TliiiCe Rupci'u iiftuy iNeS Friday, December 18. 19r3 GEORGE DAWE3 AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 PHONE MISS WANT AD AT 748 DEADLINE FOR WANT ADS 4:30 P.M. PREVIOUS DAY 11 "THE DAILY NEWS' 1 wmmntM. DSLTdSr "CIRCULATION" TODAY '. 3370 YEAR AGO 3207 Classified Rates jnit time 4:80 pm. day prtvtoui ,t publication. 3 cent per word per In. ,rtlr,n; minimum charge 40 oenta. I, Notices, 60 cenu. Card! of minks. Death Notlca, runeral wire Marriage and Engagement (Miouncfment. 82 00. -Mi Display double prloe. No Refunds 1, will not accept reaponatbllltj riisiiNid ads Inserted Incorrectly under wrung Classification unlaaa :nn of such errors la revived '"ia u hours of On t Insertion. FAMILY GIFT FARE -r 654 1 . I, .. I DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Luxury Prince George SAIL3 FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEONF.SOAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservations write or call City or Depot Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. For Top h rt Service and quality craftmanship ' ' N at 1 - 1 t. , 1 reasonable i I prices Coll Blue 881 days, 101 evenings. SPENCE & MATUIK General Painting Contractors NHL LEADERS The leaders: Its Howe. Detroit 15 3') Oeoffrion, Montreal ... 16 31 Lindsay. Detroit 10 31 Pichnrd. Montreal .... 18 28 Sandford. Boston 8 28 Kelly. Detroit 11 27 Reihel, Detroit 8 26 Sloan, Toronto 4 20 Standing: Detroit, won 17, lost 7. tied 6 40 points: Montreal, won 19. lost 11. tied 840 points. Points: Howe. Detroit. 39. Goals; Richard, Montreal, )8. Asslhts: Howe. Detroit, 24. Shutouts: Lumley. Toronto; 8aw-chuk, Detroit, 5. Penalties: Lindsay. Detroit. 65 minutes. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe iMMi n " km w There's ,Vl tv:ll . f-4 ji,iii c TIME - 'J Coll ii i Todav SPECIAL '1.00 50 Cards In Box.. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) FRIDAY PH. 6:00 Bill Oood Sports Review 0:15 Hupper Serenade 0:i0 Smiley burnette Show 6:45 Musical Program 7 00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:ao Toronto Symphony "Pops" Cficert 830 Ford Theatre 8:30 John fisher , !):45 -Fpenker's Choice 10:00 ;BO News 10:10 CBC News 10:16 taimaian Short Stories 10:30 Punule of Choirs II :O0 --Weather KVport Milshul MaMerpleeet Carol Program' Till Midnight 12:00 Sili-oi lATL:a..-i AM. 1:0(1 Musi, 111 ( IihIc :30 CBC News; Weatrer "l"-ft :S5 Musical Chxk 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Oood K:IS Morning lietutioiiM K li Kei-.pril Allium 00 BBC News and Commentary 8:15 Saddle Serenade S 30 CBC Slamp Clutl 8:46 Stu Davis 8:59 Time Sliinal 10:00 Message p.-rlod Musical Program 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News; Weather 11:00 Metropolitan Opera: "La Boheme" J. 1 PM. 3 00 Ballet Club 3:00 CBC News 3:10 Week-end Listening 3:15 This Week 3:30 Sports College 3:45 Armfhile Chorus 4 .DO-Now I A.ik You " 1 WOKlD peach Chop Suey House 90!) Third Ave. West Phone Red 87H j r SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out ..Open 8 pm. to 3 n.m Dailv GIFTS FOR GALS , EVENING SANDALS Silver ' Block . Red High Heels VOGUE SHOES LTD. 508 3rd Ave. W. Green 505 YULE-TIDE GIFTS at your ' SINGER SEWING ' CENTRE Sewing1 Baskets, Pinking Shears, Scissor Sets, Hl-Low Metal Ironing Boards. Many other sewing Third Ave. W. Phone 804 Make Xrnos Merrier with CUT FLOWERS or PLANTS from PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS 300 3rd Ave. W. Phone 777 Remember your friends and relatives overseas with . Flowers by Wire BUSINESS PERSONALS WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo-. tors bought, sold, .-eif jiind and repaired. (tf) MAOAZINKS, uoveiaea. Addles News BtnuCL (c) IOST WRONO gentleman's overcoat taken by mistake at Over 70 .. 13 Dlnau fnntait 3rd Ave. West or phone 567.1 lOQSnl nni mtviiii-iTMill'l J . JUNIOR clerk - stenographer.'1 Apply Northern B.C. Power Ltd.. Itoom 15, Besner Block.! (2961 1 SITUATIONS WTD MALE I FOR odd Jobs and complete Janitor service, phone Green 773. 9p) SITUATIONS WTO. Female .1 EXCITING 3-D GIFTS for all the family VIEW MASTER STEREOSCOPE PICTURES Wrarhall's Photo Finishing 209 Third Avenue W. NOBLES YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS for RECORDS RADIOS APPLIANCES 201 Third Avenue West . (Opp. Totem Theatre) For HER ... AUTOMATIC IRON Regular $14.50 Now $10.75 SIMPSONS-SEARS 313 Third Avenue West Phone 460 The Ideal Gift For Her ELECTROLUX Phone Blue 970 FOR SALE MISC. ORDER that Christmas budgie now. Talking strain. All young birds. Lovely blue or green. Special price $8 male, $4 female. Mrs. Persing, Box 622, Prince George, B.C. (295) GOOD BUY Leaving town. Wlii sell '51 Ford Vi-ton pick-up. Excellent condition. Reasonable. 535 Tatlow V - Phone Red W)6 (296p) DJ I O bSHkCS &I1U UUUM, OlC U, steam engine, set of boxing igloves. All like new. Lady's skates and boots, size 8. ous 1 6th Ave. East. Black 216. (296) 1 I WINE studio couch as new. also) gins proiessionai ngure skates and blower fan. Snap for Cash. Wrathall's Photo Finisn lng. (295p) WHITE enamel oil burner stove $65. New 60 gallon hot water tank $50. Bathtub with fixtures (295p) SAWMILL. 90 hp. diesel boat. shop with all equipment. New livinn house. John Group. Oona River, B.C. (2y&p) CHRISTMAS TREES T.M.C.. phone 640 and 530. Order deadline Dec. 22. Have your tree silverized. .. (295) WANT AD REPLIES . iVe are holding replies o the following News id boxes: 807 8 J7 828 850 ' 852 854 865 87 1 873 Replies must be called for in person COMtNti LVENTS Canadian Leidon Christmas for the children on Sun-v Xc 20, at 2 p.m. In the mories. aids. i B A Christmas Tree Party, 839 i 21 2 1)0 p.m. tp) Sous of Norway Christmas art, Dec. 28. v Year's Bull, HM.CS. . atliam For Invitations con- members of Naval Reserve pin 'fie 528. Presbyterian Burns Banquet, -iiary 21. 'irst. Ciirl Guide Company In-r,.ili(,nal Dlrner, Feb. 13. (280p HIRTH HRI.STOPHERSON Bom to and Mrs. L. Christopherson l-l Kirnano, in the Prince Ru-I GeniTal Hospital on Tnes-v Dec. 15, 1953, a son. 9 lbs. i (ltpl ilOMPSON "Brn") Ann tl Mi I Thompson, In the ince Rupert General Hospital Sunday, Dec. 13, 1933. a son, r.hony Steven, 8 lbs., S oz. . (It), . . . art i p n r J i k Mills. In the Prince Rupert 101 -neral Hospital on Sunuay: 13 1!