Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, September 8, 1953 BLACKWOOD on WALLACE .DEPT." STORE CfB5 TOO TAME 1 CALGARY (CP) Because zoos find lions expensive to keep, and lion-tamers want their animals wild, the Calgary zoo is P' ,' Boys one Girls fcv finding difficulty disposing of FLANNEL LINED surplus. It has three young cubs, ' bred In captivity. i Meet to Discuss Effect Of Alcohol on Driving Spcial to The Daily News conferences will be more than TORONTO. The effect of al- 200 scientists, doctors, lawyers, cohol on driving will be probed safety experts and law enforce-by representatives of more than ment officials from every part 20 countries from South Korea of the world. y to Argentina when the second The first conference was held Boxer Longs By EASLtY BLACKWOOD X v V Dale's Craftiness Puts Abel Down One ; And Bib Overalls S $2.S5 - 3 95 f y f. t i international conference on alcohol and road traffic ' gets under way here tomorrow. Purpose of the conference is in Sweden in 1950. Since then, research on alcohol detection devices such as the breath- Here is one of the devices you can use when you are almost strong enough to make a force to game after an opposing opening bid. You can overcall with one more than necessary in your own suit. to study the effects of alcohol balloon test and the alcometer on road traffic and to deter- has been conducted in Canada mine what can be done through and elsewhere. Surveys and ex-scientific investigation, educa- oenments in various phases of tion, legislation and law en- drinking and driving have been It pays to buy quality, especially when quality costs no more. Choose from either denim or corduroy both with warm plaid flannel lining. S Sizes 3-4-5-6-7 years. 1 Wallace's Dept. Store III11IB1I1III This bid says. "Partner. I am not quite powerful enough to make an overcall In the suit bid by my opponent. But I don't EHi4 dealer Nolthcr sllc vulnerable Nurlli Krrll) b 6 6 ' H 9 4 l6 Ml OK Q 4 foicement to combat misuse of made during the past two years alThnl pmong drivers. need much hup irom you 10 make came. About a trick will the results of which will be pre- Taking part in the four-day iciHea at the conference. Wot (Mr. Iiulr) 8 10 U 8 7 4 3 ll A y 9 rK 7 (Mim tt-K J 3 H None I) A y J III t a do. And don't worry too much about my trump suit. It's long nd strong." Understanding this message, Mrs. Keen had enough to raise Mr. Abel's Jump overcall in today's deal. Miss Brash thought a long time before passing four hearts, doubled, but as it turn C- 3 tit c a 7 8 M.nlh (Mr. ,lrl) H- A W II K J 1U 8 7 3 a U B C-A J 10 ed out, her final decision was a profitable one. Mr. Dale put up a sly defense THE AI.L-Yi KATHEl J fashion's smart :.-,, evcry-day wear, his 1 2 Th iiuuiunr fUwt South ID 2 H 3 8 4 H based on a plan to take tricks J 8 DDI 'J II All Pom with all three of his trimps. He nfteidte oDened the five of clubs. Mr should have become susplctou. Abel won on the boara wun the queen and led a heart. Miss ac:;iBn. uenerously smooth aceUite tiuy lare round patch pr man sleeves and hat collar. The coat iimt-at Annette Maiistll'i when Mr. Dale refused to leai either of the suits bid by hit side. He should have known Mr. Dale wanted to ruff a club. To eliminate the chance of that happening, he should have led a diamond at trick two. This Brash discarded the ten of diamonds and the king lost to the ace. Now Mr. Dale led his last club which was taken with the ace in thp rinsed hand Out came an Q2 KNOWS THE mi ther trumn and Mr. Dale was would have taken away the onl) in with the aueen. .. I possible means of entry to Miss He led back his small dia-; Brash's1 hand, mond. the seven, to make sure And with that enfry gone STRATHMOPX ft Mrs. Martha tXiMj.r ild widow, esUmattiib total of $1,350 by taf. honors in several n : grams during Aujua Miss Brash would win the trick. 