l'ii'. kui-'t'L-'uil, Nc.v; Tuesday, September 8, 1953 I The famous Snev apple jrai', developed by Char es HamrdnJ Alan Majore Soap Box Derby Champ , Aldll majore last mtrht fan- I mnllfn and -Tarlrlo Biirlnlnh nn j ouuw oi me ieaerai agriculture Heat 18: Tayte McNeice beat1 department, who died in ldm. ?. Victories Will Give 7vnFiifl Ull I , - 1 . . . . T . tured the Trades and Labor ' off lur second and third place. Council Second Annual Soap , Watmough having won five Box Derby when he defeated his ' races and lost one and Rudolph last year's rival Billy Watmough having won three and lost one. in an exciting 28 heat scries of I Watmough won the final race jers Pennant This Week I oiyf this quick; fjOE REIC1ILER races on Second Avenue to place second. Campy now has 136, three more than Dickey drove In with the Pre dporta Vvrlter The dapper little racer lost to no one durine his serip ct ro. 6 the National League and won handilv in ins only inree more to collect $25 first prize. APltASINO . The crowd which braved the pouring rain saw an erreiiont xieak i. noy smim oeut Danny Phillips. Heat 20: Alan Majore beat Jackie Rudolph. , Heat 21: Billy Watmough beat Ray Mclntyre. j Heat 22 (girls): Roberta Reid beat Patsy Pearson. Heat 23: Tayte McNelce beat Ray Rudolph. . Heat 24: Billy Watmough beat Everett Hall. Heat 25: - Alan Majore beat Billy Pederson. Heat 26: ackle Rudolph bett Danny Phillips. ; Heat 27: Billy Watmough beat Billy Pedersen. Heat 28: Billy Watmough beat Jackie Rudolph. Selection Of cars sneerNncx Hnmn iiMV Yankees. Hank 8auer was the chief Milwaukee tormentor, leading the Cubs to 4-3 and 6-4 triumphs. Cleveland Indians shaved New York Yankees' American League lead to nine games, winning pair from St. Louis Browns while the Yankees were held to a split In a doubleheader in Boston. Home runs by Al Rosen, Larry ----- Doby and Dale Mitchell gave the In the girls' races Roberta Reid won two races while her confrere won one. and lost two. Roberta won the $20 first prize with' Patsy receiving $15. Presentations were made by S. Grlmolfson, and winners were congratulated by W. H. Brett, general chairman of the TLC ibor Day sports. Chairman of the Soap Box Derby was John O. Dyck. RESULTS Second Avenue between the bot jo. Utnerwise me run-luklyn Dodgers almost should challenge Pitts-jpcord 27'j-game bulge p ago. ic pennant in sight, frs have been getting ?tlie minute. Since Aug. ier-packed Brooks have 114 att tling works and the Civic Centre with the averapp tlm fm- m 9 lb, pip tomotoM fa 1 1H cypf EhOPPM onions iM.fr each car being between 40 and CI :tP chopped colory 412 topooni Mlt S3 games 10 ooosi ineir Milwaukee from 7a to ndlan8 a vtory after Bot 'Monday's two Brook- j Lemon had blanked the Brown, T. ni.ii-j-it.i 3-0 In the nnener 9 taoitpo4nt tuQof Va lai(on ppffr i rr'r-i-i 1 toaipoon Colman'f Muttar4 1 tab'iD4en Warmiai.),!.. m seconds. Second place prize of $20 went to last year's derby winner Billy Watmough and third prize went w Jackie Rudloph. - Winner of safetv fpatnr nri y k r ?v-d JC..I. - l . .i-ilu.V--Nfc. . - j over numucipuia - rlis Braves were knocked WILLIAMS HITTING iby Chicago Cubs gave Ted Wi! lams hit his ninth Vl cup cicW vinsgar - r 1 I' If tip tomatoes re used, ped and theo cfaop. Combine with " remaining ingredients, in or- der named, in a tars Latfle. of $10 went to Raymond Ru- :s uii'ii juiifei-ni, i:au ui iiuiiirr wim a man on Da.c;e and ftitlplprl In nnntVinr Mm In K aoipn, originality of design prire of $10 went to Billv Ped- Simmer, uncovered, 45 mial, Or untii auite thirlc. Pnnr inrn lers would have to win Red Box 7-4 opening triumph inlna 1A oamo. L -. . 