Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, September 8, 1953 Many Attractive Exhibits Viewed At First 'Country Fair' in Armoury Frizzells Here To Pay Visit With Mother After 'culminating the successful sale of J. B. Roerig & Company, of Chicago, to the Pfizer Drug Company of New York, Howard Frizzell. nrpslripnt. nf the nette Marshall Wed Simple. 1 Rites Here i A lonz list of attractive ex-ifiva nntafA.. i t , ... LINDSAY'S! CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD, Established 1910 V.CVING . . . PACKING . CRATING u Etf'J-FIXG . . . t'OUWARDl.VG S lORAtlE Expc.'.en:eU handling Local, Nation-wide cUd World-wide Shipment. . MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINfW.I XV Agents Allied Vnn Lines Ltd. '..' Phonr 60 or K8 ,?or. 8nd ,nd fm A? , . ,,,, . v .1 i"" Jennie uomns, nibits and a- steady stream of 2. S. Albert; cabbage 1 S Al-spectator cc.mblned yesterday to bert; lettuce I. Mrs Stella Bas-make a success of the first so; nine green beans 1 H SU-n-country fair" put on by the 'gage; vegetable marrow-Mrs Edinburgh chapter of the IODEJ Basso; any other vegetable Mrs Downing; jelly 1. Mrs. Pollack,' 2. Mrs. MacDonald; salmon 1. Mrs. Downing, 2. Mrs. MacDon-eld; one white bread loaf 1. Mrs. Downing, 2. Mrs. Hodge; i chocolate cake 2.' L. Faught;1 dark fruit cake 1. Mrs k ' Venette Marshall, second eldest daughter .....v. - u,5,uu,,, Mre ian oasso ana s. Albert itwo firsts featured a wide and colorful as Faught; children under 16 i plain and Mrs. H. D. Marshall, last Saturday be-t bride of Mr. John Macarenko in St. Ari-Cathedral with Canon Basil S. Prockter sortment of entries which set to rest all earlier doubts pf Its ciganizers that the show was apiece), H. Stangage and Mrs. Holberg. Three apples 1. Mrs. Halberg; three sticks of rhubarb 2. H. Stangage; &u.. , preserved (iicwYCU cherries i Roerig company, and Mrs. Friz-jzell are spending a three-week (vacation with his mother, Mrs. !G. J. Frizzell, 972 First Avenue I West. ! Mr. Frizzell, who was raised here, left Prince Rupert 25 years ago for Valnnrnlsn TTnlvritv attracting - sufficient Interest. y- ( ,mg. idc given In marriage nwdru winners in Tn. vtxr nils . l o . AiiiiiifWiii ill- uiMMffi i n i I I hi li n ltd: cakei 2. Loree Faught. j Knitted sweater 1. Mrs. Eddie! Clark and Mrs. J. McCrae, 2". Mrs. j B. J. Codville and N. Moore; em-1 broidered lunch cloth 1. Mrs. I Johansen, 2. J. N. McLeod; ladies I apron 2. Mrs. M. B. Watt; j crocheted centre piece 1. Mrs. ; Scherk; any other hobby 2. E.I Sklpasky; unclassified 2 Mrs 1 The bride is employed with .he telephone exchange and the ;room is on the staff of Grant ind Newton. They left Sundav other, Mr Harold Mar Lse a suit of medium land after graduation started In 1 Dawson.; presen-ea i . . classifications-with first prize pears 1. Mrs. S. Downing 2 Mrs being omitted in some cases jr. Pollack; preserved peaches were: ! Mrs- Pollack, 2. Mrs. Downing; Dahlias 1. Mrs. Mary Watt, 2, sweet relish (pickle) 1, Mrs. M. Mrs. S. D. Scherk; phlox 1. F. J. . MacDonald; sweet mixea pickles rdine trimmed witn stripe turn-back cuffs Ir with white and red for a motor trip to the interior for a week and, on returning, Kill take up residence In the city. Fuller; perennials 2. F. J. Ful- 1. Mrs. MacDonald. 2. Mrs. Johansen. ;.s. The gift of the I pair of gold heaH-mrrlngs, was her only noiVTiliig, cliiii sauce 1. Mrs. Downing, 2. Mrs. Pollack. ier, sweet pta 1. Mrs. Scott, 2 Mrs. Ken Hardy; annuals 1. iid her corsage of Am- Mrs. scott; , - flowering - - . . f, aiuuu shrub 1 Strawberry, insfutiry raspberry and aim i. . I. J. Fuller; tuberous begonias; plum Jam 1. Daphne Scott;' any 1 1. If-.. 