tl .Jl , :'jr .:isja.' jTno of Eskimo Stars Scrappy Millers Eke Qui Win 1 As Bombers Take Second Game r;V'.A. ' '1 1 ' Vonouver WINNIPEG K Injuries my Torn Casey, now a non-Import, play a bl part In deciding the dded another. Flymg wing Western lnterprovinclal Football Buddy Korchak kicked two "con-Union championshlpa the best- verts and a single. Oerry James jf-three final goes down to the returned a punt for a single. The vire Saturday night In Edmon- other two points came on a ton. safety touch when Rod Pantages Darrel Royal's Eskimos not waj caught behind his own goal only came out on the short end line. mm -9 Over Last Season s Champions j A battling though disorgarnz- and Carlson with 11 points did over Fraser & Payne in an Inter i ed Columbia Cellulose squad jeoman work before he fouled j A hair-raiser. ' eked out a well-earned 39-36 out. j It was fouls again which made victory over last year's Prince j ' G & A's sharpshooters wer? ! the difference as either side . Rupert Senior B basketball weak on free shots only netting i only netted two field goals in : champions Gordon & Andersons 6 in 25 tries. The millers single- : the final quarter which began ; in a rough and tumble thriller shot artists sank 13 of 21 ! with Fraser & Payne holding a i at the Civic Centre Tuesday '. chances. In tne foul column j 33-32 edge over the bottlers. The : night ; CCC committed 18 offences '. j I drygoods squad outscored the Minus the expert coaching of " & A's 16. Rape Holkestad of I North Stars 13-11 in the first i Pop Pay and with Bill i-unberg G & A and Mel Thompson of j quarter, trailed by one point al : sidelined with a lacerate:, hand, CCC also fouled out. .'the half and led by one point! the pulp millers held Minor Si-! Bill (Mousel Morrison with 1 5 i at the three-quarter mark. The i mundsen's crew to a 10-10 tie'Pints led North Star Bottling game was again tied at 41-41 1 'it. V of a 21-17 score in the second Vessels, leading American col- s .1 . ;ame Wednesday against Win- lege player last year and one of upeg Blue Bombers, but may the WIFU's top scorers, this sea-jave lost three ton-flight players, son, plunged over for one Eskimo Esks, who won the opener last major. Rollie Miles took a 25- Jit Saturday 25-7 in their own yard pass from quarter back at the end of the first quarter i Works to a narrow 44-41 victory j but fouls saw North Star get the edge and hold it I I '' 3 nisi end puiled ahead by tne half when ih score stood 17-14. - an Clarke Stadium, may go Into Claude Arnold and ran the re- tu deciding battle without malnlng 45 yards for another halves Billy Vessels and Don touchdown. Bill Synder ronvrt- imon and end Frank Anderson, ed both majors and booted a Vessels aggravated a buck in- field- goal. Pantages adoed an- jury, suffered in the final game other two points on singles. j of the regular schedule. Simon - " j !nirt his left knee and ankle and MORE WOOI FROM FORESTS Rangers Score Win Over Hawks By The Canadian Press Kristmanson who fouled out w:is also top scorer Tor Fraser & Payne. F & P committed 19 fouls and North Star 12. The winners sank 18 of 25 free shots and the losers netted 9 out of 17. (J & A gained ground in the third quarter when they out-scored the Millers 12-9 to lit' the game up at 26-26. The gruelling last canto snw , ' I 'wMI8 k . Anderson was pulled up with New York Rangers won their G ti A's Tiny Carlson and Mtl ':r.e? injury bUr uHll7Pt(on the pulp and Central J?Mrt-u. . In a will-piayed game Man- m nnn -.-.. urvr. nnmp viprnrv Kinpp Nnvpm- Much of the credl of the paper Industry ij Increasing the 1221 Granvilit St 1 IIOIIipSOU Ul - V. 1UU1 UUl. UUll - :., J Wtf Rillv 5(.Hirou7i.b will! Schc-rk was returned to th- bPr 1929 over Chicago Black 7 V ?Pge, V, , ? Hawks last niuht when thev ! 