i ii ill illlliiHIH ll m - t , t Trespassing iQueen Plans Broadcast i I'liliCc Kl.HVit Lliiy f J. vS Thursday, November 12. 1353 Prince Rupert Nevlyweds T1 brines Day his pas;- Honeymoon At White Rocks ' A V f I jf vjl e.i .j!'o moio with high praue Due home soon from a honey The Rev. Lawrence o Ri.h.. officiated at the rites in the noi- Kiiiii-u iiuicn, ior which' From Auckland AUCKLAND, N.Z. For the first time since royal Christmas Day broadcasts were Inaugurated by King George V in 1932 this year's message will be aired from outside England. The Queen will broadcast from the opposite side of the world, speaking from government house in Auckland. Radio experts believe that as a result of careful planning the Queen's speech will be heard by moon at White Rock, B.C., are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sommer-ville. Prince Rupert newlyweds. The bride is Marion, daughter of Mrs. Charlotte Home, 1832 Second Avenue, and the groom it son of Mr. and Mrs. George Somerville of White Rock, for the oriae was biven in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Sam Currie. She chose a gown of traditional white satin and lace, featuring an ovei skirt of net lace panels and lace bodice with lily point ones again from all the men fir the magnificent way In whh the ladies waited on Uvp at the annual dinner in theaTanadian Legion. Tficre were smiles all round mi it's safe to say all went iw.tvc happy. . Q would be hard to single cuvany one of the ladies as th('4,harticst worker, but convener Joyce Duncan received weijrearned handshakes from themen and women for the cxcf.lcnt chore she did in arranging Uic oiuner. merly of Copper City. sleeves, a coronet of lace and net secured her hip-length silk embroidered veil and she carried a lovely spray of American Beauty roses. The bride's only attendani was her sister, Mrs. Frank Clapp, matron of honor, wearing a gown of rose sheer over taffeta with la-trlmmed bpdi'-e. She wore a floral wreath in her hair and carried a pretty bounuet nf School Socia Life Topic Of Forum FRIDAY SATURDAY CHENILLE BEdSadT 40 ONLY MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLES Values up to $21.00. All in perfect Full range of colors. Plain shores 0l conHy Some Hollywood style. These "' 1 spreads are an outstanding value 1 A OK at EACH ;.a. IJ.J SMILING MERXE PERRY, 20, has been chosen Miss Alouette and will represent the Big Four football team at the Miss Grey Cup contest In Toronto Nov. 28. A native of Montreal, Miss Perry is in her third year at M. Uill University. Last year she was chosen Canada's "Prom Queen." more people than ever before. The Queen will make her speech at 9 p.m. Christmas Day, New Zealand time, which will be in the early hours of Christmas morning in Canada. The time chosen was decided unon after lengthy dtscusslons for three reasons: It suits the Queen's convenience. It suits, the greatest number Wth thv exception of Phil RajJ and Kejh DeWitt, who helped Mrs. Dickens and Mrs W. 'Ji. Osborne carve the turkeys, all the work for the dln-nerjras done by the ladies. Sfx smiling girls kept the mcif happy as they waited on A NEW FAVORITE nmong London fashions Is Car.ndian sable In wide stoles of around six skins, priced at 30 guineas (about $90) a skin. They are elegant day or evening wear. A forum on high school students' clothes, make-un and pastel 'mums. Best man was Mr. Petr M. Leod and ushers were Mr. Walter Carlson and Mr. Ronald District News the tables but were all glad 1 . . . wh?h the last dish was passed 'RorHpn rnOol monwealth. aroand Movins ua and na down aown - wiwwi The home of the bride's ri-.n. between the tables were Helen j party habits at a Booth Memorial High School P-TA meeting j found interested students and I parents in general agreement