PROVINCIAL LIBRARY 1M c' I VIOI'J-.UA,' 5. C ORROW'S VICTQ"YT TIDES- ,, September 9, 1903 Stardard Time) mm Vs s CSDaily Vplvry Phone 81 X 20.1 feet 20.3 feet 4 2 feet 4.3 feet , 1:44 14:00 . 7:52 20:11 ! . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupeit, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XUI, No. 209 . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS F :" i Y o rv n nn n . n rx 1 1 in 1 1 1 i .. - v trv m i ' -s 0 t : , . V- ', A iv: N risning v.ratt Driven Ashore By The Cuwdlsn Press II A LI FAX The third big blow of the hurricane season blew itself out over the Atlantic today after snaking across the Maritimes'and leaving a trail of wreckage and distr ess in its wake. ..V The howllne winrlx anri lath- ting rains, worst In a decade. - ; - ' 1 " ' -v- -f i fr Top Jurist Getting Up After The Count brought at least one death and distress at sea and caused untold damage to apple and grain crops in Nova Scotia's farming belt, - ... - r ' Hurricane Carol hit., hardest in Nova Scotia, but New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island had the heavy wind and rains. Power and communication k M'OKK IS GOING AHEAD on the 3,85-ton Danlhh passenger vessel Kronprins Fred- has now been brought up to a 3T)-d grcc-llst position during operations at Harwich. i he vessel capsized alter Deing gutted by lire on April 20. No more can be done to the kill mud is pumped out of the hull. , breaks were general throughout ,1 , t fare Department Head Completes JkjutJL it tfmmit mi Via timi. Down Skeena in Home-Built Boat Dies In U.S. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of the United State Supreme Court, a Kentucky jailer's son who rose to the highest judicial office in the country, died unexpectedly of a heart attack early today. The 63-year-old Judge and former holder of many top government posts was stricken while at his Washington RESEMBLING SOME ANCIENT "choo-choo" train chugging along at full speed is this antiquated steam-powered threshing machine." Arthur Fla:k, on whose farm In Alpha, 111., It Is operating, said he bought the machine last fall Just "for some fun." But he has been able to thresh 37 acres ot oats on his 160-acre larm near Alpha without a bit of trouble. tne eastern provinces. Lt. Cmdr. L. C. Bishop of Halifax fell overboard in the heroic rescue attempt of his wife. Mrs. Bishop, a life preserver round her waist. Jumped into the churning sea after her husband but couldn't reach him. She herself had a tough time reaching shore and was taken to hospital suffering shock. Early today, hours after the full fury had hit the coast after whipping up the eastern sea limax to an enjoy- fy in "glorious weath- kirkcd this week-end daughter Sue and Canon Basil S. Prockter experienced a thrill-Ins ride down the Skeena River from Hazelton In a 15'2-foot tiutboard motor boat. The Madelcys, who had spent St. John Madeley. Movie Company Leave Posts lervisor of the Social rich, his wife Joan, three weeks around Babine Lake and Smithers fishing and en-Joying their annual holiday, left Hazelton Wednesday noon with Canon Prockter in a boat built by Mr. Madelry himself. The plywood, V-bottomed craft, powered by a 7','j-horse-power . engine, only shipped water twice, Mr. Madeley said. Despite the hazards ot the As Ice Crashes Dovn Glacier board at 35 miles an hour, one W CHOIR MEMBERS . fishing craft was sUU missing and another was reported in sinking condition, off the coast. :D TO ATTEND PRACTICE JASPER. A margin for error allowed by an astute Hollywood movie director Monday saved a motion picture company , from heavy loss of property and in-(ury to personnel including Jim-mle Stewart. Ruth Roman and Corinne Calvert. I A cornice or giant oveihang- An avalanche occurred near 1 ing jut ot Ice suddenly cracked the location for Universal In-land crashed down the side ot ternatlonal's "The Far Coun-lthe glacier with a thundering try" nearly three -miles up the! roar in the middle of ene Athabaska Glacier on the Co-j involving Miss 'Roman ' and lumbia Icefield. Stewart. . I Miss Calvert was waiting back nwlft-f lowing Skeena theyonly ' " His wife and his son, Fred Jr., ; The 75-foot Joyce Marie was ported sinking off the western end of