SSES JfiQlv V2?L - 'J I Thursday, November 12, 1953 itllliBBaaHa 1 GfcORGE DAWES RADIO DIAL AUCTIONEER i 1240 Kilocycles Phone Black 84fi and Red 127 I... I WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily ToVANCOCYLK ' DLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS SPECIAL ON Sleel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank f 55.00 275 Gal. Tank 750 375 Gal. Tank . 90.00 550 Gal. Tank .... $110.00 3 ProT. Tax Extra All tanks made of 12-gauge steel Industrial Welding Green 884 225 First Avenue - via Waypcir.ts FRIDAY.": " " SS CAMOSUN, 8 p.m. FUNDAYS: .,' KS Chilcotin, S p.m. To Stewart and Ain c Arm Chilcotin, SuturJay, G a.m. To North Queen Cl:ariuUe f' land : November 4 and 18' SS CAV.Oati To South Queen Ciiarlolte lilansls Noveinlir-r 1 1 aul 25 ES CAMO.TjN ',, f-'R.WK J. SKl.N.!I Prince Rupert A'icut 511 Third Ave. Phone, 5KS i ..... lassified Rales 35 BOATS AND ENGINES THE DAILY NEWS" me 4:30 p.m. dy preloui HOUSE BOAT ready to move (Subject h Chan) THUR.30A 1 PM 0:00 8upir nermtOr 1 rOO CBC Kv 7:18 CBC Mews Roundup 7 :30 Eventide 8:00 Cltlwns' Forum 8:45 People. Places and Bonks 9 :0O CBC VarMNmm Concert Orch. 9:30 Winnipeg Drama 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Midweek Review 40 :fl Nocturne 11:011 Heal her Report and Mllileal .Masterpieces ll: Mll-lp Till Mlilnlellt 13:(t( sl;n-o PKltAt A.M. 7:0o BO Fishermen's Broadcast 7:1V-MiiKlral flork 7:30 CBC News; Weather Report 7:3.1 Mimlral ( lin k 8:00 CBC News l:10 Here's Bill Oonrt 8:1.1 Morning Devotions H::t Keiorit Album :O0 BBC News and Commentary 8:l.i Minimi .Manh-I'ait 8:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit I8:1J Hint rnliy Kings 18:311 Keyboard and ( oii-kiIc into. Entire hull constructed a in fie Ibid CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe of heavy planking and In top condition. Bunks, table, chairs, stove and sink included. Very rul'.'.n. 3 rinti of word per In- mli.imwn Jharge 60 KnU. lei!. 60 cent. Cards of Is'Sth Notlc-. Funeral Marriage and Engagement "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3441 LAST YEAR 3176 reasonably priced. Apply Care-laker, Yacht Club. (265p) 4 ements, nt wj. ,lv duuuia prJ. ... No rwtunda not accept resr""HIHty CARU OF THANKS 125 SITUATIONS WTD Female 1 For Outside Orders Fhone 173 12-FT. plywood boat, brand new, with oars. Suit 10-h.p. motor. Only $90. Phone Blue 192. (Unci Ii .rt ads InarrtMJ Incurrecur flV1i,!!htVihank our blends ;BABY .sitting. Phone Red 245 wri'titf ciassincauon uiim ill bucli errors la received (265) 3G ROOMS FOR RENT i twurs of (in t Inaert.l30. Luxury Steamer BUSINESS And PrSnfrge PROFESSIONAL SAILS FOR '26 l:UI.II; MATERIALS SEMI -FURNISHED light housekeeping room. Very central-Phone Green 241 evenings. (265) ANT AD BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 ' Broadway Cafe . niiiuutrss, wurus oi sympathy and floral offerings In our late bereavement. Special thanks to Drs. J. A. Macdonald and L. M. Greene. Thanks to: Grandma, Granddad and Uncle Kenny; Lil, Roy and Family, Aunlie May. Auntie Jess and Uncle Roy, Uncle Stan, Bud, fclsle and Family, Aunt Ada and Uncle Fred, Kathleen and Frank, Prince Rupert Fire Fighters, Mr. and Mrs. John Duhl and Family, St. Johns PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD Phone 651 or 652 INQUIRE about our budget plan for your home Improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,0Ul) 6 to 24 mos. to pay. (276 REPLIES LIGHT housekeeping room, furnished, with electric range-Box 850 Daily News. (265p) VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. For KETCHIKAN In vesti-jra Syndicate ti darnel i Ltd. and T n vectors Mui.i:;.l ol L mud it I.f.