Garry M. McLeod of Vancou- ms!tinn.A . 16 Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 10, 1952 ei nas ueen enrolled in the win Bos0 m I RCN iRi with the rank of CJ l TODAY - 7: 9: p.m. THE - NA VY NEWS-Wrens Put Out to Sea Kim v WA TERFRONT WHIFFS it. a.woman mi SIS As' i For Practical Training D B B N B r it ft n HOSIERY GLOVES DRESSES LINGERIE SWEATERS COATS GOWNS SCARVES TOWELS SLIPS MILLINERY TABLECLOTHS PANTIES UMBRELLASBEDSPREADS Prince Kupert's Big Crane doing to Naval Dockyard Dispute Unsettled "Slip and proceed at 20301" That order was followed Wednesday night as Chatham's tender, HMC Tug Marysviile eased , away from the jetty ana headed into the harbor with a crew nine Wrens for practical jr.-' struction in "rules of the" and in operating .the helm. , Completely mannt'd by reserve personnel, under the roinmtind ; jf Lt. Cc'r. T. ohn.,toae, th The great 75-tun crane which the United States government erected on the Prince Rupert waterfront, at the west end of the ocean dock, during tho war is now in process of being dismantled and will be removed to Victoria where it will be re-erected at while ail Wrens took turns at the helm and saw at first hand why rules' of the' road are necessary . Alter a short time at the wheel the girls were adept at steering a straight course by compass una answering all helm orueis with the correct action. ABMM1 Jimmy Olsen showed the Wrens through the small engine room with Its noise and iumes. dials jind guages and jiieiiy explainer! the engine and .;ituipuig system. vVKENS AGKELl) Piacticai instruction of this type is certainly far more m-.eresting than the classroom and books. A period of training at a naval base during the summer is the last part of the overall training -plan for 'Wrens. Marysviile cruised the harbo. the naval dockyard. ! You Know Its Right When Its from Wallaces - Wallace's Dept. Store come to a deadlock. The union had asked ij cent a pound more for sole (present price has been 3', to 5' 2 cents and a one- rem of Victoria has been carry-in;: out the dismantling and the W. H. Smith wrecking con-tuns nf nnrts will be taken JOHN WAYNE-GAIL nin. L,th iw hanre. one of the ctr't increase for ling cod I five u H B H II im-oMt. cranes on the coasL andlcents has bcpn Pld- After the fleet tied up, the companies failed to meet the Increase. reputed to have cost possibly a million dollars to put, up, hopes had been held for some years mn cuum tours ioh th , 7. J There Is no machinery for ar- Iff t - GIG YOUNG ADELE V A4UTHE " ZT A LIMITED ACCOMMODATION still available on HOME LINES luxurious "SS." ATLANTIC" (22.000 tons i , sailing from Quebec from May through November SpeViul low suinmvT fares available for June and July sailings. CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Prince Kupert, B.C. Phone Black 637 that it might be retained as a I u,trallon 01 a aispuie involving local waterfront facility. How-1 fishermen. , ever, no use ' developed for it " - 1 A REPUBLIC PICTURE a and now lt Is going. It is one of the last remaining war assets here to be disposed of. EH APPLICATIONS will be leccivud by the . uiickr.siiied for the position of (Jcncral Secretary of tho Prince Rupert Civic Centre. Applications shoultt state ui qualifications, experience, ualary expected and names nncl addresses of references both as to character and experience, and when available. Envelopes bearing applications s'.iould be clearly marked APPLICATION CONKIDEN'I IAL and addressed to: DR. R. G. LARGE, Chairman. Civic Centre Association., MONDAY to WEDNESDAY TOTP Remember when? I Walter Hagen shot a record low score of 670 win the British open golf championship 23 years ago today. Hagen's feat, winning the British golf classic for the fourth time, was eclipsed in 1934 when the English professional Henry Cotton, won with one round of 65. ! Evening Khou, 7: . 