Pr incc Rupert Daily News Saturday, January lo, 153 - . ; ...".':"- - w'v Jl-r ,"""! nj SCREEN FLASHES Rocky To Defend Title in April) Wakley Rink Makes History Scoring Another Seven-Ender The third seven-cnder in tl'.p 3 I) S'o-jri 7; Osterta; 13 Curling Club's history was scored' SfciUimtrud 5:" V.Uson 13." Rud-ast night m the mixed bonsiri") ; dorham 4: Ford 9 Scinmian 3 the Wakely rink ain E"e! A:, Semi-nals are' exacted Werner to a oieak a 1-1 ti; in.lo bl, pIn ed tomorrow with third end. i curling beginning at 11 a.m. Score ended 19-6 fur Wakley. i Loser of the primary oompeti-Ckipped by John WaKPly. othei .tion drop i ito .secondary compe-lrmbrrs of the r:nk were Mrs. I tition for playoffs Vessie Wakely, third: Rao John-' .,.,.. j., k',,, ,.,, ., NEW YORK St Heavyweight Jim Non i. preside,,! chimplon Rocky Marclano pro-j International Boxing r, bably will defend his title against ! Friday he expects in . ... ......... lO f t ti'n,n... tn.M t n uli;.. A stinging indictment against corruption in civic government jrisry uiluii. nun, iu Ujor aciinue .1 'e and da; Chicago Stadium. I next week. Jim :" ' Vr r I ENDS TODAY 7- - 9: p.m. vnisc sunnr.Li. - ufcUROE BHENT Ir "MONTANA BELLE' . m, second, a.iu Airs. niavvrt nir.h . ohnson, lead. Remember when i-'-W-"' ."5 VV Other .scores in 1 1 it- bu'-Me! . hieh opened Thursday are: Thursday Moore 14. Aston t: T.'cKenzie 10, Thorn 7: Warren 7. Bateman 4; Dixon 3. Eyolfson 1'); Kellough 10. J. Stewart 9; i-'hier 8. Matthew 4. Friday Eyolfso l 12, J. ,C'.ewar ; Shier 2. Moore :2; ' 9 Toii.nt-o Maple Leafs, who f:i:i:-h.-4 out of the National ! League !'i;-.yof f.s in 1943 but rolled bud: to win the Stanley I Cup a sear later, were voted the "U of the Year ;n Canadian ' sport fi'-v wan. nan today. Thev money?... i 1 feller, a 1 W73 STARTING MONDAY Action-Packed Story of Biff-Time Gangland They got away with anything UNTIL THEY KILLED A COP! mm , Warren ('; Bouiter 19. G men won tiv honor ir. the annual I " 4 - f"t- If-""-"' "- ' -- ''P . . . ... , I.' .. I if ---"--ryfir- .fcnSSiJ .iirw.r.TriMiiif ii? jiHrir.'ia S.'iSliin'r rn- - - -J L le "J( n,'r 6: Cord.m' C.nad:.-,n Press yc.r-md poll. I '''"Feel... .j : ;,'",t'' f'tl'l-Tl . . . ilia ! I &'!' s1 V ' I B J V -.of .. "' .. . . i. lhrrl:tl.l H.inforl ..f m "i I - V - v ,. N,ly.-.,o'tn.nrra.rl...: MODELS BY THREE CANADIAN sculptors have been selected for entry la the 54-iountry International sculpture competition in London nex. March. The models were based on the competition's theme the unknown political prisoner. Left to right the models are by Anne Kahane, Montreal; Julien Herbert, Montreal, and Robort Norgate of Ottawa. They wet? chosen by the Sculptors' Society of Canada and will b- exhibited across Canada before being sent abroad. ' ' . i nat was... ; Is excmngly delivered In Para-i mount's new drama, "The Turning Point," which runs Monday to Wednesday at the Totem Theutre. Taking Its cue from true-life episodes which created headlines ucross the country, "The Turning Point" examines the dramatic events which make u;) the suspense-riddled experiences of a crime investigating committee's activities in a middle-sized American city. In a suspenseful tale of murder, violence and Krigue, William i olden Is seen a a cynical newspaper reporter who? boyhood friend, Edmoiid O'Brien Is the dynamic chairman of the much-heralded "racket bustlr.g" committee. B-'lkvIng ll.t Uie .Investigation Is doomed to failure from the start, Holtien shows . little Intere.