-I. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. ZZi 315 Third Avenue W. w ftfprt'firntalive Jor Pr!!K-t; It1.p4.rt:, Ttrrraru and KiMriTut ''re holding replies 27 LARGE bright housekeeping room. Phone Green 727 after 5. (265) following News ;-:es: Ambulance Association, George WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service FOR vour fuel requirements: 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11: 00 Your Good Neighbor 11:16 Kindergarten of the Air 1 1 :M MrtKiee Period 11:4.1 HcaiHlttiHviflll MeMrities PM 1 3 :IMI R.ti X Vears Too Himiii 12:16 CBC News 1:3.1 Interlude 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast I2:.1.V aecorded Interlude 1 :0O Recital From Art Gallery ' 1 :30 Afternoon Concert 9 OO National School B'dcast. 1 :30 TYansCanada Matinee it:l.1 Krn.rds for Vnn 8:45 B.C. Requesi. Houndup 4:15 A Date With Pred Hill 4:30 Anne of Green Gables ana uorotny uiob, Mrs F DibbJOil ".Shell" Stove and Furnace. LARGE rooms for rent. Unfurnished. Phone Red 297. (265) Dlbb's Bowling Team (Evelvu 815 828 -844 ..plies must be For reservations write or KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT ft CO LTD. HOUSEKEEPING room. 937 Ambrose Ave. (265p) I'cd for in person I call CJty or Di-pot Ofllce, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hopkins, hjordis MacLeod, I Sarah Harlwig, Louise Phillip-) son, Dorothy Dibbi, Mr. and Mrs. K. Becker, Johnny, Anes I and Family, Jack and Marjorie ; Phone 651 or 652 . .. (c) rOMiMb LVLNTS 39 nOMES FOR RENT 527 Third Ave. Phone 212 n Legion hi 18. 9A SEWING MACHINES card party, Adams, Percy Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. F. Reld, Violet, Jonnny an-J 'AniV. Grace and (Jherril Mr-rti- i ALK.V- Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864 ELMORE PHILPOTT (Continued frcm page 2)' 3-Bedroom House, unfurnished 2- Bedroom House, furnished. 3 - Room Suite, unfurnished,. close In-H. O. HELGERSON LTD. ' Phone 9 (It) ige Sale, PR. Business tyre, Dyriye and Mike Schwab, ysslonal Women's Club,' Nell and Emll Petersen, Marg ' ' ----- (fl j, IF YOU WANT A . ,, CINDER DRIVEWAY , ,, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUND3RS' 52 FOR SAL MISC. ipt-n at a.m. upposue ana Utorge Hills and Famiiv, ,ilt Shop on 6th St. Mr- and Mrs. Bob Parks, Mr. t ' U-.r and MS- Jaek Kwart, Mi. ani T,'na', U?9n Mrs- Iveson- Mr- Mr. V. !V UB" , Wagar, Stewart Lyons, Jack S9A SUITES FOR RENT to her real home- I notice that the young people who are born and brought up on these prairies have a fierce attachment to the land that laughs to scorn all Annual Banquet, Re- ,(( Day, Nov. 11, at 1:30 such talk as whether the thermometer reaches 40 or just 30 ! THREE - ROOM apartment. downtown location. Also 3-room suite suitable for office or apartment. O. P- Tinker Co-Ltd. Phone 57. -Eves. Red 578. (263) n Remembrance Day Pearson, Wayne Hamsun, Scv r.nd Anne, Frank and Norma Warne, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hau'an and Family, Paul and Lieanor Piche, Irene. Otto and Christine Mostad, Mr. and Mi. i(. M. Hale and Buster, Mavis Smlthson, Fred and Marion Calderonl, Bill and Noon, Bill and Emily Rothwell, Freda and uv. ll, at 10 p.m. . SCOTT McLAREN. CHARTERED ACCO UN'I'AmT James Block, COS 3rd AvcV? Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Party, Catholic Hall, LOGROLLERS The Softest! The Lightest! . The Latest! Hand Sewn . . . Hand-Lasted . :. . Nuv. 12, 8 p.m. Door Delow in wintertime- The prairie sunshine seems to heat their hearts so white hot they never cool off In their loyalty. Of course it also makes a,' difference who is waiting at' the other end of the line In the case of the pert young miss it was a handsome Mountie all complete with wedding party. 654 ! DINING PLEASURE . f in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe BRIGHT unfurnished apartment. Preferably adult family. Please phone Black 277, Summit Apts. (268p) TWO - ROOM suite, furnished and heated. Three minutes from Post Office. Blue 409. (268) 3-ROOM furnished suite. Central location. Phone Green .:'arty, St Peter's Church r il Cove. Nov. 13. Ad- Alex Cniabella, Helen and Jack ! Furness, Bill and Kay Smith, Charlie, Peggy and Family, Mum and Dad Haudenschlld, Mike j and Beryl, Angus and Dora and SSe ssr 4etn pd far tmptisb. PlitM kivc aWsi nasV wst" 4rimt c8. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 13. PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws .-Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone DCS .",..',"7".; family, Peggy, Oordon and . .. 1 the V F.A.W.U. Rum- Familv. Rose and TpH Mnrr ia njum in -aiiuua lor , tL.. .j . . ; li .l.j a i Tl 241 evenings- mi) ib, better and more intensive and , u. cJ Bo.i . b. ). :d Home Cooking Sale, Intelligent use of farm woodlots. 1 ' Braio. cew.. t Roy Paulsen, Mr- and Mrs. P I Wlkdal. Buster and Jordis Hiil, i Mr. and Mrs- Mark Hill Sr., Mr. I suite. 621 FURNISHED St. Fulton (267) BLONDIE And Find His! By CHIC YOUNG . Fall Bazaar, Thurs-i'luotr 19, 1953. and Mrs. W. D. Vance, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. 8kldmore, Victoria, B.C. 40 HOMKS FOR SALE No- LOOK, DA5WOOQ '- tl'1' I ITHAT'S NHERE )'' t Fall Bazaar, Friday, ill. Also special thanks tollev Wedge Heel in ' Black or Camel Calf .513.95 , .; - .. ...... . , i VOGUE' SHOES LIMITED 50C Th,ird W. . Green 695 ... :; . ,. (ltc) SIX-ROOM Wartime In " good !I FOUND SIX DOLLARS I VE GOT TO FIND NOBODY WILL FIND IT i I I II f A REAL GOOD HIDING IN A MILLION VEARS, - r 111 I I PLACE FOR THIS STUCK UP HERE BEHIND II SIX DOLLARS THIS LOOSE WALL BOARD ti O. Sleber for his pncouraplns BEHIND A condition. On corner lot. 920 Dance, Nov. 20, Elks' LOOSE WALL J Hays Cove Ave- Full price $4700. words and heartfelt sympathy. Kay and Jack. Franks. (It) (265pl BOAPD . HOW DID M JriC Y (' J ( VOU FIND ' SS ' i y " I V IT so J -yvAWA-il (QUICKLY? f ...Y4tfVeLf 42 WANTED TO REN Hurple Fall Bazaar, Klks 'uv. 21. ll BL'SINESS PERSONALS TWO-BEDROOM house, close to ORDER your personalized im town. References. Box 853, Aibi'.ion and Tea, High N"v. a, atternoon and 1 4 ef ' ; i j i k. MS?