PROVINCIAL J MORROW'S PROVINCIAL tlESAat, TIDES 113 January 17, 1954 VICTORIA, B. C, IS AY fmic ZJrai .day, :-iflr Standard Timet 0:24 18.3 feet 12:00 21.7 feet 6:00 8.8 feet 18:47 2.3 feet Jan. 20 -8:30 p.m. FRANCES MAGNES, Violinist Tickets on sale at Ormes Drugs 10:30 a m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" ' VOL-XLIII, No. 13 - PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENT"? ioii Polbrs W jii M tl(p Alba DnJnB i .0 If I --:,v. Tugs Finally Quit Bitter Salvage Job By The Canadian Press VANCOUVER. A million dollar unrth nf 1 Says Alcan Imported Own Union By Tire C.i.udian P u-j.a ' VANCOUVER. Dar Radford, regional director of the Canadian Con gress of Labor, said to was abandoned to turbulent seas here Friday as the winter's worst storm howled out of the arctic to lash British Columbia. j Ten tiny tugs, after battling i coast' , far enough south that, it 24 hours against icy spray from not affcct British Co- 10-foot waves irl an attempt to j "Jr north, temperature round up logs, scurried for port , reached 40 below at 1'elegraph late Friday, leaving the timber Creek, B.C. Revelstoke and to the sea. ICranbrook, 300 miles east of tThe valuable lumber, c, by several lofteine Hrms. brntte mnmin. ' ott,'u'1 1 1CAR-OLD Terence Albert Crabb of Minneapolis dachshund pleads with mother ms In order, numerically, that. lu . , .. to iu keep eep , . ' a ouSt siring, tncyre named Ein Zwel or, Fuenf, and Sechg (numbers one thrmwh .i . u. . .. ' ... wutiiwiu, uut unless tnev top thp ere's no way of knowing which one is Drel. ' irom iu mooring in Howe Bound iv. rt Meyer When Freed late Thursday. About 300 lo boom section scattered like a j - I Prairies Get day that Alcan has imported a "captive union" from the United States tc represent employees or Kitirnat and Kemano projects. He made the charge In r press statement which hp Vox - , I"- : -v ' .j-"i-''4''- I '; ' l! Ifc' . ... Projectionists Vote To Strike handful of matches when the y Lead German Army l" M VANCOUVER (CP)Protection Coldest Night Of Winter gale knifed down the sound from the northeast and slammed into the mooring pound nt Keats Island, 35 miles northwest of here. Known locally as a "squam-ish." the arctic blast i j decided decided the the issue issue after after writin writin- V- lmPrl-s(nment has been re- 7 . A (CA German war . dured to 14 years. A defence de-, Columbia have voted for strike ; Labor Minister Wick" five week Ma -Gen. Kurt Meyer, oartment nrrifial m tw -i... action in hook . 1 ' 'r... - - tiv, wm - uviumiuo-im a 1 i;i 1 V 1 1 1 IIO reply. .. EDMONTON (CP) Last niirht C vT.,1 ' ume on'w BOOd behavior, Mey- ! wage Increase and other conces-1 Radford said Alcan Import may v ,ii lllay ,v a vital role In . er ran be released as early as si0ns lthe Aluminum Workers InW 70-mile-an-hour speeds as - theyj : D. vuiuvav ui uw scattered the logs throughout winter on the Prairies. No weath-the sound. Some piled up on , er reporting station listed a tern-islands and the rest. WashH nnl iiura)ii 11 on i.., ' Highly regarded In the added that Meyer's conduct In : h il!projenc,tlonists' employed , which has no members in Can .any during the Second prison has been exemplary ?y ' Payers, set no date ada. no charier and no offi-i i and at 33 became 1U x;, .11 . 'r strike action. , ior orKanizer ' vitwKia owaii. ivuiiiofr oi-zero. ficials said much of the timher THE LADY can listen to the radio and relax while riding on Milan, Italy, streetcars now that a loudspeaker system has been installed In the public transit vehicles. The radio goes on at the passenger's will when the strap is pulled. The loudspeaker, small enough to fit just above the strap, is connected with a receiver near the driver's seat. Coldest spot in the three nrn. would probably never be re commander. 'other groups protesW vteoroT ; .T f6"11, denUnd ih- "Despite the fact that -thr 1 4 now is looking for;ly at fhp reduction in XZi h PrulnCe 18 a 25-cent Industrial Conciliation and Ar- fc arm Germany as a I byut 0en. Vokes said Mewi ;hourly .P, but the four bitration Act prohibits collusion I Western defence and i J- If P.h...t VaL ?:!Pro.'ectioni.sts e in Prince Rupert. I between an employer and r covered. - vtnees was Wagner in far northern Alberta, where the mercury dipped to -48. Overnight minimum temperatures at, the malor Prairin HINDERS FERRY The same Dounrlinir mil its on Meyer 'w!,on w1tn '-hose in most -union - to obtain eye r"'" " as a " warrant warrant execution execuUon. ,k.v " " bargalnin- ""'"" oi German . . . uuwiue me Vancouver "n, uio Aluminum Worker f IL',ll!lcr r " f renath. .,ne "elPnc department back-iarea, seek an additional 11 cents'Bnd Alcan have been co-onerat centres: Calgary -39; Medicine Minisier Claxton ' : . vol":s- 11 z10 i mat; an nour Increase. Present basic in8 In this respect for week "lifted the' North At- "1 i-anaauin military .wage here Is $2.70 an hour Hopes of Revenue Boost From District Thwarted court did not find that uiv Meyer racyuri The ",K union union elsorias nos asked asKea for! rorj PeraonaeK nuuu hired irf tv iiw ttw tnm icm nai -3, Edmonton -32, Leth-bridge -31; Saskatoon -42, Prince Albert -41, Regina .