Prince Kupsit Ddily fkvvs THE LETTER BOX - As I See It Thursday, November 12f 1953 ACTION NEEUKD The solving of this would set- , to Drns , The Editor, ! t.e most of our troubles at pres- The Daily News ient. There are so many Important; of course we have Russia to i Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert , ftiid Northern and Central Bmiii Co!iu:iii. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations CaiTudiaii Daily Ne-ftpaj;er As.-.-icifUion. Published by The Prliite Rupit D.i!v News Limited. J. F. MAGOR, President it. O. PKHKY. Vice-President ny magazine p L or n P youseeUpracucaLt'1" Pie, and th ' I ' ""' ' 1 " "" ' 'I rsi: - .. I r Vsr: V 'V, ' -1 - : ' 'n if j tnings mai can ior action ai i give our consideration, and It Is the present time, and so little; just possible that Russi m tn th. 1' icine done abuut anything, th t inter into the above f matter ninltox t.. t'j I Uong If lit n shot RaJ 11! more PUroit items will gome I hope these few Subscript Icn Rates: :y carsler Per week. 25c; pT month. 1 .00; p.-r year. (1C 0). y mail Per month. 75c; pvr yt-ur, HiiO Smitheri, Sc. AXC;e Ottawa uthnrled as second class mail by tlie p.wi Orti-e ivpartmf irtnv. win KuvtTiimenia have cither failed to take into consideration everything Russia has up her sleeve, or else our government has not told us itlmuiate an une who read.' his, and perhaps produce some results. I mention only a few .lereln. First: We hear some criticism about everything she Is dolne XWSTIP:tl, Hnd Out r about farm subsidies and the : for our protection. 1 have a'ked high cost of living. The farmer j for some Information, which always was the last to get a may be considered top secret i riecent price, and the first to ! hope thev are working on t w get a cut, and doubtless there: angle as it may be of more con- V wm soon oe a nowi uooui larm i scqm'iice than planes for our subsidies protection. Whv not use bruins, If any, 1 kow the S::ial Crcdllers have rnd consider just who has been ' . ... hl,, ... .,... getting a subsidy who is howling for more every year who "" "iigiiv tuvn many of our present problems. Strikes, high. wages, hih priw, surplus production, lack of buv- v. : (I tinners. Ahoy NEAR WINNIPEG: In a I quick hop and skip ; around Saskatchewan I managed to keep one jump ahead of the light snow blanket, unrolling from the north. ' Mv wife was aboard the CPR train which I boarded at Re-: pina. We have the better part i'f a carload of senators and MPs Ottawa bound. ! We have also a goodly num i Irr of fine clean-cut Canadian gunners, on their way home from : apan to their permanent base in Halifax. They are as fine a i lot of service men as I have ever met and the very reverse of those "types" we hear so 1 1, us ueeii me cause oi ine mess ; we are now Just about sunk Into, i That is a oiiK story and in- volves practically every one of our present terrible problems Fine Tribute AS REMEMBRANCE DAY,' !i.r0, passes into "history, a word of appreciation is in order to "'all those who made the memori;; ceremony in l'n'nce ; Rupert such an impressive occasion. 3t .seems generally agreed that the service I jarade at the cenotaph was an exceptionally fine mip. -Members of the armed forces and other oreani- iiitions in attendance were smartly tin ned out, and T'.he service itself struck exactly the rk'ht note of simplicity and sincerity. Fortunately, too, the rain .'held off for those few important moments as if to make its own. gesture of respect. ;,Jt was altogether a worthy tribute to those who ied.that we might live v' .While credit for success of the occasion is shared by many, our thanks must go chiefly to the "airadian Legion which was responsible for the '.iverall arrangement. Remembrance Day does, in -'"act, serve as notice of the vital part that the Legion las in our community. lug power. Inability to sell to foreign country, their Inability to purchase our goods, AND THE SCREWY IDEA OK GIVING AWAY OUR NATURAL RESOURCES TO ANYONE EXCEPT CANADIANS WHO WILL NOT GIVE US ANY THANKS FOR