the province and a coast guard cutter was racing to her went out 'today to all members' of the Rotary cir and any others who would like to Join to attend side to take aboard the crew. were at ' the apartment and summoned a physician, but Vinson died 45 minutes later. Vinson took over leadership of the U.S. Supreme Court on p the Civic Centre at 8 o'clock tonight. tor of the choir is Charles P, Balagno. Off the south shore, there still was no report on the 57- of the cameras for the following scene. The avalanche occurred at a safe enough distance from the foot Sister M. Antonio, missing after a trip to the Lahave banks encountered two really touchy" spots, the Steamboat Canyon where tne Kitseguecla joins the Skeena and further down at Kllselas Canyon, which although half a mile long had a couple of nasty boils with about 50 yards of rough water. All three adults enjoyed the trip but to 12-year-oJd Sue Madeley It was a real thrill. The ioursome reached Woodcock hv City Restaurants Warned company so that property and June 24, 1946, an appointee of former President Truman to succeed the late Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone. The Kentuckian's death paves the way for President , Elsenhower to make his first ap- off ths coast. Apple growers said the winds knocked down enough apples to fill more than 250.000 barrels ALLEY BOWLERS TO MEET WITH MANAGER TONIGHT ' A meeting of all bowling .league officials will be held In j the alleys at 8 o'clock tonight to discuss the J953-54 season with' manager Jack Sedgwicki :,' ';' : J ' : .' v Among business to-be discussed will be' the-new five-pin-scoring, method 12-3-5-3-2 approved at the annual meeting of the Canadian Bowling Association last spring. Officials of alt leagues are urged to attend. bserve Regulations and' said the 'damage- might ,be; Wednesday nlcht and camned ! pofntment to the Supreme Rupert restaurant, been told to ob- there. Thursday night they Court bench, reached Usk and after coming There Is some speculation "r level of sanita- that California's Governor Earl premises or they Warren would be Eisenhower's o (insure, sanitary personnel escaped Injury. However, the entire company, of actors, cameramen and, technicians abandoned their posts, leaving cameras still grinding. Commenting on the avalanche, superintendent Harry Dempster of Jasper National Park said today: "Good sense and the co-operation of director Anthony Mann prior to location shooting avoided a catastrophe," Tourists from Jasper Park Lodge frequently go 2Vi miles up the glacier in Snowmobiles but Mann, with permission of choice. as j high t as . , $lJ)00,Bm " On grower salt his loss was '60 per cent and the average about 45. All along the coast small and large craft alike, warned in plenty of time as the hurricane approached from its Caribbean spawning ground, had ducked Into port for shelter. , But even with the precautions, some were In trouble. Iim ... i.nin.. Il..n V. ...... 1 -1 given copies of city sanitation regulations and warned to adhere to them. Main objection to sanitary practices found by Mr. Hiebert were food handling techniques and the manner In which sugar and milk were left exposed. Use of wrapped - sugar cubes and covered containers for milk has been advocated. Mr. Hiebert L. Hiebert of the h Unit said today. Vinson's elevation to the high through Kit-solas Canyon got to Terrace about 1 p.m. Friday. Saturday afternoon they beached the boat Just above Telegraph Point and hitched a ride into Prince Rupert. While Mr. Madeley agrees that trip was nothing "to brag court seven years ago capped it has just cumplct- Full-Scale Dispute Looms Over Exchange of Prisoners a public career that Included w'M k Inspection of service In all three branches of about," he says that it was well said he would not tolerate open worth it and would do It again. the government. During the Second World War he was' appointed by former President Franklin D. Roosevelt to head in turn the office of It Impossible to get full details, gcale dispute over the exchange and lists from letters written by The weather office here said 0f war prisoners Is building up. i captives. There are 16 Canadians and restaurants, ur of the city's cat-are extremely