1 . . . I . , . : , . auty rosebuds com- ensemble. Mrs. Scherk: cut hlnnms 1 three varieties of jam 1. Mrs. Norman Sklapsky, 2. Mrs. Pollack; orantc marmalade 1. Mrs lurothy Marshall was t's only attendant ami Dusiness in Chicago with the tetrolagar company. Latei, with the late Joe Roerig, also formerly of this city, he formed the J. B. Roerig company, which progressed and developed rapidly. Sale or the business recently to tho Pfizer Drug Company for 86,500,000 is one of the outstanding financial transactions in the United States for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Frizzell are en-Joying a well-earned holiday renewing old acquaintances in Prince Rupert. They plan to return to Chicago, shortly stopping off at Vancouver and Portland en route. Next June, they plan an extensive trip to Scotland and England and possibly several coun Fjee Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism HOW TO AVO.'D CRIfrLING DEFORMITIES An amazing newl7 enlarged 44-page book entitled "Rheumatism" cIH be sent free to anyone who will write for it. It reveals why drugs and medicines give only temporary relief and fail ti remove .the causes of the trouble: exmair.s e soeciiiliz- FOR BOYS LOAFERS .BUCKLES - 9 OXFORDS BOOTS ...FOR GIRLS LOAFERS O STRAPS OXFORBS SADDLES vy blue suit with white s and corsage of pink . Best man was Mr Mrs. Scott, 2. Mrs. 8cherk; house plant 1. Mrs. Johansen, 2. Mrs. L. Couture; foliage, 1. Mrs. M. Sanka, 2. Mrs. Gail Kells and Mrs. R. H. Kells; decorative classes 2. Mrs. Gillian Hodge and Mrs. Couture; basket of cut flowers 1. O. P. Green; dinner Jurt and organist was liinwicK. ption was held at the ed non-surgical, non - medical A COMPLETE NEW RANGE PLUS : RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FASHION FOOTWFAR ATTENTION Mixed League Bowlers General Meeting of Mixed League Bcwlers will be held t the Powlins; Alley, 8 p.m Friday, Sept. 11th. Teams must be entered on or before that date. Entries will be accepted by B. Dunbar, Phone Blue 689, or J. Comadina, Phone 171. Parents Urged To Join P-TA The British Columbia Parent-Teacher Federation once again Is making plans for the observance of "Better Parenthood Week," September 13 to 19. All parents with children in school are urged to become .nembers of the federation by joining , local Parent-Teacher Associations. Objectives of the ass6ciation ire: : ' , 1 To make lathers and mothers more, fully awrre cf the Importance of using the oest possible methods In the care and training of their children and to acquaint them with the many sources of help and information available to thpm in handling their family the bride's parents at jbrose Avenue. Guests ted by the bridal cou-a lie bride's mother at-t U;-ess of brown crepe jtr accessories and co;- table arrangement 1. Mrs. Scott, . Mrs. Irene Jkhnstone. Mrs. Scott auK" won the most meritoripus aivard In the flower! classifications. j Children under 16 (bowl of1 flowers) 1. Carol Faught, 2. P.' Pierce; three beets 1. S. Albert, 2. Mrs. Scott; three carrots 1. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. B. Halberg; tries in Europe. treatment which has proven successful for the past 33 years. You Incur no obligation In sending for this instructive book. It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery. Write today to The Ball Clinic, Dept 5217, Excelsior Springs Missouri General Wolfe, the victor of Quebec, entered the British Army at the age of 13. lluw carnations, .lends and relatives to offer congratula-the ncwlyweds. The ic bride wa3 proposed jt Forman, being re- ADVERTISING IN THE DAIL NEWS BRINGS RESULTS tu by the groom. The Thii advertisement it designed to give you, at ft profpctiiv? buyer, detailed and helpful in-formctim. We'd be happy to have your com-im-ntv tj bout thii type of advertising. Juit chop a line to the Advertising Department, General Mo ton PiodiKU of Cmiiada, Oihawa, Ont. - hie, centred with a ;d wedding cake and uf fresh flowers pro- i ious refreshments for The wedding cake by the bride's aunt, fry Rcid of Port Essing- Devlin provided en- int for the guests. jn vocal solos. Honors 2 To encourage the formation of groups for study and discussion of child rearing problems. 3 To promote more co-operative understanding between parents and teachers and between the school and community at large. 