I'niiCe Kupen Uoiiy Nv; Saturday. January 10, 1953 United Church Cares For 328 Elderly People in Eight Homes Across Canada by our own church 4 n;:er!tie-!, other church, governments." When he Isn't fiehUng the.borni- Home th-te Is urmplrd ' liquor traffic, proinotmg evan-lby 24 residents. j Heltstlc eampaitjns and Inter-' In Toronto the Uni.'ed C'hurih preting international affairs to Operates the Ina Grafton Guvje i the United Church membership. ; lliiine on O'Connor Drive! I)r James R Mutchmor, seere-' Thirty-one elderly women live tary of that church's Board of 'here. Evanuellsm and Social Service,! Two homes tor senior cltize- 4 Is making life easier and hap-1 are owned by the church sr pier for S28 of Canada s elderly Montreal, one the I iiit. d Churi h people who live in eiRhl home, Ill)im. r Kli'erly Women, and' supervised by the United Church trie other the Dunedtn Home for of Canada j hlderiy Women Mr J W. Mf Newest of the scries of homes Conn"ll helped make this home for elderly persons spread across possible for the 32 women who Canada Is the Fair il.cen Home , live there Saturday Sermon I i Err: - . Jr" -...'-v v4 I '-y .m '-. . FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Alvmi The Bible By REVEREND LEONARD A. THOHPE. j I'Sstoi, Regular Baptist Church The Rihle is the most loved and the most criticized book in the world. These contrasting attitudes are not caused by the Bible's inerrant history, or the .ureat hook's revelation of its real Author, but by its clear claim of being the textbook of spiritual things for all men. : ! l God It!" OUters This U the Bibles major role. says reply, and it Is as Jesus Christ or His 1101 wm. AXst,los explain the need and K i the way of salvation for all men.' "If we conicss our sins. He is; I at Bumaliy, B C This home con-! fists of u large two-storey main I building, with a recently com-, ! pit ted east wing and fight duplexes. Thirty-two elderly niar-M'ied couples live in the riunlevc" ! In the main building is aceon-1 modation for 50 persons, men und women. I SO ( HUM II (.UNT I In Alberta the United Church ; ' operates the Amies Fol lies Lod'ie at Fort Saskatchewan Fourteen elderly women live In this lioiuc 1 located 14 miles from Edmon The .Missionary and Maintenance Fund of the United Church helps a little in the upkeep of these homes, but most of the funds for the upkeep of th Imior.. is paid for tiy me residents out of their old ace pensions. Said Dr. Mutchmor: "We fiel that the United Church has plo-noc-rcd In homes for eldeiiv Itrsoiis. We believe in the smail home rather than the bit; Institution We believe -in a ro-i per.itivc and dii'tiified life for our senior citizens 1 look for- ) PLACE ORDERS NC IlkKE IS Jl'ST ONE of the innumerable ways in whu h B C Douglas Fir Plywood may be used to lend distinction to a living room interior. In this distinguished treatment various sized oblonx of plywood have been applied in ,a formal pattern to the standard plywood wall panels All have been painted i.i one solid color, using a light finish and the cool simplicity thus achieved Is effectively contrasted with the tones of the brick fireplace and the cheerful upholstery of the built-in plywood sofa. Large, light, easily handled Doughis Fir Plywood panels add greatly to the flexibility of Interior treatment. ton The eapit.il cost has be-n Dibb Printing (i thai .sidi'.s are taken for and nutnrul and jusi ti torsive us against'the Word of God. jour sins?" Many reply. "I don't ' All the work. ... guilty before W"1U forgiveness and I do not God?" Some fav, "It must be sre lh" "fd cf confession." - - - - - i while manv others humbly return puld and the home operates 'lr) to th- se'ting up of mar.y without a c hun h grant Plans , other homes for elut riy people 1 I nre under way to e:tend this home soon Ir Mutchmor said. Two homes for elderly persons' nre maintained by the United Church In Saskatchewan Oliver j Ij'dge t named after th late; Principal Edmund Oliveri ts i situated in Saskatoon, with an accommodation for 85 women. DIRECTOR Y pnii". in all rliHrch nl H a nt. :iinl ::( p.m. sun i-iy scIhmiI at li:!.1! except As victnn. to God. "Thank thee Lord, I do not desvrve it." "The blood of Jesus Christ. His Son, cleanseth us from all sins." Believers are lost