-35, Moose Jaw -34, BraPdon " ?, Winnipeg -33. . -, liPrRf liill 1 1 Tr nun ncrinrAH n . U blasUng winds prevented a Van-.1 couver Island ferry from landing at its dock in a corner of the' sound IS miles from here, and it turned back twice after making the'dash from the island across Georgia Strait. Elsewhere, the storm blanketed the coast with up ton an inch of snow, sank or capsized In their berths a number of small ordered or auth-ia contributory health and peii-nHny fl'"H Nov. 15 on, he said l the prison-1 sion plan, time and a-hnlf for wero orcariiwd into a unisr holidays and other 'lr"l,r compuny suiirrvlsicn mik ofized the klllinv J ; ax- etmncJI meeting ct nmy htive discussed !. " with NATO military 'my military appoint-Meyer, however. Dro- ers ... on the other ther hand. hand, then. there statutory Ktnt.nt.nrv on Jan. 7 the union applied fi a failure on Meyer's part to, fringe benefits Hope-j for a new source or ' vord from Victoria that organi-' y i lilcl co down hard i ,l8Ke take adequate adequate measures measures to to pre- pre-1 The projectionists turned down i ,he PTOVincil Labor Relation fiEoHrd fnr certification. Continuing :i. I s vent the the murder murder by by forces forces who who; a a conciliation conciliation hnarH board's s owor award of ii.v,.. , V. f 1 won ,oj sucn a district was ishment of a hospital district I provided for under the Wate-n this area were blasted last (Act. under whieh nra 'J fiii'aUed that while In vessels, and sent temperatures , ikumk vuiu-1 lu-ceni nouriy increase in rrmnd and control." I Vancouver plus an extra five I Mr. Radford said "Alcan ha 1 r,one to the United States anr iif.s parent company, Alcoa f Co fd Spell ' a,water distrtct could sinking to their lowest point m Prince Prime Ri.nert rni t , Rupeit General Hos-i also rajse funds for hospital op- three years. M meyer, now j, Drought to ccnU elsewhere. juo.1 uireciois were m n thn. ..nut t t. import mport a a .caPtlvc captive union unlon whicl Canada in Mav. 1948. to serve his Union officials would not. hi.. whic- rhd TZlCheers Skaters have tot be established the initin close exact vote result. A meet- i JTflrTn Ch"!!PbT-Wh h pitaf district would nn Friday nieht and little hone fm- I -Dorchester, N.B., the f t Meyer told his was convinced he Innately . be freed to 'f the West in a war vssia. IN COMMONS k'on announced In the life term at the federal penitentiary at Dorchester, was transferred back to Germany In October, 1951. come from residents of unor-lof the residents themselves g;inized territory around the 'a chance to vote on Whih a break was In sight. There was one consolation. A Pacific storm promised for Saturday veered off during Friday and was expected to hit the UJS. city. The hoard could do noth-: board nor the city could make ing to establish such a district. ! any move to organize such a Suggestion that such a dis-1 district, trict be investleated came frnni i , rndny that Meyer, While storms raged In the south, Prince Rupert district enjoyed comparative calm, but continuing cold weather. The mercury dropped to 14 above in the early hours of this morning, but there was little wind Over night. i SS elite duard Hitler! union they want to be represented by," Radford said his organization would like to orflt.niKe the Kitimwt and Kemiino workers but "it is next to impossible for f 'f'T . Big Time Talent Line Up For Lake Oliver Puck Game city council early last year when ision slaughtered 144! city grant of S'0 000 for prisoncrs-of-war in three-year period to the hos f in 1944, will be releas- ferl prison In the Brit. Lake Oliver, between Prince Hospital Directors Planning Further Renovation Project With DlallS Well in hand fnr a' n nrnnatpH now Y.rov .,nll low pital was authorized. The grant was approved on condition that the hospital district matter be Irving. Bob Corley, Kent Tubman ! mission from Alcan to go to and Jim Riddell with Minor I Kitimat." Simundsen