(53. a daughter, Teresa T.n. 7 lbs , 4 oz. tit) a PERSONAL Co. Free! Free! Free! morrow. Saturday, Dec. 19, we ire mvlng away free to the Z4 t 25 customers a nice gift Jt any music lover would be ased to own. We also have limited number of musical s. Don't forget to be on time a free gift at Colussl's Music 23 re (It) WTACT Alcoholics' Anonymous P.O. Box 343, Phone 28 i' 959. (6) I BUSINESS PERSONAM moNAL Machinery Co. Llm-W. Distributors for Mining, m'H. Lording and Contrac- C r' rquipment. Inquiries in 1 1 IK., uhm-wtt tt iw puWohcd of doab8 by lk Liquor Coobol Bond Of by lK Gornnum of Bntiia Columbia. PI . BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE; Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smitheri Every Tuesday and Friday,, For connectior.s Phone 632 Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Inventors Mutual ol Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. EepreaentaUva lor Prtncu ft ip-rt Terrace and Kltimst IF YOU WANT A . CI3ER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck ar.d Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J.' SAUNDERS SCOTT McLAREN ' CHARTERED ACCOUNTA.-IT James Block, C.08 3rd Ave. W. Prince hupcrt, B.C. Phone 347 T.D. Box 374 By CHIC YOUNG By ZANE GREY By AL CAPP BLONDIE :ln the Red with Bumstead 1 ' ' I Nr 'G'tN-3 SEi.L'MB( ThL'.VCAM VOU GET) -i'.'::: : ' : 7 ' - A VhN VOU BECOME ( FOR Fi'JE CENTS A DCZtW RlO-i' ITCCSTS ' ( A MltLlOJAlRE. YOU'LL v''fc.'Si -l;L.L. BSCOMF r MORE 7HAM TMAT ) ( ' IT DOESN'T f REMEM1.5ER TO COME ii ',. T A MILLIONAIRE ) r TO MAKE THEM r-T- COST ME SS AND VISIT DADDY 'iV , i , i,. ANYTHING" W -1 AT THE POORHOUSE, J-VS " A (VOU RAY THE -T.71 f WONT YOU? f ' ' .'ATl--r ( AfiE VOU ) I M MAKING S DQII-iiE1 tf HUNOREDS I '. 7 -7 13 FAMILY GIFT FARE Christmas Shipment of CHROME JUST ARRIVED. 5-pce. Sets from $89.50 to $129.50 Colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Grey. Matching Stools Available. A. MocKENZIE ' FURNITURE LTD. 308 Third Ave. Phone 775 I XMAS IS ALMOST HERE We wilUse open until 9 p.m.-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and open until 8 p.m. on Thursday ' CHRISTMAS TOYS DECORATIONS Drop in and find all your Christmas Shopping Needs at THE VARIETY STORE (opp. Capitol Theatre) DANDY FOR DAD SLIPPERS THE IDEAL GIFT Bee our complete selection NOW. All siws and styles. GEO. HILL & SONS LIMITED Third Avenue West 39A Sl'tTES FOR RENT SUITES for rent. Red 984. (299) FURNISHED suite. 621 Fulton St. (2J9) 40 HOMES FOR SALE WARTIME 6. Cash. Phone Phone Green 205. (297p) 40A Houses Wanted to Huy WARTIMES. CashTphone Oreen 205. (299p) 42 WANTED TO F.ENx.' SMALL house or cabin with 1 option of buying. Would make $500 deposit. Balance monthly rental terms. Box 875 Daily News. (295p) 47 AUTOMOBILES 1952 PLYMOUTH sedan, low mileage, heater, seat covers. Excellent condition. 502 6th Ave. East.