-t In It, until Alexis Smith, O'Brien's charming sophisticated secretary, appears on the scene. Bet ire any of th, participants are aware 'of It, a triangle has developed which threatens the long friendship of , tlie two men. Bit by bit. the committee begins to unravel a sordid story of I corruption In high place . When the .stigma of dishonesty reaches out to touch even the father of .Edmund O'Brien, who Is leading the crusade, events move swiftly , toward a climax of violence and excitement. Dramaticaly aut ientlclly Is added by the use of actual shots of crowded streets, a smoke-fllld i.ght arena and other on-the-spot locations, As the man who Is delenated to uncover he poisonout corrup-1 tion gnawing at the roots of the city, Edmond O'Brien has one of his meatiest roles to date. Also turning In an out'taiuling pr-formance Is William Holdeu, as ithe rsporter whose exerieiire leads to his regarding civic reform programs iih a justifiably jaundiced eye Lovely Alexis' Smith makes an Intelligent "glii-Frlday" who supplies the spirit O'Brien needs in hU grueling struggle with the vast network of organized crime The unusually large east Includes such excellent players as Tom Tully, TV'd l)e Corsia. Howard Freeman, Ed Begley and Ray Teal. ft I' ; V "' '"' "' ""nl Um.-.l iiir.ll If-V'-V-..: flll-WaySfietch Weil-Known War Artist Teaches Officers, Men on HMCS Magnificent To Paint m Urrli WILLIAM EDMOND nrrK HOLDEfl O'BRIEN SMIE ... ... . "V, V- V A 1 HALIFAX CP There's probi about 1.000 officers and men' Anthony Law of Ottawa, nolrd ably no Canadian ship afloat j aboard more art eoiiscious than w ar artist, started art classes with more paintings hanging 'if they had toured the Mont-; !aM spring, from her bulkheads than the air-1 marire district of Paris. S .,.,,.. 1V ...... craft carrier Magnificent. i None of the clubs meinbers ' ' V The Maggie's art Cub has made had painted before U -Cntdr c ,,48 'Xtr portraying scenes in Malta. DT AMD CVDDCCC mHirCDU Gneee. North Africa. Scotland MKh Viiu Were' 'Jivin' Resri' 'So You Want ut He a Raelirlor' Evenings 7: -9:05 p.m. ; and England, were ( Xlubi'.ed :.t j an art gallery here j Law organized the club u,ia hobby group. The only entry OVER INCREASE IN CRIME oee . i - j j J the m-w rrwill!-.Ir,r r,.r,. ' V t f I 1 Z tainrr vim -lhic f, , 7 A & Irrti li now int in. .s,( K.. " ;'"" r-- yd." ' ' a 1 J $fr ' Goffiics, :A class of fashion "J'rf : . now on tiisplo and sofa at mm TOTEM , , , 'requirement was: "Anybtx'v federally . ...j . ... . v... -' , OTTAWA (CP) RCMP, investi- force which gating reports of illegal use of, across the country and provin-! bP2."n wiIh b , n ,. K . nan-nties by school students and daily in every piovince except jha,i lhal numbt.r. " " " A UMIU'S I'l.All ltH Tliri: i-iiin juvciuies, can niiu iiO;jni.ano una vueoec. Most of the work was done Europ.