9:M p.m. A EAMoi's I'iTyhthevI AND EXPERT FURRIER CA'RE I Tug Squamish Queen was at I Watson Island yesterday with a ; Frank Waterhouse barge laden with 1500 tons of iron pyrites ' for the Columbia Cellulose pulp 'mill. The Gulf Mariner will be J here next week with a similar tow. 1' Ked 120 for reservati1)ns n "Ct'KTAlX AT i:30" - "fHILTERN ,rsDHEDr SATURDAY t . m Mm j After nearly two weeks in port, the beam trawling fleet is ; now dispersing for other pursuits. Negotiations with a view to an agreement between com-j panics and union for t settle- ment of the price dispute have As the training year draws to ,a close the Sea Cadets can-;cok ! back over the past few months I with a sense of achievement. The corps was Inspected by Lieu-I tenant N. D. Langham, staff of-i ficer of Chatham Thursday night. . TOON cipro, MHOUI rum, m, Eveninq Shows 7 - 9:01 OFFERS OUTSTANDING FUR SERVICES INSPECTION v MOTH PKOOI em; v J f I.KAN iNti ItKPAIHINf t v.'; , I OK THIS CO.MIi.ETE SEIU1CE . . . Phone 974 BILL SCUBY FURS 31'! Third Avenue Pniice Kuprrt. B.C. AI1D HOW TO MARK YOUR BALLOT IN THIS BASEBALL ' SUNDAY SEASON OPENING ABEI, & ODOWES vs GORDON & ANDEItSON ' 2:13 p.m. ' w Suedes, Bcnqolineii ESTLING Plosrics, Reptiles on( Lcothcrs or ' (ji i Fashion Footwear HERE'S WHY THE NEW SYSTEM IS BEING USED The Voting svlem has Ix-rn changed ' lo enable every voter to east his hallot for more than one candidate in order of his preference. i Mi n you vote under th Alternative Vole ovsiem YOU (,V.T MORE THAN ONE ( HOICK, This vilj prevent any candidate heinjj elected on a minority vote a hun huiH-iied in the past. The candidate ho elected in each riding will have received an absolute majority over all olher candidates combined. HERE'S HOW YOU VOTE WITH ALTERNATIVE VOTING The AIUTtiativi' Vote is as simple as the volinji sjslem usvi Ix-forc only, insU'iul of an .-marking aainsl your one clioire only, yon fan' mark l-2-'5-t villi your f i rs I elioice as JiunilK-r one, your sccoixl c hoice as niiinlii r two and so forlh in order of your prefereiiec. Civic Centre, May 16 and 17 1. MEN'S BOUT- JACK O'REILLY Australian Chainoi VS LUIGI MACERA (Italy 2. WOMEN'S BOUT GINGER O'HARA KORY PALMER T JUDO EXHIBITION Andy Potterson ond Civic Centre Class Reserved .Seats Ringside SJ.50 Adull Rusli $1.00 Students 50c Tirkcts at Civic Crntre and Grotto Cigar Slurp - Phone 231 or 372 Rough Cedar UNTIL MAY 24 ' nffr-r ntisHna stocks suitable for Fences & Sidevalk ot $6.50 per 100 fbm No.2 0llfl DANCE Saturday Night al Legion Auditorium '.K to 12 p rn. Everybody Welcome Gents $1 00 Ladies 50c Modern and Old Time Dancing MUSIC BY THE W ESTEK N A I K K3 'Jr. )M $730 per 100 fbm (No. 1 (Jnule) ALSO Rough Cedar and Sprue (MIXtu; $4.50 ot per 100 fb" $10.00 TERMS: CASH Free delivery on oU orders over OKDEK NOW Relax and Enjoy ... REVELSTOKE LAGES or ENGLISH DARK BEER Ho'h beer awarded ' Cross ot Honor" for the Dominion of Canada, Brussels, Belgium, 1951. f Bi;hlKETO... Ask for Them by Name Enterprise Brewery Limited, Revelsroke, B.C. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tho Ltquur Control Bourd or by the Government of British Columbia Phone 651 or 052 CUT OUT THIS MESSAGE FOR REFERENCE AM) DISCUSSION. PHILPOTT, EVITT&Co.1; Rupert, Prince 900 Second Ave". W.