10 Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, November 12, 1953 LINDSAY mportance of Marketing Main Topic :tt'Meet Called by Smithers Chamber special to The Daily News , will invite representative groups ' meet with it Dec. 1. SMITPfBS RmitVioro anA t e ; Businessmpn nf Rmithprs will CARTAGE AND STORAGE UD LID- Established Ml 1 -r Construction of Hospital Wing Expected to Start in Spring MOVING.. . PACKING 1 va : CRATING ui ituiuri.i iruiii uie various1 , , . . . 1 I I.M, . . . 1 OKWAKltlv, STOItu; J.stT.ct Chamber of Commerce areas of the Bulk.ey Va.ley to fnTreMingVy ImpTrtanT m.tter if mnrlrptinir nf tVi vallov'f Experienced handling local, Nation- i ir. ,f-t ,.;.. " - wide aim 1,urm-wlue Shipments. 'farm produce. .... 4' if -f . SHIP VU iv. .. AScntsAllied Van Lines Ltd. P Possibility of the Bulkley planning its production potential to meet demands of the Flume CO or 68 Cor. zni and. Special to The Daily New SMITHERS. Start on construction of a $150,000 reinforced concrete 30-bed three-floor wing addition to the Bulkley Valley District Hospital is hoped for next spring, according to Pakistan growing outlets of Prince Rupert and Kitimat was discussed at length at the November meeting of the chamber. Rev. Mother Mary Luca, provincial Superior of the Sisters of St. Ann. Mother Superr Mary Luca was here last week from Victoria to attend a meeting of tin- j hospital board of management. I Harry Whittaker of Victoria, formerly provincial architect, presented sketch plans of the new wing. The "plans were all-proved In principle and Mr Whittaker was authorized t.i complete plans for presentation to provincial ant. federal authorities for approval. Some $70,000 of the cost h;is It was 'expressed that cooperation of Prince Rupert merchants would likely be forthcoming as. if arid when supply was properly organized to en-.?.ue regulated, quantities to m.w.t riurnnnD nf nn.nf 1 I 1 "pardo; ME ' ing and marketing standards. A been assumed by the Sisters of . To Be Made j Republic KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters l j The Constituent Assembly has voted to make Pakistan a repub-' lie, but left untouched the coun- i try's membership in the Com- I nionwealth. Hindu members, who are In a j minority, walked out of the as- i I ONt tR.NS EVERYONE It was considered the nrnhlpm BUT,. ! of marketing was not an indi I I v. v - I St Ann, and fionnn raided hnrp in a fund drive sponsored bv Bulkley Valley branch No. 53 or the Canadian Legion will go toward this amount. The province, through the BCHIS, will contribute one-third of the total cost. The federal grant of $1,000 per bed is MARIE CALVERT demonstrates a neat bundle as she is chosen "Miss Packaging of 1953" at the packaging exhibition which opened in Toronto recently. Representatives of the $700,000,000 industry attended from across Canada with an attendance of 15,000 business men. The exhibition is the largest non-public trade show in Canada. sembly, claiming that undue em- phasis was being placed on the Islamic nature of the state. j The decision to establish a re vidual one dui one concerning the entire district. The system of peddiitig ai generally practiced was noi satisfactory- It was agreed that ungraded, poor products sometimes shipped were harmfal to the district as a whole. It is hoped that the meeting may engender some organized effort toward a market agency- A request for help to get extension of eleirtric power to a rural area west of Houston ih vl .1 : ; !.W v .... , f 9- I i OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10' Stone Building Phone Blue 593 i a like to do o little bragging about North!, public Is not effective immediately, but will be incorporated in the draft constitution. This will In due course be submitted for adoption by Parliament, whose membership is identical with that of the Constituent Assembly. The assembly voted that the country should be an "Islamic republic." Amendment had been submitted to add the words "outside the Commonwealth," but they were not brought to a vote. India became a republic after the sub-continent -was divided between India and .Pakistan lrt 1947, but remains 'jwlthto 'the Commonwealth. - t I ol R MEMBERS of a Toronto family died in a fire in the city's ia.st end despite heroic efforts at rescue. Fifteen others escaped. Paul Rivney i left saved four children and his sister from an upstairs rear window. His father John ' at right 1 escaped but Pau'V mother, Mrs. Tekla Rivney. 52, a sister, Mrs. Mary Guzda, 3:i and twe" children, SunyatJUvrd'. 4, and her brother Nicky, 2, were fatallv injured. "s" J i handed over to a committee for i action. j B.C. Power Oommission is re-I ported to have taken: little or no I action following several letters I from a group of 11 farmers. The ill outlets are within a distance of 234 miles .with an estimated :!' milfes of sidelines. "1 love Comes To Hippo In Bronx Zoo NEW YORK lAP)Ppt-hor,o i ''?'X8?jr are ready jo slash,, the ngni-ui-way, oig pixit nole and I help erect the Doles, and hnv ivu.i y ivtHK.. i ou Knew mot Northland milk IV FRESHEST in town since it comes direct to from the farms o the Bulkley Valley v Proo'uccis. BUT do you'know that . . . Our milk contains 3.5 butterfar. Our mAk comes from the one remaininj disease-free area in B.C. Our milk comes from ' Grade A" forms. 'Dept. of Agriculture grading! Phone 18 FOR HOME DELIVERY expressed readiness to pay the Tj KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we'll winterize your cur too. You'll be pleased with our service. , ,1'xpeciea nign minimum rate, i Their expressed desire is to j bring their poultry, dairy and ; mixed farms up to date in order i to produce the best for market- FATHER TAKES ORDERS FROM SON IN HOME GUARD DYMCHURCH, England (P It's normal for a son to bark orders at his father here. Walter Roots, Jr., Is a sergeant in a home guard unit whioh includes two brothers and his father, Pte. Walter Roots, 63, who won the DCM for an attack on a German machine-gun in the First World War. Italian Storms Isolate Villages REGGIO CALABRIA, Italy API A two-day wind and rain storm that swept across the flood-stricken toe of Italy ended abruptly today, but left three small mountain communities isolated. ' For the second time in less than three weeks, rain-filled torrents Monday cut roads and forced; Biany Inhabitants to flee. I For action try Classifieds mmm Superior Auto Service Limited NORTHLAND DAIRY , love has come at last to Pete, ' the- pint-sized hippopotamus. 'Even If it doesn't last, it's an ear-tingling, teeth clenching, romance right now. Pete last September spurned a 700-pound girl hippo brought to the Bronx zoo as his potential bride. She was too overwhelming for the 350-pound Pete. - But the zoo kept trying and now has come up with Phoebe, a dainty 315 pounds of hippo femininity. Reported a zoo spokesman in the breathless tones of a who's-dating-who gossip columnist: "She was formally introduc- ed to baby Pete Monday afternoon and the two of them took to each other instantly. Little Pete demonstrated his affection by chewing on Phoebe's ear and Phoebe stood perfectly still for minutes at a time and let him nuzzle." f In the love language of the hippo, the zoo added, that means theywere meant for each other. However, there are a couple' of things that keep the romance from being breathless. It takes ninp vpar ,.. if. Hue Bonnet Sue f'fonel8 Limited NOKTHEHN PHOWCS FOR NORTHERS COSSl'MEf.' Flooded mountain torrents, i fed by tremendous cloudbursts, took 55 lives a&4 wrecked 7.000 ! homes tn the same area Oct. 22. yo zs zs Christmas Cash Contest ft", t ' . - . V 1 e ) 3 -..Mil & : ",..f 'ai .'. fit " II I. . W .... .. V A " .. s. ' , " :H ' -t .. 'j '.jj 4"' at v .r V. i t ' v. ' j .... f ?"' Jk. 156 CANADIANS MUST WIN! hippos to grow up "enough to set up housekeeping and listen for the thunder. of tiny feet And both Pete and Phoebe have about seven more years to go you my cer as much as $1,500 OR MOM (N CASH KfORt CHRISTMAS! i-m mytttvzz?z Your grtaf chanc fa win shig cash prize right when you need it most in time for Christmas! AH Prim art Cathl Every single week from now until November 21 lilue Bonnet Sue's Christmas (.ash Contest is giving away twenty-six cash prizes, amounting to $1,500.00 a week... and at the end of the contest a special bonus prize of $1,000,00 cash will also be awarded. $10,000 in all! ' No svoitingl Every- week of tlie comes 26 prjze'i art awarded to 26 different winners. No waiting to get your reward. Within days of receiving your entries, the week's judging takes place . . . then, immediately, cheques are on their way to winners! Start today! Enter every week, as often as you lika each week. THE MORE YOUR ENTRIES, THE HI.1T1K YOUR OPPORTUNITIES OF WINNING 1HI. BIG $1,0(10 CASH CHRISTMAS BONUS (see below) START ENTERING TODAY! ...-vv sewing owing i'f 1 machine HMS All you B0! rnise cash pmes mm wuri ONE 500 CASH PRIZE FIVE 50 CASH PRIZES fV-fffr WKKI VfRY WEEK I ONE 200 tASH PRIZE EIGHTEEN25CASH PRIZES CVtRY WECKI tVfRY WttKI i . i&oold M i If hM 1 a fe.' is m M m I Wrlle plainly in 30 wordt or last, FOUR rea$on why yoo prefer Blue Bonnet Margarine. i With each entry encloie two nd-flapi (each with Good Houtekeeping Seal of Approval) from any package of Blue Bonnet Margarine. i Mail to Blue Bonnet Sue, Christmat Cash ConteH, P.O. Box 2160, Toronto, Ontario. i Winner will be notified by mail. Complete I lit of winner supplied on request at end cf Contest. Inw.l o palltrn dic ONE 1Q0 CASH PRIZE fVY WttKI i completely automatically, It mekee the famletl aewlnf; a ee.. a. p,y, . rMfd , ... , , and ,5 a. T CT'eX 5 ff .K0n- Avr. The Elna Sup.rmotic does every1tiln9-M sews, darns, .mb,oid.ri, mono9rams, mends almoit inv.aibly, mak., button holes, taws en buttonln foct, more things than It's poulbl to m.mionl line even corrits a llf,iim. 9uarqn,fc You can't afford to buy any ,(, machine until you've seen an ELNA -so phone today for IS. amoilng eight minut. prtinalion In your home thare's no obligation. Blue Bonnet Sie P.O. BOX 2160 Ctmstmo Cosh Conteit TORONTO, ONTARIO bclowd plMW find ,l,.d h 30 wo,d, u , . P " "" M..rk-, My name I -..........' A special Christ mas Bonus Prize of $ 1 ,000 cash will he awarded at the end of the contest. To ha eligible for this big bonus: l .tle?,,y .n V" ry how many unit e Vitamin A are in each pound of Blue Bonnet Margarine. 2. All entries will be retained. Al end of the conte.t, the r.t correct entry drawn will be warded 11,000 cathl My eddrs la.. . . easy credit ternii $30 Down $15 Month McRAE BROS. LID. Phone 6 or 36 "The Store That Service Built" Fine quality, choice) flavor, full atlsfying strength . . . Nabob lifts your spirit and satisfies as only a good tea can. Why noi treat yourself to "tea as tt should be?" ro ir riKsmu km amino!, uooo cash ammtAt I TH MORE iNTRUS - THi MORS OPPORTUNITIES ! X " ' x sV 4r v aaaaBBBBBMaaaUlMaaillIHIaaalae :.tlLlv:ri..