on , most of the topics. ! A large attendance of P-TA ; members heard some of their i number discuss the student cus-: toms with a erouD from the " It offers the most favorable STEWART S. F. Macdonald. I transml.lnn ..ni 1ns, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Janes, was the scene of the receDtion nt , iwiptiuu cun- Snoak FrPmier mine manager, ditions. Children Mark ! Remembrance has been here during the tast which Mrs. Home and Mr ITALIAN TAPESTRY SPREADS Full double bed' size. Assorted colored designs- Scalloped edges y 0 (K Special, Each ... ; Q,7j It will be a summer evening when the young Queen sits down at a simple, old-fashioned desk to make her broadcast. Currie joined the bridal party in rereiving guests, the former 1 . .. student council ' "'""""'B including Geor-A Remembrance Dav cerenmnv rearing a smart ensemble of was held at Border, street, srhnoi f na .":neii. Myrna and Bobby Knudsen and jimmy Bateman, j blue with P'nk carnations 'junior and senior students. -n norssige, ana tne latter in a Try Dally News Want Ads week making necessary arrangements for the care of the plant and equipment for the winter months-There is no definite iion nt the moment as to the mine will be re-opened. It would appear, however, from the reFUi.s obtained from the 'nrli-n mine operation and the Premier Border that some ar frock of mauve printed silk, also with pink carnations. WOOL BLANKETS Tuesday when the whole school assembled to take part in a service. The Canadian Ensign was carried by Lorraine Love and Sharon Bond, after which prin GREATEST jAGMNST UNIFORMS Parents and students agreed in turning thumbs down on a uniform for school wear. Both felt 'hat school uniforms would takf away from individuality and freedom. However, parents felt The bride's table, covered with t liruul-crocheted rloth, held a three-tier cake, topped by miniature bride and .Broom, with Wine and Dark Green. Beautifully soft ond warm 35 only. Ideal for children's hrk cipal J. S. Wilson spoke on the rangement may be come come ,t0 to couch throws and car rugs. ' V C meaning of Remembrance Day. He told the children to remem- pink candles in silver holders and Lw?hv vises va;.es and and 'fchniiK "uu:aJ5. , . -Lereby th these two companies iriPuOUEHEnT Each r-'f should be- some limits, in can use the facilities of the Sil J,T' HiVaC V11U 1UUUIJL 111 UOLIl .... , ., world wars and in Korea, and school attire, mentioning- esnac- mm r.iR"'!'; Eirtrl jreamwj and tany flowers Kjced the ro'bms for the her honeymoon trin. via suggested that they should also ,iUy slack. peek-a-boo nylpji look look ahead ahead and and Drav Drav for for tho the blouses and pin-curled hair for COTTON FLANNEL THROWS Ideal blankets for car seat and couch use. bsk Premier. This Js, naturally purerf. speculation. Meantime it is reported that arrangements have been made with the Department of Public Works to keep the road to the mine open during the winter, as tllere wiU be a small crew' at the . the Prince George to White Rock, plr1;. On the question of make-up, parents and boy students agreed OOLOBN UNED future. It would be sate and sure if they would work and fight for the freedoms of speech and religion. Bugler W. J. Ranee sounded the Last Post and also the Reveille. The school joined in thp Epks. Babs DeWitt, Elsie Anrtfrson, Rose Morrow, Sadie DotninjJ and Helen Denning. .Y busy kitchen crew also brralhed a sigh of relief when trie-dinner was over Helping to Wiethe plates and keep the serwrs busy were Pat Ander-sort,- VI Geddes, Ruby Merrison, Hajel Gamblln, Jean Gordon, Ma Pihera, Rose Rosedale, M;ige Roxborough, Ethel Gan-toi Jose Taylor, Margaret Mc-'Grrtsh. Rose Hodges and Mar-facet Stannard. ' ways-happy Myra Gilchrist, Peggy Andrews and Isabelle tutterick