- 1 jJnMncu t jXl -rince Rupert uoiiy iNew; Saturday, May 10, 19o2 John F. L. Huahes D r BLACKWOOD on CHIROPRACTOR (CLOSIUE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) MARGARET Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, Sc per Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 I Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notice. Eves.; by appointment only 21 23 - Besner Block Funeral Noticss, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. (Oriclc i Phone Blue 442 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. ye a "'WEBl'O; REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS By EASLEY BLACKWOOD PHONE Today's Stocks (Courtesy S. II. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Chop Suey - Chow Mein ien G p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Bids His Shaky Hand r ' ' Champion Confidently Mr. Champion realized scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 -3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 but he has such contempt for BLUE; po. box ELECTRO, wies ar1(1 j, N0W L0CATI WANSON'S CH Phone: Gi F(ir fenuine pans HANDYfc HOME SEP GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Bln k Phone 387 P.O. Ik 130 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box. 721 GENERAL COm of Mr. Muzzy and Mr. Abel his own playing ability that madman. He figured, that since Mr. Dale1 had apparently given no thought at all to doubling Mr. I Muzzy's vulnerable three club over call, that he was unlikely Blind Vet Prize Poet C Received Advice From R ml yard Kipling WINNIPEG (CP) A 72-year-old Winnipeg war veteran, once friend of two notable figures 2 English literature, has been 5 awarded second prize in a worldwide 7 poetry contest. Ted Fletcher blind and in to hospital, won the honor in a competition sponsored by the Queensland (Australia) Musical, Mr. Literary and Self-aid Society for and the Blind. his Mr. Fletcher's poem, entitled case 'The Battle of Britain," is in i narrative form. It was submitted upon the recommendation one the Canadian National Iastl-jtute for the Blind of which he a member. Building and Re; kinds ROOFS - CH OILBL'K: Sonja's Tea, May 10. Hospital Day tea, Nurses' Home, May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea May 14. Eastern Star tea, Masonic Temple, May 15: Canadian Legion card party May 21. Men's Rotary tea, Civic Centre, May 22. Canadian Legion Dnnce. formal, May 23rd, Legion Auditorium. (122c) Cathedral tea and rummage sale. May 31. Make your reservations now for the Shrine Ceremonial Ball, Friday, June 6. Tickets at Van Meer Studio. George Dawes iRed 127) or W. G. Sheaidown. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hamilton of this city wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Helen, to Albert G. Sandford, son of Mrs. J. .T. San-ford, Montreal. The wedding will take place in First United Church, May 23. Htpi PEKSO.NAL YOU don't need big money tu advertise. You can sell anything from a business to a bathtuo through the classified ads. They cost only a few cents a line and pull like mules. Ullnc) UNWANTED HAJR--Permanently eradicated with Saca-Ptlo The most remarkbale discovery of the age. Saca-PeJo Is guaranteed to kill the foots of any hair and contains nr, drugs or chemicals LorBeer Lab, 679 Granville, Vancouver, BC (H) PHONE 10 your Northland Dairy, for daily delivery except Sunday.- By looking after your milk your milk will look after you. Keep it cool. Ail milk guaranteed. (tf) WE PAY cash lor tnrnt out motors, any size or mske. Wil-ford Elsctrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) PHONE.1 P O. Box 1670 HELEN'S I BEAUTY SHOP MATT5C VP110LSTE Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Phone Blue 126 p its branches 234 3rd A 204 4th Street Phone 655 prince Rupe: ' ; - QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels H. G HELG: and Worn Sole LIMIT!' Box 774 Second Ave. MAC REAL ESTATE 4;: Phow 96' E,fnlr" SHOE HOSPITAL i PORTRAITS II LING THE Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE Taikirinr . Alu f UANDLtR'S STI DIO ind 218 4th Street Box 645 clothes Made Phone Oreen 389 220 Sixth Si. Prince Rupert ine worK is one oi euu poems Went down Mr. champion was he has written during a span(quklc to .note that Mr. Dale had of 30 years which Includes an the relatively worthless ace of impressive military career, j ciubs instead of the king of dia-When he is asked where he was m0nds and that a contract of born, Mr. Fletcher replies: "In seven hearts -was a spread the service." i against reasonable distribution. He enlisted in the famous; At spades there were just 12 Green Howards, a Yorkshire . tricks. Undoubtedly Mr. Muzzv VANCOUVER American Standard 23 Bralorne 6.00 BRX 03'i Cariboo Quartz 140 Congress 08 Cronin Babine 41 Giant Mascot 1.01 Indian Mines 16 Pend Oreille 6 25 Pioneer 