Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 12, 1953 1 brodItsxxJ BRODiEiai mas l if JN . A v; mm CALGA ilAM'S SPY EXPERIENCES IN FRANCE 10 BE BOOK EPIC i CALGARY 0 The story of were forced Into their cells George DcPre, Calgary business through gratings, man who was a British intelli- j After this sof.ening-up pro- i Knee aSent with the French cess DePre was taken upstairs yndergn.und during the Second for ; questioning. Two Gestapo World War, is to be told in a seized him men and his index book by Qu?ntm Reynolds, Unit- ! Iir!ger was ciamped ln a vise. A td States war correspondent, i third man kll.k(ri him anri ,hpn 11 .-- 'Hfc. W COHBINATIOM , fi ' I III 4IO Urn WALNUTS, shelled pieces.. Hllr DePre m a French half-wit, he fe!1 t0 tne 1 his i did notable work as a spy with was quickIy broken. Pkt. 37c Pkt. 37c Pkt. 31c Pkt. 37c (lie Maquis and suffered torture You get all 4 FOR ALMONDS, shelledTZajq RED CHERRIES, glazed .Zu CUT MIXED PEEL 73iyj Large Size-Each Package makes two Cakes A Complete Mix Just add water Made and guaranteed by ROBIN HOOD. LIMITED NUMBER OF FHii 'CAECl TINS with purchase of 4 packages of Cakemix ' Questions regarding the Maquis produced only a babbled "Je ne sais pas." Two days later, he again faced his tormentors. HOT WATER TORTIRE This time he was strapped into a chair with a pad of paper, with instructions to write the answers to questions fired at him. Before him were three electric elements on which were kettles of water. The first was set at a low heat, the second at medium, and the third was set at high. A clamp was used to force oper his mouth, and the water from the low burner was poured down his throat. The questions brought only the French negative. Finally, boiling water was oured into the half-wit's mouth at the hands of the German Oestapo. Born at Ponna, India, in 1903, the son of a British Army officer, DePre graduated from Cambridge with an arts degree. Later he came to Canada to serve with the Hudson's Bay Company, freighting mail, merchandise and passengers in the western Arctic by dog sled. ENLISTED WITH KCAF War broke out seven years after DePre had moved to HBC's head office in Winnipeg. Shortly after enlistment in the RCAF he was chosen to study at a British spy-training school in Oxfordshire, England. Until he was parachuted into France in 1940, DePre learned radio operation and maintenance, acquired a general know FRUIT CAKE FRUIT 2-lb. 21c RAISINS, bleached I lb. pkt. ft RAISINS, puffed, seeded . . . . I lb, ft HAIL, SNOW, RAIN OR SUNSHINE... WE GIVE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE TO YOUR HOME PHONE AN INDEPENDENT FOOD STORE TODAY! MISCATS but the result was still the same. He was taken to his cell and stayed there while his tongue ledge of the systems of the French Maquis, then aiding the ; Peeled . and his teeth fcU from OVALC 12) escape cf Allied airmen who had j ut-du n"-been forced down. Of the seven Maquis arrested His roommate at the school by the Gestapo, hone betrayed was a half-wit Briton from ' his comrades, DePre said. Three whom DePre adopted all the j of them, including the half-wi, mannerisms of the feeble-mind-1 got the "full treatment." One of ed. His conversation was to be ; them died, and the vocal cords almost Incoherent, and the most j of another were paralyzed by the j he was called upon to write was : steaming water. ! "Je ne sais pas," I don't know. I Today, DePre no longer re-, i Four days after landing in sembles the starved and disf ig-iTance. DePre went to work as ; ured the i man pickeci up on a garase sweeper in a small vil- j French countryside. Branch' lage, the name and location of j manager for a chemical firm, he OFFERS ; ROLLED OATS Quaker, Quick Cooking, 48-oz ft ROYAL TREAT 3k which still is a secret "B Pe" ; is a member of the local Boy ! came Paul Couchette, a French Scout council, and has under- llall'Wll. fyrtrta nlactin cuvooi-u in