clean -top shape" hygien-lllebert said. How-five are only fair 'npneiois have been Jugs of milk. "Not many people think of do- Kltchens were found to be ing it any more,- he said, reasonably clean with most Superintendent Dempster, took the movie troupe li2 miles further up this greatest concentration of ice south of the Arctic Circle. economic stabilization, the federal loan administration and Sambro lightship, stationed at the mouth of Halifax harbor, reported winds of 80 miles an hour in gusts and nearby Dartmouth had 70. . Fire Damages .Garage Wall cafes using sterilization compounds in the rinse sinks. Some owners were warned to use disinfectant at all times, not mere- Iv nui't tin-in the office of war mobilization. Truman then chose him as treasury boss. The Communists accused the 0" ,0r' UI T 19 llsted the and k one Allies of holding back captives a1 and the UN command drafted a'.'the RCAF. i demand for the return of Allied The UN list, after careful re-PoWs lt asserts are still In Red j checking, will be handed to the hands. ' j Communists with the demand While Peiping radio clalmad i that the Reds either return or the UN command withheld 357 account for the missing men. Chinese and Koreans from re- The list was to have been " . ' Prince Rupert Fire department , , asked , j , to The pubhc is co-!was calp(1 to ft ire with Mr. Hiebert in operate Motf)rg M(.BHde strpe( at n:30 the city s restaurants keeping Saturday when a fire spread 1 on a high plane of la ' from the battery charger, Ignited by reporting any viola ons on the cemf,nt f,oor and against city regulations noticed I burned a wall I " j hi patriatlon, Gen. Mark Clark's j given to the Reds Monday, but headquarters worked over a list was delayed pending further Young Fisherman Drowns Here Over Week-End Calvin Bell, 21-year-old fish- I The body of Bell, son of Mr. erman from Masset slipped off a and Mrs. Adam Bell of Masset careful checks. of Allies believed in Red captiv Injured Worker Flown South Eugene Labelle, Vancouver, who was worning on a turnapull when a reported earth tremor occurred on the Terrace-Kitl-mat railway right-of-way, was brought here by ambulance last night and flown to Vancouver this morning by CPA. Prince Rupert ambulance helped make the transfer. ity. wnile tliey are in caies or tes-i Allied spokesmen said the names will be announced in The fire crew broke the class The names were collected from taurants. on the door and partly stemmed lisn Doat at cow Bay floats Sat' Washington, but that there was Interviews with returned prison- was recovered by drag lines almost in the same spot Sunday i the blaze with a fog nozzle and then gained entrance and com morning. no indication yet when this will be done. Spokesmen declined to give any hint as to how many names were on the list. plcted the Job with a carbon An inquiry into his death Is dioxide extinguisher. It Is be urday night and was drowned, RCMP reported today. Prince Rupert ambulance was called to the scene but the young man who fell between two boats failed to come to the surface. Attempts to locate him failed. being held this afternoon. Customs Levies Dip in August Six other known violent deaths. lieved the fire started from a short circuit In the battery char plus an apparent seventh fatality ger. , were recorded In British Colum bia over weekend. War Correspondents Score Attempts to Withold News PORTES DE L'ENFER, Que.'l lous threat to the public inter- The indicated seventh fatality results from the finding Sunday Man Fined , $50 on Driving Charge ' Henri Young, was fined $50 and costs, or In default one month in Jail after he pleaded guilty In police court before Magistrate W. D. Vance, to a charge of driving while his ability was impaired. Total of duty, taxes and other levies collected here during August by the Dominion government Department of Customs amounted to $44,363.21, F. W. Grimble, customs collector, said of a 14-foot outboard-motor beat running wild off Point Grey. U'ER. talnntBH There was fishing gear and a F'ropolitan Opera CP The Canadian War Corre- est the repeated attempts of man's herring-bone tweed jacket senldr military officers to dis par will open the N Trail series to- spondents Association Monday