, i "t i : .. .,. kainiers' Losses Give Mats Pennant YLC Labor Day Sports, Big Success As Hundreds of Children Vie For Prizes Major League Leaders By The Canadian Prcs In PLC For Second Straight Year 11-imUngjlt imnngs to subdue the Tyees Br The can-man pm ,The first game was an The Hollywood Star are the 'affair bioken UP oy Jiinmiy.ui u.'v ...s...i. Vancouver moved In behind miru wiiii Pacific Coast League champions O'Neil's single puit Lewiston- but four games off the M T I pate, with 4-2 and 5-4 wins over Wenatchee. Edmonton downed 1 ' Jalgary 4-2 it, a singlo game. yTea fot Tiie .weatherman wasa trifle urKncrto the Trades qrd Labor Council yesterday as a most successful Labor Day sports and soaJ Bojr derby was statd. 'However, the rain held ofl.ntll al-rrv,J 'h finifh of the shorts and this thrill of the soap box races brr!hf . a couple of hundred braW ouls out despite the pouring rain, itoosevelt Park was the site Open 100 yard dash Ladies 16 ' Gofers, Gary Smith, Bobby and over: Mercy Brown, Mrs. Adams. ' Keisman. Mrs. Wells. I Third balloon race: Keith Wa- Open 100 yard dash Boys and ger, Glenden Smith. Men over 16: Penio Peneff, Der-! Shoe scramble: Jimmy Arlsen-eck Slack. S. Grimolfson. ; eau, Doris Fahey. Elizabeth Qof- THREE-LEGGED RACES ers. Boys and girls, 7, 8 and 9:1 SACK RACES Norma Lowe and Marlene Phil- Seven and under: Wayne ips. Raymond Windle and Jerry Grimble; Lorraine Smith, Brian Jeffrey, Barry Kurdziel and Bob- Irving. by Adams I ,f- and 9: 0!enna SUva- Boys and Girls 10. 11 and 12: Neil Dockerandorf, Gerald Dom- IN !f You're TIRED NATIONAL LEAGl'E AB R H Pet. Furlllo, Bkn. .... 179 82 165 .344 Sch'dienst, StX. 492 92 109 .341 Robinson, Bkn. 454 106 154 .339 Irvln, NY 406 65 137 .337 Snider, Bkn 540 122 177 .329 Runs: Snider, 122. ' Runs batted In: Campanella, Brooklyn, 136. . Hits: Ashburn, Philadelphia, 180. Doubles: Musial, St. Louis, 44. Triples: Gilliam. Brooklyn. 18. for the second straight year. " I two outs. I Hollywood back Into the pen-! In the WIL Spokane and Lew-nant Monday as second-place iston carried their stridc-for-Seattle lost its first game to stride race for the second-half Sacramento, 7-3, while the Stars . pennant down to the wre Mo.i-vierc being shut out by Oakland's day with sweeps of Labor Day je.ss lores. 3- J. j doubleheaders. But the Stars came back in. rid whether the Indians or the nlgntcap to defeat the Oaks,' tne Broncs meet Salem in the j-1, for Ihcir 10-uh win of the post-season playoff won't be year. known until after Tuesday The second games just enirha- night's season-ending encoun-sized the fact tnat the bunting ters. belongs in movietown. Roy Wei- i Spokane clipped Tri-City 15-1 jnaker. a Portland castoff, pitch- and 11-6 in the Labor Day twin id the Stars to their 3-1 victory bill at Kennewick. while Lewis-u hi!e Sacramento Doured It on inn thumped Victoria 6-1 and of a gala occasion as hundreds of vounRsters and "oldsters" vied .Valerie Keehn and Eileen Peder- inaro ana jbii wu-c.. ' Lewis and Bobby Meigh-1 In nd 11 : Gary SmlUx Bob-nnd for prizes in the afternoon sports son, Don thousands of tickets pro-' en. Wilma Denlock and Diane by Grimble Gallya Ortaolfson. Twelve and 13: Valerie Keehn, Home runs: Mathews. Mil- ALL lilt Everybody gets a bit rwi-dewB new ana then, tired-eut, beaTy-heaHrd, and auyba Dolhered by backaches. Pernapa aatnng aonouiiy arrenf, tut a temporary task conditMn raiued by aiceta arid and wislea. Thal'i the time ta Uka Dedd'a Kidney Pilli. Uedd'i ilimuUu the aidneya, and aa help restore their norms! action at renMrfing oscoss atids and wasloa. Than you feel better, sleep better, work better, bet (lorld s Kidney Pilll now. Look for the blue boi nth the rod band at al dnifiut. You can depend an Uodd'a, u Selma Morrison, Joe Arlseneau. v8ukee, 45. Fourteen and 15: Jimmy Arl- stolen baes: Bruton, Mil-seneau, Neil Forman, Dennis Le- waukee. 25. lonrneau. I Pitching: Roe, Brooklyn, 11-2. ; f A It'i It's tht tht Hi-Spa.d Hi-Sp,.di Seattle, 13-0. . . 