roclnr. FOR YOUR PALATE AND POCKETBOOK! PANCAKE FLOUR Cl) Aunt Jemima, 3!':-lb J 1 i 35c Fancy, 4's, 15-oz. Tins for WAFFLE SYRUP 35-oz. tin 42i! Couchette worked for two ; damage done by the torture. years in the garage, used mostly i ! by Germans and then was taken j to Hamburg to work in a sub-1 Fine Catches ! marine factory. j HALIFAX (P Official reports i ARRESTED BY GESTAPO ! show 6.400 Atlantic salmon were After 10 months in the factory caught in Nova Scotia rivers last ' he was allowed to work his way : season, or 1,378 more than a! back to the French village. On year ago. The season's biggest the way, he was picked up by an fish was a 31-pounder taken ; Allied plane and slipped back from the St. Mary's river on the I into the role of citizen George eastern shore. ! DePre. hospital patient suffering j " " from the effects of German tor- ' "" BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's, 14-oz lid 2 37c S1S1S Cut Green, Fey, 15-oz. Tins CREAM of WHEAT 28-oz 30 ture. ! While engaged in underground activities. DePre and 19 others were arrested by the Gestapo for questioning. Among the group ware seven of the Maquis. DePre says that for two days And threp nights, alternate hour-long blasts of hot and cold air ASK fO SCOTIANO'I FAVOUtlTI SON JOHNNIE VALKER ...... laSfil CreatnMfe Fey.. 15-oz. Tins for Specials Good Nov. 13, 14 and 16 BmmiLmmmmmmrmmmmtTmmmmmmsmuaiVsT vtVhisUlVlJ. it. ft h ' 41. . J. n "If it l -S -S . " '-ii . ...ts " " 'i. Hr t ' ,fc . ( ' ,. ; ir'V'-r-u-K ... 't vr - 1. ' tv'r -',;?.,. .1 .1 . '-!lJ:;:-.i I ra Ml1A t n 1 tjP uW uWv L Kernel, Fey., 15-oz. Tins...... for IORN 1120 (Till GOING IHONG W I : KMTJILJ 1 5-oz. Tins for " FINE OLD , SCOTCH WHISKY INSTANT COFFEE Pure Maxwell House, 2-oz Germans Buy Bauxite Ore From Greece ATHENS fAP) From bauxite nines devf looert nrar Elensis, fimed in antiquity for the Elcn-f'"iQn nivsterios. ore is now flowing out of Greece at the rate ot 1.0(10 tons a day to become, in Germany, aluminum The Eleusis Bauxite MinM. Inc., within the last few weeks hss become comnletely mech'in-ia-d from the beginning stripping operation to loading into ehips. Just a year ago much of (lie mining was of the pick-and-tiiovel variety. In 1952 the mine produced K05.000 tons of bauxite. The estimated output this year will be J'fAOOO tons. The 1953 produc-ti-m is lower than 1952 because sylcs to commercial firms fell off. Si 5h 4? m Lomatoes Choice, 28-oz. Tin. TEA BAGS Matkin's, White Label, 60'$ 32i TEA BAGS Malkin's, White Lobel, 30's ' Dint'dled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland Content 26ft on, JOHN WALKER A SONS i.TD. Scotch Whisky Distillers m KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND MBliUS Red Choic05-oz. Tins?:. 2.39 SUGAR For less than 10c lb. 25-lb. bog ll 'J? bv the Government ot ' u., BritlBh . Columbia. aait? f1!lt(g: Halves, Choke 41c for oz. Tins 97( HONEY Creamed Alta. Sweet 4-lb. tin m n 4k KfflOUeS Sliced, Fey., 1 5-oz. Tins for 33i ; m r PICKLES Evercrisp Sweet Mixed 16-oz. I NoCM 1 Psiiijs Ba,t,ett- i5-m- Tin 24c S3 sr- Potatoes j JOO.Po"" Sock I piricefis Choice, 15-oz. Tins.. for Gillette DELUXE ROCKET Y For the fastest, best-looking, most refreshing shaves ever get a modern Gillette one-piece Razor. Enjoy instant blade changing, real shaving comfort and double-edge economy. Important advantages only Gillette combines. WILLIAMS GROCERY MIDWAY GROCERY I SKEENA GROCERY PIIPFRT BUIC Gold-plated, one-piece razor plus 10 Gillette Blue Bladei in disjenser with used-blade LYONS FINE FOODS Phones 250 465 Phone tonipanment, all m modern Phone AND GROCERS LTD Phone 21 rnone 656 oiyrene case that openi at a touch. $159 659 581 " 582 iID) S1T(D)BiS .IP E MIDI MIT IF Gillette REGULAR ROCKET One - piece, nickel - plated razor and improved 10-blade disjenser, in handy tOQ Styrene travel case. I n'ii,iu fmwm THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE