LlDRAFtY rrVJCTOR omis 1 i$M DRUGS spare OMORROW'S -TIDES .uiiuny. January 11. 1863 p-iln' Sianuuiu Time fc 28 19 1 feet 23:00 J6 0 feet 3:00 10 6 feet 16:40 . 6 2 feet DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 1 "i- ' , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Canada' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLI1, No. t PRINCE RUPERT, BC SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1953 TEN CENT8 (including comic section) .mmmw mmf m T ryr-r-r -yi r- - p' -r- m t , , , q , g g f mmm ... mm- . mm mm miinim dm 5 11- n LalbB f t ' - T V I Vv i k i. .1. iVvV ' !( pus 1 t ----- ;" -j -;n - ' " ' ' . . v i Ea n n i - T04l PASSENGER SHIP SINKS WITH 249 ABOARD PUSAN, Korea f The Korean passenger ship Chang Yung Ho sank outside Pusan Harbor Friday night and the ministry of transport said 249 poisons are believed drowned. The ministry said only seven out of 256 peiaons aboard were saved. Th captain said a storm hit the vessel 10 miles west of Pusan. The ship was a regular passenger ship travelling between Pusan and Yosu in Southern Korea. Leaders Say Action Done 'Under Protest' By The Cwsduui Press VANCOUVER. British Columbia's two big labor bodies have sent in names of nominees for their representatives on the new part-time Labor Relations Board but "under protest." The Trade Union Congres4 and the B.C. Federation of La-j : i I W i . - 1 bor forwarded their nominations Friday to Victoria, R. K. Gervin and George Home, secretaries of the TUC and BCFL. respectively, both said the names were sent in Rupert-Bound QCA Plane Forced Down by Storm Train Travel Disrupted 'By Derailment at Miworth A Queen Chairlotte Airlines Norseman plant Diane under protest. 1 The new board, which will come into effect Monday, was announced by JLabor Minister i Lyle Wicks recently. It will take I -..,.-..J dvi. lover from the present full-time l board was forced to land in the waters of Grenville Channel yesterday afternoon when a blinding snowstorm interrupted the return flight from Kemano. Piloted by Captain Roy Berry- j Both Mr. Wicks and Premier Bennett have stated they have no intention of changing their minds on establishment of the new board. Labor and employer groups say they are against the Tnnv Invention Enables Child To Walk man, me worseman siayea over-itjong cn rouU, although both 1 i bight at Lowe Inlet. 50 miies ! terminals were clear trus morn- BCFL nominee are: Home, south of here, after landing i ing ; Gllbert schofleld of the Inter- witnout eamage m Orer.tri!!.- tircnvu.c, . ! naUonal Woodworker ot Am-i i nunvrv v s ir ART MUIiRAY ; . . changes mind neighborhood children can do. Before this discovery children with the same condition as 8hlrley went through extensive urger. wore heavy planter casts for long months, and even then the results wwe doubtful. Your donations to the Kinsmen B C. Polio Fund will give other children the same chauce this little girl had. lH)lil. t At U K STORY of the Okanagan'i Bhtrli y Hlttlr, live i.n an dilci) repeated story In Children's HtnipUal medical ncurd-i Khsrioy aji bom with hip deformity and could not talk .sive tiwd as "Oumea pig fr u new brace splint, invented by C!ii!c!rn's Hospital speclalUt. Ttiday Shirley can run. jun.p climb fences, ride her bike and do anything the unannct near mere. Lack of radio navigational Train travel into Prince- Ru- vanHaie iwa. New West- aids in Prince Rupert prevented pert also has been disrupted ' nuster. ! the Norseman from reaching j a result of a derailment at Mi-i jjames Df XUC nominees were Prince Rupert by instruments, worth, seven miles west not available. TVine1awi . . . . . . rant TJ .i n that n Prtnrp Otnr(rn lot - i Art Murray "-"'v . ouw "j The Drovinctai caDinei rnaay, JI-Star Basketball Team Here damage was suffered by the air- night. discussed the government po-i I a UAmtin craft and that he was proceed The passenger train due here;S)Uon in the controversy buti IV IXvlltUlll' To Remain On Park Board ing towards the city in the o Meet Alaska Squad Monday at 9:50 last night is expected lnj gave no hint of backing down, about the same time tonight. j premier Bennett said the pro-CNk-oIfH:k.,ud 2S car on, posal is "not just designed to a westbound extra freight were; save a few thousand dollars, but derailed when they struck a 'is part of the re-organlzation morning. The Norseman -carried only the pilot. Meantime, Canadian Pacific Airlines' morning flight to I broken rail. No one was Injured. ; of the labor department. Sandsplt was grounded due to Kir.