greeted the veterans from their cloak-room booth pn kept the many hats and co-il-s in order while the men ato VRith the exception of a greeting from the American Legion by "sailor-boy" Jerry Kswy, and an "explanation" from RCMP Inspector Taylor, th only speech made at the fiirmer was that by emcee Keith DeWitt. The inspector isn't promising to -bring horses here for the p.Tde next year. He expressed i"Tret that he could not do so th(J year . . . but he only want-cu4o bring the best and, he spin, the top horses had been serlt to England for the Coronation and the long trip here might be too tiring . . . Jtmmy Morvie, Jack.Holden pnj Jnrtnnv Laurie, crewmen from lv: Princ" Owran. rcrpiv-'$ big haitf faT-their sonar-. m . as did ilriei K.:v. !',' Jim Munro. hou Mrs R"a Smith as she sane in Finders Field.-;. tne bride chose a smart uoucle suit of green with pale mauve top coat, black accessories and corispgs of yellow carnations. The couple will reside at 1832 Seeond Avenue. $3.2! tnat younger girls wejre more ! charming with their natural complexions than with make-up, t.k1 that if older frills wished to use make-up, they should be VACUUM SEALED DU only. Pleasing patterns. 58 by 78 inches. Washable. Regular price $5.25. For, Each .... NINON for CURTAINS CAMS FAST RELIEF FOR COMMON iaufiht how to use it properly so- " es to avoid a grotesque effect. VVPr'1 staged in private homes, i T't girls took little part in this: r-"d,ng at "hrse or four o'clock discussion. j in thMmornine, and that par-' Acting Principal R. H. David-1 ents of the host student left the .-"ii. chairman of the .'forum, I vonngsters to themselves fori Ninon, 43" wide. Will wash and wear well ore drape beautifully. In shades of A A Lemon, Yellow, Nile Green, Ice Mfif Rlii" nn1 fWtor (i.l V I WV l-THROAT w u Jl VI , (SlVV IU if UIU . , toM the parents that the school these parties. .-H r, .irn on rnnke-uo but u"ih; the P-T that on occasion, the effective ""tirg follnwlr"" (lie f-.r'm. living teacher had given somerne group decided to donate eirls help with make-up. to the Prince Rupert Music 1 "ma F"tlva! assoelat on' t rrm-Tirv r T)L TlfN GOWNS rnwm nnn arnPd H. o. " Cleprs? represe-i-In p sta a discussion on clothes for; rs . singing of "In Flanders Fields." The ceremony concluded with the singing of God Save the i Queen. Plans to 4 is I ; wjuUj cll- Members of Conrad ' S'-hool P-T tU! hc-p the Skc.r.t. u:,iih ' Un.:t s'.aff cverv Thrsdoy ;iftrr-'.' noon P''if j) the-vii-Dat;v r!::.tc is h-'lri at Cunrad h.m if was decided at the p-'ilar meeting Tuesday nijjht. Mrs. Victor Dcpli.se and Mrs. J. R. Ayres were namc-d conveners to arrange dates suitable to all members. i The secretary was instructed j to 'write a letter of aDDreciatinn I FLOCK PATTERNED MARQUISETTE New designs. Will wash and wear well. Shades Nile Green, White, Ice Blue, ( f Lemon Yellow. 46" wide. Yard ... Qy i'Mi ceremonies, the sta '. e us v.tfh a. ter.'ath'c under -j.i.-.ii!iruU'SL,M? 'ihe trxspcrtrr, v as rraunded to be rj'ffrorn ennl;etier tr r1-n;:".idcr of Vie tfc --on WISTiiH CAMABM'S tACt$T $tlU$ IVAF0KATI9 mUK i. , . " u.. .. ;KS fl.i.VV- I.)S ci.i ".- -ifion rob s i I. Df v hu ll eoiiiri be '"'ireil bv )! a ting classes. The rcyes v. oukl be paui for in txjyt live year.', throuch the reiitals I WHITE SHEETS -rLi r ww f . rfarl A Stahl. Swedish con- u ""'"B" O-- jur r.orpan t.Uirni! ll'llti relief Parents and students also w-rp- "ort. ptirl ilsn nskeH suljgat Vancouver, arrived in Snow white Percale Sheets, 81 " x 99". Extra gocc thepcity on the Prince George " . V at : 4 1' 1 . Jt y, ' . mt 1 y-r,',. -Ik.., .1- -j L.' "rfW ..ik TV.-, i Si't.' J, ' ' . , 3." -V f t ! , - '. .-; -4 ' . r . t "W. 1 .