1 Mr Dale would never have taken She did win, with the ace, and ja trlcfe wth Ws gU of hearU returned a ciuo wmcn mr. lhic j ruffed with the six of hearts. ( . Down one. Today and Wednesday , 7 p.m. 9:05 pn Mr. Abel had no excuses. He Lana Turner Marries Again tew Swwps lh Scrun with Apichi fury! TURIN. Italy 1 AP Film stars Lana Turner and Lex Barker were married Monday in a climax to a long romance. Tlw civil wedding took place at city hall. Barker, who played Tarzan in v CHARLTON HtSIOH nSflB! ARROWHEAD itunmouLun 1 if .ikP.i.nciUirJi4 several films. Is in Italy making a motion picture. Miss Turner lp fO accompanied him here. ,ropcye CAPIT Miss Turner, 33. and her carroon H.W they I and' News bridegroom, S4. thought had given fans the slip would be wed In privacy. I But ns they arrived at city I hall 30 curious clerks from the I - BURT LANCASTER ! registry office were on hand and photographers crowded : about. Miss Turner previously was m 1 i Mayo wed to band leader Artie Shaw, actor Steven Crane and millionaire Bob Topping. 1 ' YjTyT nfy WAHNtu bos' 1 pulp and paper,' mining anil manufacturing rt f .i 1 t itutlii'ir pjeKeiU,pNitioti-r-whiih, JJ.i - H"" I jnihisuies. ! L indirectly, adds to the prosperity of all iHT Canadians. , m a Uranium Found in Maritimes HALIFAX Mines Minister A. H. MacKinnon said Thursday uranium has been discovered ..! "I IjnUUK LUIMNDKh . ' ' TODAY & WEDNESDAY rem Eveninqs 7: - 9: p.m. AMMorsrun&'n I J over a fairly wide area 01 a 1,000.000-acre tract on Cape Breton Island. He said the deposit may be of ' great value. ' MacKinnon made the, announcement at a dinner meeting of the Mining Exploration Corporation. Ltd., of Toronto, which, he said, made the discovery and Intends to spend $1,000,000 on exploration in the area during the next three years. Behind the familiar wall switch lies the far-sighted planning and ingenuity of Canada's electrical in- . dustry that provides the low-cost power and efficient equipment which is helping to raise our standard of living. When you want light in a room, you sSjr just Hick a switch. It's as simple as '3 "pjP that. And, if that minor miracle: is ft v taken for granted, consider a few of. LrSSfe l'ie ot'ier tas'kS electricity performs in the home. It cooks complete meals while you are out takes the labour out of cleaning, polishing, washing and ironing keeps perishable foods in perfect condition, for months if necessary supplies constant hot water brings you radio and television entertainment and helps to keep your home cosily warm in winter and delightfully cool in summer. This is fast becoming the pattern of living in even remote Canadian homes today. When you flip that familiar switch on the wall, have you ever given a thought to the amazingly intricate system of power equipment that lies behind it? From the start, the story of Canada's electric utilities has been one of phenomenal increases in demand for power being constantly met, with the result that Canada has become one of the most highly electrified nations in the world. And, as always with this enlightened industry, tomorrow's needs are being taken care of by today's planning. This Company engineers, manufactures and supplies a complete line of electrical equipment including generators, transformers, switchgear, wire and cable for the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power as well as the, motors and contiol, electronic devices, appliances, lamps and other products that put it to work. We, of Canadian Ceneral Klectric, take pride in the fact that electric power has become the pulse of the Canadian way of , . f r 1 t 1 JUL While the role played by electricity in the hune naturally looms large with j' all of us, it should always be reineiu bered that by far the larger part of the me iM-cause asijuiiauus T5TSjs. oldest and largest electri- power generated is used by industry. In fact, it is primarily because of the availability of this dependable source of power that Canada lias been able to develop her aluminum, cal .manufacturer we have helped to make it so. You'll Need This Care for It Now! It's hard to think of winter's cold days with a hot sun over our heads, but any homeowner knows that his radiator Is needed sooner than he thinks. That is why the wise home owner calls us now for radiator cheek ups. Play safe. Phone 174 Smith & Elkins LIMITED 259 Third Aye. W. and groutf riant the for your Jut" CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OPEN A SAVINGS' LIMITED HEAD OFFICE TORONTO ACCOUNT AT Canada's Oldest and Largest Electrical Manufacturer sf?(SglniMlE