-t exhibition vuune this. ArraiiKemniU eie announced senior leasue. He wlU supple-i.-in iMi:i.t uu'.uif cmpetl- tluy by Art Murray, president ment the team with his choice of n in .wnior baketbull hits been ol the Prince Rupert Amateur players from the two other senior urged und Is scheduled to Bitsketball Association. league teams. CCC 300 and Cor fu Monday nicl.t lor a two-' Prince huperl representative dan ii Anderson. R;e wriej !ien tn all-star learn will be coached by Don. Ray Spring, car first stringer Hire Rupert team meets the HartwtR. playing coach of Man- of Malisons, suspended lor one Metiakatia Merchant here , sous, currently leading the city game by the Referees' A.wocia- : turn, will be eligible to play In Most o the cars on the train ! "I'd like to point out to labor were empty. j this ls the first time for many The eastbound train that left i years the government has had here Thursday was delayed ; a labor minister and deputy who about six hours while crews re-' are members of trade unions," paired the broken track. jsald the premier. STORM CONE the all-star lineup. His suspen- Art Murray last night tore up his leter of resignation as a Park Board Commiiisioner at a special meettne in city hail called to discuss his announced intention to quit. On arrival at the meeting, Mr. Murray said he had reconsidered his decision although he brought a letter of resignation. He announced two days ago that because of pressure of business, lie would not take his seal on the board. Mr. Murray and Pat Forman were re-elected by acclamation to two year terms at the last civic election. All members of the Park Board a snowstorm at Sandspit. STILL CRUl'NDEO No planes have come in or taken off here since Tuesday, halting vital airmail, express and passenger service. Mail was dispatched south yesterday on a Union Steamships vessel. A DC-3 which left Vancouver yesterday afternoon reached Port Hardy but it still holding there waiUng for Sandspit to jilear, where It would connect with the Prince Rupert based Canso. If the weather at Sand-pit doesn't clear, attempts will tr? made Sunday to complete tht- Plane traffic was first hit during the beginning of the: week by storms in the lower j coastal regions. Now the storm; has moved northward. i isloti ends tonight, foilowlim ihe 1 scheduled Mansons-CCC ieaRue game. ! STKONO TEAM Tlie New Metlukatia Merch- Legion Seeks Club Licences For Veterans CHURCHILL IN JAMAICA FOR VACATION ON BEACH WHITE SAN HKAC'H, Jamaica -Prime Minister Churchill arrived heir late Friday to begin a brief vacation on Jamaica s Mirmy bear hen. He arrived following talks in the United States itli Prevldeul -elect El nhower and Pre.sideJU Truman. I ants are billed as one of Uie An intense storm which formed near the Queen Charlotte Islands yesterday, however, has blown itself out in the Prince ! strongest teams In the -Alaska RAY SPRlN'i . . . eligible ihwip circuits with former star raKer Frank Boiton coaching port stated today. I v tit" k. ,n expressed pleasure that Mr. Mur Southwest winds from thcjof 'w Xh licences to veterans"! y. a commissioner since th. flight phoe III Salesman Identified a As . . ... ..; neenn re nushlnv hark cooler , .irrf sviHao hv roard was formed in lsay, woma 'jTlie Mui chants have only suflcr-jed one loss this year aaalivst j Ketchikan Eagles, j Lineups for both trains will be announced Monday. I Meanwhile, arrant!cnients for preliminary games to the main , t Irrlnrll. a R f Mt 1 !1 k II 1 1 U Jaycees Demand PGE Extension From Squamish Vancouver was cancelled today) ' "n "le and wiU'the B.c. Command, Canadian wmain. . ... j ...... .--j, ibrniff milder weather to most 1 at . min? with the! He had handed his letter ol .Man Who bpotted Pavlukott : ; southern nolnts althoueh north- nrni,in.ui nrnvinelnl rahinpt ohinpt 1 resignation to Mr. Forman bui ern points will remain gripped TOIUiNTO 0-A shew -nilrs- Polio- sped to the scene and , , l:iu.rmrai.,te The aeregauon saia ma.iy 01 - -o - its branches are awaiting licences sioner Charlie Bulagno suggested wu,.c. their nniv revenue comes i Mr. Murray should make sure '.i ,ilt a meinorv fur faces rirrexleri Pavlukoff for Question team of the city leacu.r 1 VICTORIA OThe BiiUsh Co- ! In the arctic freeze, i Temperatures for Prince Ru-j pert are forecast as low tonight, 10. and high tomorrow, 20, with his letter of resignation didn't i - 1 r.f.. . . ",i ' " ' H t V . i - V f . V V. j I.: - . (;V4 v? 4' l" ,r . r ' 1 ' V"- t h Wf r Y . ' " t if-. 