- Black 216. (296) 1950 Mercury 2-door, $1550. Owner leaving town, must sell. Phone Black 937. (303p) LEGAL NOTICES NOTIf'K OP APPLICATION I'OK CIIAMlK OP N.VMK NOTICE' Is'hereuy Riven" that an !..1w .inh t--th l- tatltitlcs for a change of name, pursuant to the provisions of tne "Change of Name Act." by me. John Don! Olsen. of 301 Ninth Avenue Weat, In the City of Prince Rupert, In the Province of British Columbia, as follows: v To change my name from John Dohl Olsen to John Dohl. My wife's name from Leoa Alberta Olsen to Leoa Alberta Dohl. My minor unmarried children's names (a) from Judith Alberta Olsen to Judith Alberta Dohl. Ibt Prom Sylvie Anne Olsen ,to Sylvle Ann Dohl. (C) From Jack E. Olsen to Jack E. Dohl. Id). Prom Richard Harold Olsen to Richard Harold Dobl. Dated this 14th day of December AD. 1958. JOHN DOHL OLSEN. (ltc) MITM'K OP rANCKI.HTION OP RRSLRVKS NOTICE la hereby given that all reservations on coal established under authority of former Coal and Petroleum lejjlslatlon. now superceded by the "Coal Act." 1944. are cancelled with the exception of the reserve placed upon the Peace River Land Recording District and that part of the Port George Land Recording District north of the right of way of the Canadian National Railway. The effective date of such cancellation la January 18th. 19.W R. K. SOMMERS Minister of Mines Department of Mines Victoria. B.C. December Mth, 1953. (295c) a tneie CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 131 Call!45- Phone reen 959' RELIABLE baby-sitter. KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED E-- ' i. 5Vif rrflr5l ZMfSiBrtDSJl&tLHICf.,,..) MAYBE ( 1 CHilricAHTIflH6liA!. fW,rf.,t- k.y i j. 7 fvWf- " i-ff-.-.-fff. i ?u:iff-iiiA. t syyvvi&tJLiT wArJ t voiu.ef). varum Jo rufnesPUMi -) MKtevrWfj ..J vilte Island, itaea4iA' i tf ) . ! Cont'.,,fcmt bit), perfeft condition. Size ' r--tur 01 vaal s LI'L ABNER -Indian Giver Blue 127. (304-nc) I BUILD1NU MATERIALS PHILPOTT, EVITT CO. Liu Phone 651 or 652-Inquire about our budget plan tor your home Improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000; to 24 moths to pay. .301) f'OB" your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and furnace; Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd., Phone 651 or 652 (301) 28 FURNITURE FCR SALE SMALL size chesterfield suite. .Reasonable. Phone Green iu. (297p) 29A SEWING MACHINES JALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) 32 FOR 8.4LE MISC. There will be NO SHORTAGE of Jap Oranges OR Turkeys AT Super-Valu (lie) ELECTROLUX In excellent condition complete with attach-, ments. Selling for $55 00. Owner moving to unelectrified area. Box 874 Daily News. (295p) mam-r cc.M. 3-soeed bicycle. Phone after p.m. Black 700. tiWi.' at.t. cream enamel oil stove. $75.00. Call at 623A 6th Ave W. any time. (294) ' 1 B C. SHERMKH For repairs to all "akrs of marine and auxill-:y fHKlnes. call Finning Trae-' and Equipment Co. Ltd. "W 577. (299) I'IMNEY. furnace, stove clean repairs. Furniture, house Siirs. painting. Sheet metal, "'lent work, appliance repairs. 'iion;ible rales. Phil Proutt, -one nine 331. (297p) PUBLIC NOTICE "w1 City will empty septic Ms on reouest at Cost Price O. E. BEATON, Superintendent of Works (294) Vice and parts depart-""nts will be closed all day Jiurday for stock-taking. Gas """PS will be In operation as l- Rupert Motors. (294) 'E ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. wiring and elsctrlcal .Pairs. 149 9th Ave. West. 'nc Red 165. (12) f LIc h CCOUNT A NT. Income VM specialist. 8. O. Furk, on Bulidlnir. Red 693. (20m' Ud?LY everybody uses 99. "? Bob Parker's, of course. All VlMt- M. sheet metel work. Phone ( -1.811 630 eth West Leto"'' (e) UHLD'S FINEST CLEANBR .,i-iROLUX. Phon Blue " 'or Parts Sales Service. (c) F1LINO All tvnes of saws, er-i.sinn Saw Filing, 215-1st West. (10) -W'lford Electrical Works "eaier for Ekolite Sounders. (12) SSMAKINQ and altera-Jl0s. Reasonable. Phone Red (298) 18. Apply Box 876 Daily News. CONNOR washing machine, $50; 4 white chairs, $1.50 each. Apply Lindsay's Cartage. (296) GIRL'S Standard C.C.M. Bicycle. Good condition. $25.00. Green 2119. (294) FIVE-ROOM ski cabin on Mount Oldfield. Phone Red 430. (295) MOVIE camera, 8 m.m., 1.9 lens. Phone Red 430. (295) 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS YOUNO pup, male, Boston Bull preferred, but any kind accepted. Call 747 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Blue 127 after 5:30 p.m. (298-nc) CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (cl SMALL cottage type piano in good condition. Phone E. N. Davis, 975 or evenings Oreen 976. (294) 36 ROOMS t-OR RENT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms for rent. Phone Red 397. (2951 ROOM for rent. 317 7th West. (295) 39 HOMES FOR RENT PARTLY furnished, 3 bedrooms. Parlor, kitchen, bathroom. Monarch range, Quebec heater, tables, chairs, ete. Apply 1035 1st Ave. West. (294p) SMALL two-bedroom house. 1144 7th Ave. East. Blue 822. (296p) 39A. SUITES FOR RENT FURNISHED suite, nice and clean. 1160 Park Ave. Oreen 224. (295p) r (-Ht LLHAkfTA tf ONL.Y IO CENTS." - 1 NO CAN AFFORD, EH & JffvXQ "X 1 TAKE L NO.'.' iiil-' 3AV UP fl TAKE mi HArOTF. NATCHEBLV VOO J WAu-VOU fiUCM A J jifiTHIS I OPFUM ( DRuTHERy A fA HAfr HOW.'.'-BALO EAGLE Ii TAKUM USUAL 1 STEADY CUSTOMER. MfirCv H 1 HAT- I Bit.'.' 1 GROW 1 N ' TttATMEHT SELLIN'A NEW INSTANT BOTTLE, HUH Tt FOR SO MANY MOOMS.i PCL IJ IT.fJ i TT JST T' KEEP HAIR-GROWER.'.'-PAPP1 I VOKUM? ' MrleiVEYCXJ -,2 -sS V, V T THET HAT ON!7 J ALLUS BUYS A SOTTiS. J TREATMENT FOR )lfH !WTJ!r'uil r M V, ? " Tnt S AH rmefjTONTH'rfrVs- n i v sctvousm) ) THE HEART OF. JULIET JONES Bv STAN DRAKE ; ' ' '-g "EV? WMV THE VN ( IB0USHT BUT WHEM I SOT TO VtaBsU AND I'LL BET SHE DEFROSTED .-V L''i;1 tsg " 0ANOUGT FIXIN'S? V THiS FOR HOUSE, VCHJ CAN IMASIfS ) THE FROZEN SPINACH WHEN SHE j - VA ' V S0MEBOPV AWUNP THE JONES DUSTY TO.BOT HOW UTTERLY FOOL SH jf POLITELY BUT FIRVUY LET YOU ' ''? ' I I HCUS8 HAVING A BigTHPAY? ylANMS I FELT ID FIND OUT f- KNOW THAT CHEr RAVlS WAS HE1 " "Jl I , , ... "rHOUWTITWCULP SHE HAD PUSWtfED ,VV,' PERSONAL. PROPERTY -AND AW If frt TSk ' f'r"Y eF ' eesoRTOP a reauy lovely meal, ) Vi currsiDe help needed hum? JjS? 'i'flyiJ