7 r P"Us defeated General Mo- millers - k bench u for unsportsman- i-ks iabi nignt wnen y ouinur: viuiuiy weni 10 llieir V wuLuvuy vk LHIIVUU s lOTeStS WORLD'S LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION JIMMY CARTER, shown getting In some light bag work during training, last night retained his title with a fifth-round knockout over Montreal's Armand Savoie. (CP Photo.i like conduct when he objected too strenuously and started swinging. scored a 3-2 victory over the ;,""". I Young wlth ' 8 P'ntS Ied the Hawks. Ranker marksmen were I losers o were outscored in Max Bentley. Bob Chrystal and wn u,Lhir every quarter but the third. I OI LS COSTLY Bob Chrystal. Gus Mortson and tallied for the Mansons took the first quarter 7-4, the second 6-1, lost the third -3 and took the final Devastating Right Robs Savoie It was G & A fouls which gave Larry Wilson the pulp millers the game de- Hawks f.pite the CCC raggedness. Ha! Jtt WiSK? SSS.Of lightweight Title Dreams a dozen times the millers hard-charging defensive line, led by tackles Dick Huffln and Buddy Insley and end Tommy Lums-den whe played havoc with the Edmonton nttnek. Terrific line play also was responsible for holding off the's last-half drive which almost wiped out Bomber's 19-5 first half lead, and which had most of the record 18.434 pro-Winnipeg crowd on edge until the final whistle. The weather played a big part 'n the game. Strong down-draft winds kept the kickers and punt receivers guessing as the ball twisted and turned, slowed down and speeded up In 35-mlIe an throw-in man was left holding 5 ;onireai canaaiens vault-:, . . c , , i tne Dan wim no one to toss to ing the Leafs. into second place,: v" " t muwikeal, w One short ed the first even, the next fwo and players gave each other two points behind the Habitants : '"""'f" and ?n,ey. releTea devastating right that' travelled , for Savoie and the fourth for contradictory instructions as and one point ahead of Detroit ! "L fc, t j. ,r ' iws thim a foot ws all champion fnrtvr. Jud-re Jimmy Gow gave they tried to hold back th? Red Wings who fought to a 2-2 ; "etf nd .Sla,ttaf handled e Jimmv Carter needed last night Carter (he first and fourth So-striving hardwaremen. G & deadlock with fourth-place Bos- T ' l e lasl tw0' : to defeat Armond Savoie and ex-; voie the second and third took the lead momentarily in ton ! P1,Jt!'' tne Montreal ! Bruins in Boston. , i . boy's dream -He was comlnn in nnri m the middle of the quarter 31-30 "f the world cZ In the Western Hockey league qBT "ehtwelght Cham-I " MSV5n Q t , Pfi (Imp Ws nam Is nd 2 hj but another completed free shot Seattle Bombers and the Flyers) AnMA ' Pnshlp. , .. "fd ''VZ,'' . . ... Anderson 6, Jeffrey t r 3. Hodekin- ,. lf ' 1 natl Dpe" ooKlng for an tieri it im fnr the r.rr. it. m, .. . - . ... Tu.. it,.i , i ,;T., :Zr " u l.r" Kay lu a V son 4. B. Sedsewick 7. H. Web- .V ... u. puV'? ."'openinn and I let go. I wasn't shuifled the league stand- surprised when he didn't " get up. ' oer 1. Barnes, Magnusson, Erick- jQT ' 1 lnrt fli k;o rtnoq n.iih . . . millers sank three single snavs . jngs like a poker deck" j hour gusts. ! Import Ralph McCalllstcr was j top point getter for Winnipeg ; with two touchdowns. Veteran sen. Total 23. ' . , v iV," "? . . 1 Knew 1 'lad caught him with inest quolity pure wool roots in a large selection of newest fabrics and colors including the ever-popular WINTER WHITE. Come in and compare these for value. Si7es 10 to 20 Priced from ona Battled successfully to nold The one point moved Edmon-their slim lead ton from a tie for last place with.: GENERAL MOTORS: Carlscm Cnp, lihrnn : a really terrific punch.- .. Sid Scherk and Freddy Chris tensen were standouts for th.- fifth place with Victoria Coug- i - ,,.. . .'...j '. . round bv a tinv mnrtrin. the se. . , j .... . , . winners with 12 and 1 1 point, ; ars. For Seattle it moved them - "C"7,er-A ' Leatue " " Wird iiandily with sharp mdn Vdo a nVthine cSlo" respectively- Joe Davis was top within one point of third place ro, 1 , 0rtf left hook and tabs and left. ' .11 , nytnms: Champion w for G & A fZZrl L cWbinationf m ' V 1 tan bea "im' 1 now' point-getter with 12 New Westminster Royals. iKay, K Forbes, Ciccone A stewart 1 1 right . B uuons- I 1 r-voo nnrl hi mnnswr nirr 1 8, Sankey 7, G. Morison 7, Krist-I Th" champion bean openln30werv, said they will -camcalon OUTDOORS Wid Wan, - manson 10 Total 41 . ' "P in tne lourth with solid belts -. .n.; t),e lo ranking lleht- NORTH ST.r.: NicKerson 10 "?V' vml him the round- Both : weight and try to get a return