between the nine I . f Hon zone of Germany t ajmatter of montlis." f Meyer's sentence of ,t The forecast of a low of 15 tonight and high of 25 tomorrow for Prince Rupert, brought shiv- i uuiea. It was felt that residents ol Aiding and abetting the constabulary will be such stalwarts Mayor Killed ,! J ' ! unorganized uaiiraco. territory lerntory in in the the f l ( OINTRY e.mD.ioi . r . ; Sos.uuw na equipment purchase v and SUNBURST, Mont. tff-Mayor district benefited by the prev ! rennovation project at the Prince ence of v. hosnital i here . -r, . . . .. . . is ueorge Cloutier, Bruce Cad s den. Stan Petmur mi r itn rw Herbert erbert. Earl Earl I.innelt Linnell, 41 41. of nf Rupert and Galloway Rapids bridge on Highway 16 will take on a gala atmosphere tomorrow afternoon as two "full-strength" hockey teams face each other in Pitched battle, s Mayor George E. Hills will be un hand to face-off the puck .nd the Prince Rupert Kinsmen club will have a tent on the site o serve hotdogs to the spectat a hut. Rupert General Hospital, the 17, -"" ""- i youngsters who are making the ditional beds, Jack Martin said .most of natural ice for skating that preliminary drawings were sessions. ' complete except for The wiring Last night hundreds of skaters Holden. Holden, Rnrt Bud Seri,.man ScAutnan. v V. Pin j Sunburst was killed Thursday OTBALL made no financial contribution board of directors last night considered a further rennnvation when he was pinned between a to lis operation, except Indirect lj- throuch General taxation lavout for Uie X-rav rienart.- i ??.lted the Ir07en surface of Lake truck and the door jam of his service station. s job, this time in tile nursery and The board last night received Oliver, east of town, and this ment. This would be printed in neger. Don Hawryluk, Howard T-aviKne. Bill Tames and Charlie Saunders. Not in the least daunted by this array of hockey wizards. Bill Stone of the citv sauad is the near future, he said ors. Scrap lumber is now being ouuht to ensure a bonfire for those who feel chilly. . -eartv to vv do-or-dle uu-ui-uic with Willi the uic fol morning the CNR pond in town drew a crowd of young skaters. The Union ship Coquitlam, tied up at the Queen Charlottes by the Thursday night - Friday morning storm, was expected to arrive here about 7 tonight, 24 hours late. j IU1- Coaches Garnet Hull nt thn . Invinir fit .t..i., in oDstetrical suite. Improvement of the out-dated nursery and obstetrical set-up was recommended by the medical staff some montlis ago, and last night the matter was referred to the board's long-range planning committee for study. Reporting on plans for the attic rennovation project to house "l iCPl-Results of soc- f Played in the United om podav: I. .CLISH II AGIK I i-iov if" 1 Port-smoulh 1. '"' a. Ni wc nmie V 3 rtf MirldiMhrmmh 0 4. Sin-meld w. a. T o BUckpooi 0. 1; '"' ' !' l. Manchester C. 1. t1'- 2- Llvi-rpool 1. ," l: 1. (Chelsea 3. Irrii 5. camitr c. o . ...ou fluiuprin. n I VitT, CMP team and Bill Stone oflOordy Cameron. Johnny Palike, the Prince Rllnprt. All-Rtnro uprw i t?r,.-i . 1 u r.....' ' - awot-uttif kiiu niu sutler. confident of victory today as Ready to step into the breach for ikj juusm mt u's-uiac laiciiume Ail-stars are Pet Moras ),n V. have n lined HA t W .in, ... , . .... ' Tenders will be called as soon as blueprints are completed and approved by the hospital solicitor. Hospital Administrator Doug Stevenson, reporting on financing of the project, told, the board that the provincial government grant on the construction worK probably would amount to only one-third instead of one-half the cost as had been thought earlier. He uld the 50 grant was made on new construction only and that the project probably would be classed a-s reii novation fhariifi Giordano. Mike Young, Roy Coughlin, Earl MePhce, Joe Presentations V " W. Bmmwich l Topic of Talk ""n 0 Arsenal 3 IslON II Urantturd 0. Awarriine of Coronation nierl. PUGH Budget Set $408,871 For This Year they up for the game scheduled to start at 2:45.. Behind the scenes goal posts and ice-scrapers are being constructed, a doctor will be on hand and blanket insurance haS been arranged for all players. Football jerseys will be worn to distinguish the two teams and hockey sticks, pads and equipment have been rounded up. - Hin-y u West Hum VJ. 4. Ulilll-aHtlT u i '-eisel!. a i Prown. Frenehy Le-Blanc (goRlie); Tommy Graham, Charlie Reid. Joe Alan, Harry Set lord. Joe Richardson, Tommy Gillette and Ben Fagen. Still lacl;lne for the game is a referee although Bill Sunberg has ae-reed to act as linesman als to five native leaders and to Indian Superintendent 3. Ijirmlmrhiim r A Anfield will be the subject of a talk by J. F. Maaor. Daiiv Kim -.