1 VVv 1' ,, r U 4. ' -i 1 1 : - 11 1 i n; " : )' i ;.!.r: ' r : 1 4 " t's - i t vt' i r. r 1 V - - V I ' 3 . t . ,-re , ' ' ' . i 4 t S 4 ' it 1 from liquor sales. Tlie Monday and Tuesday himbia Junior Chamber of Com been identified as tin- inior- ing. He did not resist but at first ii.' ho nave the tip-o.'f re- denied his Identity. in ilie arrest ol Walter' Queen Attends Wedding of Earl to Model The delegation also asked the panies will be the first outside merfp demanded lmme snow government to allow such gov variable cloudiness and ernment branches as me uquor showers. nlnr.norf to have New Westmin-1 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Gas Prices Control Board, the Power Com ' v'U"tf. .wond on t!ie I, si f "-" " nws,t-wantfrd trlmmt.te. Pav;,iki,ff. 3fl, was pirkert up In jlJurlKin Niirth York Township LINES C LEARED mission and the Public Utilities sier Royals of the lower main-from Squamish to North Van get mixed up with other correspondence and at that the popular owner of a men's store tore the leter into snreds. Next mepting of the board will be, held Wednesday. . 16 DIE IN RIOTS KARACHI T- Empty wine. the Commission to hire veterans over Worst spot throughout land senior "A" division playjcouwr. " I ii ui.su .IV. i May Be Upped here againsv city an -stars nexc . dt.iPatlon ,,. lhe cabmet lTi,i.i, anil KtiitirHuV ItlolitS. hut.! province was the Fraser Canyon where terns of snow cascaded down mountainsides blocking will be taken to Vuncouve the southward extension -,,..,...;...., Ift Hlf rienltl (in.i8a'd age 45. The veterans asked the government to give free hospital care cards to wives and dependents of war veterans allowance '" a murder chance In con-! would be as sound an ment as the new extension from iCent in B.C. rail and road traffic. CPR and CNR main lines were celled prior arrangements. MAIN HANDICAP bottles and debris from a score '""'ii with the slaying of a inrcuver bunk manager Aug. J. 1!47. Arthur Stewart. Vancouver ilo- cleared by noon yesterday, but VANCOUVER (CPI-John R.l Transportation Ls the main , Juei to ranre ueorge. EDINBURGH The wealthy Earl of Dalkeith and Jane McNeill, 22-year-old former model, exchanged vows today in Britain's society wedding of the year. The Queen led the list of Royal guests in St. Giles Cathedral, and Princess Margaret, who was for a time linked romantically 7:1th the Earl, also attended along with Queen Mother Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. For two years the Earl, 29-year-old member of a wealthy and ancient family, was a regu recipients, widows of veterans 0( street fights littered this in recipt of widow's allowance. ; capital of Pakistan Saturday and recipients of dependent par-1 aner day-long rioting between passenger trains are at least 24 hours behind schedule. executive vice-president i handicap to successful basketball i "me v.na,norr aiso rccom- 'ive. ,,,-rived by air Friday toi'1"". howling mobs and police. ents' pension under the Cana dian Pension Act. The toll for three, days of violence is at least 16 dead and ruMuKuii uuo custody and l''ni mm , n. COast to gurl 1 '1 l'r murder. 8-fart was oiro of the offlcera In northeastern United States fierce weather was blamed for 14 deaths. In addition, at least 12 persons were hurt In Florida where wind damage was esti of Imperial Oil Limited, said in Prince Rupert todays, says; mended Institution of an auto-here Friday conditions in Call-,Mr. Murray. i mobile accident point system In fornla may bring a temporary I "Everyone expects good a-r,Briasn Columbia Increase of a cent or so In Brit-: connections these days, compared , Monty Aldous, rM,.,mK, Chamber presl-He rout Ish Columbia gasoline prices, 'to former years when even boat told the Vancouver Boaid j travel gave us such visiting teams j dent, asked the government to of Trade Transportation and! as the Olobetrotters and other m adopt a plan similar to the point The legendary date for the more than 1U0 mjurea, nan 01 founding of Rome by Romulus them policemen. Hundreds of niare of the original search w Havlukotf. 