-an ser'ou.s narcotic problem cooiniissioner mutcaiva in ih the M:ittitie' Maggie's The hcutenant-comman- among the youth of Canada. -Commissioner L. H. Nicholson i tne steady climo of federal crime statistics. , der and his students painted the , town and countryside at nearly TODAY JOHN PAYNE - SUSAN MORKOW 6:50 - 9 in "THE BLAZING FOREST" made the finding known Thurs- RCMP handled 146!'04 cases every port of call. They touched m 1 day in the liSr pnual re-; n 1951-52, "a-42 per cent in port of his ,40(fjnan police crease over the previous year. I niBiiaaBiunasBuniiiisiiiiiasiiajiiiiiii Sunday Midnight Only RICHARD ARLEM 7 HOCKEY SCORES i., On the Same Truiram 4 j "WILD CAT" "DANGEROUS PASSAGE" i Will, -'Koria 4. Seattle 0: Vancouver 0. (sew Westminster 2; Calgary 5 Edmonton 3. ms Of The Year up their canvasses during off-! duly hours at sea. i A IX OVER SHIP I CPO Oeorue Grven, Victoria, had five canvasses on display in the radio room. CPO Josrph Poirier. Qttebw. fhe ship- bar-bx r. had one bulkhead reserved (for the work of AB Gaston Boul-' anger. Montreal CIOs Joseph ' DuucetU. Belliveau, N.S, and Lester Bell, Toro.ito. had their exhibition in' the shipwright i shop. In the officers' living ; quarters there was "Greenwich 'Alley," where five of the eight i officers in th- se 'ion v tie BASKETBALL TONIGHT 6:30 Infer "B" Manvins vs Nelson Hro From a ilislanl loll.iilr ... to the deep rnrnent of your hnrl tome lu power, nonrirr and roaKntf irrnrc! W arner Bros, present one of the great true story of our to OMIL Vernon 5, Penticton 2 Old ounlij FOOTBALL THEM It The Miracle of Our Lady of Fata" LONDON- Soccer results: Kuotball AsMH'ialion Cup Third Round I t (ll.(lt BY WAUMK (OI.OK AK STARTS MONDAY CARTOON . NKWS 0 A V I 7:30 Inter "A" North Mar t rraser tc Payne 8:30 Senior "B" Malisons rs ('.( .f. vArl I UL A I AMol S V,k I Its 1 III A TKI Showj 7 - 9:02 SPORTSMAN 1 HANGING BIG GAME MONDAY MATINEE AT 4 00 Arsenal 4. Doncaster Rovers 0 Aston Villa 3. Middlesbrough 1 Barnsley 4, Brighton 3 Bolton Wanderers vs Fuihaui, postponed, fog. Brent foid 2, Leeds United 1 Derby County 4. Chelsea 4 Everton 3, Ipswich Town 2 Gateshead 1, Liverpool ft Grimsby Town 1. Bury 3 Halifax Town 3. Cardiff City 1 Hudderslield Town 2. Bristol BY ONE MAN k 3C Rovers 0 W Hull City 3. Charlton Athletic 1 Leicester City 2, Notts County THAN Lincoln 1. Southampton 1 Luton Town 6. Blackburn Rov- ' S3 iM ers l c Citv 7. Swindon i r"!EtD Town n TME GAME. FIRST Mon.fl.u T.. n xi.. - mi? The Kinsmen Club, ut this time, wish YOU. the Citterns of Prince Rupert. 1 , ' :;" T' . i,,.,...,- i" " wm- Millw , II IV, ' "I UllllcU a very oig aim Prosperous New Year. It Is only with the support of pc-plr like you that organizations such as ours aie uble to carry on. and we hope. In some BBEL SLIT IN EACH HIND LEG. FIND A small way provide a useful, and a beneficial service to the citizens and the children of this communltj. 