2.20 Premier Border 27 Privateer 09 Reeves MacDonald 4.10 Reno 06 Sheep Creek 1-54 Silbak Premier 52 Taku River 07 Vananda H'a Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley 07 Silver Standard ... - 2.45 Western Uranium 4.25 Oils-Anglo Canadian 8.10 a A P Con 62 in Calmont 175 C & E , 15.50 Home Oil 15.00 Mercury : 28 Okalta 4.60 Facific Pete 12.75 Royal Canadian .23 TORONTO Athona -13 Aumaque .20 Beattie DuQuesne 57 Bevcourt 1.10 Buffalo Canadian 28''2 :of Consol. Smelters 34.00 Con west 3.95 lis Donalda 44 '8 Eldona 23 East Sullivan 7.90 Giant Yellowknife 9.60 God's Lake 49 Hardrock 12i Harricana 12i Heva 13i 2 Duvex 90 Joliet Long Lac 70 Lynx 15 Madsen Red Lake 1.80 McKenzie Red Lake 43 McLeod Cockshutt 2.85 Moneta 4234 Negus 61 Noranda 78.50 Louvicourt 27 Petrol Oil & Gas 1.37 Senator Rouyn 19 Sherrit Gordon 4.30 Steep Rock 6.95 Silver Miller 1.88 Upper Canada 1.80 Golden Manitou 6.25 Telkwa Guides And Brownies TELKWA Telkwa Brownies held their meeting at the Anglican Church, they are becoming quite proficient in their ceremonies which, like all other Packs in Canada, they must learn carry through their meetings. All the older ones have their uniforms ready for the enrolment ceremonies. The Tadpoles had their first lesson in knotting and progressed remarkably well. At Pow-Wow they sang a new song and repeated one they -already know., - Telkwa Oiri Guides also; heldj their regular' VneeMng'-.fh th$ Anglican Rooms. They opened the meeting with practice tumbling while waiting for some late arrivals. Patrol Corner time was increased to give more study time with Patrol Leaders and a few girls were able to pass two or three parts of their recruit regiment, in 1895 and served in nad the king of diamonds so the Ireland, Gibraltar, India, South . finesse there was no good. Mr. America and France. 'champion then considered a During the Boer War he niet j squeeze. He could run 11 tricks his two-bid was shaded, the defending abilities j and such confidence m he bid the hand like a South dealer Both sides vulnerable orlli (Mr. lijilf) S 10 8 i H A S 3 a D-7 5 C A 4 3 2 West tftsl (Mr Al(Cl) 83 &J 7 H J 7 H 9 8 Dr-K J 10 a l 0 8 4 3 - K Q J 9 7 5 C - 10 8 6 Ho III l! 4 Ur. CIliimploH ) S A K Q 8 S 4 H- K Q 10 4 I A Q 8 C None The blcUllng: South Wcsi North Eii 8 3 C 4 IS C Paxs , 5 H Pan 8 Dhl. All pass have Important honors in clubs. It appeared likely, then, that Meek had the ace of, hearts the king of diamonds for strong free raise, in which the grand slam would be practically a lay down. Mr. Muzzy's double was, of course, of those silly "mental principle" deals. When Mr. Muzzy opened the king of clubs and the dummy outside the diamond suit, wherc- Mr. Muzzy would have to hold two diamonds and a club. On the remote chance that Abel could ruff out the ace clubs Mr. Champion, ducked opening lead and ruffed in own hand. He cashed the three top spades, then the king and queen hearts. Next he led the ten hearts to dummy's ace, play- the ace of clubs, discarding six of diamonds, and ruffea club, felling Mr. Abel's ten putting the whole burden guarding clubs on Mr. Muzzy, Now he led the carefully saved four of hearts to dummy's five. Until this trick Mr. Muzzy had thought he would beat the contract. No any more. He had the king, jack of diamonds and the hign club. . If he let the club go, dummy's four spot would be good. He dropped a diamond and Mr. Clxampion won the last two tricks with the ace and queen that suit. "How does it feel, Abel," needled Mr. Champion, "to play against three opponents?" (AH Times Daylight Saving) VANCOUVER v and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. 4 TUESDAY ss. Coquitlam 12 noon ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coouitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS May 9 and 23 ss. Camosun midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun May 2, 18 and 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aver.ue Phone 368 MOTHER'S DAY permanents Phone 855. , illlci LOST AND frOl'XD For the MEAL that REFREi PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Lid P.O. Box 274 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that you heed distinctive printed matter for your particular business? Type faces Rive you this outstanding distinctiveness and these can be supplied by our modern printing depart ment. Dibb Printing Co. HELP WANTED SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT preferobly with previous experience or Intclliqcnt young, man willing to learn trade STEADY YEAR-ROUND EMPLOYMENT , ' " ' ; f ;., f Apply BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" FORD -MONARCH DEALERS Phone 93 DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe BEST OF FOOD FOR SALE Four room house, furnished. Electric range and washer, new oil heater, bedroom suite, kitchen set and front room