TltJn,l' thii Adopts Young Korean Boy . ?h . (1AP'-Amercan a"-; surplus of goods piled up hero, thorltles today granted permls-1 wnile we Ure payln hj n' 1 , sion for four-year-old Lee Kyung ,or the same thin afu.r Soo adopted Korean son of Chief ,ng for tnls stuff to bt, glve'n fVttv Off cer Vincent P. Paladino to some B,llime guys of the United States Navy, to , . f , enter the US These are Just a few of the immigration nfft,.i,,i. ii-'llems tna' have a hearing on TKKKY TKRRY FKAKES, FKAKES, one-year-ok one-year-ok. pmio patient Winnipeg ; much about from Germany- THE SAME thing has happened 1 to many of these gunners as has happened to soldiers from t'me immemorial: They went out across the seas SHAVIMASTis hospital, has spent almost half his life in an iron lung but has a good time at his first birthday party. Nurses decorated the lung with balloons and a tiny rabbit. A birthday cake with one candle also was brought along. Totally paralyzed, Terry had to be fed his birthday cake with a spoon. His mother couldn't attend since !?LU f.l':"l enterin meCnUonedr above: v.t. icuiiwjjf iu wrens uu uii a technicality. With navv ner-! Kow- " the Social Credit has expecting to find an "enemy she also is 111 in another hospital. mission.. Palaritnn hrnnuht. lh u 10 i ijuuue production ""Y- i , m i Thpv ram hurt homa oa q rHon t Bigger, lingleSMUul head shavei CLOSER ft., nf oiher muhod, VR dry. Try it then drop ji lo die folki fot Chriiimi resides its weiiare worn lor nan(iicai)peri-- "I " i child back here to trv and ret a und consumption, or any plan OTTAWA DIARY . - v , i " : By Normon M. MacLeot mirtrrtT mmJ visa for him. 10 correct the present terrible Th vio .,. (.j . ., j conditions, it seems to me theyi' ..a? fd i k1' -t-n. ma.j the U.S. Tuesday by navy plane. , ,h,.,. r-,,, ,.. ' jreterans and their families, the Legion provide--.7 pofters of japan as a country he West guarantee that former servicemen wi a't XiLe Tceep alive the memories and ti-aditior.-x' of Ihwvy ;of jthes.e(j'oun Allows out and t. - i- , ... ., , , i ', ' ": hsird-UJeir enthusiastic answers tii.-xtraordinary years when, with the world darkenedu.b6ut -Japanr-i -thought-of AND EIECII George Bernard Shaw's line I "om,blre, warn the; Paladino. 35, a bachelor from, when' the election Is ow, and! pm PM against attempting to adapt : New Rochelle, NJf., found Lee U eH piln for the country. i himself to it at his time of life, months ago shivering In the, It' strikf.s me as rather silly! Hi s decision in this matter Is streets of Inchon, Korea. He took ; , ! about the men who went out to i Phone 644 i -The- biggest Parliament Hill news on the eve of the opening of another session is that Prime Minister L. 8. St. Laurent has just undergone a comprehensive medical check-up with re-at; suring results of the widest political consequence. The PM's physicians found iy war, bonds of abiding comradeship were formed iet ween those engaged in the combat. They are ties that should always be held intact. ;They are proof that man's capacity for friendship ,.'s far greater and more lasting than his will to vnderstood reliably to be lrre- : the boy to his quarters and fed vocable- Despite the obvious at- and clothed him. r i j fight the crusades against the I infidel Saracens but came back ! home to Europe having absorbed iibout half the ideas which differentiated the "infidel" from I hf-mselves ! him completely sound A thor ; Embassy Napkins ! (SF9 i for lovely table tractions of setting such a precedent, Mr. St. Laurent Just will :i;t become the first prime minister in Canadian history to succeed to the vice-regal office. 