in their contemplation of the matchless mercy of God's great plan of substitutionary punishment, but Magazine Article Tells Story of Giant " Construction Project Underway at Kitimat - ft At Mtwvo Jmw the rhllrrh on- ' .''IS f ANtil.U'W t Vi lli lilt U, 4lh Ave. W. at Dun.mulr St Ilnly Communion 8 '10 a m! Suit'lay ScliiM.I 2:00 ).ra. Csnnn llasll H J'rocktcr. P.A . BD HcrUjr (31oe 700) unbelievers reject the very pos-4 The sibility of such an atonement. power biggest hydro-electric western Canada and ultimately project yet underakei' : will produce aluminum equal tj crates the Ina Grafton Gage t . t -j i ' As one studies the majestic anywhere in the world with pri-,65 percent of the entire Unites claims of the Bible regarding vate capital underway in States supply. ! "itself, the conclusion gradually j The January Issue of Harper's Maga. ine tells the .story of the giant undertaking kiu.wn a.-Kitimat, in Htitl'h Columbia 4(10 miles north of Vancouver. The tabui.MM protect will take the water of the Ileclnko H iv e r. Home, where 50 elderly women " ' 1 tf V " ' '.' '"'' ' vJ'v Named after the late Alex Os- ! V feZZi'i. iV. f borne, formerly a United Churrh 4 ' Iff 'ifuL.ik 1 I minister at Neepawa. the Os- I'IKST IHI'TIST Bth Ave, U. at Y111111K Rt. MlnWcr: llev. Fred Alilroblis. (Circe 11 81 2) HlisT Mil SliVTI III AN 4th Avenue Enst Rev. E A. VVritjl!'. D D. (dreen 082) I IliST LAiiMi C.1B Bin Ave. West R . L. O. Si'ljer iGncn 613) .1.1 f- . t on the east slope of the Coast . . . Range of mountain, and divert ; iWOfl RCmdnOCG it through the mountains Dy l tunnel to an ocean fjord o.i the in v.nequc case e-.v.- m.? r. r. ii 'i. - i . . . a . . f i u y 'TiKTFJWr7 A man was charged In In police Vk" west sine to deliver M power "i a 2. MO foot d;op The project s : court this morning CALGARIANS AWAIT FLOOD FROM ICE-CHOKED RIVER CALGARY (f Residents of low-lying areas here and upstream along the Bow River valley, awaited the approach today of a flood crest from Ghost Dam, 40 miles up-river in the foothills. ' Water from the ice-choked river spui'd over dikes In Calgary in four places along the north bank of th river Thursday night. Emergency crews placed sandbags on the dikes and catch basins in preparation for today's expected release of water from the dam. : i l.baO.lHJO horsepower will JuicouftU 0, Ior(jmg cheques at the-,,r-J about equal toe combined poten- ; , fc , c , iJ. , 7" jl tiallties of Ilonnevdie Dam.; ,a," (lf J100 '7' SliaU Dam and ihe bigge.sl.'l VA lie is Clifford Pet'.lple-e. 24.; He was remanded for eight days j SlI.VtTKIV AIIMV Frascr .Street CO. Sr. Cnpt, Cieor(;e Oystryk Sunday Kchotil 2:30 p.m. (BlacH 2831 ST. s I I TI1I KAV Sth Ave Bt M-Brldo St. Pastor: Rev. II. O. Olsen (Black 610) loims that it must be God's message to us, or else it, miust bre utterly false. A clear thinker once poi.ned cut that Christ had to be the best person who ever lived, or He had tp be the world's greatest liar. His claims were unique, so there is no compro- 1 mise. A bus schedule is -either: accurate or disastrously fake, i for there is no happy medium in ' missing one's bta. So the Bible ; must either be a soucre of heavenly light: "From a child thou hr.st; known the holy scriptures, 1 which a-e able to make tlee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is ' profitable for doctrine, for; reproof, f5r correction. tor j instruction in righteousness,"! or a dispenser of darkness, be-: cause of its falseness. ' j The open-minded examiner; penstock, VViLson Dam at Muse! hiioais. The potentialities of the na-; j tural terrain and watershed weic i Tlie Colt repeating rifle was' JUcoveietl in by an obseui Invented by Samuel Cult In 18M bureaucrat in the rieoai tment . . . fif mrne .to the SVna for a tumjurtaUe room - Ji nt m rt iVe - ne not. Conmiii tit ;tt-!;;, hnliy fitting arrfiif. FntriliU rillrH. Milliard C. lyle Managing Diiector Land-s and Foies.s of Hit. . si i Columbia's provinrial govern M". I'KTKK'S AMil.K-AN Seal Cove Rev. J. S. T-wlnliiff, B A.. LTH. 1 Rector) Sunday Sehoel 11:00 am. Evening Prayer 7:30 p'm. (Blue 827) ! Dramatic Story Lies Behind Construction of Paper Mill iti:;i i..it mrrisr Sunduy School 11:00 a.m. Morning Wnrshlo Service 12:15 l2'3 6th Ave. E. Blue 323 Pastor: ltev. Iniiflrtl A Thorne ment He was Frcderlt k ' William Kni w.stubb. who looked up liom , lis maps In the Watt .