Tait 7, Helim 4, H. McKay 4 ''enters came out of It with cuts j b t at the title. Black 4. Turcotte. Donaldson W i uvel ",p cves ,)Ut 'iP'ther showed $2 the slightest sipn of distress. By ERIC MARTIN Morrison 15. Total 44. Idonal spring salmon around 12 Savoie came bouncing out of Senior B League . , i pounds near the Dry Dock, Fred That old perennial comes up .ndrKn ttin t, a h Baseball Meeting Prince Rupert Little Leaeue GORDON & ANDERSON: Fla- j colter for the fifth. There ten 3. Hnlkptjt.nrf' nnuie in n I were lieht. evchnnpra mifi CouniA once again about where to place ;scnool o grey cBod at' FalrvBiew, tne up oi tne roresignt, wnen hanril ineri rleanintr nn with hrth trying to get down on a fine jigs and ocean worm for bait; Select and Mail Your Overseas Christmas Cards EARLY! Dibb Printing Co. THE UNIVERSA1 Webber 8, G. Carlson 11, Arrtey 1 moved in as he flicked a left, i 3?a" association will hold a 2, Flewin, Abbey. Currie. Total i The little Negro ehamDion saw , !T g. tonl"h' ln ,the clTlc 36. . - m ornfnr. His rMit Jist snap-!Cfntre .to comPie Plans for a CCC 300: D. Scherk 5, S n-t rnd Savoie went down on : h tf."1 "1 proRram- " ls Scherk 12, Thompson 2 Chris- (his back. noPed tnftt pitchtrs and catchers tensen 11, Marshall 5, Cameron As referee Tommy SulMvan 1 be abl ,t0 have ,nfloor Prac-1, Dumas 3. Total 39 took up the count. Savoie sud.,.!-'e as we" as baseball ? Vv, rixn "1UL" Bob Armstrong took a steelhead fw, A, tit v t T tp,Usr out of the Cloyah last week, afld ?'g.nt. iS..t0. l0?k Dick Gilker aiso caught one of Jim ?- i i , , it ;i f ':a'24t - it;' -J9 z. . i its J, 4' 2i -11 K, l H r, . ' -jf --7 V ,1 . . .c At' l' r.t.j if : : 'tit '. .ay- THROUGH the hole in the back Third Avenue ot Sixth Street harbor springs while plug troll sight (you may quite safely dis- films to keep Interest ln the ing. leeard its sppminlv lnrcra rtio. Little League alive. icteniv rnised his head, shook It and atipeared to realize he had j to move fast if he were to beat meter ' stanlev ParK Zo ir Vancouver completely! and then , Dutchmen Win Dlace the tin nf the fnrpioht or. 15 very anxious to obtain an i the fatal 10. But he was still i r.., , Otter to OCCUnv the snmntimnc ITTTriiTirxTTT, EETH'S BIG p me uuicti aiiiieu ai. inis goes ' "nnr.ntn, um. rt i.nacn 1 nmWino v,., i,j in . ,, for precision shooting also and ?uarters, ,a 1 equipped ith a Gerry Tuttle of KitcWr- i l lTvan tolled ioff u is accounted for by the fact that '? f',ar "d" which is Waterloo Dutchmen Wednesday i The S dww a rrf J of there is a much greater distance f.i i." onnec- neared a ambition: p mi the Mnti,i nim between front and rear sights twn the following f quite true and : to defeat Toronto Balmv Bench j Th" thine. i it i v, .i recent happenstance must be ! in th, nntn.i t....u.. 1 X"K gate Kale n was $53 SJ.J90 90 and and ther net Carlcr received ... i i .- told, but names are nurrvKolv I irin - j . .. . e",e to.eo3. f iuuiiu jo iiicnes oiierea Dy tne withheld. )V,v, A . ' J I auvance to tne orey'g i OPn and , Hvoie s share was 12 it h workman in a local i Cud semi-finals OTtinarv vee backsight ner rent nf tH crota not matter whether your eyes . """nn.eni was working in the The Dutchmen, with Tutt'e i ThV ,7,,? Idi Hi M bJ a are good natural or boosted by Tual nianner m an a mospbere reeMn? ' traffic from a half-.'decision 1, 1: evegiusses, the fact remains that,frn ole of fish, when I Mck position, defeated Beaches ! in rnon-tit' or ftht Here i the normal function is for a1 Jwn furred creature 9-6 here Wednesday in the first shooter to naturally and uncon- "rfrP the room and looked game of their two-game total- last nl7htT riX t.?ri! i sciously centre a point away 6round as though completely point final series. The deciding 1 "in from the eye, provided that he 'am"lar "ie ,h' ! Kame be P'd at Toronto ! unTs fourth ? first niru. nr. hi. if f . worker picked , the animal ud and ! Sundav ro rounos to to Savoie bavoie, the the fourth to One year ago, on Saturday, November 14th we benan to serve Prince Rupert . . . Today we look back over that year with satisfaction . . . We thank vou for your good patronage! r.,,., u). pvj,,,,, yj. aim uil . , ... t , " Carter. Judge Rene Oiimet scor- the target bv LOOKING P'acea it in a-packing box and To celebrate we are giving away FREE ... 