m. MllMlliy S(h"Hl U( xlitmit. timates 1 1 The gifts offered are Invaluable and no price can be set. (3) He Who offers the gift has no need of us nor any returns we can offer Him. (3) That 'he srift offered has already been bought and paid for, Christ purchased It at full value not with money but with His very life-blood. Life Is found alone In Jesus; Only there 'tis offered thee: Offered without price or money; Tis the gift of Ood, sent free. Take salvation take it now and happy be. '.. N Miiiumi, If at Imnwnulr St. O'ttsr.uooi, s ;io a.m. ft f ' W p.m. UmI a Prockter. B A.. B 0. j fli.r (Hlu. I i fl II l 1ST s "55c Pure, Nobob, Plum .1 at Y,,n., b 'tT , Prod Anlrobu Uiwn L I a Our Methods Safeguard Valuables Against Breakage PACki.SG?) ERATING J i-i" flllMH I I.KIAN cniif EHt WilKhl. D D CANDY, ce25c lllrirn OB?) I'MIMl IX II I II. . .-ll Avrmii- West U. Sli'lKT Klrreu 613) I Your most fragile possessions packed and crated by our experts for really SAFE moving or Storage. For dependable service Call 60. Ml.4l,iv AH.,V ft-r Htrect rei. t"i , I Mrs. c. Pruvn. 10c Westminster Toilet Roll nil 2:,m u m. f indsayh k (Buck 209) i'iii s I in ran "HUli .t M Mr u.-.-i ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SEAL rove 11 a.m. Sunday School. 11:30 a.m. Service of Holy Communion. Celebrant: The Rt, Rev. H. O. Watte, Bishop of Caledonia. 7:30 p.m. Eveninj Service. A.Y.P.A. to meet in tho Church hall at 8 p.m., on Saturday, January 16th. Junior A.Y.P.A. to meet in the Church hall at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, January 23rd. "nr: v. a o. oiwn J I Bluet 610) f'i AM, ( AN tfr,l f-.,. m Local and Long Distance Moving "LEAVE IT TO LINDSAY'S" Regulor Size ... Bottle j (01 CATSU ' lllfV !,, ,, I ...... uruilllUU i'W umbpnl.) 7? VH l.ITI. lliml 1(1:45 m SPARKLING CLEAN hip SiTvlce 13:00 M.4-1 C 'aa l fure 02 Coey Chrome 'j . r To To dress dress Ul up your your kltrhen kitchen ha USi Nabob, Black . . . to Kivo it that completely new look, pick a super styled Chrome set ' by bv ("OOIiY. COOEY. THESE SPECIALS ARE IN ADDITION TO THE ONES ALREADY ADVERTISED IN THE DAILY NEWS LAST THURSDAY A Tnd Hart at THJ alNGKII Wfm. Oft SOAP est 19c I CTJU. Si V. j ) l FIX (frrty I (lean and Keep Clean 1 ' I 3,' U $89-50 up GORDON & ANDERSON ) LIMITED ) Phone 46 i BARS fr uc in our own t li:'' fi.r (IrlivMi-v. .nj SINGER SEWING CENTER Pcr Month SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th riiouc 86 1