- ftights j offices at Victoria one day and i to!d his superiors he had diseov-i ered one 01 the lo-e.a hydro-1 electric power ssiej of North Am-j erica. I A year later he led a i-rtull ex A dramatic .story of planning sion until Elk Fall-. !. I need have no doubt. History, as ! and team work lies behind ti"- completed. ifxd I i tiir . -rk. 'it reveals the greatness and construction record estabit-lwd About 2.000 treated fir niie-. STARTINC MONDAY Miss Eileen Ctoss presents SEWING, TAILORING, Home Rejuvenation t Courses at the CIVIC CENTRE Phone 211 or 107 fur Information First United Church Sixth Ave. W. and lussrave power of nations that loved and : at the new ET-Falls newsprint were driven to suppon the buiM-taught the Bible and their de- miii by B.C. IJrid-'n and Dicdg- ings and then project i.vuuue. gredation and faU when they ling Company Limited. Clyde V, kettig. began ;o woir" rejected the Book and its spirit-; . . a0olll Last Ju IMalerlal holdup, ual teachings-is a clear com-! produili(msix There tonT mollt. was 1.400 of rein- .71 And. for chc'eingstee,, 24.00 cubic yard CM A fin Hotel . . . lo Sleep . . . Helot . , . fall ... ... ,, ,. 7 iJrst lime in 14 months, hun- concrete, ana Z.IOO teas oi its own proof in jls amazing .. ,., . . -nt.,,-.i ... j.j . 1 ,r oi V.OO.M1 UCtlOU WOrueiS rnruru lu rum pedition to t;ie rent, i and planned t.ie inti.e projc '. hat it e..si;'t until 1 j13 thai the Alum-liium C'.inp.iiiy of Cm. i. la was ready to mve.it?ate the pos-.i'oiii-tles. The plan was on the drawln-1, bojircis for th.ee years, and In I Si I ;-v.i"e'-s taitcd work on the tunijei aid the HinjiHim ! ".elling plant at the village oi kitimat, ltere eventually f.0.000 scienimc and nistoncal accuracy, its fulfilled prophecy and were able to relax a Utile. , Plele the Job. Throughout that time thev' Allocation difficulties made 11 a.m. Morning Communion Sermon: "The Encounter of God With Men" ' Anthem: Our Hearts Celestial Voices" 7:30 p.m. Evening; Worship Sermon: "Stand Fast." Anthem: "Lead Me, Lord." Its unity of theme, when con light' liad ke?1 Pa('9 th the engineers I stel deliveries Irregular. sidered idered in in the the light of its forty- odd human penmen of every class ii(i a.eouecu as last as plans J 1uoiiuuiii uenveiy oeiays, left the drawing beards these crews vere switched to "active" and environment COME AND WORSHIP mPn them cut. OI Project. c it .... i-.H, oi, k , Then, as machinery for the SUNDAY SCHOOIS at First Bibie, and accept its revelation I ; V . i ..." ... " V . people will Iwe. Aluminum pro- United Church : Beginners and ; Uf salv; ation Let us learn i's s"ul"li-FS. oaa weatner, ana .o invc eonsiru: Dnmn... 4, . y,., . Why, Thank You My Dear same tlon crew? and installation spc- dnctton will begin in lfljl and spt-eu uieir worn at ine . ,.,a,j, aw ii d in., maer i truths ano nnolv thun tn tho pupils at 12:15; at time. ' ,sU had to dovetail their e-1 uithnateiv will , reac- 350.ono to.u Conrad needs of our lives. Let us guard -1-7 , United Hall all at 11 a m. nrst tncy blasted away rocks ; lurus sia worn simultaneously to these truths and ketf) them un- tarnlclsftt feirv. cvura m rli, n SOCIAL HOUR after the Even and dfedged 300J300 cubic yards manntain tn schedu. I MADE IT MYSELF" under its unique, ail-incliniv? in Service in the Church Hall. I attempt to ridicule and suppress ! to cIear tne harbor. On April 10 IT PAYS TO ADVtRTISE h hem. last year, they moved to the site to build the first units the warehouse and a repair shop and office. First of the 78,000 tons of ma construction service, BC. Bridge handled all work on the jxojcct with the exception of mte-cle n-ing and the erection of s-viij frame livin-; quarters. This included all machinery terial shipped to the project be Sew and Look Smart- gan to arrive through the nearby iand electrical installation, Ih harbor of the John Hart hydro- plant of the B.C. Poer Commu- Save and Dc Smart ! erection oi ti.iuu ieet or 3-inc l woodstave pipe ami 23 miles of steel pipe. More tnan 100 miles of electrical wire and 7,300,000 EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH I'OU.SON iSl'll.DIMi (Just NurCh of Hays Cove Bridge) SUNDAY 11 :00 a m.: Sunday School and Bible class. 