1 i I n ,. ersen, and best-built car nriw dean, hot jars and cover.' Set- Heat l: "AIan- Majore and Billy Watmough, cancelled due1 to poor start. j Heat Z;1 Jackie Rudolph beat Qeorge Pearson. , Heat 3: Donald Murray beat Raymond Rudolph. , Heat 4: Billy Pedersen beat Ray Mclntyre. i Heat 5: Billy Watmough beat Tayte McNiece. . Heat 6; Everett Hall beat Roy Smith. i Heat 7 (girls): Roberta Reid beat Patsy Pearson. I iruiriiiiinB w -,..,,. me itiimees. mtii rarneu Braves were dropping won his "19th, but needed help ) better the 1902 pen- from Ellis Kinder. Joe Collins of $10 went to Ray Mclntyre. Alan Majore In winning, won four races In four starts. His closest competitors, Billy Wat- on' wire rack in a covered ' " kettle, with boiling water to covet tops of jars I. Boil 30 mins from time boiling re-r ,; tumes. Makes 3 to 4 pts. CKSiH SAFE RELIABLE SERVICE Prompt and Courteous Phone 5 37 TAXI Ken Ncsbitt - Ronnie Tutb GAY WALKER OF PHOENIX, Ariz., leaps for a high one, as she Justifies her title, "Miss Baseball of the Arizona-Texas League." The 18-year-old beauty, a student at Arizona State College, will compete in the National Miss Baseball contest to be held in Atlanta, Oa., In December. Rocks Advance To Boxla Final Heat 8: Alan Majore beat Fumble by Argonauts Costly 0 j; ping Pirates record, paced the Yankees to a 5-9 sec-jrmrsc, is practically an ond game victory with four hit ty. j including a home run. jpTORIKS I Detroit Tigers climbed into ti gained Its 95th and sixth place for the first time jries Monday, knocking this season, whipping the third-Roberts and Curt Sim- j place Chicago White Sox twice identical 6-2 scores. i 6-2 and 4-2. paera can clinch the Washington trampled Phila-sweek. They need only 'dclphla Athletics 13-2 and 8-3 as pi Ion of four victories Jimmy Dykes' crew plunged into Milwaukee defeats to seventh place. Ittie Braves mathemat-1 Red Schoendlenst and Stan I IMuslal led the Cardinals to a Jnpanclla ruined 81m- double victory over the Cin-fthe nightcap with a clnnatl Redlegs 4-3 and 1-0. Billy Watmough. Heat 9: Raymond Rudolnh As Tiger-Cats Top League VICTORIA 0 Victoria Shamrocks Monday night defeated Vancouver Pilseners 12-5 to advance into the Canadian La lose it. Three other Arena marie beat Ray Mclntyre. Heat 10: Everett Hall beat Don Murray., - , Heat 11: Billy Pedersen beat Roy Smith. Heat 12: Jack Rudolph beat a bee-line for the hall, but it crosse championships against Peterborough Trailermen. , The league champion Shamrocks ended the western finals on a hieh note heins nnrlpfoaidri Tayte McNelce. t homer In the six h plttsburgh., ia.st-place Pirates V erased a 2-1 deficit. ... . , "... , Heat "eat 13 f Bi"y Billy ly In 22 games at Victoria memorial ! WaftnolA "Waemolijgi beTit tMT f arena. ; George Pearson, ffQj liBIs on his 39th homer ' " r . . . ,i . - 4 ii. . i . i m to break Bill Dick- "lt; " oi u mark for a catcher. Oiants 9-7 and 5-3. . By WALTER GRAY Canadian Press Staff Writer Toronto Argonauts suffered a sudden case of dropsy Monday ind lost a game. The 1953 Canadian football ;eason got the highball sign during the Labor Day week-end when Ottawa Rough Riders defeated Montreal Alouettes 26-6 n Ottawa Saturday and Hamilton Tigcr-Cats downed Toronto 14-12 In Hamilton Mon-lay. In the Ontario Rugby Football Union, Sarnia Imperials turned back Brantford Red-kins 9-8 in Brantford Saturday night, the Kitchener-Waterloo Tney went through the regular neal 1,: Aian Majore beat schedule of 16 games without Raymond Rudolph, loss at home. I Heat 15: Danny Phillips beat Lenrllnu the Irish to victory Roy Smith, were Archie Browning and Alan Heat 16 (girls): Patsy Pearson O'" Met, scoring three goals. . be ,t Reld .The Shamrocks will open their Heat 17: BiJly Pederson beat D?st-of-seven series aea nst Pet- r, n.) i . .nil ; " . . . , K , 4n ' ; SK-BURTCf- TYPE : spicy e NUT BROWN Alt took another bounce and landed back In Truant's arms on the Hamilton 13-yard line. The Argos had to call It a day. The win put the Tiger-Cats on top of the league with two wins and no losses. The Argos are tied for second place with the Rough Riuers atm ine m-ouettes with one win each. In Ottawa Saturday, the Rough Riders shattered a powerful Alouette passing attack and broke through for four converted touchdowns and a single before 12,000 fans. - The Roughie assault was led by Tom O'Malley, who quarter-backed Ottawa to its 1951 Grey Cup win In his first season of Canadian football. With Canadian Tonight Chance For Rex Layne . , , . , i-njii muuay. frhncminli Unnlnl, Cnn A I ' 11W1VUE1I wuiiuaj , ucub. 11. AKE CITY (AP) worst licking ol his career. Walli hid Layne out with one halt jolt in the first round last July If Layne wins, he once again Y Layne will be put to night wh?n he climbs S ng for a heavyweight RE-ROOF... with DUROID Asphalt Shingles Inquire about. our Instalment Payment Plan FOR HIKE ESTIMATES SEE OR CAM. with 10th-ranked of Edmonton, fiidit will determine new th.vroid-treat-roally the old Layn'j Dutchmen trounced Toronto Balmy Beach 24-14 in lo.on.u .Saturday and the Beach squeezed out a 9-8 win over the Imperials in Sarnia Mond-iv. Only minutes remained in the Toronto-Hamilton jamc Monday when the Argos developed butter-fingers deep in the Tl-eer-Cat zone. With the score 14-12, Hamilton's Ray Truant tumbled the ball end Sculler Joe Scudero pounced on it only .to flhc test conies under at the' Utah fair- OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. 1 it x Ls the underdog In 5Fh-stA t town. Once rank-d t among ;ie cbaK i.vne fell out of the .. . . "I , TO ADD. FURTHER JOY TO THE PUASANT-f'-',; ' EST OF ALL TIE5... THE HE OF HOST AND GUEST... HAVE BURTON PELiaoUS, THIRST,:; ia in his last outliv will loin tne u.st of contenders. But if he should lose, he'll have to start all over again on hi3 climb up the fistic ladder. Realizing this, Rex chtnged from his usual so-what attitude in training drills and has looked sharp and fast to onlookers as he knocked sparring pirtne.-3 about the ring. But the biggest change lias been the -0 poui Layne has shed since he mrt Walls in Edmonton. Treatment if a thyroid condition h is been rimarlly responsible for brin--v; his weight down to 191. Both boxers wound up th.-ir training Monday niht. lay) was expected to welch in around 191 by rim time. pound heavier than th3' Can Han ch-tmplcn. 1 ' i j $ A..4ncntiv9 rfor,. p?y Wain ' ers are reports from ifis- Veis. Nev., that the winner will b? WalU he suffered th QUENCHING ALE ALWAYS ON ICE AND I. have a READY TO SER7E AT A MOMENTS NOTICE. FOR . FOR GOOD RUM 'or your money: CHOOSE AN ALE AS YOU WOULD CHOOSE A -FRIEND... FOR THE FINEST. QUALITIES. i i matched against the victim ir the champion Rocky MT'hno Roland Lastarza title bout. ' ' .'s . , 654 ltf FOR FREE HOME L-M rotTM ISPIAV ooium " ECONOMICAL "ir.lPROVED sunoNtai WHERE CIlAFTSMANiSHIi COUNT! . . . COUNT ON li. Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY 1 by the Mquor control v 'ne Onvernnient n: 1 foihla gives mo KQliZY-SAVim MILEAGE!" More and more B.C. motorists are finding that Esso gives mileage economy,' easy starting, lively power. If you use a regular grade gasoline, you can't make a better buy in B.C. than economical Esso ! gives mc GREATER POWER I" If you use a premium grade gasoline, you, can't buy better premium grade gasoline in B.C. than improved Esso Extra ! Esso Extra gives more surging power, more flashing acceleration, ?r overall performance than ever before 1 . ONLY 45 Min. TO ALASKA F . mm ;ll!iaE)0ia I ' . 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