'is the year 753 B.C persons have been arrested. mated at $250,000. lar companion of Princess Margaret, often giving rise to rumors of a possible engagement. Customs Bureau that Pacific louring nign-ciass ouuMae i I plan of Connecticut, Kinsmen Appeal It Is expected, however, to have coast oil prices may rise slightly I He sIkw. sturp mn. Robert "'te, Wenuiied pavlukoff from "'s he had seen recently In 1 Mice station. "p remrrub, rrd and commcnt-,," .,.By 1 know .hat (cl- at least one touring U.S. team here this winter and several Polio Campaign Opens Here Under that system, a card ls kept for every motorist. He gets demerit marks every time he has a traffic conviction. After a certain number of black marks he's called in to have his driving habits checked. If he' continues to get bad marks he loses his licence. Mice ,Bed him to cull at life Sentence Given Woman For Stabbing because of shortages In California, which Is the source of most of B.C.'s oil. White said, however,, opening of the Edmonton-Vancouver pipeline next fall "may well bring prices back to present levels as volume-grows." He mentioned the possibility of Vancouver becoming a big oil centre for the Pacific area. spotted Pavlukoff "uoe if hp iisuln. A week -long campaign tol While no citizens were afflict-raise a minimum of $1,000 here ed la Prince Rupert, two chil- fl r- . for the Kinsmen B.C. Polio Fund dren were struct aown m ..,7, d """Aday he telephoned said; -The teilow you.re nets under way Monday. right outside my H ir ig store," race ana at presens are receiving treatment and care In Vancouver. The RCAF air-sea rescue unit last year made 18 flights to various points in the province to fly out polio victims. The 570-total ls the highest games with Ketchikan all-stars, winding up with a, round-robin contest for the Co-op trophy. Inaugurated two years ago. OTHER TEAMS COMING Prince .Rupert senior all-stars will be host in early spring to the BC, senior "B" playoffs, after deciding to quit senior "A" company early in the season. Last year, Challengers the city all-star senior team In its first try In the senior "A" division, faded in the finals against Eilers in Vancouver after winning the semi-finals In Pentlc-ton. . Bsfore that. Prince Rupert three times won the provincial senior "B" championship, twice in a row In 1948 and '49. then lost to Penticton in 1950, but regained It from the Omegas here in 1951. B.C. M Mary prominent Canadian doctors are on the advisory board of the B.C. polio fund, including Dr. J. K. Nader, and Mr. F. P. Patterson of Vancouver. Among citizens forming thu honorary board of directors are Mrs. Tiily Rolston and Harold Winch, both members of tha provincial legislature, and W. ,H. Malkin. . There will be no door-to-door canvass m this city and Mr. Bond is asking citizens to either send cheques or money to him. The address is: Bill Bond, Box 1182 or Box 801, Prince Rupert, B.C. TOKYO CP A United States Army court today convicted Dorothy Krueger Smith, a general s daughter, of stabbing her Colonel husband to death with a hunting knife. It sentenced her to life in prison, Mrs. Smith. 40-year-old attractive mother of two teen-aged children, was convicted, of premeditated murder In the stabbmg of Col. Aubrey D. Smith, on record in B.C. and compares The annual appeal Is being arranged by Kinsman Bill Bond, who said today . vAj. ' a direct mall k. J t appeal will be f 'made to aU citUens and W 4 collection cans jC-t- will be placed 14 in all stores for contributions. All donations are used for treatment and rare of British Columbia polio victims amounting last year to a total of 570 cases. Pioneer Atlin Businessman Dies in South VANCOUVER, (CP) Pioneer Atlin business man, Robert Alexander Roxborough was burled here Wednesday. He was active until recently in his truck contracting, fuel and taxi business In Atlin. His father John Roxborough owned the Discovery and Kootenay Hotels in Atlin. MY TAXI DRIVER FINED S300 ON LIQUOR CHARGE Roman Potvln, city taxi driver, was fined $300 and cosU 'fay in police court by Magistrate S. D. Johnson, after being "ivlcled on a charge of selling liquor. 8 Hlarth counsel for the defence, said he was In- sti ut t .'d to appeal the decision. T. W. Brown, QC, was counsel ")r the crown. with Just over 170 In the previ ous year. Medical men still have not discovered the cause ot polio, and part of the donations to the Kinsmen fund Is used for research at the University of 45, as he slept In their Tokyo quarters last Oct. S.