71r prospect of the magnetic i';ure of "Uncle Louis" being available for leadership In the next general election Is gooo news for Parliament Hill Lib NOT THAT we have talked only ; Japan and Korea with these Vhaps. As an old time gunner 1 myself I have been, anxious to i get their ideas as to the rela-: live merits of the British 25- ough cardiograph routine indicated that he possesses- th heart of a man more than i decade younger than his 71 years. Other tests revealed his freedom from any of the dangerous blood pressure signal; REFLECTS and REMINISCES pound gun as compared with eralsbut distinctly bad medi- enmmnn in man rt hlo ina "If .you will eat carrots reeu-, There's manv a man who has the American light howitzer. ' IVlilUC 1IUU1 UIIK UIM I ViX'iM I I X. . nSFif? i I X XnessesofsoftCclluta In brief, the examination was . ... " r" ' "Ky 1 tnrly, you will build up resistance the notion that after tourists Ak i expected, these CanucKst 1 " snou 0 II o colds, remarks a physician, get the nome papers they do not . to a man are strong supporters so TuSufv wholly the encouraging mfni.ter as to ,ract t0 , il- Tney recognize tha this, his. hut but a all I WP hllilt. built U'hnnna-hst th 'nf tho r,M Jusl-"' l"e nrime P"me minister 19 m ... . . we Iln up ra give a a whoop what they m t. see of the good old reliable it's fjjjyZt XNfc ...they drape and fcli a development that should nffect their action In their present leadership crisis. A'e tried r may British tas resistance to carrots. ; elsewhere. Tisn't true. The chief : gun against .the American piece. ' i trouble visitors of all ages have 'They have iised both, so' ought The basic difference between a is finding words to describe-the j to know. . ... - w'inancial and social success Is north coast, whether between t But in other rerwrtji t hi run. dismissing, from his mind ail thoughts of retirement from public life with a view to conserving his physical resources. . ". i ' I T 1 -J 1:7 I '-I .V.l ' r i'ii ; ;r j V -1 j r. "J- 1'- . S r A.. S..j-'t. s I -if I v a JT.-r- 1- I. J 1 X - .1,.- 'f ' A 1 -HTIMMMBllBMriBMIIIIliiiBi ' , , W Rt. Hon a tt... (tjuite on the one keeps thin and' the ewers of a or a.Udiups contrary, ;hat your up. !tUev, An. are jenOuateUc boosters : Mr. Mi. SL SL Laurent Laurent ri.,f.M recetved he other, your nose i.iit iiciin "tr.vord. nji u,r mencan way oi army; green light to continue to triv I life. They say the rations theyjthe road of public service from drew in the Far East that isj which he derives so gr?nt sati-.- SOMETHING DIFFERENT American army rations are far faction. p A new highway menace is on Crime Comic Saks Hit t.he tj'ay, an American safety ex-; "fjrt nnounces. In other words. ! iihead of the regular Canadian homes issue. And as everybody knows, who has served in both arraifs, the Canadian Issue is a lot iietter than that, corvorl ,it the fmch of a finger is powerful I mm i enough to give a car a 70-mile1 ) MfinirPA! ',t",CC" -pcet. Some roads, however,! to tke British imperials that is, to the riespenrinnte if Tnmmt, -cannot be called a menace. In- MONTREAL h Police said Atkins of Kiniino fnn, ' sua. ! today the sale of crime comics in I t, ,.0 ... . " . . I Montreal is scheduled to face a 1 ca: ,f?; 7h oee "ow Honesty may be the best Dol-.ieeal test. wtlm. thi u,k " fareful these young fellows were tmrnm. Ucy, but there are always people. The annmillPPmMlt rnmP ; ' ,.1?" And that is exactly what tliy prime minister proposes tu tin. Following his receipt of the medical report, he told some f his cabinet colleagues that he had made up his mind to conr tlnue in his present post inddi-nitely. Unless some change over takes his health in the meantime, his present plan now is to lead the Liberal party through still another general election. The prime minister has made one1 thing crystal clear to sonv; of his Intimates: he has .no thought whatever, direct or indirect, of possibly becoming Canada's first French-sprakin l,atie-born governor-general ;.t th; expiry of Rt. Hon. Vincent &key';k term., Ttye px:etint4 ?iaf Vurf-wtihe forrrlaroinciaf duti' i who don't seem to think they mew icgumr American the wake of Chief Justice E. A. ' rations while in the Far East Mcpherson's statement in Win- , Canada paid Uie American gov- f.vnn afford the best. From Santa Fe (New Mexico, comics nortri crime, p"te ,w sucn NOW "fjmeii the tale of a tourist who. ; committed ought to be Jailed I ..seeing a baby in the arms of a(IIe dismissed a test-case appeal YESTERDAY 1 rode 'from North :?P? nte to the child in- of a Winnipeg business man i Battleford to Res na "it i th SHOP AND. .n!Jv ;Ka, V'1": nB. mm.ln3un? . ! against a $5 fine for selling a',. same car as a nert voune ml. Tu. ".T-.u1". l"ing.?nd P,rrt- Police director J. Albert Lane- couple of yart-IrT WneeTSlSe. tfttatiitd'to the" post, thu exten-." dded: "And part i," ltTl SALE AT J.iquad are preparing evidence in CAlUnOCt ion U.