I ; VVVWUVV" '.WW fliiite tf up-is, f in.il v Vj Tuesday, September 8, 1953 RADIO ELM. j 240 lC'oeycie CFPR. 'Prince Rupert Wins Shoot IT J, BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL m uv maMm O-OKGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone B!ac 846 and Red 1T1 Prince Rupert Rod and Gun club won the Northern B.C. Trap 1 !Lfl 4 T W V ' r John F:L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 . 21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 . DLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS KEITH H. TUCKER.": OPTOMETRIST ' Shoot Sunday at Terrace when they captured both the 'team event for the Corner Snack Bar Trophy and the Individual high score. Tommy Boulter of Prince Rupert was individual high score winner with a total of 22 points to win the Terrace Motors Ltd. Trophy. Runners-up were D. Ellison and C. Blackburn of Terrace both with 21. Rupert's winning team was made up of T. Parlette (captain) 17, R. Mongom Montgomery. 18. T. Boulter 22, G. Armstrong 16, A. J. Dominato 19, for a total of 92. The crowd was held in suspense during the sudden death elimination shoot when after six rounds R. Montgomery, J. Strong, issifioil Rates 1 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe U' 4 30 p.m. aay previous Phone 212- 527 3rd Ave. tfnw rxT word ptr In- THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3636 Lost Year ' 327 ,SuMea to Chanrt) 'hjKSbAY V M. OO Cue for Fun H:3n StiftM-r "Sfretlarte 7 :00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Rout-Up Leicester Scjua'? to Crotidvay 8:00 A Reporter Abroad 8:1 Quebec Province Today 8:30 Crime is our Business B OO Champions of Sport 0:30 Songs Prom the Shows 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Molly Bobak Speaking 10:30 Here Comes the Band 11:0(1 Mll'lr Till .Midnight 12:00 Sign-off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7-f.O B C Pt.be-men'i HM :l"i Muslim Clink 7-so CBC News: water Report 5:35 Mllslral ('lurk 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good '8:1. Utile Coniert 8:30 Mo-nlnu IJcvotlot. 8:4.T Musical Marrh Past 9:00 BBC News and Commentary lltl.T keyboard and Console 9:45 Famous Voices 10:oo Morning Visit 10:15 Musical Masterpieces 10:45 Invitation to the WalU 11:00 Your Good Neighbor Kate Altken 11:15 A Man and His Music 1 1 :30 Message Period - Recordings 1.1 :43 .Heandliialan Melodies P M. 1S:0(l Latin Amerlrnii Melodies 12":15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rcc. Int. .1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:30 Trans-Canada Mutlnee ! Notify. Funeral fljcith trrific Bombers Tied For WIFU Lead EDMONTON W What looked like a solid lead for 'Winnipeg Blue Bombers In -the Western Interprovincial 'Football Union was slashed to "a first-place tie In trie three'ga'rnt's played during ami Engagement nts. WOO. PHONE 458 MESSENGER PKS-LP AND DELIVER If ,:.iv double price. Nti Refunds 18 HELP WANTED MALE 36 ROOMS FOR RENT s'jf't n-f-pt rpnnnlbllltjr :i iclH inserted trioomwtlf and T. Boulter remained with no j'liif; cia:;siflr.-atum unifies missed birds. On the seventh all three marksmen missed and on 'it such errors Is rfrelvwl ,,;urs uf Ilrat InstTlljO. COST Accountant. Mining experience preferred. Apply Box 774 Dally News. (209) 20 HELP WANTED FEMALE brcamcr Pitnce Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER nd Intermediate Port Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN the Labor Day week-end. TWO furnished rooms. No children, no drinkers. 1063 9th Ave. East. . 