400 SAMPLE BAGS-value 75c per bag THESE ARE OFFERED FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE . . J So Shop Eorly to ovoid disoppointment No, 1 Potatoes Prince Rupert Fighermen's .... -, Co-tp j , " Koien Co-op Phone orders welcome THROUGH THE APERTURE' nalled 11 snut- Shortly discussion prove this for yourself with a : arose as to wether the beast way dozen rounds fired at varying "?,"ttn or a 'id-otter, so an ranges with consideration f or . " lcial. was called in to make the known trajectory of the pro-! ntiflcatlon' A liutnbpr of jectile firert - h'kv males eathered nround Or. mcv b ure that armies nalls were remved, the lid raised would jiot us the aperture iehi a.nd ihe oiU'f clinlbed .out. Said I ifr; AW aose." to n W' 'of e. -tiroof as possible, you may safely seb'age, snorted in dfft-islbn as do the same. .i tne males made way -for him, :&nd promptly made his escape! This ls the time of year whenTef'" was a 'and-otter alright,, the finest steelhead fishing mav , not disPrt himself be had by those hardy enough 1 stanlcv Park. I fear. SPECIALS FOR THIS EVENT , ,- , SHAVING BRUSHES R3gular $2.00. Special 98c LZ1 Bog ' 'i Delivered Wc carry a aood assortment of fine chjoco-Iqtes . . . Black Magic, .Dairy Box, Pot of Gold, Welcome, and many others. 69c HAND LOTION Woodbury's. Reg. $1.49. Special w pui up witn a little discomfort, BOTH FOR WOODBURY'S VICKS VAPORUBand SMALL t'OCt.11 SYKl'P 53c SLIPPERS SHAVING LOTION end JEHGENS LATHER CREAM 60c fx SPECIAL ' -if " ; X FACE CREAM Lady Ester. Reg. $1.50. 1.19 MOCCASIN Red and Grey or Red and Blue. Fur trimmed. Ladies' sizes 4 to 9 Special tMV Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE with BALI, POINT PLN 59c BOTH KOR m:DNlITS $1.95 igw 1.25 w WALLETS Leather Black or Brown 98c CREAM SHAMPOO and CREAM BRILLIANTINE SPECIAL DRINKING GLASSES Heavy Glass 06c ootn Kispiox and Moricetown have fish right now; Neil Sterritt of Hazelton has lately taken a 25-pounder from the former place, this splendid catch should bring more fame to the Northern Interior if it is entered ln the Field and Stream contest. Have you wondered about a suitable sturdy and waterproof bag to carrv your fishing tackle, etc.? Less than five bucks buys a nylon dandy in one of our newer Third Avenue stores would make a highly acceptable Christmas gift methinks! Now that the road east from Bella Coola has once been traversed other adventurous spirits will beat their way through and also raise voices that will be heard in the high places, so that necessary appropriations will be made towards Improving the work done under adverse conditions by residents of that wonderful valley. Already Marty has a report of the great success of moose hunters in the district, and its fame as a spot for rainbow trout In the Atnarko, together with top bracket salmon and coho angling, is quickly growing. Truly the olds days are gone and soon a world of sportsmen will clamor for that road! MOCCASINS 59C SHAVING CREAM - GEM RAZOR MENNENS 5 Blades COLGATE'S CHLOROPHYL TOOTH PASTE, Regular 45c 2 'or (J9C HAND LOTIONS, up to 75c reg. SpecioJl9C For BOYS and MEN Natural tanned SDlit leather moccasins at Bargain Prices Special 50 XMA8 CARDS AsNorted, Boxed Youths' 11-12-13 Boys' 1 to S Men's 6 to 12 85 XiVIAS CARDS-Assorted, Boxed W j)7f 30 XMAS CARDS Assorted, Boxed W $1.25 $1.95 $2.25 CologM5 Sec our Complete Xma Stock of Perfumes, Toilclrles. By all the well-known manufao "EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY" 29 package of NEW, FLAVOURED CHILDREN'S SIZE ASPIRIN Little need to go outside the AMILY SHOE STORE I narbor for Canada geese, a flock near Pig Island on Sunday, and a large flight near the log booms in Metlakatla Passage all last week; so far nobody appears to be bringing any of them ln. Herring are in evidence, and trollers are picking up the occa- with your purchase f a 79C package of regular Aspirin. t -""Ml DEETH'S PHARMACY LIMITED FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY Phone 79 629 Third Avenue West LIMITED Phone 357