n 4 A ' ' Thursday, November 12, 19o3 - ' ; 'ackers Urge Curtailment n Alaska Salmon Fishing Montreal Labor Unions Launch Fight Against Racial Prejudice, Intolerance Epitaph Must Be Cut, To 40 letters LEEDS, England (Reuters) XTLE AP Fish packers US Fish and Wildlife ,, officials agreed here fishing in Alaska I William Sound must be L curtailed, if not eliml- Publications of the United Nations on race relations will be made available. Claude Jodoin, president of the Montreal Trades and Labor Council, said the opening of the school -was a big step forward In the accomplishment of organized labor's undertaking "to improve Jacques V. Morin, director of ithe school, said one of the alms I will be to provide scientific 'information on race and other I questions in a manner easily understandable for the average ; worker. The latest adult education techniques will be used and : lectures will be followed by for-1 urns and films. MONTREAL TO Labor unions in Montreal have launched a fight against racial prejudice and intolerance. The fight will be carried on through a school In human relations, sponsored Jointly by the Montreal Trades - and Labor Council and the Montreal Labor Council. in 1954 liters at a Fish and Wild-lirvice hearing into Alaska K regulations said Prince 'inter-group relations -not only i, Sound is in poor snape q disastrous season and ue nursed slowly back into fishing. Operators called for liberalization of the regulations which permit two days' fishin,' " a week FW8 officials said Cook Inlet's salmon yield is good but said a five-day weekly closure is needed to keep modern gear from fishing Cook Inlet out FWS regional director ciar-ence Rhode of Juneau told the hearing: "Fishing 5V2 days a week, the Industry used to put up 125,000 cases a season Now they can put that much up fishing two days a week. And still everybody's going broke on good fishing." FWS officials indicated that because of a good 1953 catch on the Alaika peninsula and at Kodialc, a longer season may be permitted there. They said Alaska peninsula ground won't be fished quite so long in 1954 as in 1953 because the off-cycle year it coming .up. But they said tion. packers and federal of-divided on Cook Inlet A plain white gravestone in a local cemetery will be pulled up this week so that its simple epitaph can be altered. The epitaph has 59 letters. Eut city council decided that 19 letters must be chipped out because Leeds cemetery regulations stipulate that epitaphs Rhould have no more than 40 letters. Now the relatives of the deceased person, who lies beneath the disputed stone are pondering ho wto change the epitaph, which reads: "In loving memory of a dear wife and mother- Died 26 July, 1953. Aged 75 years." Alderman Mrs Mary Pearce, chairman of. the parks and cemetery committee, said the decision was taken because "we are trying to avoid ostentation in the cemetery." !M M M ) 6I0R6I COOK . . . JEWHUR 4th ANNIVERSARY SALE NOW ON ' OFF 50yb OFF Vz OFF China i- Costume Jewellery - Watches is?) : peninsula salmon runs are re-i building. 8-inch heavy-gauge lifetime cake tin retail value 45 Special introductory offer , Ask your grocer today supply limited ! 1 .... : -.w. fc 1 4 1M Conning does nol otfec) GQ3a if Ihe food value of flZi I starches, tugars, fall ?1li&" I and proteins. SeT I (QYALOTY a IS ; ' i -J, i i Ay YY - - Hi It cuOlGH FO& i i: ( V5: fflAY. 4" b J i ' .r 4 i ' : 1 1' 'mm "4 ' ... r 1 .. , ; V" : ; .... . . i - ' r- ..V. -i S ; one mM if'T' 61 Use Brodie'i XXX White , . . ; Combination ... drier Chocolate . Cake Mixes. v. . . For fluffy-fine white cake with the rich home-oven flavour just add water mix and bake! . . . Combination Cake mix contains 2 even-measured portions, chocolate and white for one 8-inch white layer, one 8-inch chocolate layer. Combine for luscious family-size white and chocolate layer cake; or mix for cloud-light "marble" cake. . So sure, so easy; No eggs, no milk, no extras required. - . 2 custom-cut paper cake tin liners in every package to save time and work. Look for valuable coupon on every box top!. item. L . . . Chocolate Cake mix 9JXX mokt big, rich, tay-f rcth chocolate cakt I Write for eompfete premium Htf to Brodie & Harvie Ltd., 6600 Hutchison Street Outremont, Que. FOR BIGGER BETTER CAKES 212121