7-6 at Lewiston. Portland took a 15-4 drubbing Le wiston had little trouble with at San Diego in the first game victoria in their seven-inning of a doubleiieader, then recov- opener but it took the Broncs cred for a 4-1 win in the second. - vided free soft drinks and ice Mori. crrm for the youngsters dur- i Boys, Girls, 13, 14 and 15: Ann In? the; afternoon. . Colussi and Selma Morrison, The sports teed ( ff at about Elizabeth Gofers and Mary Gof-1 in and ket young atMetes and ers, Margaret Tarlor and Beverly ry-i5etitors busy until nearly S Calderoni. ,-. Open 16 and over: Paul An- pm, '-. vie than $50J ccntr'b-ted by'robus and Penio Peneff, Jimmy 1 J" "Stores and businesses and ' Robertson and Jackie Franks, r.ilipndlse donaied by another Buster Hill and Benny Windle. 76 saw that there were plenty of ; SK'PFIMi RACES good prizes for first, second and! Six and unfier: Irma McKay, tf-y- r all even's and extras if Barbara Ayres. Carol Hewer, r.ceddd. ' Seven and 8: Leslie Arney. Lor- Open 16 and over: Jack Franks, ' 48. Mru. Keisman, Benny Windle. strikeouts: Roberts, Philadel- SLOW BICYCLE RACES Pla' 17Z- Twelve and under: Don Lewis, AMERICAN LEAGl'E Frank Warren, Lynne Erickson. I ' . AB R H Pet. Thirteen to 16: Thomas Llr.d- Vernon, Was 550 95 182 .331 strom, Margaret Taylor, Beverly Rosen, Cle 5J7 96 176 .328 , - San Francisco, drlvinr? for the first division, dumped third pla'-e Los Angeles twice, 5-4 and 7-2. always insist on.eXQ I ! ' mm mm Electric KETTU Caldeioni. Minoso, Chi. 439 97 155 .317 Official starter r-as Pat For- Goodman, Bos. 46? 71 145 .314 man assisted by W. F. Garbutt. Kuenn, Det 611 E5 18S .308 m k V . . r I The refrechTicni oootn run oy riine Kltcrue, Margaret nuo- un-es at me nnisn une cr Runs: Minoso. B7. The faiieii, mm m-l t ,b(HlinK wairr . , . mi;i t oip of irs in 2"2 mmuin li,,, Jlnxl healing dim , , the water. Iljlf eji,, Brilliant chrianiua SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank ...... S 55.00 275 Onl. Tank 75.09 ?:5 Gal. Tank S 96.W 550 Gal. Tank .... $110.00 All tank made of cotte. Nine 10 and 11: Gailya Grimolfson, Roy Smith, Lynne Eri:k-son. Twelve and 13: Valeric Keehn. Ann Colussi, Selma Morrison. Fourteen and 15: Jimmy Arl-neau, Meil Forman, Mary Gof nck Franks. Nf. P. Pearson. Doug Hootz, F. W. McCormack, Buster Hill. In charge of results was Mrs. Greenwood. General chairman of the Labor Day celebrations was W. H. Brett assisted by committees under the fnllowine chi'rmen: finance. E. t" Wnmrn's Auxiliary to the UFAW,t; did a lana-office business-from 1 p.m. on and special .Jind contestants alike had bvk-Aihour to leave the park go "fctrrrre and le downtown in time for the soap box derby. A blg'crowd attended the Second. Annual Trades and Labor Council. Labor Day dance at the Runs batted in.: Rosen, 131 Hits: Kuenn. 188. ' Doubles: Vernon, 39. Triples: Rivers Chicago, 11. Home runs: Ro&en, 39. Stolen bases: Minoso and Rivera, 21. Pitching: Lopat, New York, .824. ' " " Strikeouts: Pierce, Chicago', V AulhoriuJ D,J McRaeBrcs.L: . .foremost In frozen food ers. A. Van Open 16 and under: Penio a. Evans; sports, Mrs. 12-gange steel j Industrial Welding Grrrn R.U 223 First Acnuc Dyck; . - , ; The Store That 5 r ; ; j Civic .Centre which wound up a. Peneff, Paul Antrobus- Benny ( p.-kMra Why. John O. well-rganized day that also i Windle. ' & i dance. Ken Laird, served- to mark the 80th anni. .. bntm rt'etflpWMln- ; - 168. lDfl.. . .. - MBOaBSSSOBBBBOJBVOBOBSBMBBBaSSBM -." 11 1'iu.itlOTrt versary pf the Trades and Labor tenko, Chariest AVnIsf.rpng, Franklyn Van Pykstra. Scccer Playoff Second balloon race: Elizabeth Set Tomorrow The soccer semi-final playoff between General Moto- and Remember When By The Ccnadtan Press Howie Morenz, nearing the end (Battery, cancelled last Wednes day because of the sudden death of Jerry Fcrd, wi". be played at Rorfveit P-rk tomorrov night, starting at 7 p.m. sharp. 1 Congress of Canada. Tsi''ts of the races and events with firsts, seconds and thirds lyd in that order follow: Gii?s ,4 and under: Sandra Kwotv, 7ud? Moore, Vicki Gillis. ani i.nner: Jackie Go-tor.', Jinunie Britten, Brian Beck. Girts 5 and 6: Arler.e Baker, J'iriv Pinniger, Karen Beck. Boys 5 and 6: Jerry Roberts, r-immy Lewis. Clair Brown. Girls 7 and 8: Marlene Philips. ! irbara McLaren. Gail Johnson nr.d Juy Grimlofson (tie). Toy 7 and 8: Jimmy Colussi Alan Currie, Richard Magnusson. Girls 9, 10 and 11: Beverly Fricksoh, Gailya Grimolfson, jv iThomas. Boys: 9, 10 and 11: Bobby The gime is. the tlrstof a of h's (treat haskey- career, returned to his beloved Montreal Canadlens 17 years ago today after two years' with Chi''ato r!ark Hawks and New York Rangers. He started his 141 h NHL season and was In good form until he suffered a broken leg in Montreal. Months later, in March, 1937, the srorts world was shocked when the "Stratford Streak" died In hospital. best-or-tnree series, tne-winners meeting, CYO :for cham--icnfh'.p. ' . Fin-'e'nsi; HeH may endan ger the'r heal'h because . ?ertns 'frequently lie under the naiw CITY TRANSFER. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOV.Nv - . M"ighen, Donald Lewis, Johnny , Olsen. i Girls 12 and 13. Slma Morrison, Ann Cohusi, Valerie Keehn. , Boys-12 and 13: Joe ArL-eneau, Reuben Robert, Philip Clayton and Thomas Lindstrom (tie). .Girls 14 and 15 (only two competing,);, Mary Gofers, Eleanor Lahti. Senior Boys 14 and 15: Jimmy Arleseau, Billy Short. Volker Schrader. Phone 950 CRATING PACKING ST'VltfiK First Avenue and Mc Bride Sueet . rr. u&YKXSW'i'' - jrWjK . -rvl. 1 1 t !. n ,.'..-. . . .. . -K i .-. MT- sas oi. f W . ..i...- v". - - V :'. V'. .. '&.:.. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA School for young sWivers t-r- i r; tt Y'J v v4 veuve mt u 1 f ' Trnki,- v 1 vC- ' nf irv -S f". hole in a piece I V ' LT ' VRpir same but the drill FW' .hCy'x have to be extrcn,? Kt r. ' I h '" CS hard and tough. HV - V- . . hf&' , ' cutting parts of tb. m - KLe-J-W. Yiytf driU .rede of md . tr2LT,0X steel because m ' . alloy 1 m htSJ lasts lonScr and c ' ' Itaamod- U ref quicker 13. - te- ;w PI vvK , . ''",:: If' ' '" .;yA "Do thy drill wry f,f " , '. I h : ' ! ' f-rr,, JlfiAM C V""-, Vcs, sometime oil wells .re drilled two , Right now is a good time to remind yourself that your children's education doesn't stop at day-school. For instance, your neighbourhood branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia can be another school a school where children learn the value of thrift and methodical saving the vital lebson of planning for the future. Your part i3 ' quite simple just suggest that they open a ' Savings Account at The Bank. Then let them do the rest. Your Bank of Nova Scotia is staffed by friendly people who are used to dealing gympathelically with the big problems of small persons. They will explain everything to young customers, and help this new adventure '; ' along to a happy conclusion. And unless you've done so already, you would '; be setting a very good example by opening a Savings Account for yourself. Vrr'i ' y nines ricces 01 are , .- , . :&rSsri . accp. pipe joincu ,. m ""- to wl: o,l,r ,a"d tt,e bl is ' r . -i ..in .a i r1'1'? 1 S I ' 4 ' '"'4 '. 1 screwed on the bottom end. To keep .,' p, e,.,..... ........ : .'l--rK I , ' I ' 'Sff ' this great length of pipe from' breaking . . ' v , V VmiinillW I ' I '1 ' i I ' s ' "'ll : t .,1 it is sometimes made of nickel alloy" ; f ' m5 tIM'!VU' 1 ' r ' ' 3 " ' steel winch is strong and tough. , U js I B r'V ijl; ' ,(.X '""I ' also less subject to Uie ctw. j ' $T 1- 3t" . 'K ' ' J roding influence or salt, ' & I 't: ' -l -lHur and chloride. Jl 'I1 U "! xrt' Mf w, U 'l CYyiyyZ'l vu found in oil-wells. ' r-l Your BNS Manager is a pood man to know. In Terrace he is . v v ' K. C. Sandover-Sly. ,. IK ni VS Ml I 4pnTfSTrr LIMITED, 25 KING STREET WEST, 15'- THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA B,.(1-.i'' rre pmiii.ii -.1 ft