-o. ...... v.. I. ,, i. . U'-rby c. 3. Witrkbum P. K ft.a; w,.. ..jgyj.,... . ................ ' ' ( , , I r,. j! : :V , (ft ' . V v , t i lJ 5. Olrlhum A n publisher, on the CBC program, Oneration of the Prince -Pn- b.u. rrome, uus afternoon. The The srame will be three periods of 15 "minutes duration under u- 3, Nottingham F. 0. I'octis u. 0. ' 1'iiUjn T. 1 Nucleus of the Mountie squad pert General Hospital will cost about $32,000 more this year than In 1953, mainly because of will be Ken Hill, Dell Lee, Vic i amateur rules. which brings a one-third of cost grant. At a general Hospital Association meeting preceding the directors' session, members approved several change in bylaws, Including one covering election of directors, to allow a continuing board. Phil Linzev of the h rive are Chief Heber Clifton, Hartley Bay; Peter Leighton, Mctlakatla; George Ryan, formerly of Mctlakatla and now of Vancouver: Chief Insprlng Michael Bright, Aiyansh. and Mrs. HlliiTiiian 3. f urlh,K A School Construction Held Up f ' urucK T. 3 f S- - Et Fife I. Martha Azak, Canyon City. Pending Decision on Policy The program starts at 5:30 Mirrcn 1, S. Ulllulev I. 1 Ului: u. A,rclrliiiinns 0. ''MMON H CuW(ciilM.t4(h 1 committee t e c o m m e nded the P-m. VICTORIA (CP) -i. The Daily stoD order Is that the lmvprn. '""mill 3. '"mbiirum 0. Mrs. C. Hacker Dies Down South Kllniarnork 2. 'I'hird Lanark 3. olt-nhniiu,.,...,. n increased salaries authorized in union-hospital board negotiations earlier this month. A budget for the year of $408.-871 was reported at last night's meeting of the hospital board of directors. The figure is $31,732 more than last year's operating budget of $377,139. Finance chairman Jack Mc-Rne told, the board that salaries for hospital employees this year would amount to $284,993, compared to $259,560 last year, accounting for $25,433 of the budget increase. The other $6.000-odd extra was due to miscellaneous cost increases in the hospital operations. In their recent watte negotiations' hospital employees won a 40-honr week nt the samp rat.p cnanges, which provide for election of three directors for a one-year term and three for two-year terms at the annual meeting in March, and in future years, election ot three directors for two-year terms. Remaining members of the ten-man board are appointed. One each bV Lt Colonist said In a newspaue story today "some school building programs in B.C. are being held up to await the final formulation of government policy on the subject." Education Minister Robert Bonner and officials of the education denartment declined to :-st Jilmntone 8. Miitlierwell 0. ( BnfU D i. ment hopes within six weeks to have a new manual of buildinx standards to govern school construction." Three government - appointed committees now are working on various aspects of school building, aiming at giving British Columbia adequate schools at the lowest possible cost. " "The education department is asking school boards to hold off new construction, unless it is urgently needed, until the new building manual has been ap- VANCOUVER (CP) Mrs. Clara May Hacker, widow of Rev George Hacker, former prominent West Coast churchman, k dead here. Mrs. Hacker' was born h: Richmond Hill, Out., and movei to Saskatchewan at an eah council, Rupert city council, the comment on the matter. t" renairy IKNIKE, N.W.T. (CP) f ardinw, 46-ycar-old former RCMP guide, I guilty of murdering nospiiai women's Auxiliary and the local medical association. Another bvlaw amendment rs. The Colonist, says: "It was learned . . . that plans for school construction in North Vancouver PROPERLY ATTIRED in their nature-fashioned tuxedos, two penguins, their beaks fittingly poised in the air, completely ignore their fellows who appear to be getting along quite weU without heads. Actually, one of the flippered fellows has his pate at an odd angle while doing something or other to his cot. But that other fellow In the rear has gone a little too far in losing his head. However, actually he's just taking a nap . age. Her husband, who diet named the niwtion or superintendent of nurses. Sh will nom eight years ago, served ana AbboUsiord have been held up at the government's request. f Mfty 4 at Fort churches in Vancouver. Nev "One of the reasons for the I proved of pay as for the 44-hour week be called "director of nursing service." Westminster, Prince Rupert Vernoa and Alert Bay.