labelled as a "serious threat to in the boat. The known dead are: courage and in some cases to prevent free alscusssion of and the public interest" attempts by Joey Arnold, three, of Vancou '" aithe Civic Cen-vear-old San Fran-'"o whose phenom- ver drowned near Oolden. Charged with shoplifting, Mah ' senior military officers to dis-Heong, pleaded guilty and was -courage or prevent publication information concerning Canadian military acUvlties at home and abroad. today. The August collections are more than $5,000 lower than the total duties, excises taxes collected in July when foreign vessels coming Into Prince Rupert contributed $50,182.89 to federal coffers. Collection of $44,363.21, however, brings the e'ght month . er-''55'''' - : . :: ? ' XJ " r - - ' -V . . T'i Mrs. Clarissa Lochead. 83, of 'Knt years amazed musin .- fined $25 and costs or 14 days. Vancouver, traffic victim. Mrs. Pat Donoghae, Chemain us, B.C., traffic fatality. rr fourth year full ?' we MetroDnlltnn panist will be Don An unidentified 20-year-old man kiUed in traffic mishap near FATHER- of information about Canadian military activities. The association spoke out in support of three of its members whose criticisms of the morale and personnel standard of the 27th Canadian Brigade in Germany were attacked by military authorities. Also before it was a report on severe new restrictions Imposed by the Canadian Army on correspondents with the 25th Brigade In Korea. The association's resolution, forecast "St RoelniT ... "The association affirms the responsibility of the correspondent and his publication to keep the public advised on the quality and morale of the forces and the conditions and environment in which they operate, and to accept only the restraints of military security in publishing news and comment." Three association members-Bill Boss of The Canadian Press, Ross Munro of the Vancouver Province and Lionel Shapiro of Maclean's Magazlne wrote critical articles after visits to tha 27th Brigade In Germany. Evidence showed that Heong had in his possession a can of sausages after he had completed his shopping and paid his bill at Super-Valu store at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday. George Jeffrey, charged with assaulting a police officer and occasioning bodily harm, was remanded for eight days. The charge arose following an affray in front of the Dominion Barber Shop, West Second avenue. Saturday morning. Following the same incident are Larry Wells, Bob Smith, Margaret McKay and Edna Wilson who luce u charge of taking part in an affray. total revenue for 1953 to $414,-076.10. , August's total was also lower than August of 1952 when customs revenue was $56,142.36. July of this year saw more revenue come In than In July 1952, when only $39,626.86 was collected. Other totals for this year are as follows: January, $46,091.58; February, $52,712.88; March, ....... uuuuy R. becoming .. nope. , Mrs. Mary Jane Hirshfield, 69, Vancouver, found dead near an unlit gas Jet. George White, 65 Victoria, whose body found Monday lying face down In water off Swift-Canadian Co. in Victoria. A survey shows that in the U.S. at least 541 persons were killed between 6 p.m. Friday and midnight Monday. The dead included 379 killed In Var nhio ! ii Britain claimed today that her new swept-wing Hawker Hunter Jet (above) is the world's fastest fighter plane. She based the boast on RAF Squadron Leader Neville Duke's record-setting average speed of 727.6 miles per hour in the aircraft Monday. Duke's record, still subject to official confirmation, topped by 11.91 miles an hour the mark of 715.69 set in July by United States Air Force Lt.-Col. W. F. Barns in a U.S. Sabre. The 31-year-old British ace, a Second World War veteran with 28 confirmed kills, set his record on a measured three kilometre course at this English south coast resort. A "magic eye" timing device clocked his top speed at 738.8 mph. The .official time t,ken from nn average of four nitis. . lUUUl- adopted unanimously at Its I"! : and high Wed-P. Hardy, 45 and 62; f Prince Rupert, 50 week-end annual meeting in Laurentide Park, said: The CWOA rognrrts as t r- $53,189.96; April, $42,385.51; May i traffic mishaps. $5(1418 50; June $74,731 BH. J