1 Newcastle United 0. Swansea Tow i 0, abandoned Newport C 1, Sheffield United 4 STRAIGHT POLE AT LEAST 20 FT. LONG; STRONG ENOUGH TO SUPPORT THE CARCASS AND LEAN ONE END IN A TREE FOKK. WITH Binning- j the beast on rrs back, insert Oldham Athletic ham 3 1 " ' I M " . T " a' ' i ; . gi ! fcwm- . - in D I 1 P if TV -A I . - ;- i. i: :. i I Hewj Metfaba (alaska) Merchants I V. ' ',' i M "l Pipce mm all-stars ! 1 MQMBM And TUESDAY I - AT THE ! , 1' !! CiMTHE -.-1 8:00 P.M. EACH. NIGHT S - PHONE CIVIC CENTRE FOR RESERVATIONS 1 toS3SCT'riS3EZ3a3SSS3E A 6AMBRELSTCK THROUGH THE HIND LEG 5LITS PINNING THE LEGS AROUND THE POLE. SLIDE HANGING GAME OP THE LEANING POLE UNTIL IT'S OFF THE GROUND. TIE GAMBREL STICK TO THE POLE. The Kinsmen Club Is You The Ki wm.en Club Is but the tnanile,tation and the sum total of the many and varied little deeds of charity that you so generously ITnJiA olher- 11 " y,lr "". Jnes and dollar., collected and accumulated throughout the year which makes possible the operation of the Kinsmen Club projects,. But a short time ago you, '.hrough your purchase of many hundreds of bags of iZ iT" m?1' f1" ",nUP POfS",,e K"Wn Cnrbtma. Parlies for nearly nearly 1500 rh children In this city and at Miller Bay Hospital We only regret that hamTnf """" lhPre t0 yUr k'nd d0"t"'n turn Into bright and K it:, tj hg,nrny "mal1 ,acp8 as 8unta cii4us pawd ut w- ot A, one young child said. "Santa you're wonderlul!" Well, folks, we think that l?r Z 'ZZtU fr Way lhUt y0U W wl-ntly and generously support C-mn'r ' y"U. "e WU'd r' " cl"-'" Kinsmen's summer JLaCen0;,y 2ilh Kinsmen Hallowe'en Ttr Par with TiTh? Klne",en,Poll F ' the care of Prince Rupert Children stricken ken with this di.sease, In fact, there would be very little In this big round zi z 07T:nv,Tr rlth in charity and th ot Kinship May uod Bles ani Guard You and Yours ' Plymouth Athletic 4. Coventry City 1 Preston North End 5. Wolver-' hampton 2 j. Portsmouth 1. Burnley 1 j Rotherhain United 2, Colchvs-j ter United 2 I Sheffield Wednesday 1, Black- pool 2 ,' Shrewsbury Town 2, Finchley: 0 Stoke City 2, Wrechanrt ' Sunderland 1, Scunthorpe ! United 1 ' I Tranmere R 1, Tottenham 1 ! Walthamstow Ave 2, Stockport 1 I West Ham United 1, Brom- i wlch 4. SCOTTISH LKAGl'E Division A Aberdeen 1, St. Mirren 2 Clvde 6, Airdrieonlans 1 Falkirk 2, Dundee 1 Hearts vs East Fife postponed, fog. Motherwell 4, Celt ic 2 Queen of South 3, Third Lanark 1 Raith Hovers 4. Hilbernlans 2 Rangers 2, Partick Thistle 2. 3tart the New Year rluht with a quality A-l Used Car or Truck A Test Drive of any of the following selection will convince you that we do sell beMcr used r.ars and trucks. I 1943 Plymouth Sedans-Just the car for the family SI425 J 1950 Ford f'ordors Everything to be desired In motoring pleasure. Your choice at .... $1825 TRICK MARKET 1946 3-Toniier, complete with flat deck $695 1949 3-Ton, 176'' W B. A very useful truck $1225 Call In wt "The Home of Friendly Service" for a courteous demonstration of any of the above and many more to chouse from. Bob Parker Lid. Miotic 93 "Tbo Honifl (if Friendly Service" Yours, in the spirit of kinship, The Kinsmen Club of Prince Rupert IL-l- For quick results try a Doily News Classified 1 - ' : Z,WT V.,wimn--Mm i- r.' r-r?r.-