7:30 p.m.: Mr. c. J. Carter. WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m.: Prayer Meeting . ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 5lh Ave. at MrKride St. RKV. H O. OI.SON. Pastor "The Just Shall Live By Faith" fume and Worship with us. SUNDAY SERVICES JANUARY 11, 1953 Morning Service 1 1 -.00 a.m. Sermon: "Our Sufficiency Is Of Christ," Choir Anthem. ' Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 12:15 p.m. STARTING MONDAY MISS EILEEN CROSS PRESENTS SEWING CLASSES AT THE CIVIC CENTRE Homemaking Course Offered By Civic Centre Eileen Cross of the University of B.C. Ext-msioi Department is scheduled to arrive here by plane Monday from Vancouver to instruct at a home-making course and Bible Study. FRIDAY m SB board feet of lumber were utilized. In addition to material dipped In, there were 435 freight car loads ferried in, together with 144 barg loads. A few day' work were lost through snow, but onty on , small section of the site com plete concrete pipe rainac system, installed at the c.t-n, kept the ground solid. At the peak of consit ..'.lioi' 900 men were employed ana 605,-000 meals were served during the ei.tlre project. Principals In th. planning and execution of the mammoth Elk Falls project were: W. O. Mac- First Presbyterian Church 7:06 p.m.: Children's Hour. All school children invited "And being made perfect. He (Christ) became the author ol eternal solvation unto all them that obey Hun." Heb. 5:9. Pastor C. V SINCLAIR SIMPLICITY PATTERNS At The VARIETY STORE . 4 in the Civic Centre. The small gyr.-.nasium has been reserved for the three-week TO, i courses which include tailoring, sewing and home rejuvenating. The sewing and tailoring course will be held Monday, Wednesday ' ,-f "Ht wnt trough Ih ice! Booking Now For Hawaii - Bermuda Mexico For February and March Accommodation and Friday afternoons and even St tt- SIMPLICITY PRINTED PATTERNS 1 SIMPLICITY PATTERNS help you express your own original and distinctive flair for styles. 2 SIMPLICITY PATTERNS are printed with full instructions on . . . every pattern's piece. 25c and 50c per pattern. ker-, president of B. C. Bridge; Mr. Rettig; J.'C. MacLean, mechanical ' superintendent 1 n charge of Installation; Sven Rud-man, project engineer; Ivor Tucker, electrical superintendent; Jack Parkin, assistant electrical superintendent; K. GUI.)':, ders, piping superintendent; and "3. C. Oreelv, dredging PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth Avenue West SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 Sunday School and Bible Class Over seventy-five dollars in prizes given away, in a contest now in progress. Fathers and Mothers you owe it to your family to be In Sunday School. 11:30 Morning Worship 7:30 Evangelistic Meeting ings. Home rejuvenation consists of remodelling old pieces of furniture, lamp shades and drapes. Classes are on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Already a number of women have enrolled' for courses and officials said today there Is room for more. In jn evious years a great deal cf work was accomplished. Chesterfields have been recovered and other pieces of furniture at We extend a cordial Invitation to visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Ave. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright, D.D. Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith and John Currie. JANUARY 11, 1953 Morning Worsn.-p 11 o'clock. Sunday School 13:15. Evening Worship 7:30. . Minister at both services "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy." "Religion is Convenient, but COURTESY Not Christianity." Wed. 8:00 Prayer Meeting. B. C. Bridge 4nd Dredging now: has handled every majcr pulp1 and paper mill project in British Columbia since 1948. In that year they built the Port AJbernl Pulp mill and in 1949 the Nanaimo plup mill and new Installations at Powell River. In 1950 thv completed new Installs! ions at Prince Rupert. S3 CAPITOL Fri., R OO Christ Ambassadors service P&J22ri n t fr t frtiii ifttftf i firs Si theatre "We Only Preach the Ward of Cod" C.reen 311 Rev. C. Fawcett Wabicoon. the name of a village in Ontario's Kenora district, Is ' an Indian word meaning "white feather," . The Complete Travel Service