-,1)"' 1 - I . f' 1 i X v - y v. 1 .4 . e:-raay and is- staying here until Friday. Mr. Stahl, who is S.75 in general agreement, on the'.Bve 'used magazines to the hours for school parties.:" T,he- school. youngsters won parental apnrd' The Soup's On Committee r-. val when they explained .that". r"rd that, the school's hot roup junior parties and dances closed : ''"""h "rogrrn had orjenc.1 Min-at 10:30 p.m. and senior Dartles lay with 111 stnrlents h,ivi quality, uoubie bed size. Fine close even weave. Hemmsd ready to use. Extra qood va'ue of, PAIR to the Prince R ...w. MONTREAL. Kovfoiuer 12th-Cre-feee rwikini nd certain triumph . . he hnpp'y lot' f a woman who' owns. oot of (h bcw. GliR.VKY Via Kanieel. Hor mrnHf is i-ar.f.r tuu.riii Ik. A. . a- ianK-ume nwMraf nt Hw. ii..L ... . .. ..r for theirs Colombia, is navini hl them w - . l uiuufl mi tia mvppn Vi.lt to Prince Ruuert, atid will the FOUD to snnnlpmant thnl. of this beautii'ully cocmracted love have tiikn mfinile pms to think of tverythinn that roiilU make cookm eier and more nirTmwful. Ak your denier to ahow you tii ' Even-Heat" ov.n -whuli automatically L-wr tk. k..t - . BOYS' WEAR Miss Jean Burns'. Grade 1 and 2 ' class won the . attendance a ward-,.'-- " jv .V.-.'-. a-, At the conclusion of the business meeting the members saw two films on nutrition. lurches. Mrs. Willipm Ro'hw-ll is in charge of the kitchen for . the f-iun nrosram. Refreshments were served at the dose of the meeting by Mrs. Murdo MacKcnzie and her a the aides, the top, the bottom an.l even the miner.! you need-Look at tl uiomaue cloeli ... the .1 . at midnight, though many parents frowned when the youne-sters announced that the midnight closing gave them time to go down town for snacks. PARTIES CRITICIZED However, student house parties drew strong disapproval from parz-nto. E-dirler.fs made no comment on this discussion. Some parents said that often parties BOYS' JACKETS" Itluss nane! Hcmr Mm il.i. .. ....I., ik. i.. -the more you know atout Curney atovea the more enihuaitatic you'll be! Potilhflr Your l.a.i T- i- . Ffeavv all-wool Morkinnw windbreaker wit-- Special to Ki t the bm Christmaa bnnua of on. ih.,..j rlecccd doeskin lining. Zipper front mm flf "'e co-fert of In 1952 Canadian facto duced 149 404 638 sq'iar lard board. dollara-in the UU'K HON NET MARGARINE fN Lhriatmas ea.h riinir.fl . i. . It.' J I two lower slash pockets. Green, 3 7J prizea of hju-,.'iiuii(W5 of m ami IS of - Blue, Red, Plaid. Sizes 8 to 18 $-''). With a Chrwlnmi boniM of one (hownnd $0 8 ,., m'au woriia. or mm, why you prefer. Bins Koim. t Mazarine. Hend in aim,, f'wt M-VnM mm' ln,.l.. ...il i A special film with a religions theme will be shown at the Regular Baptist church Friday night at eight o'clock. It Is "Lord of All," a dramatic stnrv of a talented " but self-centred young trumpet player whose great ambition is to b a member of a big-name band. BOYS' JACKETS !' !'A1 ,w,lh ;"1 H.maekeeping Seal of Aliuniva fioni Kin. It . ' , Include a brief visit to Kitlaiat 'ie in this area to (amUUr-I7.e3fniise1f "VTaf'tn'rpBssibiir?" tie of the two ports. . Tiic man who "excels" in all spts, Tom Christie, is now trying to learn some trick shots In basketball. Whether it will dojiim any good is something ck Tom is organizing a team of "Solaria ns to challenge the Gyt'o Club. Ever since the Rotations won a golf match over then Gyros at Smlthers last summer, they have been waiting" their chance to chalk up another victory. Many of the city's best basketball players of past years are Gyros. Tom has no -worries, he says. iycees added another star to aiielr chain when Gerry Pcttenuffio was admitted to the Baat Vancouver. Speaking at a Jaycee meeting, this week. Jay Burns ex-phrined -that he wasn't referring1 trf business when he said he. had a lot of red tape He mntl!the scotch-lite tape for Bute bumpers ... P M..i c. ii r. . AtA lininc Winnie. For a i-ham-e at the Chrialmaa Bonus, vrile hna man unit throughout. Collar of "TIMTOM," a durable fur Il -.i. .1 - 1 m lanc rnar repeis weatner. motors nt l'mrripiion lot beautii'ully loft rea(j Of Court Yarn Want Your Bub- ers of Navv. Olive Green Beiae. Rockjount Sizes 6 to 16. SPECIAL to have food that's spnenilly made for him. Food that is nouri.hinc and luiu'in. inree timea a day after walimg (IikIipk! J n it ; ens LOTION . . . ia the world'a Imki, knuwn he a u t y roiH me for lovely lunula ami ia Ware imnnrltint BOYS' SHIRTS 1 wholesome and Z773 mat ne will like VJr" to cat. Mo.t Sons of Norway dance Friday. Nov- 13. Whist 8 o'clock Dance 10 to 2. Music by Mike Colussi. Everyone welcome. . (264) S.O.N, annual banquet Sa',-"rday, November 14, at 8 o'clock sharp. S.O.N. members and escorts, Bonja ladies and escorts on)y- (234) Snappy lookina doesk iskin shirts in f Jfl An ideal J . 7 to 16 Mm inolntrs feel just Von dr. titan t wr now. wifh fl. n new check patterns. de- mat nothing but th best wil teiKinln. For tbrwe Buinc detrr- utility shirt. Sizes 6 oo. mat's why HEINZ BAUi FOODS are the Usl-selliuu bah) pi'iiui tenu to tuke ,v lull Ural oila nml vinill.fi, 1 ...o. leas .-"a ui banana, ttimi a nun of your hum Is while d,,..,' -i BOYS' SHIRTS onering a plaatio baby tiimlilci which will help your Imliy Icniu Btcaut . 10 unnit irom a etip without spilling a drop. Send 2.5r with l,cli SDort Shirts m uperb quality tiint into grease and grime so swiftly. Jerm-ns Lotion eontaina two ingredients whirl, doctors ro C'lmtnend for aofteninc. U din't just "emit" your liandu Jcrgma pi m tratca tkeply and helps to Tiplm-c the precious aoftenin mmsiuie your hands need. Costs just 15c, 37c, 65c and tl 13. hoe So ! It tht iiiyuii wu-w.. -r solid colors. Very popular with the QX I r i ..in anv o tins ol Heini Si r:i itind Baby Foods or from 3 Hcini boys for dressv occasions. etrt buy on th threats. (Enclose jnoney jn Sizes 6 to 16 or stampslBsrbara Brent, 1411 crescent. St., Montreal, P.Q. A o,e Of I, . - for thes0 ttre th9 C(Mj WOMEN'S SANDALS snow mittens Junior has ever hud VlcrmiV BOYS' SWEATERS . lilt-. 0 y - l . . . -i,LJ. mrv eonie in " red or hrown (some with fWtww . t-.n.. .i . , nood weigM Pino 1 1 . I ---L nnlUwnre it CI and in sizes small, merliura, large and' larire for inn nr ..lull. PI l: "j . now . ""' extra i l,m,r -.h! i: i n.ci.r-uuea ana with extra. that will assure Warmth and good r $2-95 VArnr P n'm cknoc r-r-A hianfrjTP BOYS' OXFORDS end BOOTS ... .9 5 ' . ..u iiuicBt lorm; to Iteen water, anon mixes. Sizes 26 to 34. SPECIAL ana aiusn out warmth in. Incidentally, the latex is alway, phable even in the coMcst of wealher. iii. . 7 l"u,aei vH'troy Kuoner Bnow Mittens ara completely waterproof Ca. I'm sure Junior-and hi lo you-wUl iceroy Kulilier Hnow Mittens. 8 ni MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS .95 Wonders Will Acrer Crntt and hpr.'. j 1 NEW INSTANT CHASE V SANBOHN COFFEE ya I VnBcV A ALSO DISTILLERS Of ROCK MOUNT LONDON DRV GIN AND SOLI AGENTS FOR CATTO'S Gold Label and Extra Specl. Finest Imported Scotch Whlskl.t L a n- n rcMiii, o innic-. worK t)V ltx mipnliKt1, m pioilni t has all the rich iiiouiatio qualities of the eoltce iiean wmvutraied in granules that dissolve xam e ,n.0,'"'nt ,"'iiin' W8lCT touches them. All Ihe jUw.,t : eU, 0,iv mid heurl-chemng till of eollee at lis 100 !,-,( . . . ,. now V'ed jnlo your cup . . . r. .-,dy in Hn instantl Across Uie ALSERTA DISTIILERS. LIMITED FASHION FOOTWEAR CALGARV, CANADA I t' TL i ' , . i "'."""""-a nave done away with uir i.iiiia.-i.iiio uuiaus O! makin cnfT th. niA. -trrit Third Arenue West fa-hioucd way and use Instant Chase 4 Sanborn's eoffee hwl iliat its enffi' ni 1... H ooaee. You'll r. - . iv