4 To lend active support to all community efforts for better schools, child health, recreational facilities, v o c a 1 1 omtl guidance, and the prevention of delinquency. This year the goal of the membership committee Is 40,000 members in B.C. Largest inland sea In the world, the Caspian sea covers 170,000 square miles. st Man ports Day I uld man got a worthy yesterday at Roosevelt Jm William Brown of Home, was awarded Eis for being the oldest t the Trades and Labor gwrts rally. n, smilingly accepting confessed to 91 years p months. leans Mr. Brown was at-liis first sports days fie time of confedera- I for being the oldest li the grounds went to p Phillipson who ad-tt''g 78 years and nine fcung. Mrs. W. D. Griffiths (big hand for being the resent who had been ASK POt tCOTlANO'l FAVOUIIITI ION JOHNNIE 'WALKER Thii ia the 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air Door Sedan. It's one of 16 Chevrolet model in' 3 series, which add up to the widest choice, fin the low-price held. A General Muton Vlue. Some Chevrolet advantages worth considering-when youre ready to choose a car ... 0H 1120 TILL GOINO TIONO longest-44 years and fc; autPls and Mr. and py Wilson tied for the P'ily at the sports, both Next to a new house, a car is probably your most important purchase. Here are some facts to help you make up your mind about which make to buy. offspring, present and for. the newest and most advanced one. The new Powerglide automatically drops into "Low" range for starting and for passing in city traffic. Then, as you glide along, it slips' smoothly and almost imperceptibly into cruising range. The results are much faster and more positive acceleration, and much lower fuel consumption. One of the things we're particularly anxious for you to try out is the performance and driving euse-of this new Powerglide. " FINE OLD , SCOTCH WHISKY aqers i ph's Academy Cont our s e registration mean tremendous stopping power for emergencies and easier, smoother stops at any time. ' " '"' Chevrolet Is (he , Lowest-Priced Fine Car Line Certainly, price is one of the most important fac- ' tors of all. We're glad to be able to tell you that , Chevrolet isntfe16west-'pr1tB' IllW-rti itsHUU. fact, it is Canada's lowest-priced full-size car. Now, you might well ask, "How can Chevrolet 1 offer me more and still cost less?" There ia simple, logical answer to that. '" Remember that Chevrolet builds more cars thao " any other manufacturer. Chevrolet, along with General Motors, has greater facilities for research, rA: for engineering and production. So, isnt it reason- able that Uk-ic greater facilities bring manufac- turing advantages and economies which Chevrolet can pass on to you in terms of higher quality at lower price! An Endorsement Given No Other Car It wither 8, 9 and 10. Nrtlnnd, touch-type- f!;tipnn! nnrt noon. cts. ,2in partem The United indergnrten In the Distilled, Blended and t , Mottled in Scotland Coat.uu 16Vt (m, JOHN WALKER . SONS,i.TD. Scofch Whitley DixMlwt KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND Mj Tim advertisement u not published or rtlsplayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv tho Oovjrnmeot oi British Columbia. " Sixth Avenue West, registration Wednca- N at 10. Reeulnr pi Thursday morning. " (209) Many of Canada's highest-priced ears feature Body by Fisher. Because of quantity purchases of materials and (rreater production. Fisher can and does build extra quality into the Chevrolet body and interiors. The Many Benefits of High-Compression Power When you drive a new Chevrolet (and we hope you'll do that soon), you'll notice these things: faster acceleration from a standing start; preater passing ability in traffic and on the highway; the new ease with which you climb steep hills. These are just some of the benefits of Chevrolet's new high-compression power. In gearshift models, there is an entirely new 108-h.p. "Thrift-King" engine with a 7.1 to 1 compression ratio. Teamed with the new Powertrllde automatic transmission there is also an entirely new 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame" engine with an extra high ''oinpiession ratio of 7.5 to 1. A Great Gain in Gasoline Economy Along with remarkable new performance, Chevrolet's