212p) TWO single rooms! furnished. Men only. 145. East 6th Ave. 210p) Edmonton Eskimos started the 1 rt nnt -,. lt . , ' lw"-?a'"c more rounds before Strong miss, lead 1 h c f j m . In 6 Saturday night Calgary ed nls mrd IF YOU WANT A J CINDER DRIVEWAY, ; ' ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent p! Truck,': uid Equipment 1 1-n. Blue 933, M. .T. SAUNDERS 1 TEACHER for Conrad Kindergarten. Phone Black 275. (211) as they licked the hapless Stam ,NT AD LARGE housekeeping room on Fulton St. Phone Green 736. (209p) 21 SALESMEN AND AGENTS WEDNESDAY Midulghl Comfort and Service 1EPLIES SINGLE bedroom. Call Red 293. (2101 For reservi, Hons write holding replies 1 call City o,' !; n Omr. Local marksmen praised the Terrace hospitality and a return match will be held in the future. Prizes were as follows: F. Parlette won an overnight bag; R. Montgomery, hunting knife; G. Armstrong, back upright: A. J. Dominate gun cleaning kit; T. Boulter, shells e.nd game carrier; Bobby Mathews, (11 years old) won a flashlight; Mrs. Crossley won a box of chocolates. 9 Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON . LIMITED , REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 1 Phone 96, Evenings Black 8D9 E cs: following News ROOMS for rent 510 7th West or phone Black 937. (211p) ROOMS lor rent. 836 FraserSt. (211) 768 770 773 peders 18-6. Saskatchewan Roughriders held Bombers , In check at Reglna Monday afternoon with a 23-19 victory, the first loss for Winnipeg and the first win for Saskatchewan, and Edmonton slid into the tie easily Monday night on home ground with a 19-5 triumph, again over Calgary. Edmonton and Winnipeg now have six points gained from three wins and a loss each. Calgary and Saskatchewan are tied at two points from three losses and one win. Billy Vessels, the former Oklahoma Sooner, took the fight out of Stamps Saturday night. He blips must be 37 ROOMS AND BOARD EASY EXTRA MONEY 13 YOURS. Sell Name-On Christmas, Everyday assortments for highest commissions. Over sixty sales-tested items, terrific customer appeal. Unequalled Christmas values Including 25 card Prize Assortment, Gold'n Christmas, Velvet, Madonna, Duets, Surprise, Currier and Ives, Canadian Scenes. Appealing Everyday, religious, humorous cards. Personalized cards, stationery, napkins. Gift Wraps, Kiddies' Christmas stockings, Pop-up books, Bible stories, paint books, ribbons, gift card-i. Write for complete catalogue. jj for in person BOARD and room for man. Call Blue 639. young (211) I'M I NO EVENTS SCOTT Mcl.AREN CHARTERED AC COUNT ANT : Jamea Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. ' , Phone 347 P.O. Box 37. 39 HOMES FOR RENT Queen Charlotte Airlines Fall Bazaar, Novem- 4-ROOM self-contained suite. Central. Fully furnished. Furniture for Riilf Rr.v 77(1 nailu Fall Bazaar, Nov- Schedule trips to. News. (212) ran back the opening ktckoff 95 yards for a major score. samples NOW. Print name, address clearly. Name-On Sta xiliary dance Friday, Kitimar and Kcmano Tuesdays and Saturdays room nouse wnn lurni- Saskatchewan had to come tionery Company Limited. Derjt. ture for sale. 324 Sherbrooke. r is. (210p) B4, Room F, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. (H) PRECISION SAW FILINC All Types of Saws" Sharpened - - 115 1st Ave. V. Phone 'iKW . a axillary evening fa- fK, Thursday, October TWO-ROOM furnished ment 801 Borden St. 24 Situations wtd. male Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays from behind in the fourth quarter to ease by Winnipeg. Riders got touchdowns from Nellie Greene, Stan Williams, Mac Sneedie and Herb Johnson. Reg Whitehouse added three points on converts. Two of Winnipeg's majors were scored bv Lome Benson while end Neil Armstrong counted the other. GENTLEMAN, 33, married, de- 1 WO-ROOM fully furnished I PERSONAL WANTED for throe sires employment anv kind I olal -ove- N drinkers. Phone after 5:30 p.m. Hector lrnone Blue 825 aIler 4 Pm Ketchikan (211) VANCOUVER 7la Way points SUNDAY BS Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS September 9 and 23 ES Coquitlam, MiCnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE IS1 ANDS house-broken ktt- Ked 911. (210p) 11 Black 438 and ask 26 III II.DING MATERIALS THREE rooms and bath. 533 8th Ave. West. (211p) 210p) Alcoholics Anony- INQUIRE about our budget plan a ineie CHOP SUEY ... V ...CHOWMStN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Daily except Sunda.y) ... 40 HOMES FOR SALE AS 1 SEE IT (Continued from page 2 xor your nome improvement. 0. Box 343. Phone (234) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Chatter Service it Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones .76 and 620 No down payment. $100.00 to $2.00000. 6 to 24 mos. to pay. PH1LPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. TWO-bedroom house, oil heater. Available immediately $4000. Terms. Phone Blue 710. l SS PERSONALS Phone 651 or 652 1 ' : ' 1 liaMMalj hate to be fenced out of some place where there never was a fence before." LAST NIGHT a single shot rang out and a cheeky bear came I Hollywood Cafe ' SlX-ROOM'-t rrirs-p.-rs-eellent -'I2.9! j condition, close in. Cement basement, coal stoker furnace. SS Coquitlam, Midnight . September 16 and 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avc;;.ui Pnone 588 1 hi I IMmmM it mat pwblik.d o dtipl.yW v 27 Fl'EL W Umm CMrJ IW4 W GnnaS For Outside Orders Phone 133 air classified ad In this It the economical six i 15 words for 3 con-jbu-s cost $1.35: la I six consecutive days And remember, you jr vmir ads Just call .'-ws. tf-nr FOR your fuel requirements: ! Nire iawn- Pnone Black 9,. Stove and Furnaci?. ' l14p) to a sudden end. In these Dro- Oil -"Shell" Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. ,42 WANTED TO V.ESC BLONOIE Rv CHIC YOUNCL A Little Motter of Grev Matter tected premises it almost took an order from Ottawa to stob that fat boy's midnight snack Gas Facinc propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. 7 HOUSE or apartment. Green 781. Phone 209p) f 'il'ii, j , ' ( (o feel BETtesI j e vc voj must think im 3 I -.; j i I i 71 E-JfiFCRoa p -J0U TOOK (AN AWFUL DUMBBELL fw!VES DontXXjUL ' - ' VhS LIST Phone 651 or 652 - f229) raids. For the law says you can't shoot bears, or anything else in this national park. The bears, deer, moose and THREE bedroom house. Furnished. Red 977. (210pi 28 FI UNITI RE Oll SALE elk know the law better than I AUTOMOBILES HEM STITCHING machlnei" 'E bumpers, orrills 'i "Biimner Re-Nu!" jh' or polish! Just like It ts venrs! Rend $1 03 f nlor, 772 King West, I Out. (Dealers want-I (225) . Machinery Co. Lim-i'rilmtors for Mining, y ?Mn and Cuntrac- the strange species known as f homo sapiens. For there are I signs all over the park warn-j Chevrolet sedan for sale ' 19i hold furniture. Phone Black 528 , be Fair condition. May seen or call 537 7th Ave. East. 20Bp) at Frizzell Motors. Please direct furniture. bids to Bodard Adjustment Bureau, Prince George, Box 2253. Blue )210) HOUSEHOLD 602. (paient. Inquiries ln- (210) WHAT VOU WANT") V ' PtAS- CREDIT FOR - fi i' I Fl" :-J . U 'P'V , j 2r$, ! i ! . r 1 4L.J ! ... - I Li- . 1 KING OF 1 tit "Oi Ai. MOUNfEU - By ZANE GKhY , WliL. BeFOetXBCOAVHmtur 1 Vi tmie Turns LOOK Ptem I geTAU tHf0BMAriCHOHBI!MSOHTHATVOlJCMMAC... - ' :Af ii&r criF' av W . -SUCK K IK. msr- IT B' ttASC 'tewHBHUDeTeMIMTlov .-- iNevFWWAV.youvMHewev!:sntMti ill . Jrv'&eL- r' SK. 'zLtf a ", 5", tlVille Island Vanrin. i ... . .- Ing people of a $500 fine if they feed the bears but the tourists pay about as much attention to that law as to the one about declaring everything bought in the U.S.A. One lady (who Is a very close , . 1 liU JI-V ill.r.j j 1951 Studebaker V2 ton pickup with aluminum box, 25.000 W r rnnH(QYi i i JALES Repairs Rentals. Singer miles, pood rubber. Terms can Sewing Centre. Ptione 864. ic) be arranged. Phone 6U0 or Green 983. (213) imni, iM4iu !'l . for nxvgen. acet.v-j:'H welding Kiinnlles. I'rtage & Storage I . (c) FOR hALE MISC. AM PRO tape-recorder, new con lt)47 PLYMOUTH Reasonable Si buy. 1856 8th East after 5 p.m. (211p) and friendly reader of this column) received three nasty gashes on her wrist last week when she took a bear's picture. He was polite enough till the , picture, was done, but got an-4t -.Ved jjttiiWi ca raera- W.ts lowSred.' No dOutft the spoiled boy had mistaken it for a dition Willi one tape. Price $m. Phone Blue 1;18. tOl'p) 1 1 r old tires For n 'ile see KNTTTKON'S S h SFRV1CE. 811 Phone Ked 5!)8 . " SMaU. Titirnt,-ifii!tt'i- with nif --r.Nl 'flBuiffTHV: t ' es.i PhtawvKM4ttkse'i 130 -mtn East. (219p) f'Wns car to drive cab nc: Certificate of Title No. 31W4-I. covering lot Six Hundred Hi" cnnppm nHri ELECTRIC heaters, hot plate, radio, record player, electric motors, coal and wood range, necessary. Annlv '-V News. (209n Ric:iand. GuyntT !''1U! and pleetrlenl lunch basket. Yesterday another (male tourist received gashes across his chin. Maybe the interna-tion experts can learn a lesson from this truth. and heater, cordwood saw, ware house dolleys, auto parts, radi t'l 9th Av ; ' w-- (214) ators .healers, batteries, tlies motors, etc. Furnished trailers If the Russian bear ever gets Apply Midland Pines, Phone really nasty it may be whn Black 739, Box 34. Cil2 somebody tries to snatch back what he has eyed as his lunch. and Forty-Seven (047), Casslor District, saij to contain One Hundred Olid Sixty-Five (105) ncren. mora or less. WHEREAS satisiai toi y pr lof of loss of the above Cirtlficato of Title Issued in the name of Leo Pallttl has been filed In this office, police Is hereby given that I shall. t the exptratlon of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, lasuo a Provisional Certificate of Tttlo In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Of-,flce. Prince Rupert, B.C.. tills 17th dny of August. 1953. A D. RUPERT FULTON, Acting Deputy Registrar of Titles. (221C) HIMKBT CLEANER ;"UX. Phone Blue i.rls -Sales Service. j (cl I nulomnt.li nil ViTTil COMBINATION deep fryer (3 LI L AONU' Tes, Sir, inqr was igar nuuyn ' L TO (5IT vV'CWi AH'LL. PULLTM' PkUflCiIT)COULf4T I INHERE. BuT , ' fVU V? f A pots) and grill. A snap for anyone In fish and chips business. Box 779 Daily News. 3TTVVAN n;i711SCKl,LANEO U Four-fifths of the population of Romania, now under Soviet domination, are engaged in agriculture. . Ll'i. VARMiNTT.7 1Z -r J ,. IW'iuu""0"1, I II Wlr fi Vj" L " I1 metal work. Phone C!i Cth West. Letour-I (c) (ctrteal Works. MoT f it. sold, rewound and I (tf) WANTED TOP MAKKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc tt'OUNTANT. Income Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, n i list s n r,.i. At least 85 per cent of Ceylon'.-! nearly 7.000,000 population live in rural areas. (20m) i.oeirtes. Kddle's led. B.C. Phone PAeific 6357. (11) LEAVING for Saskatoon, Sask., Sept. 13 by car (1952 Chev.). Anyone Interested, leave name, address and phone number nt 'rybody usen 9U. '49 Ford Coach $1350 '50 International LOST 112 Taxi. uuy) By STAN DRAKE .; basket r--j Va-ton $1250 r , " will IIU Black 275. 1211) CASH FOR Scrap, cooper, brass, batteriis, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 Oth Ave. West. (c) '41 Chevrolet 5-pass. Itlt htAK I -KJi'- Wit '7 TAKE ME T r VcS M.' 1 ISN'T THAT WlSTE? PAN'S "W&f IS IT ? f TO THE A. V A CA? PiVINS AWAY FSO, THE ) V. (, j -ONES HOUSE... f I VC I JONES PLACE, MRS, MASONtTTa HASH'S I WC ' J i VES'M... se sews K nof 1 ROOMS FOR RENT 36 DINING PLEASURE f AVrfDMALE l.KARANciFORi: I-S3480, for the De-f 11 Fisheries, Prince P'.mo and Vancou-P ' tinilars on- Posters 5. Civil Servlce I w !; National Employ-f and Post orficA I forms r,hfi-v.i. Coupe $395 '38 Plymouth Sedan $650 '50 Plymouth Sedan $1450 '49 Austin Panel $950 1 NEW INTERNATIONAL 'JALF-TON TRUCKS . . . JUST ARRIVED SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. BOARD and room for young "quiet gentleman. Nice home. Non drinker. Write your particulars to Box 766 Daily News. (213p) ONE single room. "Board If desired. Men only. 812 2nd Ave. West. (209) in fc"'l, r'.'d be filed not SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe hue Th. T v,ommis- TWO sleeping rooms, one double, one single. Apply 109 11th St. (214p) fhem?q You Read The Classified Ads Regularly - Why Not Use