furniture. Box 379. Daily News. Ullpi JJOATS FOIt SALE FOR SALE MV Helbilda, 27', 4S H P., self starter. Large cabin dinghy. Moored at Yacht Club. Phone Green 425. dtp) CARS FUrt WA1.E FOR SALE 1950 Austin A-40 sedan, excellent condition having travelled mainly on first class roads. Priced at Vancouver. Price $1250.00 cash. Phone Mr. Fraser, 477. (tf) FOR SALE 1950 Monarch, excellent condition. Phone 677. (tfc FOR SALE 1949 Prefect, 4-door. in good condition, 15.000 miles. Almost new. Red 140. U13p FOR SALE 1947 Packard Clipper sedan. Lifeguard tubes, sun visor, two heaters, custom radio, good upholstery. Price $1750. Apply Kerrisen, phone 39G, Terrace. U13c) FOR SALE '51 Ford, good con dition, heater, overdrive and new tires. Price reasonable. 238 West 6th Ave. - Utp) FOR SALE '38 Hudson 5 passenger coupe, new transmission, new paint. Can oe seen at Bus Depot. (114p) FOR SALE 1937 De Soto excellent mechanical condition. Phone Black 756. (116p) FOR SALE 1950 Morris convertible, gone only 8000 miles. Will give very economical service with around 40 miles to gallon. Price $950.00. Phen Red 622. 1239 Water St. tltp) FOR SALE 1938 Ford, good condition.. Apply 99 Taxi. , H13p) FOR SALE 1950 Ford i ton, low mfleage, Al shape. Blue 411 after 6 p m. (114pi FOR RENT YOU can now rent a U-Drive for as little as $6.00 per day and 12 cents per mile, $25.00 per week and 12 cents per mile or short rentals at 75 cents ' per hour and 12 cents per vnile. All gas and oil supplied. Phone 530. the Bus Terminal, 2nd and 2nd. 113p) FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Blue 433. ( 1 lip ) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Black 973. (112p) FOR RENT Room for rent. 116 8th West. (112p) W A.NTKD TO RENT WANTED TO RENT House or suite for three. Phone Blue 846 days, or call at 618 8th East. Urgent. (114p) WANTED Housekeeping rooms or small suite for married woman and two small children. to Contact Room 11, Savoy Hotel.- (Up) WANTED TO RENT Family of four wish to rent partly furnished or unfurnished house. Phone Red 588. (lllp) WANTED TO RENT Suite, house Or rooms. lH'i?en!.-'Fej! government inspector ' and wife. Phone 436, DeSilva, or P.O. Box 937. (lllp llOl'SES WANTED TO B'Y WE HAVE buyers with all cash for two to four bedroom houses. For quick sale phone Armstrong Agencies Ltd., phone 342. (113c) WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron. steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (tf) CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop per, Dattenes and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 Gth Avenue West. City. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk, Storip Building. Red 593. (20m LAND REGISTRY ACT Re Cerifirate of Title No. 22404-1 to Lot Eipht 8i. Block "B" of Lot Two Hundred and Thirty -Four (2341, Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Decimal Naught Two Nine ( 1 .029 ) acres, more or less. Map 1260. . t WHEREAS atlBfactory nroof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of Htirry Ethor-Idee Wetmon has been filed In nls office, notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the dale of the first publication hereof, isnut. a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, (miess in the meantime vulKi objection be made to me in " writing DATED at the Land Re-Rlstry Of fice. Prince Ruert. BC. this 2B'.h day of April. 1952. A D Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles. ( laec'i Try Daily News Wont Ads . 1 , J. , l.v w i. i p tit "'"U . 1 J? i Si f " " ; i.."t ' - r t 1 ' 1 1 It-' n, A ,' V If.. w 'J' 1 'v v Y M' S f , " -J J "- . -3" , . 7 . v V r" - .J l .. 1 - . A l v , t r i .... FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE W BROADWAY CAFE LOST Ring of keys. Finder please return to Daily News. (Hip) LOST Nova Scotia licence No. 9728. Finder please phone Douglas MacDonald, Blue 877. H2p) HELP WANTED MALE A LIGHT KEEPER. Class 2 (2nd Class Fog Alarm Engineer), $2810-$3160 per annum. Egg Island, B.C. Details and aoplication forms at Post Offices throughout the District of Skeena, B.C. Apply immediately to the Civil Service Commission, Sixth Floor, 1110 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, B.C. iitci HELP WANTED FEMALE APPLICATIONS will be received lor a position which requires some typing and bookkeeping. Accuracy essential. Apply .Fishermen's 681. . (H3c WANTED Girl with typing "and shorthand experience and some knowledge of bookkeeping, to be instructed to operate bookkeeping machine. Good salary to right party. Telephone 72. U12c) FOR SALE NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries Invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Three piece chesterfield suit, 8 piece dining room suite, lawn mower, single bedstead and spring. Phone 464. ; (112c) FOR SALE Lady's bicycle, good condition. Phone Blue 288 af-ter 5. (H2c) FOR SALE Two piece chester- field suite. 