advanced engines give you far greater gasoline mileage. In fact, this year marks the most Important gain in economy in Chevrolet history. And that includes substantial savings on over-all upkeep, as well as on'gasoline. . New Getaway in th New Powerglide Chevrolet brought you the first automatic transmission in its field. And now Chevrolet brings you Isn't it a prrcat day the day you take delivery of a new car? You drive home cautiously and proudly, inhaling that wonderful new car aroma. Then you rnrli out in front, while your friend ard neighbors gather round to talk oven your choice with you. Naturally, you wnnt that feeling of pride and satisfaction to last. So it's worthwhile to weigh all the factors carefully before you buy. Let's consider , the important reesons why people choose one make over auuther uul i Uuw Clwviokt standi in those ' respects. - Styling You Tan SUy Proud Of Styling of course, is i mutter of personal f a, te. Because we think Chevrolet is the best-looking car in its field, doesn't necessarily mean you'll think o, too. But we can tell you that Hie majority of our showroom visitors prefer Chevrolet styling and compare its appearance most favorably with carl , costing a great deal more. And you might consider thja : Chevrolet stylinfr is '.the newest in its field. It's the kind of styling that stays new, too. For it is based, not on temporary fads or extremes, but on the fundamentals of good, clean, modern design. The One Automobile Body Almost Everybody Knows It's not really aurprising that so many people rre-fer Chevrolet's appearance. For Chevrolet is the lowest-priced, full sizo car in its field with Body by Fisher. And Fisher, as you know, ia the unly automobile body manufacturer with a world-wide reputation for styling, craftsmanship and quality, Hi MUSIC YOU LOVE The First Power Steering in a Low-Priced Car ... ' ' Chevrolet offers you the extra easf and convenience of Power Steering, optional at extra cost. With it, you can spin the wheel with the strengh of one finger. You can seesaw in and out of tight parking places without the slightest strain. You get an additional cushion atauiit, road shocks and jars. A Smoolher and a Safer Ride ' 1 Comfort's a big consideration to almost every huy-er. And almost every car claims to be exceptionally , comfortable. Well, here are some facts bearing on comfort that you can judge for yourself. i To begin with, Chevrolet has ample weight to , give a good, road-hugging ride. It isn't just weight that's been added indiscriminately, it's weight that comes from Chevrolet's extra strength, weight that means extra protection and safety because it's been utilized in strengthening body and frame. Then, Chevrolet is the lowest priced car with Unitiied Knee-Action. That means that the entire front suspension system is assembled and balanced as a separate unit. Only Chevrolet takes this extra step. And as you go smoothly, so you stop smoothly. Chevrolet's new brakes with their 11-inch drums wesented by . . . Again this yeur, more people are buying Chevre-lets than any other car. Obviously that wouldn't . be true unless people liked Chevrolet better. Unlca Chevrolet offered mors things people want more value. . , "" So, when you're ready to choose your new car, , wouldn't you agree that Chevrolet merits your, careful consideration? Believe it or not, there are . a number of things we want you to know about the new Chevrolet that we haven't had space for here f We welcome your visit at any time, so that yoi can look the car over yourself and try it out on the road. ,, , , Alaska Music Trail famous LUCINE AMARA . Dramatics Soprano. Star of Metropolitan Opera Company. Combination of 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame" engin. and Powerglide r..itoniatic transmission optional on "Two-Ten" and bel Air models at extra eos&, ' WEDNESDAY, Sept. 9th CIVIC CENTER MORE PEOPLE BUY GHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR C l'53 FftlZZGll'S MOTOR PRODUCTS WAITED option Follows for those Wishing to Attend Third Avenue ond Seventh Street Phone 871 J