-itW ltA nF MANSON'S PRE-CHRISTMAS U'ERIiAFS LATER ...She ,lhpught,yery highly pf thai partof -ouf-country but.ihe was overjoyed to be getting tytcM ; ..See PIII.POTT. Page , n sive travel it involves, and its generally strenuous social ohiu gattons along with the very n ,,1 responsibility in all situations of N0' tnat Royalty is about to comics, to be used in court "in cleave for the British West Indies, ' the near future." COSTUME JEWELLERY 50 Of SPECIAL ON RINGS No. 1 ASSORTMENT Reg. $7.50 to $10.00 Your Choice 5.95 No. 2 ASSORTMENT Keg. $8.00 to $11.50 n route to New Zealand and Asst. Insp. J. O. Pelletier, hea3' Australia, Trinidad has Intro- th? iuveni,e mora!ity squad, uced a new Immigration ruling,! s USlc ftestnMing entry into the country and cruel . . . definitely a bad Mit journalists and other persons ! influence on children." ; Jr on p ec ted with newspapers. I Church officials here lined up Trinidad's governor, Sir Hubert . behind police. j Rance, classes them as "unde-j Under the Canadian Criminal' vsirabte." Shocking fellows, it Code, comics comprised of "mat- BRUCE BR0WM CHINA Your Choice 5.95 A Real Ur(t Selection oe aumittea, yet they might depicting pictorially the tpe granted an interview early " .. . , , . Just a Few of Our Specials in LADIES' ond GENTS' WATCHES Hk. Kale 1!) Jewel Rolex Gents' Automatic Oyster $ir0.00 $99.50 17 Jewel Gents' Bulova 49 75 25.00 17 Jewel Gents' Mido 82.00 55.00 17 Jewel Gents' Balco 37.50 1 8.75 17 Jewel Gents' Mercury 43.50 21.75 17 Jewel Ladies' Walt ham .... 7950 39.75 17 Jewel Ladies' Walt ham .... 89.50 44.75 17 Jewel Ladies' Bulova 59 50 29.75 17 Jewel Ladies' Bulova 52.50 , 26.25 17 Jewel Ladies' Elgin 85 00 55.00 17 Jewel Ladies' Rolex Tudor 60.00 30.00 LOTS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM " at H Price and V, Off Wn Off commission of crime, real or fictitious," carry a two-year maximum penalty, or a fine., summer, arter the return '""home. . Brusn Cllvor Hollowore No. 3 ASSORTMENT Reg. $9.50 to $14.00 Your Choice $7,50 No. 4 ASSORTMENT . Reg. $23.50 to $40.00 Your Choice $19.95 No. 5 ASSORTMENT Reg. $33.00 to $47.50 Your Choice $25.00 ON SOCIAL CREDIT LEGISLATION BY EXHAUSTION AND SURPRISE. ON OUR INCREASED, TAXES. ON THE NEW. LIQUOR ACT. Sets Electric Clocks - Dresser on WHEN WINTER COMES Fog, silicosis and similar diseases cost almost 5,000 Londoners Jtheir, lives last winter. Deep anxiety is again felt today. Six 'houSand physicians are suggesting tiiat the big city's millions ,earg as masks till spring. Prince 'Ruert has rain, and we can .-stand it. But pure rain does not frreaty a dangerous atmosphere, or weaken lungs, or promote silicosis or cause atmospheric erosion of buildings. ALL COMMUNITY and 1847 FLATWARE 1 hn advertisement is not pubinhed or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government ol British Columbia. 25 SETS OFF . STFRLING SILVER and CRYSTAL TRY ONE OF (JUR GRAB BAGS We guarantee over $1 .50 value and Friday, ; November 13th 8:00 p.m. Common Lounge Civic Centre IT'S TIME ... TO IHSTAL STORM WINDOWS The fall rains are here and winter is not far behind. Call us today to instal Ktorm windows in YOUR house. ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDFR No matter what you purchase you definitely SAVE SOMETHING! from S3.UU TO ...rnT GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. PR,NC,THERS ' VANDERH00F SERVING NORTHERN B.C. MANSON'S YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER THE PRINCE RUPERT ' LIBERAL ASSOCIATION 215 First Avenue West Phone 909 rf .2.' -;";!:' . "if I i