1501 8th East, (tf) FOR SALE 36' trolling boat. Phone Black 969. (lllp) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Neat four roomed house on Fourth Ave. East. Basement with hot air furnace, electric stove. Price $5,70000. R. E. MORTIMER Real Estate Insurance Phone 88. 353 Third Ave. W. U13c) FOR SALE Two lots, partly constructed house. Corner of Second Ave. and 11th St. Owner leaving town. Phone Blue 393. (lllp) FOR SALE-Road. -House on Wantage No. 201. (lllp) Kuctyara Kipung ana sir Ar-: thur Conan Doyle, then war cor as respondents In South Africa. KILLING S ADVICE Mr. Fletcher met Kipling sitting Mr. on an ant-hill after leaving of a heavily-shelled armored the train. his Kipling advised him never to bother with punctuation in writ- i ing. "If there's something to be; of said, it doesn't need punctua-iof tion." i ed Mr. Fletcher relied largely on i his his military experiences for in a spiration. Sightless since 1939, and his imagination helped furnish; of material for his poem. j He gave great thought to "The ! Battle of Britain." It was writ ten In parts with his wife and daughter reading It back for revision. Mr. Fletcher says there Is "nothing to be depressed about if you lose your sight. You can still carry on. There Is no need to stop reading. I For a brief period he operated a bookstore after learning to of read Braille. But his thoughts still go back to his military days. "I like soldiering," he says. "It was the only life even when I used to get paid 17 cents a day." REDUCED VEDICT (Continued from page ll by the accused, corroborated by two cancelled checks made out on the day of death showed $175 Mr. Brown also stressed the fact that one of these witnesses Vilfred Knott, who accompanied Ryan and his wife to Port Simpson from Rupert had left his coat on the boat when going ashore at the Indian village. "Why did he leave the vessel without his coat an almost new expensive coat, "in the dead of winter? "I suggest to you he was In trouble, and left In a hurry. Think a good deal before vou accept the testimony of this I witness as truth." 4. Fourth mystery was that of lights seen on the vessel after the dead woman was on the beach and after Ryan was reported to have been in bed at his home. Mr. Brown recalled evidence that lights "going on and off" bad been seen on the death ves sel, although the boat lights were not In working order. Prosecuting counsel discounted the "mysteries" with: "There are alwavs mvsferies in cases involving natives and liquor. Indians don't keep track of time the way we do. It's either day or night, time to eat or time to sleep." tests. If the weather permits the had been drawn and only a lit-next meeting will be held out of tie of it spent, doors to begin the tracking and 3. The "marked absence" of stalking exercises. During camp- three crown witnesses from the Shipping and General Moving. Packing, ('ratine Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also asrents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 80 and 68 WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES phone Oreen 138 Box 478 GOODYEAR "The Greatest Name in Rubber" Hose Belling Matting Tires Tube Batteries Airfoam Products NORTHERN TIRE & RUBBER CO. 712 2nd Ave. P.O. Box 1481 Phone Green 993 fire discussions were carried on crowd on the beach which turn-for the evening of entertainment. led out to see the dead woman's The girls were given one more body brought to the beach. General Construe Floor Son General 8 Cabinet 1 Greer 4 1 LIMIT5 Phone 91 ,it Lt Ave.W ' 1 JOHN I B ULG OnloW 1 I John B Third ,f' Rv ( new Guide song and sang those already learned. Campfire closed with Taps. LAST RITES OF STEWART PIONEER HERE Funeral, held here, of Ernest Lewis, formerly of Stewart, was conducted by Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright at the Grenville Court Chapel, with the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion assisting. Mrs. W. D. Smith was organist rnd the hymns sung were "Rock of Ages" and "The Sands of nmc." i Pallbearers, who are all members of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, were A. Haig, J. Nicol, Frank Hicks, R. Bone, f . Hardy and J. Lawrie. Ceremony of flag raising and lowering was carried out by L. urasn, manager of the Legion, and the Last Post was sounded by Bugler-Sergeant William Ranee. Interment took olace in the Soldiers' Plot at Fairview ceme- Wery BLONDIE For Tafkinq in His Sleep! r in the"nsw" 'in &"dorV fCHUHt li YOU TALKtP MtJ LeTHfC? SJ PINCH WAIST?) JbluE?V VlGUE"' fit 'NTO 'T T HO J iii!S FOR SALE Four room house, cement, basement. 136 8th West. Phone Red 319. (113p) FOR SALE "Glenannan " well known fishing lod(?e. One half mile lake and river frontage. Apply E. L. Rudland, Fort Fraser, B.C. (111c) -H -Uj ttSM $rm