- .4 ; k " , ' '-. i P i 3 ' I r- I n 1 ' . j- ' iff . f ,1 ' i t r . g 1 - .4 n' . - ' , i 11 .: - 1- I r v v Jim O 1 Daily News. (268) i. r x-v 1 x ass jrjNt yyir r printed Christmas cards early. Hundreds to select from. Imprinting, 15c dozen. Additional dozens 50c. Twenty-four-hour service. McRae's. (263) THREE- or four-room furnished f M. Full I3az.-ar, Novem- emrtment- Box 854, Dailv News. (tf-nc) Aid Bu- GARAGE. Phone Red 886. ELECTRIC heaters, hot plate, radio, record player, electric motors, coal and wood range, and heater, cordwood saw. warehouse dolleys, auto parts, radiators, heaters, batteries, tires, motors, etc. Furnished trailers Apply Midland Pines, Phone Black 739, Box 34. (264) MIC - 'iiian Ladies' vember 26. i - . v. x t n v I w ...... .a .j.' a j,- i i (263p) ;?xiv,: : W.A. Chrlst- NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributors for Mining, Bawmlll, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries ln-rlted. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) 43 LISTINGS WANTED J Church e, Dec. 3. KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY, ira) Fall Bazaar, Satur- ". 5. fTAi JUST IO MAS Si,R THATHOtjHfti 4 L . Of P'Ktc mecwe t HAiHeHClm) . w ettmro rnesxvjn tveasa reJ BUDGIES or Love Birds. Write Mis. Per.sing, Box 743, Prince George, for price list and colors. List your house for quick ' sale with 1 II. G. Helgerson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th Street 40ENTS for Canadian Liquid Air r.n. t.trl for nxviren acetv- that ' F xm&t'j ' ftp-pr r-Tuarsir-v lene and all welding supplies. I Proceeds go to crippled chillren mas Curol Festival, Dec 'Tuesday and Wednes- to 9; 30, Civic Centre Phone 96 or Black 899 evenings. Lindsay t cartage Si Storage urpnan tiome anu missiuimr-Ltd. Phone 60. . (c) ies. ' , I263p) (284 YOU heert.-' aaVdls Numte,i ' WT-BURNRR -oil 4rtovov."wortfc ' n Army Home League Sale, Deo, ; (2801 "hi auid?com9aii?r'ftr2 M Dinner, Feb. 13. (280p) flcVs wfh'Oiiyiiig plants. Free Saorifice, $150. pweq 3110. 1 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE v? BardU Nurseries,): Two-storey -building -showing a on request. Sardis, B.C. (It) : net revenue of over 20 per . j EASY washing machine In good cent on full Investment) Offers I'EHSONAL will be considered. . Exclusive WINTERIZE your tires, 2 in 1 1 condition, reasonably priced winter cleat or sawdust treajJCAl.LE.ed 8!)6 J136 6th East. KNUTSON S 'J'TRt; f"LH ' I . s (265) agent. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. Phone 96 (2641 SERVICE, 811 Fraser St. Phone , ACME adjustable-dress form, "" . $12 Hand Singer sewing ma he Drqmatic, iQllenging Film chine, $10.00. Blue 448. (265p) u-Honesr Abe is Marked! U'L.ABNER' REVENUE property In Terrace THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. House wiring and electrical By AL CAPP Net revenue per month $320. Full price $15,000. Shows over 3-SPEED portable player with built-in speaker Ideal for children. Phone 946. 1267) repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 185. (265) 20 on your Investment. For RD OF ALL" further details phone Green 252 between 5 and 7 p.m- (265p) MUSKRAT coat, size 16-18. Like new. Call or phone Suite 2, Heleerson Block. (268) PLUMBINd, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phone 643. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau. (c) 1 be shown at the SKEENA Hotel Cafe, Terrace. Fully equipped. Going con cern- rnone Black W37-. .(264) 1000 FEET new shiplap, cheap-1913 7th Ave. E- (268p) 45 PROPERTI FOR , SALE REMINGTON typewriter, $3800. Green 848- (267pl RICHARD SEPHTON, District AgenVMutual Life of Canada. For life insurance counsel, phone 436. (263) WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phonfl Blue 070 for Parts Sales Service. (c) FOR SALE or Trade 160 acres on Terrace-La kelse Road, 7 miles from Terrace. Approximately 5 acres cleared. Offers rAJLAR BAPTIST CHURCH ' ;DAY, NOV. 13, 8:00 p.m. ;'re welcome to enjoy a ' lng-song and' this "HI OOlnr mr,vlo FOR KENT MISC. 32A to Box 849, Daily News. (264pi TWO cabins. Phone Green 400. Apply 2000 11th Ave. East. (268) 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furfc, Stone Building. Red 693. (20m' 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' ph 1 Sunderland, and (-OHCi WAHJOBCATTWi IBOTWHVCX3ES AH 1 "uALT "f f YO'AN' DAISY MAE KIN LEAVE ) I I cnTsnwr-.r V -1 " lV" ' -1 ' . ; TCWBLg. SAVE HAWK,! WE HAFTA LEAVE. lH-HAlN-Ti'J,JVuCff DOGTCH BUT VO -A? S Z? cSV S - mih wit i?r nrate; THE HEART QF JULIET JONES . " ByljAN'pRAKE JUUET...HOW f WES FORTV.ri K WELL, I 6UPR3SE STBUG3LIN9 fvicLL DUSTV, WE'VE SOT A V--.-4 A i j I'-' ' ' ' '" -4 aw PATlEW I ANPTHEV OUN$ S-iOJLPNT ICSK )i WEE BETWEEN THIS TANK 'J .'A ', I . M --i - If PO M5U FlSUSE I SAW If CAME BECAUSE A iFT HORSE N TM6 MOUTH... " TOWN AND VOUR. NEXT ir-VF1' "H nil ' ' ll TOPAY...ANP...WHVPie ( THEV WAKTEP TO IF W6S TAL90T WILL R3RSIVE i APPEARANCE ...HOW I ITl". 'hi i i THEY OWE ?r- I BE TREATEPBV THE EXPRESSION.' I" ABOUT A OjjCK TRIP J fhtHkT,', ;J Jf C- .:. ' lT-fw TISA -rrkirKC ths coast-? A virs f., ;; MX! Ila'r ( "f u .i f . . i if f Slesv little PLAce.- .... WMA BM5!&g J : . WANTED TOP MARKET cnces at college. (ltd WH.FORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. tf) PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt pay. Alcoholics Anony- ment made. Atlas Ircn & Metal DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reasonable. Phone Red 224. , (267) ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fully furnished rooming house business. 14 .rental units plus suite for owner. Lease. Profitable invest- (284) Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAciflc 6357. (H) SlNESS PERSONAL8 Eddie's MAGAZINES, novelcle. Newa Staud. CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteflt-s, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. - (c) LOST IS 15 words for 3 con- LEROY wrlstwatch, about one month ago. Keepsake. Phone Green 286 Reward. (263) : i .consecutive days OIL-BURNING range, pot-burner type. Box 852, Daily News. (Up) ment. For further - details write . Box 851, Daily News (3tc) (tf-nc) WHITE and yellow gold plain band wedding ring. Reward. Call Daily News office. (Up) WARTIME front door. 551 after p.m. Oreen (263p) r-'yDoay uses 99 Their Limits Here ... Season Never Closes ?rgain Hunters Are Bagging t.- . : i